The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 280 Scorpio Lone Star, No One Can Protect It

Chapter 280 Scorpio Lone Star, No One Can Protect It
Seeing the air pressure around him getting lower and lower, he was worried about hurting the little girl.

Jun Yu looked sideways, and said in a deep voice to Wu Xi: "Wu Xi, send the princess back to rest first."

Wu Xi could guess his mind in an instant.

"Subordinates obey."

Yuan Deyin frowned, she knew that Uncle Jiuhuang was worried about her, but at this moment she wanted to know more about him and Donghuashan than ever before.

However, when she met Shang Jiuhuangshu's deep eyes, she immediately compromised.

Uncle Jiuhuang now wants to communicate with his respected master, and it may be difficult, so she shouldn't stay and be his burden.

After thinking about it, she nodded seriously: "Well, Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is going back first."

Before Yuan Deyin left, he did not forget to salute respectfully to old man Tianji.

However, the indifferent old man Tianji never looked at her.

After Yuan Deyin left, old man Tianji's eyes fell on Jun Yu again.

He spoke with a disapproving tone, "Yu'er, why don't you want to marry Xuan'er, she is Donghuashan's legitimate daughter. If you marry her, she will only be your biggest help."

Even though Dongfang Lexuan was right next to him, old man Tianji didn't mind at all, he was outspoken.

And Dongfang Lexuan didn't feel offended at all, instead she looked at Jun Yu with approval.

The men all over the world ask her to marry her because of her beauty, talent, and martial arts, and because of the power of Donghua Mountain behind her.

But in her opinion, this is her confidence.

May I ask how many women in the world can have such confidence as hers?

Jun Yu should have agreed to marry her without hesitation, after all... they are a good match, aren't they?

"Tu'er say it again, Tu'er will never marry Dongfang Lexuan."

Jun Yu spoke firmly again, his momentum this time was stronger than last time.

Now, the old man Tianji's complexion completely sank, and he still didn't have the appearance of the immortal spirit at the beginning.

Dongfang Lexuan was rejected again, she felt that her haughty face had been ripped off.

She gritted her teeth and asked indignantly: "Brother, why do you look down on me? I am not good enough for you! You don't want to marry me, do you want to marry other women?"

"This king will not marry other women, and naturally, he will not marry you either."

Jun Yu never looked at Dongfang Lexuan, his tone was both indifferent and firm.

"You don't want to marry Xuan'er, do you want to marry Yuan Deyin?"

Old Man Tianji looked at Jun Yu and said the words directly.

After the voice fell, the entire front hall fell into a deadly silence.

The old man Tianji looked at Jun Yu with deep and unpredictable eyes.

Dongfang Lexuan staggered back a few steps as if she had been hit hard.

Damn it, it really is that little vixen!

She was only separated from her senior brother for a few years, and he was seduced by that little vixen.

Yuan Deyin, you must die!
"You can't marry her, this is an order from the teacher." Old Man Tianji's aura was released, and his tone was unquestionable.

Old Man Tianji's skill is unfathomable. At this time, he unreservedly released his inner strength and aura, and the people around him instantly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Dongfang Lexuan, who was closest to him, staggered a few times. It was the four maidservants who mobilized their inner strength to protect her at the same time, so that she didn't fall down in embarrassment.

The servants of the surrounding palace couldn't take it anymore, and they vomited blood.

However, facing the coercion of old man Tianji, Jun Yu's tall body stood there, and his calm eyes met him.

The two looked at each other, neither of them spoke, they were engaged in a silent confrontation.

After a long time, Jun Yu finally spoke, his voice was hoarse and tired.

"Master, she is the only person the disciple wants. Please, don't let the disciple be alone for the rest of his life."

Jun Yu's words were powerful and firm.


Old Man Tianji's face changed suddenly, he didn't expect that Jun Yu would start to "threat" him.

Does he mean that if he can't marry Yuan Deyin in this life, will he be alone for the rest of his life?

Behind him, Steward Dong had a complicated expression.

The little princess has such an important position in the prince's heart, but why is the old man Tianji pressing so hard?

What should the prince do?
Dongfang Lexuan was originally shaken by the internal force of Old Man Tianji, causing her internal organs to ache and her throat to be fishy and sweet.

She held it down so tightly that she didn't let the blood spit out.

However, when she stood up straight and heard Jun Yu's words, she staggered a few more steps, and the smell of blood in her mouth became stronger.

