The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 279 Threatening Jun Yu, You Must Marry Dongfang Lexuan

Chapter 279 Threatening Jun Yu, You Must Marry Dongfang Lexuan
Seeing that Yuan Deyin didn't care about the difference between men and women at all, she threw herself directly into Jun Yu's arms.

Dongfang Lexuan's smile under the veil gradually cooled down, and her fairy-like gentle expression also became vicious.

This little bitch is really shameless.

The maidservants beside her had the same thoughts as her.

Ziqing gritted her teeth and sarcastically said, "It's really immoral. You don't learn well at a young age, and you actually throw yourself into the arms of a man. Sure enough, it's like this without parents."


When Yuan Deyin heard Ziqing's sarcastic words, she turned her head quickly, and anger appeared in her clear eyes.

Isn't it enough for these people to scold her?
She even scolded her father, queen, mother and concubine together!
Yuan Deyin gritted her teeth, her eyes were slightly red, and she wanted to fight back.

But before she could make a sound, Nine Emperor Uncle beside her suddenly called out coldly: "Wuxi."

"Subordinates obey."

Soon, a gust of wind passed them.

Dongfang Lexuan felt her heart tense, she wanted to stop her, but it was too late.

Wu Xi's slap fell directly on Ziqing's body.

Ziqing took a few steps back in embarrassment, then clutched her chest and spat out a mouthful of blood.

She wanted to raise her head, but found that she couldn't lift the strength to make a single movement.

How arrogant he was just now is how embarrassing he is now.

"Ziqing." Hongying hurried over to help her.

"Brother Jun Yu, isn't this a little too much for you?"

Dongfang Lexuan finally couldn't maintain her calm appearance, she stood up, clenched her fists, her eyes gleamed slightly.

She clutched her chest, with a look of grief, ready to fall at any time, as if Jun Yu was a heinous heartbreaker.

"She dared to speak disrespectfully to Yin'er, King Ji, and Princess Ji. It is the greatest kindness for me not to kill her directly."

When Jun Yu heard Dongfang Lexuan's questioning, he sneered, his cold eyes fell on her with disdain, and he spoke indifferently.

Hearing Jun Yu's merciless words, Dongfang Lexuan's face became more and more ugly.

She bit her lower lip and asked incredulously, "Brother Jun Yu, you..."

"When did this king have a royal sister, and when did this king become your elder brother? Miss Dongfang, don't get involved with this king. This king hates people who seek relationships the most."

This time, Dongfang Lexuan didn't even have a chance to finish her sentence, and Jun Yu mercilessly blocked her words.

Dongfang Lexuan's expression froze again, her body was shaking, she didn't know if it was because of anger or grief.

Only when the nails cut her fingers and the blood was mottled could she wake up a lot.

She took a deep breath before suppressing her desire to kill.

She smiled and looked at Jun Yu expectantly, as if she had turned back into that untainted little fairy again.

"You don't want me to call you 'Brother Jun Yu', so how about I call you senior brother? After all, our masters are all old men."

Hearing her mention of Old Man Tianji, Jun Yu's cold expression seemed to fluctuate a bit.

Seeing that Jun Yu did not refute her words, Dongfang Lexuan was overjoyed, she knew that her chance had come.

She bit her lower lip and continued to say softly: "Brother, we have known each other for many years, although I came here uninvited this time, you don't want to be so alienated from me..."

"My king remembers that the master only has one apprentice, this king. Where did this king get his junior sister?"

Just when Dongfang Lexuan thought that Jun Yu would be kind to her, Jun Yu's eyes suddenly darkened, and his tone was sharp and indifferent.

"I..." Dongfang Lexuan blushed with resentment.

Why doesn't he give any face to the senior brother, they obviously knew each other a long time ago, didn't they?

She remembered that when he was on Donghua Mountain, although he always looked aloof and dignified, and treated her indifferently, he never confronted her like today.

Could it be...

Is it all because of Yuan Deyin?
Thinking of this, Dongfang Lexuan took a deep breath, and hated Yuan Deyin more and more in her heart.

This damned orphan girl, her existence is the biggest threat!

The killing intent flashed in Dongfang Lexuan's eyes.

"This king's Regent's Palace can't accommodate your big Buddha, come and send Miss Dongfang out." Jun Yu ordered in a cold voice.

Although he said he wanted to "send" people away, anyone could tell that Jun Yu wanted to drive people away.

He is so cruel!Dongfang Lexuan was so angry that her eyes turned red.

At this moment, an ethereal voice sounded behind Jun Yu.

