The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 272 The Secret of the Imperial Family of Wei Kingdom

Chapter 272 The Secret of the Imperial Family of Wei Kingdom

"Uncle Nine Emperors..."

Yuan Deyin clutched Jun Yu's sleeve nervously, her bright eyes were very disturbed.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes, complex emotions flashed through his black eyes.

He raised his hand to help the little girl smooth out the hair between her foreheads.

"Sister-in-law Huang is telling the truth. Your father is indeed the Crown Prince of Wei, and the only child of Empress Dowager Chunyu." Jun Yu said softly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you already knew?" The little girl's voice was muffled. She raised her head and looked at Uncle Nine Emperors with red eyes.

Jun Yu pursed his thin lips and did not speak.

Over there, Wei Ying spoke again.

"The Empress Dowager Chunyu spent a lot of effort back then. Three years after you were born, she was able to confirm that your father is her own flesh and blood. It's just that Wei Po was like a mad dog at that time, and emptied her power one by one. The Empress Dowager was worried about your father. When the king returned to the Kingdom of Wei, he was controlled by Wei Po, so he did not startle the snake, and did not let your father return to the Kingdom of Wei to recognize his ancestors..."

"Sister-in-law, there is one thing that you probably didn't express clearly. At that time, it wasn't just Wei's environment that prevented King Ji from returning. King Ji himself was unwilling to go back either." Jun Yu glanced at Wei Ying with cold eyes. With a glance, his tone became a little sharper.

Hearing Jun Yu's words, Wei Ying's expression froze, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly bitterly.

She sighed: "That's right, it's the prince who doesn't like cheating in the palace. He thinks it's good to be a king with a different surname. At least he can keep his wife and children, and won't let his own flesh and blood be displaced..."

Wei Ying recalled in Wei Ying's mind the scene of the queen mother traveling thousands of miles back then, risking being discovered by Wei Po to come to Chiyan and meeting the prince.

After the prince heard about his life experience, he was silent for a long time, and finally rejected the queen mother's suggestion to let him return to the palace later.

In the eyes of the crown prince, the throne that everyone in the world is eager for is no match for the safety of his family.

At that time, she was the one who protected the queen mother to enter the Chiyan capital, so she remembered everything the prince said at that time.

Naturally, she also remembered that after hearing what the prince said, the queen mother staggered a bit, and she became much older all of a sudden.

The queen mother spent almost half her life looking for and paving the way for the prince.

Who would have thought that the prince would not appreciate it.

The queen mother should have been angry, but she remembered that her prince was born in that palace gate, but ended up living outside for decades.

Although her heart was in pain, she couldn't blame her son whom she hadn't seen in decades.

Thousands of words, finally turned into a sigh.

"You will always be the son of Aijia. As long as you figure it out one day, come to Aijia. Even if Aijia washes the entire palace with blood, he will clear the way for you to come back. And that child Deyin, she Her eyes look very much like yours when you were a child, you have to protect her well, and you must never lose your child like Aijia..."

After turning around, the queen mother was already sobbing.

She obviously couldn't bear to see the prince's expression, but maybe the thing he wanted to protect in his heart was too important, so he still didn't compromise with the queen mother in the end.

"When Deyin was three years old..." Yuan Deyin said to herself, her heart beating violently.

She went to Zhuangzi with her mother and concubine when she was about three years old. She still remembers that her father touched her head and asked, "Does Yin'er want to live in the palace and become a princess?"

At that time, she put on a serious face and said angrily: "Deyin doesn't want to live in the palace. I heard that the boss of the palace is the emperor, and the emperor will have many wives, and then they will quarrel. Deyin only wants a mother." Concubine, don't want other concubines..."

He still remembered that the father was silent for a long time, and finally smiled at her: "Okay, the father promises you."

When she was young, she didn't understand why her father would ask such a strange question.

Now, she understands everything.

The father must have listened to her before rejecting the Empress Dowager Chunyu, that... she had never met her grandmother who had passed away.

The father and the king put her and the concubine mother in the Zhuangzi, saying that he was afraid that Chi Yan's enemies were fake, and that it was true that Wei Po would find out, right?

Without her knowing, the father and the king have done so much for her and the mother concubine.

Seeing the little girl lower her head, the surrounding atmosphere was extremely suppressed, and her shoulders were also trembling, as if she was suppressing her emotions.

Jun Yu could think in an instant that she was remembering the past.

He leaned over, held her small face in his hands, and looked at her seriously with his dark eyes.

"Yin'er, listen to me, your father has never regretted what he did, so don't blame yourself."

Seeing Uncle Jiuhuang's deep eyes, the little girl's face sank slightly, and her eyelashes flickered like a feather fan. After a long time, she obediently gave an "um".

"But Uncle Nine Emperors, isn't the father a child of the Yuan family? Deyin remembers that we have been on the genealogy..."

