Chapter 274
"My lord, that's..." Zhang Zhongrong was so excited that he almost lost his voice.

There was also a bit of covetousness in Jun Xiao's dark eyes.

That is the second unicorn jade.

It turned out to be in Yuan Ying'er's hands.

Then isn't she really of the blood of the Wei Kingdom?

"Go away." Yuan Ying'er felt strange when she saw Qilin Yushi, but when she saw Xiao Bai kept licking her, she felt sick for a while.

Damn beast, dare to touch her.

Hearing Yuan Ying'er's disgusting words, Xiao Bai shrugged his head aggrievedly, then jumped onto the stone beside him, looking at her innocently.

That look seemed to say: "Zhu Yin, what's wrong with you, why don't you want someone else?"

Seeing this scene, enthusiasm appeared in the eyes of Jun Xiao and Zhang Zhongrong at the same time.

If they had some doubts at first, they are basically sure now.

Yuan Ying'er is the true blood of Wei State!
Otherwise, why would that bastard jump away immediately after hearing her indifferent words, and still look at her so sadly.

"My lord, maybe in the palace that day, we saw that Yuan Deyin could understand the tiger's words, but it was just an illusion." Zhang Zhongrong whispered to Jun Xiao.

Jun Xiao remained silent, but his expression already represented that he also thought so in his heart.

"Go and grab the unicorn jade from me." Jun Xiao's eyes darkened.

Now that the second unicorn jade has appeared, Yuan Ying'er has basically no value in existence.

He will not be pleasant to her anymore.

Such a lowly thing has deceived him for so long!

The gloomy emotion in Jun Xiao's eyes became more and more intense. When he looked at Yuan Ying'er, he seemed to be looking at a dead person.

"My lord, don't worry. Have you forgotten the letter from Wei Guo a few days ago? If we can hand over the blood of Wei Guo, wouldn't it make Wei Po owe us favors?"

Zhang Zhongrong continued to speak to Jun Xiao in a low voice.

His words made Jun Xiao's gloomy eyeballs glow like a poisonous snake.

That's right, Wei Po has been looking for this true royal blood.

If he can hand over people, wouldn't it mean that he can please Wei Po?

In the future, if he pulls Jun Zhouhan down from the throne, Wei Guo may help him.

Thinking of this, the sneer at the corner of Jun Xiao's mouth became more and more obvious.

"Do it." He ordered directly.

Yuan Ying'er noticed that Jun Xiao's eyes were getting weirder and weirder, and she was very disturbed.

Before she could think about what was going on, Zhang Zhongrong came up to her and knocked her unconscious.

Throwing Yuan Ying'er to the ground like a rag, Zhang Zhongrong blew a whistle, and soon a hidden guard appeared.

"Send this woman... and the two idiots from the second bedroom of the Yuan family to Wei Guo." Zhang Zhongrong ordered coldly.

"Your subordinate obeys." The secret guard stepped forward and took Yuan Ying'er away.

But suddenly at this time, Jun Xiao shouted: "Wait."

He took a jade pendant from his body.

"Wei Po is arrogant and arrogant. If you send someone there, you may not even be able to enter Wei's palace. You bring the king's jade pendant to find a connector. This is the king's status symbol. Wei Po He doesn't believe it."

After finishing speaking, Jun Xiao threw the jade pendant into the hand of the hidden guard.

The dark guard's body was pitch black, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

He lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head pleasingly: "This subordinate obeys."

However, from an angle that Jun Xiao and Zhang Zhongrong couldn't see, there was a bit of treachery in his eyes.

Yuan Ying'er was taken away, and the unicorn jade fell to the ground.

Zhang Zhongrong stretched out his hand salivatingly, wanting to pick it up and hand it to Jun Xiao.

But before his hand could touch the unicorn jade, a shiny hair ball rushed over like an arrow from the string, bit the unicorn jade directly in his mouth, and then jumped into the grass beside him. Gone.