"Hmph, my life is almost gone, and I still want to spend my whole life with her. With your appearance, you can only live for three months at most." Old Man Tianji looked at Jun Yu with a slightly ironic expression.

He, he really can see through the prince's physical condition.

Steward Dong looked up in shock again.

He had already heard about the prince's physical condition from Doctor Yu, and he was in tears for the past few nights.

The prince has lived hard until now. He has not yet married a wife and had children. Now he only has three months to live.

Before Empress Puyang passed away, she repeatedly told him to take good care of the prince, but now he was about to be unable to protect the prince.

Therefore, in the past few days, he has not slept soundly one day, and only thinks of ways to save the prince.

Now, he heard that old man Tianji could see through Wang Ye's physical condition at a glance.

He suddenly remembered that when the prince first went to Donghua Mountain, the evil poison was the most overbearing in his body. It was the old man Tianji who used his own method to help him suppress the evil poison.

Doesn't that mean that old man Tianji actually has a way to save the prince?

"Old Man Tianji, I beg you, old slave, please save our prince."

Steward Dong, with tears in his eyes, planned to kneel down to old man Tianji.

"Dong Butler." Jun Yu called Dong Butler sharply, and he quickly turned around to support Dong Butler.

After doing this, he turned his head and looked at Old Man Tianji with a pair of deep eyes complicatedly: "Master, what do you want to do with this disciple?"

"It's very simple. Although the poison on your body is more domineering than before, as a teacher, there is still a way to suppress it for a period of time, which can save your life for a few more years." Old Man Tianji said lightly.

Dongfang Lexuan was panicked when she heard that Jun Yu was going to die in three months.

She quickly grabbed Old Man Tianji's sleeve, and said with red eyes, "Master, please save Senior Brother."

Elder Tianji glanced at her sideways, and said calmly, "As a teacher, you can save him. The only requirement is that he marry you."

"Brother, please promise Master quickly, you are still so young, you can't lose your life for nothing for that country girl." Dongfang Lexuan turned her head to look at Jun Yu, and said in a sad tone.

Jun Yu's expression was calm at first, but when he heard Dongfang Lexuan's "country country girl", his expression sank.

"Today, for Master's sake, I don't care about you. If I hear you insulting Yin'er again next time, I will take your life." Jun Yu said ruthlessly.


Dongfang Lexuan's eyes were very red, she was angry and jealous.

She was angry because she was the daughter of Donghua Mountain, what man did she want, and Jun Yu threatened to take her life?

She was jealous because Yuan Deyin, a country girl, was able to get such protection from Jun Yu.

It would be great if the protected person was her.

Thinking of this, she became more determined in her heart that she wanted to replace Yuan Deyin's position in Jun Yu's heart.

"My lord..."

Steward Dong was behind him, and called out to Jun Yu in a complicated tone.

Frankly speaking, after hearing the old man Tianji tell the prince the condition, he hesitated in his heart.

He watched the prince grow up, so he naturally hoped that the prince would be healthy and live a long life, and he would not send a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

However, he also understands the prince, if he can't even protect the people he cares about, if he can't even get what he wants, then he... living is more painful than dying.

The entangled emotions have been tormenting Butler Dong, and his brows are about to pinch a few flies to death.

All eyes fell on Jun Yu, waiting for his answer.

And Jun Yu said almost without thinking: "Master, this king will not accept your suggestion."

This is the first time that Jun Yu calls himself "the king" in front of the old man Tianji, which also represents his tough attitude.

The old man Tianji sneered a few times in anger.

"Sure enough, he is a good apprentice for the teacher. This temper is tough enough. You'd better be so tough forever. Xuan'er, let's go."


Dongfang Lexuan shouted unwillingly.

I haven't been able to persuade my brother to marry her yet, so why did my master let her go?

"Why, don't you listen to the teacher's words?" Old Man Tianji turned his head, staring at Dongfang Lexuan with his eyes.

Dongfang Lexuan is in Donghua Mountain, and she is not even afraid of her father.

The only one I fear the most is Old Man Tianji.

Especially when old man Tianji was staring at her calmly with those obscure and unpredictable eyes, she would feel extremely uneasy.

She suppressed her emotions and nodded obediently: "Master, you misunderstood, this disciple will go back immediately."

Seeing that she had come down obediently, old man Tianji looked away.

He flicked his sleeves, turned and left directly.

