The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 271 Yuan Deyin Shouldn't Be the Princess

Chapter 271 Yuan Deyin Shouldn't Be the Princess

If Yuan Deyin knew what Wu Xi was thinking at this time, he would definitely not be able to help but praise him.

Because she is indeed not in the lake now.

After holding her breath in the lake for a while, she used the chaos to sneak up from the other side of the lake.

Just at this time, everyone in the palace ran to the lake, giving her a chance to investigate the secrets of the Runnan palace.

She hid in a corner and whistled softly.

"Gu Zhi Gu Zhi..." Yin Jia came.

A fat, shiny rabbit jumped down from the eaves.

Yuan Deyin reached out to pick it up.

that weight...

Almost two people fell down.

"Xiaobai, what did you find?" Yuan Deyin threw it on the ground and asked while rubbing his sore shoulders.

"Googling..." The Runnan Palace was really lively and bustling on the surface, but it was actually as cold as a prison.Bentu searched for a long time, but couldn't find any better-looking animals to talk about. In the end, he could only find a few mouse brothers.

When Yuan Deyin heard a certain rabbit complain, the corners of her mouth twitched.

Does it even care about the appearance of animals?
"Then what did you find out?" Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows and looked at it leisurely.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." The rest cannot be detected, but Ben Tuzai still knows that Princess Runnan is locked up there.

Xiaobai's words made Yuan Deyin's eyebrows twitch.

"Then why don't you take the princess there?"

Princess Runnan is the mistress of the palace, she must know a lot of secrets, so Yuan Deyin planned to start with her.


Xiaobai hummed a few times, and then took Yuan Deyin for many turns, and finally stopped in front of a house.

Yuan Deyin's ears pricked up for a long time, making sure that there was no one around, she opened the door and went in.

By the light of the moon outside, Yuan Deyin vaguely found that this is a study.

This is King Runnan's study?

"There are only books in this study, where can I hide people?" Yuan Deyin poked a certain rabbit with his foot, expressing his doubts about its ability.

His ability was doubted, and a certain rabbit's temper also came up.

"Guzhi Guzhi..." You wait!

Soon, Xiaobai directly picked a vase on the opposite wall, and it turned the vase with difficulty with its fleshy claws, and suddenly there was a "babble"...

Yuan Deyin found that the door beside her had been opened.


Yuan Deyin knew that this should lead to the dark room, so she picked up Xiaobai and walked in through that door.

After she entered, the door closed automatically.

The secret passage was very short, and Yuan Deyin walked to the end very quickly.

At the same time, she also smelled a strong smell of blood.

She hugged Xiaobai tightly, and Xiaobai's paws tightly gripped her arm, one person and one rabbit walked slowly inside.

She came to a door, and the smell of blood came from inside.

She reached out and pushed, only to touch the door.

With a "click", Yuan Deyin heard something move, and her chubby little face turned pale instantly.

Too bad, there is an agency.

Her head was in a daze, she didn't know what to do, she could only stuff Xiaobai into her arms, exposing her back to danger.

She thought, if she really dies, there will still be Xiaobai who can send a letter to Uncle Jiuhuang...

The sharp sword just behind her was about to pierce the back of her body.

Suddenly a big hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the arrow.

"Don't be afraid." When she fell into a warm embrace, a familiar voice came from above her head.

Yuan Deyin raised his head quickly, only to meet Shang Jiuhuangshu's deep eyes.

"Uncle Nine Emperors..."

Yuan Deyin was actually not that scared just now, but for some reason, when she saw Uncle Jiuhuang now, her nose was sore and she wanted to cry.

"Did you get hurt?" Seeing her red eyes, Jun Yu's face darkened instantly, and his tone was a little flustered.

"No, Deyin just thought that he would almost miss Uncle Nine Emperors." The little girl shook her head and explained seriously.

"Since you know there is danger, why do you want to risk yourself?" Jun Yu gritted his teeth and said coldly.

She knew that when he heard that her life and death were unknown, his heart almost lost his voice.

When he came to the lake, if he hadn't found that the maid was "Endless", and remembered that she was excellent in water, he might have turned the Runnan Palace into ashes now.

Even if the world would call him a cruel and violent devil, so what?
"I'm sorry. Deyin only wants to find out the truth, so I forgot that you will be worried."

