Chapter 281 Envoys Entering Beijing
Open the box, there are many round candies inside.

Seeing this, Yu Shengxiao couldn't help laughing.

"Xiao Deyin, haven't you given up on your appalling cooking skills? You still cook food. Do you want to poison your Nine Emperor Uncle? Also, your Nine Emperor Uncle hates sweets the most. Don't you know!"

"The little princess is still a child, you laugh at her again!"

Yu Shengxiao wanted to laugh at first, but he didn't look like a master at all. As a result, Shen Chuannan, who had been silent beside him, gave a warning look.

He was so scared that he quickly closed his mouth, not daring to laugh anymore.

"Princess, this candy looks pretty good, can you try one as well?" Shen Chuannan asked Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Yuan Deyin knew that Mr. Shen wanted to encourage her. At other times, she would have handed him the candies very quickly, but these candies...

She frowned slightly, showing some hesitation.

Jun Yu was right in front of her, so her small movements naturally couldn't escape her.

Yin'er is hesitant, is it because he is the only one to eat this candy?
Something flashed in his eyes, Jun Yu quickly reached out and took the whole box.

He said lightly: "Yu Shengxiao made a mistake, this king likes sweet things the most."

After speaking, he put a piece of candy into his mouth without blinking his eyes.

The strange thing is that when the sugar is put in the mouth, there is no sweetness as expected, it is a bit fragrant, and there is also a faint bitter taste.

Not bad at all...

After crushing the candy and swallowing it, Jun Yu could even feel a warm current flowing down from his chest, and his pain caused by the evil poison in the past few days has also been slightly reduced a lot.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, how are you?" The little girl clenched her fingers slightly, and she looked at him nervously.

Jun Yu pursed his thin lips silently, and from the corner of his vision, he saw that there were many large and small scars on her white and tender hands, and there was a faint blue shadow under her big dark eyes.

He remembered, and Wuying reported to him that the oil lamp in the little girl's room had been on all night for the past few nights.

She must have stayed up for several days and nights to make these candies.

No, it's not sugar!

Jun Yu's dark eyes flashed a little deep.

The little girl lied to him.

This is clearly medicine!
No wonder he felt that the taste of this "sugar" was a bit familiar just now, there was a taste in it, very similar to the medicine that Yu Shengxiao had boiled for him these days.

He thought that he could hide the outbreak of his evil poison very well, but he didn't know that the little girl's heart is as clear as a mirror.

She knew he didn't want her to know, so she "lied" him in this way.


She "cheats" and doesn't take it seriously. Wherever there is sugar is bitter, can't she put a little sugar?
Jun Yu's black eyes that used to be cold were a little bit astringent at this moment.

He raised his head, rubbed the little girl's head lightly, and said softly: "It's delicious, this is the best candy this king has ever eaten."

Yu Shengxiao was walking to the carriage behind at this time, and while walking, he fanned his fan leisurely and muttered: "Just a piece of candy, how delicious can it be? Hmph, is this the one that appears in the eyes of the lover in the legend?" Xi Shi? Sigh, this genius doctor wants to eat it."

"Here you are." Suddenly, Shen Chuannan took out a bag of candies wrapped in oiled paper from his sleeve.

"Huh? Why do you have this too?" Yu Shengxiao looked at Shen Chuannan in shock.

"Take it." Shen Chuannan didn't bother to explain, he directly stuffed the oiled paper bag into Yu Shengxiao's hand, and spoke without doubt.


"I heard that the emperor Chi Yan enthroned this time is also Jun Yu's nephew. Brother Huang, do you think Jun Yu is really so indifferent to power that he has let others sit on that dragon chair several times in a row?"

A dozen or so carriages with Xichuan flags entered the gate of the capital first.

The long curtain on the leading carriage hung down, and there were two people sitting in the carriage.

Murong Wei lowered her head and was fiddling with a secret letter her father gave her, and cast a sideways glance at Murong Rui who was sitting opposite her.

Murong Rui looked down at the book, his handsome brows always maintained an expression of desire and desire.

Hearing Murong Wei's words, his expression did not change.

He just said lightly: "This king has never been in contact with him, but in this world, there are many people who have different pursuits. If they don't understand, it doesn't mean they don't exist."

After he said these words, Murong Wei sneered directly.

