Chapter 278 Humiliating Yuan Deyin

When the boy said this, Yuan Deyin and the maidservants all changed their expressions.

Yuan Deyin even felt that the sweetness of the grapes he ate just now had disappeared in his mouth, and it became a bit bitter.

"Are you sure, she means Uncle Nine Emperor's fiancee?" Yuan Deyin asked in a low voice, suppressing the shock and discomfort in her heart.

"Yes, the slave saw that the woman was noble, and there were several maidservants supporting her, so she reckoned that she should come from a noble family, so she must not be lying. By the way, the most important thing is that she also took out a jade pendant. There is the prince's identity mark on it, the slave will not admit it wrong." The servant replied respectfully.

There is even a jade pendant.

That's probably true.

But why does Nine Emperor Uncle have a fiancée?
Why has he never mentioned it.

He also said a few days ago that he would not marry.

He lied!
The more Yuan Deyin thought about it, the angrier and sadder he became.

But soon, she wanted to understand again.

In fact, he has nothing to do with Jiuhuangshu, he just takes care of her on her behalf.

They were neither related in genealogy nor related by blood.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is an outsider from the Prince Regent's House.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin felt even more bitter.

"Since she said she is the fiancee of Uncle Nine Emperors, you can report to Uncle Nine Emperors directly, instead of coming to the princess."

Yuan Deyin pursed her mouth, and she sat down on the chair, holding a fruit basket, with a dull expression.

This appearance of her frightened Cang Ling and the others.

They looked at each other, why did they feel that the princess seemed to be in a bad mood.

Why is this?
"Princess, Steward Dong has just gone to find the prince, but the prince is not in the mansion at this time. Right now, you are the only one who can make the decision in this mansion." The servant said anxiously.

It turned out to be so.

Hearing the boy's words, Yuan Deyin originally didn't want to meet people, but judging from the current situation, she had no choice but to show up.

She nodded slightly, with a helpless expression on her soft little face.

She ordered softly: "You let the girl go to the front hall, and prepare tea and food. The princess will arrive later. Remember, you must greet her well, and you must not neglect her."

Yuan Deyin's tone was full of seriousness.

If that girl is really Jiuhuangshu's fiancée, Jiuhuangshu will be unhappy if she neglects her.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes and pouted his mouth, and the suppressed emotions in his heart became even more difficult to express.

When Cang Ling and the others heard her words, they suddenly realized.

"That's right, princess, you should treat that girl well. If what she said is true, then she may be the future princess regent." Cang Ling said seriously.

Even the prince's jade pendant is there, so what is the future princess regent?
Although they were also wondering why the prince, who had never been close to women, suddenly had a fiancée, and the other party came to him.

But they thought about it, the prince has reached such an age this year, if it were any other prince, I'm afraid there would be no one knows how many concubines and children there are in the mansion now.

It is not surprising that the prince has a marriage contract.

After all, the Regent Palace must have a real master.

"Princess, as long as you have a good relationship with the future Prince Regent's Mansion, then the relationship between the future Prince Regent's Mansion and Prince Ji's Mansion must be as good as it is now."

Ji Xia said with a smile all over her face, she also had longing in her heart.

"My you want to have a good relationship with her?"

Yuan Deyin looked up a little helplessly, there was a layer of mist on her bright eyes, and her soft little face was a little dazed.

Her little hands stirred restlessly.

Cang Ling and the others thought she was worried that if the regent really got married, he would not treat her as well as he is now.

Cang Ling knelt down and helped her straighten the wrinkles on her sleeves with some distress.

"Princess, you don't have to worry. This servant sees that the prince treats you very differently. No matter whether he is married or not, he will definitely take care of you..."

"No..." Yuan Deyin frowned.

Her depression was not because she was worried about whether Uncle Jiuhuang would continue to take care of her.

She just...

Thinking that Uncle Nine Emperors would be standing next to a beautiful woman who was looking forward to with a smile, and they would become a beautiful couple, she felt a little stuffy in her heart and felt very uncomfortable.

What's wrong with her?

If Uncle Nine Emperors is really accompanied by his wife and can start a family and start a business, shouldn't she be happy?

Why are you still so depressed?
"Princess, princess..."

Seeing that Yuan Deyin hadn't responded for a long time, Cang Ling worriedly called her a few times.

"Huh?" Yuan Deyin came back to his senses, and met the worried eyes of Cang Ling and the others.

She shook her head quickly: "The Princess is fine, let's go see that girl right now."

"Princess, why don't I wash you up first." Cang Ling said softly.

She saw that there were not only crumbs of sweet-scented osmanthus cake but also traces of grape juice on the dress of their princess, and worried that she would be compared to that girl.

The Princess was originally fostered in the Prince Regent's Mansion. If she didn't dress up and go out, wouldn't she be looked down upon by others?

Seeing the worry in Cang Ling's eyes, Yuan Deyin shook her head lightly, and she smiled to comfort her: "Cang Ling, don't be nervous, this princess thinks it's good."

After finishing speaking, she lifted her skirt and went straight to the front hall.