The little girl shook her head with a sleepy expression, and she pouted her lips with an aggrieved expression.

Seeing her like this, no matter how many accusations Jun Yu made, they could only sigh in the end.

"Not next time." He said coldly.

"Yeah." Let's talk about it next time.

The little girl raised her head, her sleepy expression just now disappeared in an instant, and her bright eyes were full of cunning.


You two, chat as long as you chat, can you let go of this rabbit first, I'm going to suffocate to death.

Really unable to bear it any longer, a certain rabbit caught between Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin protested angrily.

Only then did Yuan Deyin discover the existence of a certain rabbit, and she quickly rescued it.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, there should be no mechanism this time, right?"

Yuan Deyin looked at the door with a nervous expression.

"No more." Jun Yu shook his head.

"That's good, that Deyin is going to push the door open." Yuan Deyin let out a breath, and was about to push the door.

But suddenly, Jun Yu's big hand clasped her small hand, and a pair of black eyes looked at her obscurely.

"Yin'er, are you sure you don't regret opening this door?"

Although Jun Yu's tone was still as cold as usual, but if you listen carefully, you can still hear a bit complicated.

Yuan Deyin frowned, Jiuhuangshu's tone was so strange.

Does he know something?
But compared to these, Yuan Deyin was more curious about what King Runnan was hiding in this dark room, so she nodded seriously: "Deyin has no regrets."

After saying that, she pushed the door open very firmly.

The moment the door was pushed open, a strong smell of blood came to the nostrils, and Yuan Deyin almost vomited.

But what made her really unacceptable was not these smells, but the scene in front of her...

In front of her, a rack, tied a ragged woman.

The woman's hair was messy, but it could still be seen that she was originally wearing a court bun.

His body was covered in bloodstains and bruises, and rotting flesh had already appeared in some places.

Hearing the movement, the woman raised her head with difficulty.

Seeing that face, Yuan Deyin took a few steps back in shock.

Although there are scars on this face, it can be seen...

This is clearly Princess Runnan.

When Wei Ying saw an outsider come into this place, her eyes that were originally out of focus rolled a few times.

But when she saw Yuan Deyin's small face clearly, her pupils dilated and her face became dull.

Yuan Deyin also noticed the change in Wei Ying's expression, which is something that the puppet does not possess, and this injury can't be faked.

She moved her mouth and asked tentatively, "Are you Princess Runnan?"

However, Wei Ying just looked at her with eyes that she couldn't understand, and didn't make a sound.

Yuan Deyin frowned, she turned her head and looked at Uncle Jiuhuang begging for help.

"Yes, she is the princess of Wei State, and her title is Kagura." Jun Yu explained calmly.

Instead of answering Yuan Deyin's question directly, he emphasized Wei Ying's other identity.

Yuan Deyin frowned. For some reason, she felt that Uncle Jiuhuang's tone was very serious.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, can you untie her first?" Yuan Deyin saw that Wei Ying's tied place was already visible.

The person who tortured her was simply too abominable, which didn't treat her as a human being at all.

Hearing the little girl's words, Jun Yu walked quickly behind Wei Ying, and helped her break all the ropes on her body.

At the same time, he quickly took off his robe and covered Wei Ying who was about to fall.

Wei Ying gradually regained consciousness, she looked at the robe on her body, and thought of her tattered appearance, it was indeed too rude.

"Chenqie, thank you Brother Nine Emperors." She gave a wry smile and thanked him softly.

Although it has been a while since she saw him, she still recognizes Jun Yu.

"Princess Runnan, did King Runnan imprison you here and punish you?" Yuan Deyin hesitated for a moment, but still opened his mouth to ask his own question.

Seeing that Wei Ying's expression changed, she hurriedly said, "Don't worry, if he really hurt you, Deyin will definitely report to the emperor's brother and let him vent your anger on you."

King Runnan is simply not a thing, to be so cruel to his wife!

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Wei Ying smiled bitterly again.

"A married woman has long put life and death aside..." Wei Ying smiled self-deprecatingly.

Yuan Deyin opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say to comfort him.

She didn't know what Wei Ying went through and why she was so pessimistic.

"Yuan Ying'er and Jun Xiao tricked you to come here? Go away, if he sees you, he will do anything."

Wei Ying withdrew his eyes and said calmly.