"Brother Dahuang really has a good mind. No wonder Father also named you the idle king. He is indifferent to fame and wealth, and does not pursue power... It's really good."

Murong Wei just stared at Murong Rui and spoke, her eyes were sharp and scorching, trying to see some tricks in Murong Rui's body.

But after staring at each other for a long time, Murong Rui still didn't seem to notice. He calmly flipped through the book and read, as if the beating words she said didn't exist at all.

Murong Wei withdrew her eyes, and a bit of cruelty flashed in her eyes.

Murong Rui, you'd better not be so envious of the powerful all the time, if you let this princess know that you covet the position of the prince of the fifth emperor brother, this princess and the queen mother will definitely send you to see Lord Yan in person.

Xichuan's royal family is the Murong family.

Murong Rui is the child of the first daughter of the former empress Zhou's family.

At that time, the Zhou family and the emperor were talented and beautiful, and the whole country celebrated on the day when they were crowned queens.

But who knew that seven years later, the Zhou clan would raise their troops to rebel.

In order to persuade her father and brother to retreat, Queen Zhou killed herself on the city gate.

After the death of Queen Zhou, Emperor Xichuan was extremely sad.

Although the Zhou family was captured alive, in order to apologize for the death of Queen Zhou, he let them go, but exiled them.

At that time, Empress Zhou's son Murong Rui was only seven years old.

Murong Rui was made a prince when he was four years old.

But because the Zhou family implicated him, he was deposed on the same day his mother committed suicide.

From that day on, he became taciturn, just studying alone, and did not learn martial arts.

Emperor Xichuan also hated him because of the Zhou family, and never took the initiative to mention him.

In the palace, everyone can bully him.

When he became an adult, Emperor Xichuan hurriedly gave him the title of "Idle King" as if he had just remembered this prince.

Since ancient times, there has never been a prince with such a title.

Emperor Xichuan clearly expressed his intentions, the "Idle King" will never be destined for the throne in this life.

However, even if Emperor Xichuan didn't give him this title, no one in the court would want to support this prince.

One is that Murong Rui does not have a strong mother clan, and the Zhou family's rebellion was a thorn in Xichuan's heart. Who can be sure that Xichuan Huangbao will want to continue to pursue this matter one day?

Second, in the eyes of all the ministers, Murong Rui is a prince who has been raised and disabled.

At his age, which prince has not already made great achievements, can fight on the battlefield, and can make suggestions in the court?

But for him, he just holds a book and reads it every day, and often goes to the temple to chant scriptures. Emperor Xichuan just asked him a simple question about water control, and he hesitated for a long time before saying that it was completely unusable. suggestion.

Such a prince, I am afraid that in this life, he is really only worthy of the word "leisure".

The ministers of Xichuan are more optimistic about the successor of the Nan family's prince, that is, the current prince, His Majesty Murong Si.

The Nan clan is not only the queen of Xichuan, but also the eldest princess of the Nanhan Kingdom.Although Nanhan Country is only a small country, its military strength has gradually grown in recent years, and it is an existence that should not be underestimated.

Murong Wei and Murong Si were both born of the Southern Empress, the first princesses who were loved and loved by thousands of people since they were young.

In fact, she came to Chi Yanhe to ascend the throne this time. According to her status, she didn't need to come.

After all, Xichuan is a relatively powerful existence among so many countries.

Although Chi Yan has gradually grown stronger due to the presence of Jun Yu over the years, his army has also become much stronger.

However, the change of its emperor is too fast, which is not conducive to the stability of the country.

Therefore, Emperor Xichuan didn't take Chi Yan into his eyes.

More importantly, Xi Chuan and Chi Yan have been in an incompatible relationship for these years, and their faces have already been torn apart.

How could a congratulatory enthronement require their crown prince and first princess to come forward?

Therefore, Emperor Xichuan directly sent Murong Rui, his most unfavored prince, here just to humiliate Chi Yan.

Among these envoys, Murong Rui was the only one.

However, Empress Nan never believed that Murong Rui was just an idle prince.

She has been secretly staring at Murong Rui all these years, although she has not been able to notice anything, but the guard in her heart has never let go.

This time, Murong Rui's mission is equivalent to releasing these potential wolves.

She was really worried.

So she decided to send Murong Wei to follow.

Both Murong Si and Murong Wei were carefully cultivated by Empress Nan, and their ruthless methods are definitely not inferior to hers.