"Bastard! Hurry up and get the unicorn jade back!" Jun Xiao shook his head, his eyes scarlet.

Damn it, this beast dared to snatch his unicorn jade.

When he catches it, he will definitely pick it up.Skin
When Zhang Zhongrong saw that the jade that was almost in his hands had been stolen, he was also very angry.

"My lord, don't worry, this old slave must catch that beast and skin it."

After speaking, Zhang Zhongrong quickly followed into the grass.

However, the "beast" in their mouths has long since disappeared.

While running away quickly, Xiaobai hummed in his heart: This rabbit has to escape from the mouth of the brain ax every day, and his escaping skills are top-notch. If you want to catch this rabbit, it will be in your next life.

Zhang Zhongrong was out of breath, but there was no sign of Xiaobai in the grass.

At this time, his expression became more and more ugly, and his eyes were a little frightened.

Jun Xiao was standing not far away, so he could naturally sense all this.

Zhang Zhongrong could dodge naturally, but he didn't dare, nor was he qualified to dodge, so he could only give the palm wind to him forcefully.

With a "poof", Zhang Zhongrong spat out a mouthful of blood, his chest hurt as if being torn open, and he staggered many steps back.

After steadying his footsteps, he quickly knelt down and kept kowtowing: "My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life, that beast must not have escaped from the palace. Even if this old slave digs three feet into the ground, I will find that beast."

At this moment, a servant hurried over.

"My lord, the regent and Princess Deyin have been rescued."

"What?" Jun Xiao's voice was much sharper.

He has now confirmed that Yuan Ying'er's family is the blood of Wei Guo, and Yuan Deyin is useless.

He wished that Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu would die together at the bottom of Hehu Lake.

His fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were gloomy.

Jun Xiao glared at Zhang Zhongrong with a full face: "Seal up the palace for me, even a goshawk is not allowed to fly out, I must find the jade for me, otherwise, I will take you as a dog!" Life."

"Old slave obeys, old slave obeys." Zhang Zhongrong continued to kowtow in fear, not daring to raise any objections.

He has served the prince for nearly 30 years, and he knows how cruel the prince is.

Today, this jade must be found.

After glancing at Zhang Zhongrong's frightened expression, Jun Xiao walked away in disgust.

Jun Yu's side, he had to go back and have a look.

Otherwise, with so many ministers watching, he is afraid that he will fall into the trap.

When Jun Xiao quickly returned to the lake, before the others walked in, he began to shout loudly: "Brother Nine Emperors, Brother Nine Emperors, how are you doing?"

He looked so anxious, those who didn't know thought he cared about his imperial brother.

The robes on Jun Yu's body were all wet, but he didn't look embarrassed at all, and the awe-inspiring aura on his body made people dare not underestimate it.

The little girl was lying in his arms, her eyes closed, motionless, and the noble girl not far away whispered, wondering if she had drowned.

"Wuxi." Jun Yu called out indifferently.

Wu Xi came out quickly, holding a black cloak.

Without batting an eyelid, Jun Yu quickly wrapped the cloak around the little girl.

He patiently used his inner strength to dry the wet clothes on the little girl, as if he was treating the most cherished treasure in the world.

In this scene, I don't know how many noble girls' eyes are red.

After doing all this, Jun Yu glanced coldly at the crowd, and then set his eyes on Jun Xiao.

"Brother Huang, Yin'er was murdered by a maidservant of your palace. If it wasn't for the fact that I even went into the water to save people, I am afraid that I would lose her today."

Jun Yu's deep and indifferent eyes were a bit scary, and the words he said were chilling to the bone. Although some ministers present had been in the court for many years, they should be old and cunning, but when they heard Jun Yu's indifferent and terrifying questioning words, they couldn't bear it. I was in a cold sweat and wanted to kneel down.

The ladies and ladies not far away were also fearful.

