The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 273 Jun Yu likes Yuan Ying'er?

Chapter 273 Jun Yu likes Yuan Ying'er?
After Wei Ying's words fell, Yuan Deyin's expression was already blank.

Jun Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

It turns out that Yin'er can understand Xiaobai and Mingzhou's words because of her blood.

Jun Yu suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart.

Over there, Wei Ying continued to say: "Princess, maybe it's because you revealed your ability and Jun Xiao happened to see it, so he became suspicious. Today, he held a banquet to arrest you, probably to confirm your Your identity. If he finds out that you are the real blood of the Wei Kingdom, I'm afraid the consequences will not be conceivable..."

Wei Ying shouted "Princess" respectfully, her eyes were full of worry.

Outsiders don't understand, but as a member of the royal family of the Wei State, she naturally knows that the orthodox bloodline in the Wei State is an ancestral precept engraved in the bones.

Because of the orthodox bloodline, it is possible to awaken the power of the bloodline of the royal family of Wei.

In the eyes of the royal clan of Wei State, Wei Po has always been dishonest. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't find the crown prince, Wei State would not be without a king for a day. chair.

The first princesses and princes of the previous dynasties had very low bloodline power, and Princess Deyin... would it be an exception?

A strange emotion flashed in Wei Ying's heart.


Wei Ying opened his mouth, wanting to call Yuan Deyin.

But Yuan Deyin shook his head seriously: "Princess Runnan, you can call me Deyin as long as you want. If you don't want to, you can also call me Princess Deyin."

Hearing her serious words, Wei Ying paused.

It was immediately clear that this Princess Deyin was very resistant to being the Princess of Wei.

Compared with the princess, she seems to be more willing to be Chi Yan's princess.

After hesitating for a while, Wei Ying finally changed his mind: "Deyin, you should leave quickly, leave here before Jun Xiao finds out that you exist, and I will find a way to hold him back."

She was the one who leaked the secrets of Wei's royal family, so even if she died, she would hold back Jun Xiao and protect Deyin.

"Sister-in-law Huang, do you really think that you can hold Jun Xiao down? Once Jun Xiao has doubts, he will let him go easily?"

Jun Yu's sharp eyes fell on Wei Ying.

Wei Ying's expression froze.

I have to say, Jun Yu's words were very sharp, which made it difficult for her to answer for a while.

"Also, the things belonging to King Ji and Yin'er are still in Jun Xiao's hands, how can this king give up?"

Jun Yu's voice gradually cooled down.

Wei Ying's heartbeat quickened, she looked at Jun Yu in a flustered look, and probed in a low voice, "Then what do you mean..."

"Sister-in-law, do you mind losing your spouse?" Jun Yu asked coldly.

Wei Ying: "..."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Uncle Nine Emperors, is it really okay for you to ask this question with a serious face?

The little girl lowered her head, and carefully poked the back of Jun Yu's hand with her little paw.

She wanted to say that Princess Runnan married such a despicable King Runnan, she was already miserable, so uncle Nine Emperors should stop irritating her.

Although it was covered by the wide sleeves, Wei Ying could still see Yuan Deyin's small movements towards Jun Yu.

She pursed her lips, and then nodded without hesitation: "So what if you are widowed, this kind of beast, I have long wanted to kill him."

Although Jun Xiao is Chi Yan's prince, he secretly has the ambition to dominate the world.Besides, he also punished his concubine, wanting to attack Prince Ji's orphan.

These criminal evidences were presented in front of the emperor one by one, Jun Xiao's life was hard to save.

"It's just that, as far as I know, Princess Runnan is heavily guarded. If there is a Hongmen Banquet today, he will definitely call the dead. He still has a lot of military power in the capital..."

Wei Ying's tone was a bit worried.

What she meant was that Jun Yu just came to a dinner party and only brought a few people with him. If he rashly broke up with Jun Xiao, he was afraid that Wei Po would do something crazy.

Hearing Wei Ying's worried words, Jun Yu sneered, and then the arrogance poured out of his body, his black eyes looked down on all sentient beings.

