Chapter 275 Jun Yu Acting
"My God, isn't that Princess Runnan? How could she be injured so badly?"

Everyone was shocked.

Even though the fire in the study was gradually extinguished, no one dared to approach it.

The injuries on Princess Runnan's body can be seen as man-made.

It's just who is so cruel!

When they watched, they all felt chills and shivered. They couldn't believe that such a severe punishment was used on a woman.

Seeing that Wei Ying was actually dragged out, Jun Xiao's face darkened to the point of gloomy.

"Come on, the princess is not feeling well, help her back to rest." He gritted his teeth and ordered his subordinates.

The hidden guards of the palace wanted to lean in.

But at this moment, Wei Ying raised his head, a face full of scars was completely exposed in front of everyone.

But the aura that belonged to the girl of heaven in her body was not suppressed at all.

Her eyes were mocking, and she twitched the corners of her mouth: "My lord, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that your concubine will expose your evil deeds?"

"Come here, the princess is unconscious, send her back!"

Jun Xiao clenched his fists tightly, his beard was blown up with anger, he didn't want to give Wei Ying a chance to speak at all.

But how could Wei Ying give him a chance?
"My lord, my concubine has been married to the palace for so many years. I have worked hard without credit. If you don't like me, you can reconcile with me. Why do you insult me ​​like this?" Wei Ying asked Jun Xiao in a cold voice.

As she spoke, she lifted up her tattered sleeves, and soon, a scarred arm appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the hideous wound on her fair arm, the others couldn't help but gasp.

The wound was so deep that the bones could be seen. Perhaps it had not been healed for a long time, and there were traces of rotting flesh on it.

Princess Runnan is a woman, how can she bear it?

Also, how did King Runnan succeed?

Everyone's strange eyes slowly fell on Jun Xiao.

"Princess, you..."

"My lord, are you panicking? You use a puppet to replace the concubine, and use the puppet to deceive the world. Do you think it doesn't matter if you torture me to death in the dark room? I would like to ask Ask, do Chi Yan's royal family spoil wives like this?"

Wei Ying asked loudly.

Puppet body?
What exactly is going on!

Everyone swallowed their saliva hard, did Princess Runnan mean that the person they met today was a puppet?

Isn't it magic that puppets can act like living people?

"Sorcery" flashed in their heads, and their faces were all pale and colorless.

Sorcery is a taboo in any country except Lingye Country.

No king of any country can tolerate the existence of such a thing.

King Runnan is a member of the royal family, how could he do such a thing?
"Sister-in-law Sihuang, you've said it before. As far as this king knows, the father respects the queen mother, and the elder brother loves the elder sister-in-law. This king... will naturally protect the future princess and will not let her Hurt. Therefore, Brother Four's behavior is only due to his own bad conduct."

Suddenly at this time, Jun Yu who was holding Yuan Deyin appeared in front of everyone, and his steady and powerful voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone is clear.

The Ninth Prince is going to openly stand on Princess Runnan's side!
The little girl was a little embarrassed to be watched by so many people, and she struggled to get down.

As a result, she had just landed on the ground when she heard Uncle Jiuhuang's strong words.

Why did she feel that a certain sentence of his seemed to be a promise?

"Brother Nine Emperors, are you here?"

When Wei Ying saw Jun Yu, she called lightly, her voice hoarse, as if she had just seen Jun Yu.

"Wuyi, go and help Princess Runnan. This king wants to see. I am here today. Who dares to insult Si Huang's wife!" Jun Yu's indifferent voice came to the ears of everyone present.

And his eyes were still looking at Jun Xiao firmly.

That look clearly wanted to say that the person who hurt Princess Runnan was Jun Xiao.

"Brother Nine Emperors, what do you mean? This king is your imperial brother!" Jun Xiao suppressed his anger, and stared at Jun Yu with a pair of gloomy eyes.

Wuyi is about to meet Wei Ying.

Jun Xiao continued to grit his teeth and said: "The king is still standing here, the princess is talking nonsense, do you believe it, Brother Jiuhuang? Although you are the regent king, this king is still your brother. The matter of the Runnan Palace, It's not your turn to control it!"

So far, Jun Xiao only thinks about dragging Wei Ying back.

The puppet art of the puppet must never be exposed in front of people!
However, just when he was about to order Wei Ying to be taken away, a sound of ducking came out.