Miss Yuan snorted softly, she was still reluctant to believe that her father was the former prince of Wei.

"The matter has been investigated clearly. At that time, Wei Po's mother and concubine ordered someone to steal your father and king to kill him. But the man saw that your father was young and couldn't bear it, so he took him away from Wei Guo overnight. Throw it in the home of a farmer in Chiyan. That place is where the Yuan family is..."

It is so.

"Then, does the royal father know all this?" the little girl asked with a wrinkled face.

"Of course I know, because he sued the king for these things." Jun Yu pinched her face and said warmly.

He didn't tell the little girl.

King Ji not only told him the secret of his life experience, but also begged him that if something happened to him one day, what he couldn't let go of the most was his wife and children, so he begged him to take care of him in the future.

The world is impermanent, I never thought that King Ji's plea would finally come true.

Uncle Jiuhuang's frank answer stunned the little girl Yuan Deyin for a moment.

The father actually trusted Uncle Nine Emperors so much.

"Then the death of the father was not caused by Wei Guo?" Yuan Deyin said angrily when she thought of this, and she couldn't help clenching her fists.

"No." Wei Ying anxiously denied Yuan Deyin's words, she said firmly, "The Queen Mother has been lonely all her life, but she is the most persistent in protecting your father and you. Therefore, Wei Po came to Your father is dead, he doesn't even know your father's true identity..."

"The battle between Chi Yan and Wei Guo..." Yuan Deyin's tone became anxious.

"That's that despicable villain Wei Po. He wanted to devour Chi Yan, so he came to the city. He wanted to kill your father just because he was Chi Yan's halberd prince, but in the matter of plotting against your father, I think his The strategy is not that deep. Especially when Wei Qinhuai rushed to the battlefield, he will never let the people of Wei State hurt your father and king..."

Wei Ying explained anxiously, as if worried that Yuan Deyin might misunderstand something.

"Wei Qinhuai?"

Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, and she quickly realized, "Are you talking about Wei Qinhuai, the current crown prince of Wei?"

Because of the hatred between her father and the state of Wei, she went out of her way to learn about the situation in the state of Wei.

Naturally, we know that Wei Qinhuai, Wei Po's son, is the current crown prince of Wei State.

By the way, she still has a soldier talisman in her hand, which was given to him by Pei An.That time, Uncle Nine Emperors asked him to keep the soldier talisman away, and told him not to bear any grudges against Wei Qinhuai, because Wei Qinhuai would never hurt her.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what is going on?"

Yuan Deyin was full of doubts. She knew that Wei Ying might explain more to her about these things, but she chose to ask Uncle Nine Emperors.

Even though she already knew that Jiuhuangshu lied to her, she still chose to rely on him and trust her.

She didn't even notice the trust shown by the little girl in her panic, but both Jun Yu and Wei Ying saw it.

The panic in Jun Yu's heart can be put down, but fortunately, she didn't blame him.

And Wei Ying looked at Yuan Deyin's flustered look with complicated eyes, feeling a little worried.

I don't know if the princess trusts Jun Yu so much, is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Jun Yu glanced at Wei Ying, seeing her worries in his eyes.

He withdrew his eyes, and then explained to the little girl: "Although Wei Qinhuai is Wei Po's son, in order to stabilize his political power, Wei Po took Wei Qinhuai's mother and concubine, together with her mother Han's family, for an unreasonable All of their more than 100 people were beheaded for the crime. Wei Qinhuai had nothing but hatred for Wei Po..."

"Wei Po is suspicious, but also arrogant and arrogant. He thinks that the prince is weak and sick, and he doesn't have a strong mother clan, so even if he hates him in his heart, he dare not take action. Besides, it is not easy for a prince without the support of his mother clan. When he was in power, he rebelled, so he single-handedly gave the crown prince to the crown prince."

Wei Ying added with a sneer, the sarcasm in her expression was undisguised.

"But Wei Po never imagined that before the Han family's beheading, the queen mother secretly used the corpses to transfer more than ten members of the Han family out at the request of Concubine Han, and later, when the crown prince was being bullied, Help in every possible way..."

Wei Ying shook his head, looking a little dazed.

Although Prince Jing knew that the Queen Mother had done so much, it was just to pave the way for her son.

So what, she helped the Han family and saved his life many times, this is a fact.

If the Queen Mother needs his life, I'm afraid he will take it without hesitation.

It turned out that this was the case, and Yuan Deyin understood why Uncle Nine Emperors said that Prince Wei would not hurt her.

Jun Yu watched Wei Ying tell these things without saying a word, his black eyes flashed fiercely.

These things were all investigated through his contact with Wei Qinhuai.

Then Wei Ying, she has been married into Runnan Palace for so many years, how did she know these things?

He noticed Jun Yu's indifferent sizing eyes, as if he wanted to see through the depths of her heart.