"It's nothing more than a runnan prince's mansion, this king... what is there to be afraid of?"

After finishing the words, Jun Yu walked to Wei Ying's side and grabbed her shoulder: "Sister-in-law, I've offended you!"

Before Wei Ying could recover from Jun Yu's arrogant words, she realized that Jun Yu had grabbed her shoulder.

Holding Wei Ying with one hand, Jun Yu didn't forget to tighten Yuan Deyin's soft little hand with the other hand, and walked outside quickly.


Xiaobai has been guarding outside, seeing Yuan Deyin and the others come out, it hastened to make a sound.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Xiaobai said someone is coming." Yuan Deyin hurriedly relayed Xiaobai's words to Uncle Nine Emperors.

Wei Ying's eyes glanced at the cute fat rabbit rolling on the ground, and then at Yuan Deyin's clear eyes, a little light flashed in his eyes unexpectedly.

Princess Deyin can understand the language of animals so kindly.

Perhaps, the rumor left by the royal family of Wei State is true.

Wei Ying did have some secrets that she didn't reveal just now, it wasn't that she couldn't trust Jun Yu.

It's that the secret is related to the survival of Wei, and she can't make any mistakes.

Jun Yu caught sight of Wei Ying's flickering expression from the corner of his eye, and he pursed his thin lips.

He naturally knew that his sister-in-law was hiding something.

But Ji Wang said she was trustworthy, so he believed it for a while.

If she dared to do anything to hurt Yin'er, he would definitely make her regret living in this world.

The footsteps were getting closer, Jun Yu withdrew his eyes, and he took Wei Ying and Yuan Deyin away quickly.


At this time, by the lake.

After salvaging for a long time, they still couldn't find anyone, and many people were already trembling.

"Tell me, the Ninth Prince and Princess Deyin have already..."

The word "dead" was not uttered, but everyone else understood it.

For a moment, there was no sound.

Jun Xiao had a cold aura all over his body.

If Jun Yu died, he would be very happy.

Anyway, Jun Yu was the biggest obstacle for him to seek power and usurp the throne, and Jun Yu jumped down by himself today, so that boy Jun Zhouhan has no reason to blame him.

However, if Yuan Deyin died, it was definitely not what he wanted.

He also counted on Yuan Deyin to hand over another unicorn jade!
"No, the Ninth Prince will not die."

Yuan Ying'er stared blankly at the muddy lake, her whole body was on the verge of collapse.

She never thought that Jun Yu would die.

At this time, a man with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes came to her side and said in a low voice: "Miss Yuan, my lord is here to invite you."

"Your lord?" Yuan Ying'er was stunned for a moment, she glanced at Jun Xiao who was not far away, and found that he was staring at the lake so hard that he didn't even glance over here.

Her heart was beating violently, and she could only ask in a tentative voice: "Your he the regent?"

Hearing Yuan Ying'er's probing words, the man nodded calmly.

He really didn't die!
Yuan Ying'er's heart almost jumped out, her eyes were full of heat.

She just said, the regent is like the mansion of heaven and man, how could he die.

"Quick, take me to him."

Yuan Ying'er clutched her burning heart, her mind was full of excitement.

It seems that the regent is not in the lake, but somewhere else.

But didn't he just jump off?
Wait, could it be that the regent didn't want to care about Yuan Deyin's life and death from the very beginning, but pretended to jump down because he was afraid that others would say that he didn't care about Yuan Deyin's life and death.

When he found the opportunity, he ignored Yuan Deyin's life and went ashore quickly!
Yes, it must be so!
The regent is so noble, and Yuan Deyin is a dirty orphan, not worth his life to save.

Now that the regent came up from the lake, he didn't even tell King Runnan, but ordered his subordinates to find her.

Doesn't that mean that he trusts her.

Thinking of this, Yuan Ying'er's face was a little shy and rosy.

This is a normal reaction!That's right, this is it!
The regent will not ignore her, a smart and beautiful girl, and spoil Yuan Deyin, an ugly and stupid bumpkin who has not grown up yet.