The bells around my waist jingle...

Behind him, Wuying came out from the dark, and at this moment, he, who was always calm, began to grab his own hair in a disgruntled manner.

Strange, where did the prince come from for his fiancée?

Isn't the prince's favorite the princess?
These dark guards grew up with the prince since childhood.

Although the prince is young and mature, they can't figure out many thoughts.

But only the way the prince looked at the princess, they could guess what he was thinking.

Your lord, you put the princess on top of your heart.

Why is there still a fiancée emerging now.

They have been with the prince for so many years, and they have never heard of his engagement.

Is it...

Wuying didn't know what to think of, his heart tightened, and he looked worriedly at the back of Yuan Deyin who had just left.

"It seems that we must send a letter to the prince to let him come back as soon as possible."



A woman walked in slowly.

Her long black hair fell down around her waist like a waterfall, and the upper part was coiled into a bun. A jade hairpin inlaid with gemstones was inserted into it, and the beadwork hung on the side. It jingled and swayed as she walked. Hui.

The white floor-length dress slid across the ground, and the pink embroidery on the chest was lifelike.

There was a tulle hanging on her face, covering half of her small face, revealing only a pair of lively and quiet eyes.

Behind her were four maidservants, also wearing long white dresses, but the decorations on them were obviously much simpler.

Each of them held a sword, and they did not hide the disdain for the Prince Regent's Palace in their eyes.

"Miss, the installation of the Prince Regent's Mansion looks majestic and majestic, worthy of our Donghua Mountain. It's just that those servants are really dishonest." One of the maids said disdainfully.

Another maidservant at the side snorted coldly, her tone aggrieved: "That's right, our young lady is from Donghua Mountain. She was taught by Elder Tianji since she was a child. She is both the junior sister and fiancee of their Chiyan Regent King, and they are still married. It's ridiculous to ask an orphan girl's opinion before letting our eldest lady in!"

"That is, the princes of many countries want to marry our eldest lady, but our eldest lady is still unwilling. He only wants to abide by the marriage contract, but he did not expect that Jun Yu would let a little vixen enter the palace."

It was another maid who gritted her teeth and spoke.

Dongfang Lexuan didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end. After she sat down on the main seat, she kept her eyes closed.

That calm and elegant appearance is like a fairy who is not stained with the world.

Suddenly at this time, a slightly angry voice came in.

"Everyone, you speak wild words in the Prince Regent's Mansion, is this how you behave in Donghuashan?"

Soon, Butler Dong came in with a few servants.

He was late because of some things, so he couldn't entertain Dongfang Lexuan in time.

He still felt a little guilty, worried that he had neglected the distinguished guest.

After all, Donghua Mountain has a deep relationship with their princes.

But he never thought that when he rushed over in a hurry, he heard such ugly words from the other party.

Originally, he thought that the other party was from Donghua Mountain, so he should be more polite to the other party.

But the other party insulted the Prince Regent's House like that, and more importantly, scolded Princess Deyin, so don't blame him for being rude.

Dong Guanjia, who had already regarded Yuan Deyin as his half daughter in his heart, now looked angrily at the few people opposite him.

His questioning words just now were also very blunt.

"Hmph, you are the housekeeper of the Prince Regent's Mansion, but you are just a dog, and you deserve to talk to us like this?"

The maids beside Dongfang Zixuan spoke disdainfully, and they didn't even look at Steward Dong.

Because Mount Donghua is very prestigious in various countries, which country did they follow the eldest lady to, and who were they not respectful?
Now, a royal housekeeper is also worthy to accuse them?

"Hongying, don't disrespect Steward Dong."

Suddenly, Dongfang Lexuan opened her eyes, she frowned slightly, and looked at the maid with some disapproval in her eyes.

Her voice was soft and smooth, like a breeze.

After blaming her maidservant, she slowly turned around and smiled slightly at Steward Dong.

"It's Le Xuan's poor discipline that made the servant girl slip up. Le Xuan apologizes to you first. You are the Steward Dong of the Prince Regent's Mansion. Le Xuan once heard about you from Brother Jun Yu. His father, the queen, and the queen passed away early. You He is like a relative in his heart, he respects you, and Le Xuan naturally respects you."

Dongfang Lexuan's words were an attempt to bring her relationship with Steward Dong closer.

Steward Dong remained silent, his expression indifferent.

He sneered in his heart: This young lady of the East sounds like she is impeccable, and she seems to be easy to get along with.

However, his heart is also clear like a mirror, and he is not so easy to fool!
Those maidservants belonged to her, without her instruction, how would they dare to be so arrogant?
He noticed the coldness on Steward Dong's body.

Dongfang Lexuan smiled slightly, she looked away, and then sat quietly on the main seat, as if this was where she should sit.

She lightly tapped the table next to her with her white fingers, a look of disdain flashed in her eyes.

Butler Dong, she gave him a bit of disrespect because of brother Jun Yu, he really thought he was a thing, and dared to show her face!
Who is she, Dongfang Lexuan?

The eldest lady of Donghua Mountain, a few words with him with a pleasant face, is already a blessing he has cultivated in several lifetimes.

