The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 276 Persuade Jun Yu to Abandon Yuan Deyin

Chapter 276 Persuade Jun Yu to Abandon Yuan Deyin
Jun Xiao stared angrily, trying to resist, but the guards behind Jun Zhouhan rushed over and took him away.

He turned around, just in time to see Wei Ying's mocking expression.

His face instantly became ferocious.


This bitch must have conspired with Jun Yu and the others to plot against him.

"Okay, let Zhu Aiqing watch the joke today, if there is nothing else, let's go back first." Jun Zhouhan said lightly.

The rest of the ministers wiped the cold sweat from their heads, saluted one after another, and then hurried home.

They didn't expect that they would encounter such a thing just to participate in a Hundred Flowers Banquet. I hope this matter will not affect them...

Wait until all guests have left.

Only then did Jun Zhouhan turn his head and nodded to Wei Ying. He said guiltily, "Aunt Huang, it's because I didn't discover Uncle Huang's evil deeds earlier, which made you suffer."

Although he showed no mercy to Jun Xiao, he still respected Wei Ying very much.

"Your Majesty, it's my concubine who wants to thank you. Otherwise, I don't know if I can save my life." Although Wei Ying was in a mess, her tone of voice was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Aunt Huang, don't worry, Jun Xiao will never turn over this time. But you are still the hostess of Prince Runnan's Mansion. Of course, it depends on your wishes. If you don't want to stay here, I will decree that you and Li; if you don't want to leave, this Runnan Palace is your decision."

Jun Zhouhan promised in a serious tone.

Because Wei Ying was regarded as the most critical person who "exposed" Jun Xiao.After this incident was exposed, I am afraid that not only Jun Xiao's remnant evils will regard her as a thorn in the side, but Wei Guo will not let her go easily.

So Jun Zhouhan used himself as the guarantee of King Chiyan to ensure her safety.

After Jun Zhouhan's words came out, Wei Ying could guess his good intentions in an instant.

She nodded quickly, and said seriously: "I thank the emperor. It's just that I have been away from Wei State for many years, and it is difficult to return to that place. No matter how you say it, the Runnan Palace is half of my family. unwilling to leave."

She didn't want to leave, not just because she didn't know where she could go.

More importantly, since she sent the truth to Princess Deyin, she will continue to protect Princess Deyin.

"Okay." Jun Zhouhan naturally respected her decision.

While nodding his head, he also ordered Eunuch Li Da to arrange more guards to protect the Runnan Palace.

After finishing these arrangements, Jun Zhouhan's cold eyes slowly fell on Mu Qing.

Mu Qing had been kneeling on the ground the whole time, and when she noticed this look, her heart tightened.

She quickly kowtowed, gritted her teeth and said, "Your Majesty, although this servant is thinking of hurting Princess Deyin to save the princess, but if this servant is wrong, it is wrong, and this servant is at the disposal of the emperor!"

Hearing Mu Qing's words, Wei Ying looked over with complicated eyes.

To Mu Qing, she was angry.

She had already told her that no matter what, Princess Deyin must not be hurt, because she is the blood of the Wei Kingdom!
But Mu Qing wanted to hurt her!

However, no matter how angry she was in her heart, she should have watched Mu Qing grow up, and she could be regarded as a daughter in her heart.

So Wei Ying withdrew her hand from Wuyi, and walked up to Jun Zhouhan with difficulty, and was about to kneel down to intercede with Mu Qing.

Sensing her intentions, Jun Zhouhan immediately frowned and said, "Aunt Huang, you don't need to be too polite. In fact, Xiaoyin has already asked Uncle Jiuhuang to ask for a favor from me. She said that Mu Qing is also a savior with one heart, and she later returned If you are willing to come out and confront Jun Xiao, you have made up for it, and I hope I will not offend her. I have granted her request."

Hearing Jun Zhouchen's words, Mu Qing raised her head in shock.

She almost killed Princess Deyin, but she pleaded for mercy.

Mu Qing's eyes were red, and for a moment, she had mixed feelings in her heart.

She gritted her teeth and kowtowed heavily: "My servant thanked the emperor and Princess Deyin."