The harsh words that the regent said to her before must have been acting on outsiders.

After all, Yuan Deyin's short-lived father was the Ji King. He had just died, and the regent had gone to the battlefield with him.

Thinking of this, Yuan Ying'er let out a sigh of relief, and finally felt that the grievances she had suffered these days had been vented.

She's going to the regent now.

As soon as Yuan Deyin died, the regent ordered people to come here to find her.

Based on this, she concluded that although the regent had spoken harshly to her during this period of time, he must have felt very uncomfortable.

She had to hurry over to comfort him.

As long as she paid for him, no matter how much she was wronged, she would be willing.

The "guard" just said a word and nodded, and Yuan Ying'er had already made up a lot in her mind.

Her face was rosy, like a peach blossom in bud, she followed the "guard" step by step, stepping on lotus steps.

Chen Meimei, who had been observing Yuan Ying'er, felt strange seeing Yuan Ying'er like this.

She frowned.

It's strange, didn't Yuan Yinger die just now?

Why did you show such a shy look in the blink of an eye?

She wanted to follow, but a lady next to her suddenly pulled her to discuss Yuan Deyin and the Prince Regent, and she couldn't get out.

shore of the lake.

"My lord, Yuan Ying'er went to the study. Do you think she knows that the unicorn jade is there? Does she want to get the unicorn jade back?"

When Zhang Zhongrong heard the report from the dark guard, he hurriedly whispered in Jun Xiao's ear.

Hearing Zhang Zhongrong's words, a dark look appeared in Jun Xiao's eyes immediately.

"Take it back? The unicorn jade is in the hands of this king, it belongs to this king, and she deserves to take it back? You reminded this king, why did that bitch Mu Qing suddenly want to kill Yuan Deyin, isn't it Yuan Ying?" I've hooked up with her..."

Jun Xiao's tone became darker as he spoke.

Zhang Zhongrong could feel the killing intent emanating from him.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, ah, Yuan Ying'er's life seems to be short.

"Come on, that bitch Yuan Ying'er has been with Yuan Deyin for a while, so he must know where Yuan Deyin puts things."

A coldness flashed in Jun Xiao's eyes, then he withdrew his eyes and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Everyone saw that King Runnan was still waiting for the news from the lake just now, but now he suddenly turned around and walked away.

What's going on here?
Isn't King Runnan worried about the life and death of the regent and Yuan Deyin?

In the lake, Yu Shengxiao hung on Shen Chuannan's body like a landlubber.

Shen Chuannan's face turned dark, he gritted his teeth and said, "Release quickly, if you don't let go, we will all drown here today."

"I won't let you go, I won't let you go, this genius doctor will still find Xiao Deyin and Jun Yu." Yu Shengxiao muttered loudly.

Shen Chuannan's face turned dark.

This stupid thing pissed him off.

If this continues, how will he save A Yu and the little princess?
However, when his peripheral vision caught sight of the back of King Runnan who was leaving in a hurry not far away, he was taken aback.

He looked around.

It's strange, before Ah Yu came in, he arranged for several people to sneak in.

But why now that A Yu and the little princess are in the lake, why haven't the hidden guards appeared?

In the end, the dark guard didn't react.

still is……

Ah Yu and the little Princess are fine at all!
Thinking of this possibility, Shen Chuannan suddenly smiled, his gentle face was like the bright moon in the sky.

He looked at Yu Shengxiao with a mild expression: "Relax a little, I'll take you ashore."

"But Jun Yu and Xiao Deyin..."

"They'll be fine."


"Be obedient, relax a little, you're going to strangle me."



Yuan Ying'er covered her heart, walking with a blushing face.

She was thinking in her heart, when she saw Jun Yu later, how she should tell the grievances she had suffered these days, and how she would expose Yuan Deyin's evil deeds.

But as she walked, she finally began to feel something was wrong.

Why is this road going to King Runnan's study?
Could it be that the regent is waiting for her in King Runnan's study now?

Yuan Ying'er turned her head, wanting to ask what happened to that "guard".

When he turned around, there was no one around him.