But when he passed by Jun Yu, his footsteps stopped and his voice became much colder.

"Yuan Deyin is the lone star of Tiansha. If you insist on protecting her, the price is not something you can afford."

"Master, I don't know fate, I just need to know that she is the person I want to protect. If Master wants to hurt her, I will never allow it."

Jun Yu stared at Old Man Tianji without flinching.

"Okay, okay, very good. Then as a teacher, I want to see how you can protect a lone star of the evil spirit!"

Old man Tianji, this time he just walked away in a huff.

In Jun Yu's memory, although old man Tianji can't be said to be kind, he will always look like he has settled down.

He has never paid attention to external affairs, so he is naturally neither sad nor happy, nor angry.

Why was he so resistant to Yin'er's matter, and even got angry?
Jun Yu looked at the back of old man Tianji leaving, although his expression was cold, but there was a little more worry that he didn't even realize.

"My lord..." Steward Dong called Jun Yu worriedly.

"Send someone to follow Master to see where he is staying, and send some people to take care of him in the mansion. Master has been isolated from the world for many years, and he may not be used to everything in the outside world." Jun Yu said coldly.

Butler Dong sighed silently.

In fact, no matter how the prince confronted old man Tianji just now, he actually respected old man Tianji in his heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have worried that old man Tianji would not adapt to life outside, and would even send people from the palace to take care of him.

"The old slave complies."

I hope that the next time we meet, the relationship between old man Tianji and the prince can be eased a little.


Jun Yu was dressed in court clothes, he and Shen Chuannan walked quickly outside the palace at the same time, behind him followed Yu Shengxiao step by step, but suddenly at this moment, a soft voice sounded from behind them.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, wait a moment."

Hearing the familiar voice, Jun Yu quickly turned around.

As a result, he saw the little girl combing the book boy's hair, wearing a small version of the book boy's clothes, and trotting towards him.

"Yin'er, why are you dressed like this?" Jun Yu frowned.

"In the past few days, envoys from other countries have started to enter the capital one after another. Uncle Nine Emperors is so busy that Deyin doesn't have time to see you, so I have to dress up like this and follow you."

The little girl grabbed his sleeve, as if she was unwilling to let go.

Jun Yu pressed his eyebrows helplessly, but when he spoke to the little girl, his tone was extremely patient.

He leaned over, looked into her clear eyes, and softened his voice.

"Yin'er, there will be mixed fish and dragons in the capital these few days. Be obedient, it's safest to stay in the palace."

"Deyin knew that it was not safe for her to appear as the princess, so she pretended to be a servant and followed you." The little girl explained solemnly.

"Yin'er..." Jun Yu's tone became a little more serious.

At other times, he would definitely let her do whatever she wanted.

But now are special times.

Not to mention that other countries are staring at Chi Yan, staring at him, even she has become the focus of attention of other countries.

Besides, Wu Xi found out that Master, Dongfang Lexuan, and the group of Dongfang Chu who came later also stayed at the inn.

Although the master has not taken any action yet, he still can't let go of his worries.

Of course, there is another, more important reason.

His physical condition is getting worse and worse. If she is by his side, she will definitely notice something with such a smart temper.

He doesn't want her to worry.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin will protect herself." Yuan Deyin's tone was a bit more serious, it was the first time she showed such a willful look in front of him.

Jun Yu had a headache, he looked sideways at Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao, and wanted them to help persuade them.

But Yu Shengxiao is a person who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. He fanned the jade bone fan, picked his peach blossom eyes, and said cheerfully: "Jun Yu, let Xiao Deyin go with you, there are so many of us." People, can't you protect her alone?"

"Uncle Nine Emperors..." The little girl's voice softened, she tugged on his sleeve, her voice was pitiful, her eyes were covered with mist, like an abandoned deer.

Seeing her like this, Jun Yu couldn't say the heavy words that just came to his lips.

He sighed silently, and finally said in a deep voice: "Follow, follow behind me, don't run around."

He didn't know how long he could be with her, so let him be greedy once, take her by his side, and see her more.

"Okay." When the little girl heard that he agreed, her eyes were instantly brightened. She quickly ran out, climbed into the carriage, and the bell around her waist jingled.

"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, this is the candy made by Deyin. I don't know if it tastes good. You can try it for Deyin."

Before the little girl got into the carriage, she suddenly turned around and carefully took out a box from her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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