When she becomes the hostess of the Prince Regent's Mansion in the future, the first thing she will do is to get rid of this old fool who doesn't know what to do.

After thinking about it, the coldness in Dongfang Lexuan's eyes became even worse.

Just when the atmosphere was so quiet that it was weird, suddenly there were bursts of bells ringing.

Soon, a little girl with pigtails and bells walked in quickly.

The bell around her waist flickered.

The moment Yuan Deyin appeared, Steward Dong's stern face instantly became kind.

But I thought of the person who was still sitting on the main seat not far away.

He frowned fiercely, and he didn't want Yuan Deyin to appear at this time.

"Dong Butler." Yuan Deyin didn't notice Dong Butler's strange mood, and she greeted him immediately.

"I thought what a powerful girl she was, that she could live in the Prince Regent's Mansion. When I saw her today, she was just an uneducated and vulgar girl. Otherwise, why didn't she say hello when she saw our eldest lady, and instead talked to a servant?" Say hello."

Hongying beside Dongfang Lexuan spoke again, the sarcasm in her words was not concealed at all.

And Dongfang Lexuan just sat there quietly, not intending to reprimand Hongying at all.

Miss Yuan's delicate face was originally full of obedient smiles, but after hearing Hongying's words, she turned her head quickly, and her clear eyes were stained with anger.

She just looked at Hongying like this.

"Dong Steward is an elder, not a servant." She retorted Hongying angrily.

"Butler, aren't you just a servant? Could it be that you have been in the country for a long time, and you don't know how to be superior? A servant will be a servant for the rest of his life!"

Hongying crossed her arms and spoke in a disdainful tone.

"You..." Yuan Deyin's face flushed with anger.

She clenched her fists.

Taking a deep breath, she glanced at the silent Dongfang Lexuan from the corner of her eye.

Although she didn't know Dongfang Lexuan's background, she probably wasn't a good person for letting her maidservant be so arrogant.

"My princess once read in a book that some people, the more they lack something, they like to show off. You have been satirizing Steward Dong's identity, not because you are a servant in the first place, and you have a very good life. Sad servant."

"Also, you satirized this princess for being uneducated, and you act like you are insulting others with your mouth and mouth. I'm afraid you don't even know how to write the word 'education'!"

It is rare for Yuan Deyin to be so angry at others, but today, Hongying did arouse her anger.

"What a glib mouth, do you know who we are?" Zi Qing beside Hongying stared at Yuan Deyin with a gloomy face.

"Who are you?" Yuan Deyin raised his head and asked without fear.

"Listen well, our eldest lady is the eldest lady of Donghua Mountain!" Ziqing said arrogantly.

She originally thought that Yuan Deyin would be scared after hearing this.

But who knew, Yuan Deyin turned around and asked Steward Dong in a very serious tone: "Where is Donghua Mountain? Is it a place for dogs?"


Butler Dong couldn't help laughing out loud.

The princess's words... are really heartbreaking.

"Well, yes, there are quite a few dogs, and the dogs try to bully people."

Steward Dong was very kind, he not only nodded, but also helped Yuan Deyin explain with a serious look.

This time, not only the four servant girls were mad, but even Dongfang Lexuan was so angry that her face turned crooked.

This Yuan Deyin and Dong Butler clearly called the Donghuashan people dogs!
Dongfang Lexuan cast a venomous look at Hongying, Hongying immediately reacted.

Hongying sneered, then looked at Yuan Deyin with disdain and said, "You are young and uneducated, our lady is too lazy to argue with you. But you have to remember, the mistress of this palace will soon be my lady, If you are sensible, you'd better get out by yourself and don't stay here."

Hearing Hongying say what she wanted to say, a knowing smile appeared on Dongfang Lexuan's cold face.

In her opinion, it's not enough for her to deal with something like Yuan Deyin herself.

Facing the arrogant Hongying and the others, Yuan Deyin just wrinkled her face, and she looked at each other neither humble nor overbearing.

Why did Uncle Nine Emperors have a marriage contract with such a woman?She sighed silently in her heart.

At this moment, an unknown servant shouted anxiously, "My lord is back."

The sound of "The prince is back" attracted the attention of several people in the hall.

Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up, and she turned around quickly.

Dongfang Lexuan's fingers tightened slightly, her red lips curled up slightly, and her resentful face became a little more shy.

But she didn't intend to stand up, but sat on the chair pretending to be shy.

Because in her opinion, Jun Yu was not at the mansion, but now he hurried back.

It must be because he heard the news that she came to the palace.

He came back to meet her in such a hurry, so why did she stand up in a hurry to meet him?
How cheap it looks!
Over there, a tall black figure stepped across the threshold.

"Uncle Nine Emperors."

When the little girl saw the familiar handsome face of Uncle Nine Emperors, she felt that her entire sky lit up.

She rushed towards him quickly, and the sound of the bell ringing around her waist set off her joyful mood.

"Be careful." Jun Yu quickly took a few steps forward, carefully catching her, for fear that she would fall.

(End of this chapter)

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