"The Emperor is here."


Before everyone could react, they heard a majestic voice: "Uncle Sihuang, if you think Uncle Jiuhuang is not qualified to manage your family affairs, then am I qualified?"

Everyone looked over from the corner of their eyes, only seeing the bright yellow corners of their clothes.

They didn't dare to look any more, and quickly knelt down on the ground.

"Long live the emperor, long live."

As they knelt on the ground, they could still hear intermittent and methodical footsteps, accompanied by the sound of armor clashing.

These sounds...

It was clearly the sound of Ouchi guards dispatching!
When the emperor came to Runnan Palace, he brought so many guards here on purpose?
It seems that King Runnan is really in danger this time.

The ministers bowed their heads tremblingly, praying in their hearts that this fire must not be burned on their heads.

"My minister sees the emperor."

The moment he saw Jun Zhouhan appear, the veins on the fist under Jun Xiao's sleeves were violent.

Why did Jun Zhouhan come?
No matter how unwilling he was, he could only lower his proud head and salute Jun Zhouhan.

After all, he is not the regent, and he has no privilege not to bow to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, my concubine's body is not up to par, so I can't kneel down for you." Wei Ying moved his mouth and spoke in a weak tone.

"No problem, Aunt Sihuang, I came here to uphold justice for you!" Jun Zhouhan said in a serious tone.

Jun Xiao, who was still kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised his head, his eyes were somewhat shocked and flustered.

He looked at Jun Zhouhan, Jun Yu, and so many guards behind them, and suddenly he felt uneasy.

"Your Majesty, you just came here, and you may not know what happened. Can you allow me to bring a witness?" Jun Yu asked Jun Zhouhan in a low voice.

"Of course it is possible." The way Jun Zhouhan smiled at Jun Yu was completely different from the way he spoke coldly to Jun Xiao just now.

Jun Xiao, who has never let him "flatten his body", could only continue to kneel there, his teeth were about to be crushed by him, feeling angry and flustered.

With Jun Zhouhan's consent, Jun Yu immediately turned his head and said coldly, "Bring him here."

Soon, Wu Ying dragged Mu Qing up.

When Mu Qing passed by Yuan Deyin, she gave her a complicated look, and the regret in that expression was clearly visible.

Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, and soon, her eyes lit up slightly.

This isn't Brother Hentai in disguise.

This is really Mu Qing!

Mu Qing looked into the distance, seeing the embarrassment of their concubine, her eyes turned red, and big tears fell down directly.

Kneeling heavily, Mu Qing kowtowed vigorously to Jun Zhouhan.

"Servant Mu Qing, I implore the emperor to help the princess make the decision."

"Are you the fourth aunt's dowry girl?" Jun Zhouhan looked at Mu Qing with an unclear expression.


"Then tell me, what's wrong with Aunt Four?" Jun Zhouhan just stood there, exuding the aura of majesty that belonged to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the words of this lowly servant girl are unbelievable..." Jun Xiao didn't expect that Mu Qing would be found by Jun Yu's people. He felt a little flustered and wanted to stop Mu Qing from speaking.

As a result, Jun Zhouhan's cold eyes slowly fell on him, and his indifferent voice beat him, "Fourth Emperor Uncle, the person who asked her was Zhen, do you still have Zhen in your eyes? Or Yes, do you think I should take my seat?"

After the last sentence, the rest of the ministers buried their heads in the ground and dared not speak at all.

Jun Xiao couldn't hide the gloom on Jun Xiao's face that had been bullied.

He clenched his fists tightly, suppressing the hatred and anger in his heart, pretending to be terrified, "I dare not!"

"Tell me." Jun Zhouhan's indifferent voice fell on Mu Qing.

"Your Majesty, as the husband of the princess, it's fine for him to stay in the concubine's house day and night. She also locks up the princess and beats the princess herself with a whip. The princess is not allowed to close her eyes to rest day and night. Traces of the soldering iron..."

When Mu Qing spoke, her body was trembling, and her tears flowed more and more violently.

"Your majesty, she's talking nonsense. Bastard, you actually slandered me!" Jun Xiao stood up so angry that he wanted to pull out the sword of the guard next to him and kill Mu Qing.

But Jun Zhouhan's indifferent eyes swept over instantly: "Uncle Si Huang, I am standing here, are you going to kill the king?"

