Chapter 277 Jun Yu's Fiancee
The next morning.

As soon as Yusheng Xiao woke up, she rushed to find Jun Yu.

Because he suffered from insomnia almost all night last night, he really couldn't figure out why Grandma Zong Lin only saw Jun Yu alone.

When Yu Shengxiao came to the door of the study, he happened to meet Shen Chuannan.

"Hey, Fox Shen, are you also here to ask about Grandma Jun Yu Zonglin?" Yu Shengxiao opened the jade bone fan and asked with a smile while fanning it.

As a result, Shen Chuannan just glanced at him and then withdrew his eyes.

"The truth is that I came to find Ah Yu, there must be something more important."

Well, for those of them in the imperial court, it is more important to move around at every turn.

Yu Shengxiao shrugged, and didn't intend to ask further questions.

At this time, the door of the study was opened from the inside, and Yuan Deyin walked out from inside.

"Xiao Deyin, why are you here?"

The moment he saw Yuan Deyin, Yu Shengxiao immediately cried out in surprise.

"Master, Mr. Shen, you are here too."

Yuan Deyin's expression lit up when she saw them, and she greeted them politely.

The reason why she came to look for Uncle Jiuhuang so early was actually because of Yuan Yinger's affairs.

She wanted to ask how he dealt with Yuan Ying'er.

As a result, Uncle Jiuhuang said that he had ordered someone to give Yuan Ying'er a dumb drug, and then secretly sent him to Wei.

Since Yuan Ying'er wanted to replace her so much, and Wei Po wanted to poison the real blood so much, then he would send this "real blood" over.

Yuan Deyin is not the Holy Mother either, Yuan Ying'er tried to harm her time and time again, this punishment is not too much for her.

"Master, Mr. Shen, do you have something to do with Uncle Nine Emperors? Go in quickly."

Yuan Deyin didn't bother them either. After she said this to them, she quickly turned and left, and the sound of the bell shaking around her waist gradually faded away.

"Jun Yu, please tell me, the genius doctor, whether mother-in-law Zong Lin gave you something good, so that you are hiding it."

As soon as Yu Shengxiao entered, he sat down opposite Jun Yu carelessly.

He also picked up the teacup familiarly, and first poured himself a cup of mellow strong tea.

The Prince Regent's Mansion, especially the tea that Jun Yu drank, was delicious!
Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Jun Yu didn't even bother to give him another look.

Withdrawing his eyes, Jun Yu asked Shen Chuannan: "You came to find me, but what happened?"

"There is indeed something wrong. The emperor has been enthroned for a while. When he first ascended the throne, he was too hasty, so the enthronement ceremony was simple. Now that many things have been settled, it is time to hold an announcement to the world The enthronement ceremony. In the morning, I went to see the invitation list drawn up by the Ministry of Rites. The royal families of all countries are within the scope of the invitation, and the four major families are also included, but..."

As he spoke, Shen Chuannan's tone suddenly changed.

Jun Yu raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly, "But what?"

"According to the regulations, Donghua Mountain is also an overlord, and they should be invited, but the Minister of Rites dare not speculate on your thoughts, so let me ask." Shen Chuannan continued.

"Donghua Mountain? Isn't that the place where Jun Yu studied as a teacher? I heard that old man Tianji belongs to Donghua Mountain."

Yu Chenxiao casually picked up another apple, he took a bite and asked inarticulately.

He still remembered that not long after his father and mother passed away, Jun Yu went to Donghua Mountain to worship the old man Tianji as his teacher.

"By the way, Jun Zhouhan... oh, no, it's the current emperor, and he was also entrusted by Jun Yu to take care of him for a period of time. In this way, old man Tianji is also the emperor's master. Is there any problem in inviting him? "

Yu Shengxiao looked at Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan with a look of "I really don't understand".

Donghua Mountain is within Chiyan's territory, but because it is considered part of the rivers and lakes, and has a relationship with the imperial court that the well water does not violate the river water, so in the capital, few people mention it.

But the name "Old Man Tianji" is known to everyone in the world.

Because old man Tianji is mysterious and cannot be pryed into, no one knows his real age so far.

Not only is he strong in martial arts, but also has profound internal strength, and he can also spy on the secrets of heaven.

In this world, there are few fates that old man Tianji can't count.

Because of this, many people are staring at him.

But how can ordinary people go up Donghua Mountain?How many people died on the way to see old man Tianji!

And Old Man Tianji has not had any other apprentices for so many years.

The only apprentice he announced to the world is Jun Yu.

The soldiers of all countries are so afraid of Jun Yu not only because of his high martial arts skills and unrivaled strategy, but also because he is the only closed disciple of old man Tianji.

"Master doesn't like to go out of the mountain."

Jun Yu said quietly.