But when they lowered their heads, they also felt a little uncomfortable. Yuan Deyin was not dead.

After soaking in the lake for so long, she still didn't die. She is really lucky.

Jun Xiao was angry in his heart, and there was a gloomy coldness in his eyes staring at Jun Yu.

But he was very sorry on his face.

"Brother Nine Emperors, it is this king who is sorry for you. That lowly servant girl must have been arranged by a thief to enter the mansion, trying to provoke the relationship between this king and you..." Jun Xiao said with a sad expression.

"Brother Huang, do I need this king to remind you? That maidservant is by Princess Runnan's side." Jun Yu looked at Jun Xiao coldly.

Jun Xiao's expression froze.

His fists under the sleeves clenched.

Damn it, that bitch Wei Ying, her maid actually caused him such trouble.

If it wasn't because Wei Ying was still his princess in name, he would probably abandon her right now.

Suppressing the hatred in his heart, Jun Xiao twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Ninth Emperor Brother, don't worry, this king will definitely give you and Deyin an explanation. Come on, even if you dig the Runnan Palace three feet into the ground, you will still be able to do it." I want to find that lowly servant girl for this king."


After hearing his order, the hidden guards of Prince Runnan's Mansion scattered around to search for people.

The ministers standing around were sweating coldly and didn't dare to say anything. They just hoped to find the maid as soon as possible.

But what they didn't expect was that before the maidservant was found, someone came to report in a hurry.

"My lord, your study is flooded."

The study is flooded?

There is also a unicorn jade in it.

Hearing this report, Jun Xiao didn't even bother to pretend, and immediately walked to the study.

Heh, he was in such a hurry, maybe he cared about the unicorn jade, Jun Yu stared at Jun Xiao's back, his eyes were full of cold light.

And at this time, the little girl who was lying obediently in his arms suddenly poked him with her little paw.

He lowered his eyes, only to see her secretly take out a unicorn jade from his little hand.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Xiaobai brought back the unicorn jade." The little girl snickered, her eyes curved like crescent moons.

From the beginning to the end, there was only one unicorn jade in Runnan Palace.

The unicorn jade that Xiaobai was biting into Yuanying'er's hand just now was found from Jun Xiao's study.

Wei Po has been looking for the true blood of the Wei royal family.

Although Jun Yu is confident that he can protect a certain little girl.

But it's easy to block open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows.

As long as there is a slight possibility of danger, he will never allow it.

Didn't Jun Xiao want to use Wei's blood to help him seek power and usurp the throne? Didn't Yuan Ying'er want to kill Yin'er?Then he leaves them to their own devices.

A deep stern light flashed in Jun Yu's eyes.

"Uncle Huang, you can put Deyin down, and Deyin can leave by himself, let's go to the theater together." The little girl's eyes sparkled.

Uncle Nine Emperors has prepared a big show for Jun Xiao, and she wants to watch it too.

Sensing the little girl's intentions, Jun Yu's expression became serious.

"Where is someone alive and kicking after soaking in the water for so long? Since it's going to be an act, it has to be a full set." Jun Yu's voice was unquestionable.

"But..." Yuan Deyin opened her mouth, she wanted to say, wouldn't he be very tired this way.

But a certain prince had already walked forward quickly, holding her in his arms, without taking a breath.

"Shen Fox, I feel that they have something to hide from me." Yu Shengxiao also crawled out of the lake, he grabbed Shen Chuannan's sleeve and muttered in a low voice.

Shen Chuannan looked at Jun Yu's back, and the corner of his mouth slightly curved.

If he was skeptical at first, now that Jun Yu and Princess Deyin are safe and sound, his guess has become affirmed.

Jun Yu and the little Princess Deyin probably set up a game for King Runnan.

"Bring me the cloak of truth." He turned around and said softly to the servant behind him.

Yu Shengxiao's expression brightened, and he moved closer.