She also knew about Yuan Ying'er.

What Mu Qing said was probably true.

Hearing Wei Ying's words, not only did Yuan Deyin not intend to leave, but she walked there firmly.

"Princess Runnan, what are King Runnan and Yuan Ying'er plotting? What is their relationship? Did King Runnan force you to do something?"

Yuan Deyin asked worriedly.

But Wei Ying always had a calm expression.

"You are the little girl from Ji Wang's family, you go back quickly, knowing too much is not good for you."

"Jun Xiao made a puppet that is exactly like you. He held a banquet today and invited Yin'er over in your name. He even wanted to take Yin'er away and make a fake her to fool the world. Sister-in-law Huang , are you sure you still think Yin'er shouldn't know the truth?"

Jun Yu walked up to the little girl, looked at Wei Ying, and spoke indifferently.


Wei Ying's body trembled a bit, she raised her head, there were waves on her calm face.

"The puppet... It turns out that he has found so many alchemists for this conspiracy... My concubine said why it has been so many days that no one outside knows that this princess is missing..."

Wei Ying lowered her head and sneered, smiling, her tone became more and more bleak.

After a while, she raised her head, and the coldness in her eyes disappeared. She muttered to herself mockingly: "Jun Xiao, Jun Xiao, after so many years, you still haven't given up, and you still want to dominate the world..."

Dominating the world, Yuan Deyin was puzzled.

As a result, at this time, Wei Ying's complicated eyes fell on Yuan Deyin, and she whispered softly: "I don't care how Jun Xiao hurts me. But he absolutely shouldn't, he shouldn't have set your mind on it."

Now Yuan Deyin was confused.

"Princess Runnan, what do you mean?"

"It seems that you haven't told her some things." Wei Ying glanced at Jun Yu.

Jun Yu pursed his thin lips and did not speak.

Before Jun Yu could answer, Wei Ying leaned against the wall and said weakly, "Princess Deyin, actually, you should call me aunt."


The little girl was dumbfounded again.

She counted with her fingers, but she really didn't understand the relationship.

She called Uncle Nine Emperors Uncle Emperor, Uncle Nine Emperors called Concubine Runnan Queen Sister-in-law, and at most she called Concubine Runnan Aunt Huang, why did she become an aunt?
Seeing Yuan Deyin snapping her fingers vigorously, Wei Ying's indifferent face had some color, she couldn't help but smile.

It must not be a child who grew up in that dirty deep palace, so pure...cute...

very nice……

Suppressing his emotions, Wei Ying's face gradually became serious.

"The reason why you call me aunt is because I am your father's cousin." Wei Ying said softly.


The little girl froze when she snapped her fingers.

Before she came to Prince Runnan's mansion, she actually made a special effort to learn about Princess Runnan's background.

Knowing that she is the daughter of King Lin'an of the State of Wei, King Lin'an is the younger brother of the first emperor of the State of Wei.

If she is the father's cousin.

Then isn't her father...

"That's right, your father is the exiled prince of the Wei Kingdom, and your real grandmother is the deceased Empress Dowager Chunyu who was deeply loved by the people of the Wei Kingdom."

"Your father, his real name is Wei Hanhe. When he was still in the womb of the Empress Dowager Chunyu, he was already placed in high hopes by the late emperor. The late emperor made an imperial decree early on. If he was born as a prince, he would be the prince. But who knows , he was taken away when he was just born. Once he disappeared, it will be decades..."

"The current emperor of Wei State, Wei Po, is your father's younger brother, and at the same time, the villain who robbed your father of everything."

Wei Ying talked about these things calmly.

But in those eyes, she didn't know when she became a little more depressed.

Over the years, in order to prevent the Empress Dowager Chunyu from finding the crown prince, Wei Po has already stained the blood of countless innocent souls.

That's why she didn't want to tell Yuan Deyin the truth in the first place, because the truth... would be cruel.

"Princess Runnan, what are you talking about? My father is only from the Yuan family, and so is Deyin..."

This news was too difficult for Yuan Deyin to accept, she kept shaking her head.

"Son, you are the eldest daughter of the emperor of the Wei Kingdom, not some princess with a different surname from Chi Yan." Wei Ying spoke to Yuan Deyin distressedly.

(End of this chapter)

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