"Okay, Uncle Nine Emperors, there is no one left, we don't need to act."

The little girl found that they had gone a long way, and it was estimated that Jun Xiao over there had already been cleaned up by the emperor's brother, so she patted the back of Uncle Jiuhuang's hand and asked him to put her down.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu put her down.

It's just that he looked down at his empty arms and pursed his thin lips, as if he was very unhappy.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you succeeded..."

Yuan Deyin didn't notice Uncle Jiuhuang's disappointment. When she saw the fireworks blooming not far away, she jumped up and applauded.

In fact, before they came to Runnan Palace, they had already made plans with the emperor's brother.

After seeing Princess Runnan in the dark room and knowing Jun Xiao's wolf ambitions, they immediately informed the emperor's brother, and the guards in the palace took action immediately.

"Hee hee, Uncle Nine Emperors, then Jun Xiao must be furious. He certainly never thought that De Yin could imitate his handwriting."

Thinking of this, the little girl couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling like a cunning little fox.

Facing Uncle Jiuhuang's deep eyes, the little girl continued to say, "And Uncle Jiuhuang, when you were yelling at Jun Xiao just now, Deyin saw it all, and he looked so angry that he couldn't refute it It looks really funny."

"The king said that not only to anger him." Jun Xiao frowned, and suddenly said in a very serious tone.


Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Uncle Nine Emperors meant.

"My king's sentence 'this king will also protect the future princess and will not let her get hurt' is my sincere words, not just for Qi Junxiao."

While explaining, Jun Yu raised his hand, gently pinched the little girl's soft face, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Do you understand?"

"Listen, I understand."

The little girl was confused by his serious appearance. Although she hadn't been able to react yet, she nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing her nodding, Jun Yu smiled knowingly, and his eyes became much gentler.

Suddenly at this time, Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan rushed over at the same time.

"Jun Yu, Xiao Deyin, you set up such a big game, and you actually hid it from this genius doctor. Don't you know that this genius doctor spent a long time in the water to save you?"

Yusheng was as if his hair was bursting out, he was full of anger.

In the end, Jun Yu just glanced at him indifferently: "You have been salvaging? As far as I know, you almost drowned when you jumped into the water. It was Shen Chuannan who kept carrying you."

The disgust in that tone was not concealed at all.

Yu Shengxiao touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Yes, but this genius doctor has the heart to save people." His voice became lower and lower, and his confidence became weaker and weaker.

"The reason why A Yu and Princess Deyin didn't tell us is because at the beginning, the Runnan Palace was full of Jun Xiao's people. If there is any carelessness, the plan will be exposed. Fortunately, we don't know the truth. This scene can be played so realistically.”

Shen Chuannan understood the truth of this, so he could understand Jun Xiao.

Tonight's play can pull out Jun Xiao's cancer, it's a joy!

"The people in Prince Runnan's Mansion are basically under control now, right?" Shen Chuannan looked at Jun Yu and asked.

Jun Yu frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Wu Zing is still searching for traces of Jun Xiao's confidant, Wang Peng, and of course, there is also an alchemist."

"Wang Peng?"

Shen Chuannan thought of that man, didn't he always accompany Jun Xiao on weekdays?

Why didn't she show up at such a critical time today?

"Wait, alchemist? What alchemist?" Yu Shengxiao's ears were very sharp, and he quickly grasped the important content of Jun Yu's words.

Jun Yu glanced at Shen Chuannan, Yusheng Xiao and Tao Lin, and then told all the news he got in the study.

Because they are all trustworthy people, he doesn't intend to hide this matter.

Shen Chuannan already knew Yuan Deyin's identity, but now he was slightly shocked when he heard about the treasure.

But Yu Shengxiao was directly blown up.

"Xiao Deyin, you are actually the first princess of the Kingdom of Wei? This genius doctor's apprentice status is so awesome, let me laugh for a while."

After saying that, Yusheng Xiaoguo really laughed out loud with his hips akimbo.

The corner of Shen Chuannan's mouth twitched.

"Didn't the old man Wei Po send you an invitation a few days ago, inviting you to the Wei Palace as a guest?" Shen Chuannan asked.