A "regicide" hat fell directly on Jun Xiao's head, and his body was shaking with anger.

But meeting so many pairs of eyes, he could only kneel down bitterly.

Unwillingly, he spit out a sentence: "I dare not! It's just that, your majesty, this minister is your uncle, so you don't believe what a lowly servant girl said?"

"Prince Runnan, why do you think she is slandering you? Wasn't Princess Runnan rescued in the dark room of your study? Also, didn't she inflict all the injuries on her body?"

Yuan Deyin poked her head out from behind Jun Yu, she said angrily.

Although the voice is soft, it is full of lethality.

That's right, Princess Deyin's words are right.

Princess Runnan was indeed rescued in the study, and the wounds on her body were real.

It can't be said that Princess Runnan used bitter tricks to frame King Runnan.

That injury, who can hurt himself?

Also, King Runnan's appearance of being furious over and over again seems too guilty.

"Actually, Uncle Sihuang's words are not unreasonable. I can't believe you based on your one-sided words. Unless you can tell why Uncle Sihuang wanted to hurt Aunt Sihuang. After all, Aunt Sihuang is his first wife. I don't believe that Uncle Four is such a terrible person."

Jun Zhouhan shook his head, as if he wanted to speak for Jun Xiao.

But hearing Jun Zhouhan's words, Jun Xiao was not only uneasy, but a little panicked.

Sure enough, the next moment, he heard Mu Qing say firmly under Jun Zhouhan's guidance, "That's because the princess is unwilling to help him rebel!"

Create, rebel?

Hearing this, many ministers present were so frightened that they fainted.

Hasn't King Runnan learned a lesson from the bloody fate of Jun Zhouliang and the An clan?
He actually wanted to rebel!

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene was like a tight thread, which could be broken at any time.

Jun Zhouhan's expression also gradually darkened.

Everyone looked at his deep eyes, especially when Jun Xiao met his eyes, feeling more and more uncertain.

They found that under the cultivation of the regent, the emperor who was still immature at the beginning became more and more unpredictable, and gradually began to have a real emperor's air.

"Your Majesty, don't listen to this lowly servant girl. I am loyal to you and only want Chi Yan's good. I will never rebel."

Jun Xiao quickly kowtowed and promised loudly.

But Jun Zhouhan's deep eyes just stared at him like this, no one could tell whether he believed Jun Xiao's guarantee or not.

After waiting for Jun Zhou's letter for a long time, Jun Xiao became even more flustered.

He is still immature as a soldier, and he is not good enough to confront Jun Zhouhan head-on, because the person behind Jun Zhouhan is Jun Yu, the person who basically controls most of Chi Yan's military power!
If it is the crime of pampering a concubine and destroying a wife, at most it will be condemned and fined a little salary.

But if his rebellious thoughts are exposed, it must be a death penalty!

Jun Xiao understood the consequences very well.

So, he won't admit anything.

"Your Majesty, this servant has evidence."

Mu Qing gave Jun Xiao a disgusted look, and then took out a jade pendant from her bosom.

"This is King Runnan's jade pendant. He asked the secret guards of the palace to take this jade pendant to negotiate with the people of Wei." Mu Qing took out a jade pendant from her bosom.

Everyone quickly looked up.

When they saw clearly the word "Xiao" on the jade pendant in Mu Qing's hand, their hearts trembled a few times.

This is clearly the jade pendant of Prince Runnan's residence!

This servant girl, I am afraid that what she said is true, King Runnan really wants to seek power and usurp the throne!
When Jun Xiao saw the jade pendant, his pupils widened.

Isn't this the jade pendant he gave to the secret guard just now? Why did it end up in the hands of this lowly maid?
Is it...

Jun Xiao's eyes roved over Mu Qing, Wei Ying and Jun Yu, and his blood flowed backwards.

What a gentleman, he did it on purpose, he set up this game!
Jun Xiao was so angry that he trembled, he suppressed the panic in his heart, and said with a sad face: "Your Majesty, this lowly maid must have stolen my jade pendant to frame me. Your Majesty, you must not be deceived by her."

"If the lord thinks that this jade pendant was stolen by a servant, what about these letters?"

Mu Qing took out a bunch of letters from her pocket.