"Master, I never thought that you would not welcome your junior sister so much."

this sound.

When Jun Yu heard this voice, his expression froze, and he turned around quickly.

Then I saw a familiar face.

His cold face can be regarded as a bit undulating, and his awe-inspiring eyes are also a bit warm.

"Master, why are you here?"

His tone was relaxed, and he looked at the other party with respect in his expression.


Yuan Deyin followed his gaze and looked over.

Then I saw a man in plain robes walking in.

His face is extremely resolute, but his eyes are ethereal, as if it contains everything in this world, making it difficult for people to see clearly.

A few strands of white hair fell down his forehead, and Yuan Deyin could see clearly that the hair behind him was all white.

However, his face didn't have any wrinkles, and he looked like he was only in his 30s.

It's completely like a fairy.

Sensing Yuan Deyin's scrutinizing eyes, old man Tianji's faint eyes slowly swept across her body.

Seeing the other person's eyes, Yuan Deyin's throat itched, and he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

For some reason, she saw her dislike in the other person's eyes.

However, when she thought that this person was the master of Uncle Nine Emperors, she also jumped a little bit with joy.

She remembered Master Shen told her that Uncle Nine Emperors grew up beside Old Man Tianji.

During the years when the Nine Emperor Uncle's evil poison broke out, it was the old man Tianji who helped him suppress the evil poison.

Therefore, the old man Tianji can be regarded as the reborn parents of Uncle Jiuhuang, and Uncle Jiuhuang respects him very much.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin smiled obediently, and wanted to say hello to the other party.

But she just opened her mouth, and the old man Tianji withdrew his gaze indifferently, and didn't look at her any more.

He also stretched out his hand and waved to Dongfang Lexuan.

"Xuan'er, come here as a teacher." His voice to Dongfang Lexuan was a little gentle.

Hearing his call, Dongfang Lexuan walked past Yuan Deyin like a proud peacock, and then walked in front of him.


The master is also the master of Dongfang Lexuan?
A bit of emotion flashed across Jun Yu's dark eyes.

He remembered that when he left Donghua Mountain, the master only had him as an apprentice.

At that time, the master said that he only wanted to accept one apprentice.So even if the master thinks that Jun Zhouhan Miaozi is also good, he is just cultivating him patiently, but he does not accept him as an apprentice.

As for Dongfang Lexuan, he also remembered.

At the beginning, her father, Dongfang Chu, went to the master's residence repeatedly, just to let the master accept her as an apprentice.

What the master did at the time was that Dongfang Lexuan could go to him every month. He taught her martial arts, but he didn't want to accept her as his apprentice.

Then why now...

"Since everyone in the world says 'time has passed and circumstances have changed', the idea of ​​being a teacher will definitely change. Xuan'er is the smartest girl I have ever met. It is not enough for a teacher to teach her what he has learned all his life and accept her as an apprentice. strange."

Old Man Tianji said calmly as if he could see through Jun Yu's thoughts.

In the end, he glanced at Jun Yu, and asked indifferently, "Could it be that you don't want to?"

"How many apprentices the master is willing to accept is the master's wish, and the apprentices have no objection." Jun Yu lowered his head and replied in a deep voice.

For his respected master, Jun Yu was also patient enough.

Old Man Tianji nodded, seemingly satisfied with Junyu's answer.

"Brother, from now on, the younger sister will have to rely on you to take care of her."

Dongfang Lexuan raised her chin, and there was a bit of indescribable emotion in her twinkling eyes.

However, when her eyes swept over Yuan Deyin's body, her expression was a little more embarrassing and provocative.

Yuan Deyin could naturally see Dongfang Lexuan's expression, but she just shrugged and didn't take any action.

She obediently stood by the side, trying not to let herself affect Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Master, I don't know why you went down the mountain this time." Jun Yu raised his eyes and asked seriously.

"I received an invitation from Han'er to come down the mountain to participate in his enthronement ceremony. I just wanted to meet you when I arrived in the capital ahead of time. There are some things that I have to tell you in advance..."

The old man Tianji spoke softly.

His tone was so flat that there were no waves, as if everything in this world was out of his concern.

"Master, please tell me."

Jun Yu opened his mouth, but his brows were slightly wrinkled.

For some reason, he always felt that what Master said next would definitely be beyond his expectations.

"Do you still remember what my teacher told you when you were determined to go back to Beijing?" Elder Tianji first asked him such a question.

Although Jun Yu didn't understand the intention of his master's question, he still answered seriously: "I must remember that my apprentice resolutely left Donghua Mountain at that time, which was a violation of your careful teaching, master. At that time, you said that if the apprentice Let's go, although we still have the name of master and apprentice, from now on, regardless of life or death, my apprentice has nothing to do with Donghua Mountain and you..."