Wei Ying sighed silently, she raised her head, smiled wryly and said to Jun Yu: "Brother Nine Emperors, you don't need to be wary of me, I, like Prince Jing, have been favored by Queen Mother Chunyu, even if I die, you don't have to be wary of me." Will not harm the person she wants to protect."

It was because she didn't want Yuan Deyin to be hurt, so when she saw her come in, her first thought was to let her go.

She is indeed a member of the Empress Dowager Chunyu.

The cold light in Jun Yu's eyes gradually faded, because he remembered that King Ji had said back then that Princess Runnan was a trustworthy person.

So tonight, before he opened the door, he was already prepared that Wei Ying would tell the little girl the truth.

"This king asks you, what happened to Jun Xiao? Why did he attack Deyin?"

Jun Yu's voice at this time was much colder than before, and his eyes were full of hostility.

When Wei Ying heard Jun Yu's words, she frowned.

She originally thought that Jun Yu knew so many secrets of the prince, so she should also know about this matter.

But now it seems that his reaction doesn't look like he knows the secret.

That's right, maybe even the Ji King doesn't know that secret, otherwise how could the jade fall into Yuan Ying'er's hands?

"Do you know Fanzhou Island?"

"Deyin knows it. It was recorded in the book that it is said that there is innumerable wealth in that place." Yuan Deyin heard Wei Ying's words, and she hurriedly spoke out.

The little princess reads such a wide range of books that even Fanzhou Island knows it.

Wei Ying felt a little appreciative in his heart, but his expression remained calm.

She let out a breath and continued: "Actually, no one knows whether it is a legend or not. Because no one knows where that place is, and no one can go to find the way. However, there is a very small number of people who know The secret is that after collecting the unicorn jade, you can find the treasure map. The royal family of Wei State has two pieces, but...the queen mother put them on the newborn prince."

Wei Po has been madly trying to find the prince these years, not only because he is afraid that the prince will come back and compete with him for the throne, but also because he wants to get back these two pieces of unicorn jade.

Countless wealth, what does this mean to an emperor?
It means that he has enough financial resources to expand the territory and then unify the entire continent.

This is the thought of every person who sits on the throne of God.

Kirin Jade?

What a smart little girl Yuan Deyin is, Wei Ying only said one thing, she can guess the other in an instant.

"Deyin remembers that the father and the king once gave mother and concubine a beautiful stone, and Deyin also has a piece. It does have a unicorn pattern on it..."

Her own piece, she hid in a place before returning to Prince Ji's mansion.

Because she always loses everything, she is afraid of losing it, so she chooses to hide it.

But for the concubine mother, she disappeared after she passed away.

She thought she was buried with her mother and concubine.

"Could it be that the unicorn jade was stolen by Yuan Ying'er, and then Yuan Ying'er took it to catch up with King Runnan?" Yuan Deyin asked Princess Runnan anxiously.

If this is the case, then many things can be explained clearly.

Why did Yuan Ying'er, a powerless and powerless commoner's daughter, let King Runnan do things for her?

It turned out that the problem lies in the unicorn jade.

"Yuan Ying'er, she dared to steal things from my mother and concubine!"

Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth, his face full of anger.

This time, she will definitely not spare Yuan Ying'er!
"In order to have more value with Jun Xiao, Yuan Ying'er will definitely become greedy, saying that the unicorn jade is hers. At the beginning, Jun Xiao also suspected that she was the Princess of Wei because of this jade. But why, Now, Jun Xiao is putting his mind on Yin'er?"

Jun Yu looked at Wei Ying with sharp eyes.

This is something he ordered the dark guard to investigate for a long time but failed to investigate.

But he was sure that Wei Ying knew about it.

Hearing Jun Yu's sharp words, Wei Ying froze for a moment, and after a while, she lowered her head guiltily.

"Jun Xiao begged to marry me because he knew that the royal family of Wei State had two pieces of unicorn jade back then. Wei Po got the benefit, so he sent me here in a hurry. Of course I would not tell him the secret of the unicorn jade, so He's held a grudge against me all these years..."

"He got the unicorn jade brought by Yuan Ying'er that day, and arrogantly came to disgust me. I knew something was wrong, but I kept silent..."

"Later, he tested Yuan Ying'er, trying to find a second piece of Qilin jade. But he couldn't find it. He was afraid of disturbing other people who were looking for Qilin jade, so he kept compromising with Yuan Ying'er, but he gradually became suspicion."

"I never imagined that Jun Xiao was so despicable that he tied me up in this dark room. He couldn't force me to use torture. He began to drug me and coax me into telling the secrets of the royal family of Wei. I resisted in every possible way." Under the circumstances, I finally revealed a secret..."

"What secret?" Yuan Deyin swallowed, feeling a little uneasy.

"The royal family of the Wei Kingdom, women of the direct lineage, can communicate with animals." Wei Ying looked into Yuan Deyin's eyes and spoke word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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