"Shen Fox, I can't tell that you are a nice person. I know that this genius doctor can't stand being wet all over, so I plan to give you your cloak to this genius doctor, this genius doctor..."

Facing his shy little expression, Shen Chuannan walked past him expressionlessly, and then put the cloak on Tao Lin who had just come up from the water.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." After all, it was a wrong payment.

"Thank you." Tao Lin's face became a little more rosy.

She flicked the water droplets off her sleeves, looked at Jun Yu's back, and then smiled at Shen Chuannan.

"I don't know if King Runnan can catch the game of chess he played for Deyin."

She is different from Yu Shengxiao. Although she was born in the Tao family, she almost grew up in the Southwest Palace. She has a much deeper understanding of conspiracy than ordinary people.

So from seeing Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin come out of the water safe and sound, and then to the study room of Prince Runnan's mansion, she already knew what was going to happen.

"Miss Yin, Miss Mei San, our princess tells you not to worry, she is fine."

Wuying picked up Mei Qingzhou from the water, put her and Yin Panrong together, and explained softly.

"Why is it all right? She's been soaking in the water for so long, no, I'm going to find Deyin..." Yin Panrong was also very anxious.

But Mei Qingzhou quickly grabbed her.

"Pan Rong, it's okay..."

She shook her head slightly at Yin Panrong.

Yin Panrong didn't understand the situation, but she had guessed something.

Tonight must not be peaceful, and they must not add trouble to Deyin.

Jun Xiao hurried to the study room, followed by a large group of restless ministers who were sweating coldly.

"My lord, don't worry, my subordinates will definitely put out the fire." Several people in servant clothes carried buckets and kept fighting the fire. They still didn't forget to turn around and report the situation to Jun Xiao.

If Zhang Zhongrong was by Jun Xiao's side now, he might find that none of these servants was the face of Prince Runnan's mansion.

But Zhang Zhongrong was searching for rabbits in another yard, so he couldn't come here.

"This king orders you to put out this fire!" Jun Xiao clenched his fists and ordered them with scarlet eyes.

In this study room, there are not only unicorn jade stones, but also a dark room, which contains the biggest secret of Prince Runnan's mansion.

With so many people here tonight, if those secrets are revealed, the entire Runnan Palace will die.

However, the more Jun Xiao worried, the more things developed in the direction he was worried about.

Suddenly, I don't know which "servant" yelled.

"My lord, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, why don't we rescue the princess first, otherwise, the princess will be in danger."

Wangfei, didn't Wangfei be sent back to the backyard because she fainted? It is said that all the doctors in the mansion went to see her.

Why are some people saying that they want to rescue the princess?
Moreover, the study room has been reduced by half. They can clearly see that there are only books and tables in the study room, and there is no couch at all. Where is Princess Runnan?

How did they know that the princess was in the study?

A gloomy light flashed in Jun Xiao's eyes.

Only a few of his confidants and Mu Qing knew about the real Wei Ying being locked up in the darkroom of the study.

It is impossible for these servants to know!
Is it...

Before Jun Xiao could fully react, those "servants" shouted loudly.

"My lord, the concubine can't wait. If the concubine really dies, it will be troublesome if the emperor and Wei Guo blame it."

After speaking, they rushed in quickly, and then opened the door of the dark room.


When the ministers saw this scene, their expressions became extremely strange.

It is common to have a dark room in the study, after all, who doesn't have some secrets?

However, they felt weird because those servants seemed to be saying...

Princess Runnan is in this dark room.

This problem is strange.

"Quick, come, stop them for me!"

At this time, Jun Xiao knew completely that this weird fire was aimed at Wei Ying in the dark room, and it must have killed him in the Runnan Palace.

Hearing his order, the secret guards of Prince Runnan's Mansion acted immediately.

However, no matter how capable they are, they are not as fast as the "servants" arranged by Jun Yu.

Soon, a woman covered in injuries was dragged out.

(End of this chapter)

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