In his memory, Master has never stepped out of Donghua Mountain.

However, although his memory told him that even if Master was really invited this time, he would not come out of the mountain.

However, for some reason, he couldn't help thinking of the words that Zong Lin's mother-in-law said meaningfully that his master should come before she left last night...

"If the emperor wants to invite people from Donghua Mountain, he can just invite. Donghua Mountain has nothing to do with Master. Master lived on that mountain before the Donghua Mountain Sect was established."

Jun Yu suppressed all his emotions and continued to add expressionlessly.

His words made both Shen Chuannan and Yu Shengxiao slightly stunned.

It turned out that the old man Tianji lived in Donghua Mountain early in the morning, not because the head of Donghua invited him there.

Then all these years, the Donghua Sect claimed that the old man Tianji belonged to them, wouldn't it be a bit too shameless!

Forget it, the old man Tianji didn't stop these things, so it's hard for outsiders like them to say anything.

"Okay, I understand. I will tell the Ministry of Rites that Donghuashan wants to be invited, and the old man Tianji also wants to be invited. As for whether they want to come, that's up to them."

Shen Chuannan nodded to Jun Yu.

"Okay, the report is over, you can go out." Jun Yu said coldly, his brows furrowed unexpectedly.

To be driven away!

Yu Shengxiao felt unhappy in an instant.

He shook his long sleeves, stood up, and wanted to say: "Let's just go, do you think this genius doctor wants to come to you?"

But before he could finish his sentence, he noticed that there was a lot of thin sweat on Jun Yu's forehead, and the blood on his handsome face gradually faded.

Although Jun Yu was trying to suppress the trembling on his body, his slender five fingers still scratched his sleeves into wrinkles one after another.

Something is wrong!
It is rare to see Jun Yu like this.

Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao looked at each other, and their eyes were a bit serious at the same time.

Yu Shengxiao's movements were also fast, he quickly approached Jun Yu to feel his pulse.

But not long after he felt his pulse, his fingers trembled, and his face gradually became ugly.

"Cough..." Jun Yu covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve and coughed suddenly.

When he let go, he saw that the sleeve was already stained with blood.

He coughed up blood!
"Ah Yu, how are you?" Shen Chuannan's eyelids twitched, and he immediately asked worriedly.

Yu Shengxiao gritted his teeth, and pinned Jun Yu's wrist, he did not give up and gave him another pulse.

"Damn it!" He pushed the tea cup aside, stood up and patted the table hard.

He looked at Jun Yu angrily: "Where's the medicine? The medicine that the crown prince of Wei gave you back then, and the medicine that this genius doctor made for you to suppress the evil poison in your body, did you take it on time?"

The poison in Jun Yu's body was not optimistic in the first place.

But seeing that he has not responded these days, everyone thought that the medicine had worked.

But when he felt his pulse just now, he found that the poison had gradually spread to his limbs and began to erode his heart.

If this continues, he will surely die within three months!

"The medicine has long been gone." Jun Yu raised his eyes, his dark pupils were filled with indifference.

"Then why didn't you tell this genius doctor earlier!" Yu Sheng was so angry that he clenched his teeth, he had never seen such a difficult patient!

"What's the use of telling you?" On Jun Yu's face, there was no other expression except calm.

Wei Guo only had one medicine primer, and if it was used up, it would be of no use to tell Yu Shengxiao.


Yu Shengxiao was screaming with anger at first, but after hearing Jun Yu's words, he was immediately discouraged and looked helpless.

After all, Jun Yu was right.

Up to now, he, the owner of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, has not found a real antidote to the evil poison, so he is ashamed to say it.

"Then with your physical condition, you shouldn't have gone into the river last night!" Thinking of this, Yu Shengxiao continued to rage.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Jun Yu lowered his eyes to hide the depth in his eyes.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "I don't have much time to accompany Yin'er."


Yusheng was angry, but couldn't find anything to refute Jun Yu, so she could only hold back her anger.

"Ah Yu, is there nothing Elder Tianji can do?" Shen Chuannan, who had been silent for a long time, slowly raised his head at this moment, looking at Jun Yu with a complicated expression.

The old man Tianji is so powerful, maybe he can know about the evil in A Yu?
Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, a strange emotion flashed in Jun Yu's black eyes.

He pursed his thin lips and did not speak for a long time.


"Princess, in a few days it will be the official enthronement ceremony of the emperor. Now the palace is empty, with neither concubine nor princess. As the princess of Chi Yan, you must be the eye of all people..."

Ji Xia said excitedly while feeding Yuan Deyin.

As the maids of the princess, they naturally hope that the princess will be dazzling.

Hearing Ji Xia's words, Yuan Deyin yawned, she took a bite of the grape boredly, and said inarticulately: "This princess doesn't want to attract attention, how tired I am..."