"What about people, come out to Miss Ben quickly."

Yuan Ying'er was obviously a little nervous, she shouted loudly.

But at this moment, there was a sneer from behind.

"Ying'er, who are you looking for?"

Hearing this voice, Yuan Ying'er froze, but she soon showed a gentle smile and turned around slowly.

Then he saluted respectfully.

"Ying'er met King Runnan. Ying'er is not looking for anyone."

"The night was dark, and something happened in the mansion, Ying'er, why didn't you stay at the gazebo?" Jun Xiao asked quietly.

Xu Shi heard the sharpness and probing in Jun Xiao's tone, and Yuan Ying'er's face turned pale.

But she quickly regained her composure.

"Princess Runnan treats Ying'er very well. She has fainted for so long and there is no news. Ying'er wants to see how she is doing." Yuan Ying'er whispered and explained in a low voice.

"Oh, really?"

Jun Xiao glanced at her faintly, then retracted his eyes faintly.

With his appearance, it was impossible to tell whether he believed in Yuan Ying'er or not.

The atmosphere was a little tense, but Yuan Ying'er was still holding on.

Suddenly, Jun Xiao suppressed the strange aura of inquiry on his body.

He smiled and returned to his amiable appearance.

"Ying'er, my lord, why did I hear someone say that the jade you brought that day belonged to Deyin, didn't you say that it was yours, and you gave it to me?" He asked gently.

But Yuan Ying'er's face lost much color because of this question.

Someone actually told King Runnan that the jade stone belonged to Yuan Deyin?
Which bitch is so talkative that she wants to harm her!

"My lord, how could someone tell such a lie? The jade belongs to Ying'er!" Yuan Ying'er's eyes were red, as if she had been greatly wronged.

She is very clear that she can still stand in the Runnan Palace now, but only by relying on that piece of jade.

Although she didn't know what the jade was used for, she had to claim that jade as her own.

King Runnan just kept a gentle smile and looked at Yuan Ying'er indifferently.

But Yuan Ying'er was flustered by the sight.

"Tell me, Ying'er, who handed that jade into your hands?" King Runnan continued to speak gently.

Yuan Ying'er's heart tightened.

The last time Prince Runnan asked her about the source of this jade, she insisted that it was hers, so he didn't ask any more.

Why today... seems to have a feeling of not giving up.

After hesitating in his heart for a long time, Yuan Ying'er whispered: "Then, that jade was given to me by my father, and I should keep it safe. He also said that the jade was with him from childhood to adulthood."

Yuan Ying'er's mind is that since she wants to say that something is her own, she must say it is a family heirloom, so it can only be said that her father gave it to her.

She didn't know it at all, because her mistake caused Jun Xiao's expression to change slightly.

Zhang Zhongrong approached and said in a low voice, "Didn't Wei Ying say that the unicorn jade was placed on his son by the Empress Dowager Chunyu? Could it be that the crown prince of Wei State is not the King of Ji, but the father of Yuan Ying'er, The second master of the Yuan family?"

In front of no one, Zhang Zhongrong, the housekeeper of the Runnan Palace, didn't even bother calling Wei Ying "Princess".

When Jun Xiao heard Zhang Zhongrong call Wei Ying by his first name, he didn't have any tendency to get angry, as if he was used to it long ago.

He remained silent, as if he was thinking about whether Zhang Zhongrong's guess was credible.

"Then Ying'er, your father, do you have two pieces of unicorn jade?" Jun Xiao's eyes became obscured.

No matter how stupid Yuan Ying'er turned her head, she should know that Jun Xiao suspected her by this time.

Could it be, because there is still a unicorn jade, and he must get it, so now he is starting to test her.

Yuan Ying'er was a little flustered.

If Jun Xiao knew that she had lied to him, she would definitely die.

But where is she going to conjure the second piece of jade?
Just when Yuan Ying'er was in a panic, suddenly a fat rabbit jumped out of the grass and jumped directly onto her body.

The rabbit had a piece of unicorn jade in its mouth. It put the unicorn jade in her palm and rubbed her affectionately a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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