"This is the secret letter between the prince and the emperor of Wei. The princess intercepted them and let the servants hide them. The prince did this to the princess because the princess was unwilling to hand over these letters!"

Mu Qing said sadly every word.

Immediately a eunuch presented the letter.

Jun Zhouhan glanced at the contents of the letter, and anger began to creep up on his originally gentle face.

"Well, you, King Runnan, are actually able to commit treachery! Aunt Sihuang wants you to know where you went astray, but you still want to kill her."

Jun Zhouhan slammed the letters on Jun Xiao's face.

Letters were scattered all over the place.

Jun Xiao looked at the letters and felt chills all over his body.

It is true that he conspired with Wei Po to kill Jun Zhouhan and Jun Yu, but because there is a Wei Ying in the palace, he is cautious in everything.The letters between them were all handed down by the secret guards, and there were no letters at all.

Where the hell are these letters coming from!
Also, the reason why he locked Wei Ying up wasn't because she wanted to report him about seeking power and usurping the throne, but because she didn't want to tell him who was the blood of Wei Guo.

Why is this lowly servant girl talking nonsense!

Wait, could it be that this letter and the nonsense of this lowly maid were all taught by Jun Yu to this lowly maid.

Thinking of this, Jun Xiao seemed to have an idea.

He quickly raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, this is all Jun Yu's plan. He is framing the minister. If the minister has not done something, he has not done it!"

"Haven't you done it? Uncle Sihuang, do you think this handwriting is not yours?" Jun Zhouhan looked at Jun Xiao coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

Jun Xiao lowered his head and looked at the handwriting carefully, his pupils widened.

These handwritings are exactly the same as his.

"King Runnan, I have worked with you for so many years. Your handwriting is remembered by the minister. This is your handwriting." A minister said angrily.

They also saw the handwriting and content of the letter.

If it was about Jun Xiao bullying Wei Ying, they just wanted to turn a blind eye and pretend that they didn't see anything.After all, this is a family matter of Prince Runnan's residence.

But now, what Jun Xiao is doing is betraying the country and seeking glory.

They are not only Chi Yan's subjects, but also Chi Yan's subjects, so naturally they cannot be tolerated.

"King Runnan is simply too much, how could he do something that betrays the country and seeks glory!"

"Princess Runnan's toughness, he really can't compare to it. Princess Runnan's natal family is Wei State, but she would rather be tortured by herself than to join forces with Wei State and King Runnan. She has such a backbone , I can't wait..."

"Your Majesty, this servant has something to report. Today, the master of Deyin County was stabbed by the servant and pushed into the lake. This is what the prince ordered the servant to do. Because he wanted to use the death of Princess Deyin to blow the regent's ambition. , so that his people and Wei Guo's soldiers and horses can take advantage of it..."

Mu Qing kowtowed again, pointing out another crime committed by Jun Xiao.

"You, you slandered the king!"

If Jun Xiao was still quibbling at the beginning, then he was really going crazy at this time.

He didn't order Yuan Deyin to be killed at all, this is slander!
Only at this moment did Yuan Deyin realize that she had injured her abdomen.

She quickly clutched her stomach, then leaned against Uncle Jiuhuang, and said weakly, "Uncle Jiuhuang, is Deyin going to die?"

Jun Yu: "..." It's hard for me to comment on this acting skill for a while.

Although he complained in his heart, Jun Yu's face was stern.

His indifferent and terrifying eyes swept over Jun Xiao.

"Jun Xiao, if something happens to Yin'er, this king will definitely give you back a hundred times the pain she has suffered."

After speaking, he quickly hugged Yuan Deyin.

"Yin'er, hold on, I will take you to heal your injuries."

The corners of the mouths of those in the know twitched.

The prince's acting skills are quite good... not bad.

"Intending to rebel, hurting his wife, and murdering the princess. Uncle Sihuang, tell me, how will I convict you? Is it enough to chop your head off three times?"

Jun Zhouhan's eyes fell from Jun Yu's back to Jun Xiao's body, and his tone was cold.

The emperor was furious, and corpses were scattered all over the field.

"Your Majesty, this is all slander." At this time, Jun Xiao still wanted to argue.

"Come here, put Jun Xiao into the prison." Jun Zhouhan didn't even look at Jun Xiao, and ordered the guards behind him to arrest him.

(End of this chapter)

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