At the end, Jun Yu's black eyes slowly sank, and his tone was a bit depressed.

Speaking of this matter, he also felt ashamed of his master.

I disregarded my master's persuasion and wanted to go back to Beijing, which actually hurt my master's heart.

But back then, the emperor's brother was under the enemy's back and forth, Chi Yan's situation was not optimistic, and there was no one available in the imperial court.

Brother Huang really had no choice, so he wrote a letter to summon him back.

Although he was young, to Chi Yan at that time, he was the only person the emperor brother could trust.

Steward Dong was originally silent, but when he heard their lord talking about the past, he quickly raised his head with complicated expressions in his eyes.

He sighed inwardly.

It turned out that the prince had experienced such a thing back then.

To him, old man Tianji was already half a father, but because of Chi Yan, he almost cut off contact with his father, how uncomfortable he must be.

The prince has come to this day, although he is young, he has already endured things that others can hardly bear in his entire life.

Yuan Deyin also noticed that Jiuhuangshu was depressed.

She bit her lower lip, feeling a little lonely.

She tugged on Uncle Jiuhuang's sleeve carefully, comforting him silently.

Realizing that his sleeve was being pulled, Jun Yu caught sight of her worried face from the corner of his eye, and his expression became much gentler.

Old man Tianji's eyes are so sharp, when Yuan Deyin made a small move, he noticed it immediately.

There was a layer of mist rolling in his bottomless eyes.

But soon, that layer of mist disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared before.

"Then do you still remember what you promised to be a teacher at that time?"

The old man Tianji asked casually, although his tone was gentle, but if you listen carefully, you can still hear the feeling of pressing step by step.

"Apprentice naturally remembers. At that time, Apprentice gave you a jade pendant. You are the master of Apprentice. In the future, as long as you send that jade pendant to Chi Yan, Apprentice will definitely go through fire and water for you. Whatever you ask, Apprentice will be there for you." Realized." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.


Steward Dong and Yuan Deyin raised their heads in shock at the same time. Could this jade pendant be that jade pendant?
Only then did they doubt it in their hearts. Over there, old man Tianji nodded with satisfaction.

He said: "Xuan'er, take out the jade pendant."

Dongfang Lexuan had been listening to what Jun Yu and Old Man Tianji had to say. Now that Old Man Tianji asked her to take out the jade pendant, she hurriedly took out the crystal clear jade pendant that had been in her bosom.

When he saw clearly the word "Yu" on the jade pendant, Jun Yu's black eyes flickered slightly, and his thin lips were pursed into a straight line.

"Master, why is the disciple's jade pendant in her hand? Do you have anything to do?" Jun Yu looked into the eyes of the old man Tianji and asked.

Master would not go down the mountain for no reason, let alone ask him so many questions and do so many futile things for no reason.

So there must be something important for him to do.

After staring at Jun Yu's black eyes for a long time, old man Tianji slowly retracted his eyes.

In the quiet front hall, his indifferent voice suddenly sounded, "As a teacher, I want you to marry Xuan'er."


Although he didn't know why Master made such a request, Jun Yu immediately refused.

Yuan Deyin and Dong Butler beside him also looked at each other in blank dismay.

It turned out that Dongfang Lexuan claimed to be the fiancee of the prince (Nine Emperors), and that was the reason.

Strange, why did Old Man Tianji make such a request?

"Yu'er, didn't you say that you can do whatever you want as a teacher."

Old Man Tianji lowered his hand slowly, the heavy aura released from his body was all on the surface.

He is angry.

But Jun Yu didn't show the slightest sign of fear, he clasped his hands together, and looked fearlessly at Old Man Tianji with his black eyes.

"Master, the apprentice can fulfill all your other requirements, but this is the only one that I'm sorry. The apprentice will never marry Dongfang Lexuan."

Jun Yu's words were calm and powerful, and his eyes were firmer than ever before.

Listening to his words, old man Tianji's hard-to-see eyes darkened slightly.

Dongfang Lexuan almost gritted her teeth.

Master has said so, why is Brother Jun Yu still unwilling to marry him!Does he despise her!
She is Dongfang Lexuan!

While the little girl's ears were pricked up, her eyes were shining brightly.

For some reason, when Uncle Jiuhuang said that he was unwilling to marry Dongfang Lexuan, her heart skipped a beat.

Those suppressed emotions just now disappeared in this instant.

(End of this chapter)

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