What he said meant that the God Doctor Valley is a special existence among so many countries, as long as Yu Shengxiao is willing, there is no need to look at the faces of these emperors.

So although Princess Deyin's status is much more noble now, it doesn't make him so excited.

"Hmph, what do you know!"

When Yu Shengxiao heard Shen Chuannan's words, he immediately rolled his eyes.

"Wei Po's bitch's throne was stolen, and his bloodline is not pure. Xiao Deyin, the genius doctor, is the real bloodline."

Yu Shengxiao murmured loudly, completely looking like "my female goose is the most powerful, and no one else should question her".

The corner of Shen Chuannan's mouth continued to twitch, but at this time he did not continue to refute him.

Suddenly at this time, Wujing quickly appeared.

"My lord, that alchemist seems to have heard about it a long time ago. His subordinates interrogated the servants of the palace. They said that when the puppet Princess Runnan fainted, the alchemist left the palace of Runnan." Wu Ting quickly reported.

Jun Yu's eyes turned cold.

If the alchemist doesn't catch it for a day, the sorcery may continue to harm people!

Seeing Jun Yu's expression so cold, Yu Shengxiao swallowed her saliva, and muttered softly: "I have been traveling all over the world for so many years, but I have never heard of the sorcery of puppets..."

While talking, Yu Shengxiao's complexion was also very bad.

He also thought about how terrible the consequences would be if the magic continued to be used.

"My lord, mother-in-law Zong Lin is asking to see you at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion." Wu Xi received a secret letter from the other hidden guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion, and he quickly came to report Jun Yu's matter.

Mother-in-law Zong Lin?

Jun Yu pursed his thin lips, and then said in a cold voice, "Go back to the palace."

Grandma Zong Lin actually appeared!
Yusheng and Xiao Xingzhi also came.

Because since Ling Yeguo's witchcraft was cracked last time, Grandma Zong Lin seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. I didn't expect her to reappear now.

Yu Shengxiao hurriedly rushed back after him.

Arriving at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Yu Shengxiao wanted to follow Jun Yu to the study when Steward Dong said that mother-in-law Zong Lin had been taken to the study.

But at this moment, Steward Dong said with a troubled expression: "Master Yu, Granny Zong Lin said that she only sees the prince, and she sees none of the rest."

"What, this genius doctor is her half-disciple, how could she not even see this genius doctor!"

Yu Shengxiao was so angry that his head was dizzy, he followed Jun Yu unreasonably, and insisted on going with him.

Jun Yu gave Wuying a look, and Wuying directly dragged the person away, Yu Shengxiao didn't even have a chance to resist.

"Wuyi, the princess is tired today, take her back to her room to rest." Before going to the study, Jun Yu did not forget to tell Wuyi.

"The slaves obey."

Hearing Uncle Jiuhuang's words, a certain little girl nodded obediently, and she whispered, "Uncle Jiuhuang, Deyin has to go back to the room first."

Although she was also curious why Granny Zonglin only saw Uncle Nine Emperors alone, she also understood that since it was Granny Zonglin's intention, she couldn't make things difficult for Steward Dong and Uncle Nine Emperors.

Watching a certain little girl bouncing towards her yard, Jun Yu withdrew his deep gaze.

He flicked his sleeves and walked towards the study.

Pushing open the door of the study, Jun Yu saw Granny Zong Lin sitting on a chair.

She was still wearing the same outfit from that day, her hair was combed neatly, and none of her white hair was messy.

But she looked much thinner than last time, and the skin on her face was tightly attached to her cheekbones.

She closed her eyes, with a pair of dead branches resting on the crutches beside her.

"Senior Zong Lin, did you come here for today's affairs in Prince Runnan's Mansion?"

Jun Yu shot straight in.

Hearing Jun Yu's voice, Grandma Zong Lin opened her eyes.

Her cloudy eyeballs rolled, and then those slightly dark pupils aimed at Jun Yu.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, and said in a hoarse and unpleasant voice, "It really is the regent, and I can guess the reason for the old body's visit. But, to be precise, the old body is here for the alchemist."

"Senior Zong Lin knows that alchemist?" Jun Yu's voice was sharp.