"By the way, why does master go to Jiuhuangshu's house these few days?" Yuan Deyin held his small face, and a little worry flashed in his clear eyes.

"The maidservant heard that it is because a grand ceremony will be held in a few days, and the prince wants to protect the safety of the entire capital, so he must be extremely concerned about preventing someone from poisoning. I guess I have been asking Doctor Jade about poison in the past few days."

Ji Xia picked up a new portion of grapes and said with a smile.

is it?

Yuan Deyin wrinkled her little face, which sounded quite reasonable, but for some reason, she felt a little uneasy.

She looked sideways at the delicious food on the table, and it was rare for the first time that she lost her appetite.

"By the way, how is Weiyang Academy? What about Sister Qingzhou and Sister Panrong?"

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin quickly turned to ask Cang Ling.

Cang Ling replied: "Return to the princess, because the enthronement ceremony will be in a few days, and the royal families from many countries will come to celebrate. So now the noble ladies are practicing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting hard at home, so that they can shine on the grand ceremony. Miss Yin is now..."

Cang Ling didn't say the last words, but Yuan Deyin understood.

It is estimated that Sister Pan Rong has been "tortured" at home by Mrs. Yin.


It sounds like this enthronement ceremony is quite exhausting.

Yuan Deyin shook his head, looking sleepy.

"Princess, would you like to prepare a dance or a piece of music? When the time comes to perform, you will surely amaze everyone."

Lan Qiu looked at Yuan Deyin with bright eyes.

The people who came to Chiyan this time were the royal families of various countries, and many of them belonged to princes and princes. It would be great if the princess can shine at the banquet.

Hearing Lan Qiu's words, Yuan Deyin shook his head frantically.

"No, it's too tiring to practice dancing and singing. This princess just wants to be a salted fish."

"The county master..."

Lan Qiu and the others looked at each other, feeling a headache.

The princess is so young, why does she want to be a salted fish?

"Princess, you don't know that although those people outside envy you for being the adopted daughter of the Tusu family, they are secretly mocking you." Lan Qiu said anxiously.

"What are you mocking the princess?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously, tilting his head.

"Of course it means that the emperor gave you this reward because he didn't want to marry you. What else... You were originally able to fly on a branch to be a phoenix, and to be Chi Yan's empress, but now, you want to reduce the dimensionality and attack you." ..."

Lan Qiu gritted her teeth, and relayed what she had heard.

In fact, there are some more ugly words.

Every word and every word was vicious, demoting the princess to the dust.

It was really hard for her to say it.

Is this how people outside look at her?Yuan Deyin frowned.

"Hmph, do they still think that if the princess doesn't become Chi Yan's queen, she should be lying in bed crying now?" Yuan Deyin said angrily.

"Princess, you, don't say that. As long as you shine this time and let the princes of other countries look at you, then you are also the empress, don't be sad..."

Lan Qiu and the others quickly comforted Yuan Deyin.

As a result, the more Yuan Deyin was comforted by them, the more she couldn't laugh or cry.

"You guys, don't you also feel sad that this princess can't become the emperor's brother's wife?" Yuan Deyin asked helplessly with a puffy face.

This time, Lan Qiu and the others did not speak, but their expressions had already told her the answer.

Yuan Deyin only felt her temples protruding.

She took a deep breath, and then said in a serious tone: "The princess is really not interested in the position of the queen, so it's fine now. Besides, the princess has nine emperor uncles, why must he be favored by other men , and then marry this princess!"

"Princess, the way back for a woman is to find a man who loves you. Although you are still young, you are the majestic Princess Deyin, and you are naturally worthy of a noble man. You are different from ordinary women only in that you When it comes to choosing a husband-in-law, you have more choices." Cang Ling patiently explained to Yuan Deyin.

"That's right, princess, you are so honorable, so you have to choose early to find the most honorable man who matches you."

"Although the prince is very kind to you now, it is different from your future husband's kindness." Ji Xiayu explained earnestly.

Yuan Deyin heard one head and two big.

She crossed her hips and asked angrily, "What's the difference?"

"It's just..." Ji Xia concluded, not knowing how to explain it for a while.

"That is, your future husband-in-law will have children with you, but the Ninth Prince will not be able to have children with you. Moreover, the Ninth Prince will also have a concubine in the future, and this palace will have a young son, the little princess. By then, the Ninth Prince will not have any children." There is a way to protect you..."

Cang Ling frowned, and explained to Yuan Deyin softly.

"But Uncle Nine Emperors said that he won't marry a concubine." Yuan Deyin lowered his head, his tone was lonely.

Suddenly at this time, a young man ran in hastily.

"Princess, there are people asking to see me at the door, and one of the women said that she is the prince's fiancee."

(End of this chapter)

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