"I don't know him. It's just a little alchemist who secretly learned sorcery, so I won't go after him." Granny Zong Lin slowly closed her eyes with a contemptuous tone.

Jun Yu's eyes flashed sharply.

Could it be that she meant——

The sorcery displayed by the puppet today is just the surface.

Isn't the real sorcery... even more powerful!

"Do you know what it was like on this land 300 years ago?" Grandma Zong Lin slowly opened her eyes, and there was something else in those cloudy eyeballs.

Jun Yu didn't make a sound, he knew that she would say it, after all, this was her reason for coming today.

"Back then, this land wasn't divided, it was united. The one who really ruled this land was a mysterious God Lord Tuoling... Forget it, it's useless to tell you this..."

While talking, Zong Lin's mother-in-law actually sneered.

She withdrew her eyes faintly, and then continued: "You just need to know that 300 years ago, the nobles in every field on this land had their own abilities. In the north there was the Zuo family who practiced witchcraft, and in the south there were those who relied on sorcery. The Ming clan who protects himself. The real sorcery can turn corpses into puppets, making them invincible..."

"It's just that after the death of Lord Tuoling, the land was torn apart. Those so-called righteous people naturally cannot tolerate the existence of sorcery and witchcraft. The Zuo Clan's patriarch was wise and used some means to establish Lingye Kingdom. , kept the Zuo clan. Although the Lingye Kingdom has gradually fallen over the years, it is not like the Ming clan completely disappearing..."

Grandma Zong Lin continued to explain in her piercing voice.

"Senior Zong Lin, do you want to say that the Ming clan is going to reappear?" Jun Yu looked at Granny Zong Lin with sharp eyes.

"Hehehe..." Grandma Zong Lin laughed loudly, her cloudy eyeballs glowed with a penetrating gloom under the light of the oil lamp.

She knocked on the table unhurriedly, and then said quietly: "That's right, the Ming clan was almost wiped out back then. However, there are still some people who survived, waiting to see the light of day again."

300 years is too long, and some things get completely overwhelmed over time.

However, the bloody feud will be engraved in the bones of some people, and it will last forever and never be erased.

"Senior Zong Lin, how did you know this?" Jun Yu's words were a little bit sharper.

"Everything is the destiny, I am just conveying the destiny." Grandma Zong Lin said casually.


What a destiny!
If someone else said such a thing in front of Jun Yu, I'm afraid Jun Yu would order the secret guard to interrogate him now.

But mother-in-law Zonglin is related to Yushengxiao and the genius doctor Gu, and she is Yin'er's savior, so naturally Jun Yu would not treat her like this.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Jun Yu said expressionlessly: "Senior Zong Lin came here to talk to this junior on purpose, because he thinks there is something that this junior needs to do?"

Jun Yu looked at Granny Zong Lin with penetrating eyes, causing her to snort again.

"It's really not tiring to talk to smart people..." She couldn't tell whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm in her tone.

"The wind and rain are coming soon, that girl's fate is doomed, she is not someone you can protect." She knocked on the table and stared at Jun Yu meaningfully.

When Granny Zonglin's words fell, Jun Yu could guess in an instant that the person she was talking about was a little girl, and his face darkened instantly.

"Senior, is the Ming family going to hurt Yin'er?" Jun Yu asked sharply.

"Forgive me for not being able to answer this matter." Granny Zong Lin shook her head, a little imperceptible helplessness flashed in her cloudy eyeballs.

But that subtle mood swing was still captured by Jun Yu.

He frowned, looking complicated.

I'm afraid Senior Zong Lin will find it difficult to solve this problem.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Jun Yu said in a deep voice: "Thank you for reminding me, senior. But no matter who it is, if anyone wants to hurt Yin'er, this king will never allow it. This king will protect him at all costs."

This sound, rather than senior Zong Lin's answer, might as well be his promise.

"I hope you will do what you say." Some emotions flashed in Zong Lin's mother-in-law's eyes.

She stood up slowly and stomped the ground three times with her cane.

Then she walked slowly from Jun Yu's side to the door, but just as she was about to walk out of the door, her footsteps paused.

"Your master, it should be here soon."

 Explosive update at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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