If Murong Rui showed any flaws during this trip, she would definitely send him on his way.

"Cousin Weiwei, you are speaking too loudly. Cousin and you can be heard across a carriage." Suddenly at this moment, Murong Wei heard a familiar voice.

Her face brightened.

He hurriedly opened the curtain on the window of the carriage, only to see the carriage of Nanhan Country next to their envoys.

A man in a long purple dress was sitting there. In the huge carriage, there was actually room for two scantily clad women kneeling there, fanning him obediently.

Nan Guiming supported his head with one hand, his hair fell down his fair cheeks, his slender red phoenix eyes were slightly raised, his face was both good and evil, and his body was full of breath, like a demon or a demon.

Looking down, he took a closer look and found that his robe was hanging loosely on his body, exposing his fair chest.

A gust of wind blew open the curtains of the carriage.

Many people from Chiyan had already been waiting here, and after the curtain was blown open by the wind, they could see Nan Guiming in the carriage.

Many women couldn't help covering their faces and screaming.

What a wicked man.

"Cousin, look at you, not only did you not spare the girls from Nanhan Country, but now you're going to kill those girls from Chi Yan."

Murong Wei said leisurely.

The tone she treated Nan Guiming was extremely intimate.

With her appearance, it seemed that Nan Guiming was her real elder brother, and Murong Rui, who was sitting in the same carriage with her, was just a lowly servant whom she hated.

If it wasn't because the queen mother told her to keep an eye on Murong Rui, she wouldn't sit with such a lowly person, it would be a loss of her status!

"Cousin Wei, you only saw Brother Huang, didn't you see Qiao'er?"

Suddenly, a woman in a fiery red corset poked her head out.

She was only wearing a wrapping cloth on her upper body, and a red skirt on her lower body. The skirt only reached below her calves, revealing her white ankles and ten toes.

The slender waist can be easily grasped.

The makeup on her face is also extremely charming, with hot flames drawn between her brows, her whole person looks like a seductive fox

Hearing Nan Lingqiao's voice, Nangong Wei frowned slightly.

The queen mother said that the Nanhan country is their backing.

That's why she and her brother must have close contact with the emperor of Nanhan Country, that is, her uncle.

And her uncle's first prince and daughter are her key friends.

When she was young, she had a good relationship with Nan Lingqiao, but as she grew up, she found that Nan Lingqiao's face, which was extremely ugly when she was young, looked like a monkey, also began to grow.

Moreover, Nan Lingqiao was born in the southern cold country where folk customs are open, her clothes are revealing, and every time she appears with her, other people's eyes will always be taken away by her.

She, Murong Wei, is Xichuan's most favored princess and the number one beauty in Xichuan. She can't bear being overwhelmed by others, so she gradually loathes Nan Lingqiao in her heart.

This time, didn't the uncle write a letter to tell the mother and concubine that only the cousin of the crown prince came to Chi Yan, why did Nan Lingqiao come?
A bit of disgust flashed in Murong Wei's eyes, but she quickly recovered her gentle smile.

She smiled and said to Nan Lingqiao: "It turns out that cousin Ling'er is also there, it's all because my sister didn't look to the side and didn't see you just now."

"It doesn't matter. I didn't expect you to come to Chiyan, Sister Wei. Qiao'er was worried that she would be bored in Chiyan without acquaintances. Now that you are here, it's really great."

Nan Lingqiao clapped her hands and spoke excitedly. She was dressed alluringly, but her face was innocent and ignorant of the world.

The men watching couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

This is the princess of Nanhan Country, Nanhan Country is really a place rich in beauties.

"Okay, don't disturb me talking about business with your cousin Weiwei."

Nan Guiming gently pulled Nan Lingqiao back. It was obviously a rebuke, but he said it in an extremely pampering way.

It can be seen that he still loves Nan Lingming very much.

"Weiwei, do you know the situation of the envoys from other countries this time?"

When she shifted her eyes from Nan Lingqiao's body to Murong Wei's face, Nan Guiming's eyes were a little strange.

"This time, almost every country has sent envoys. It's funny to say that Wei and the Western Regions also sent envoys. Heh, we just finished the war, so why don't we just come here and make friends?" Murong said. Wei spoke contemptuously.

Nan Guiming laughed disapprovingly. The smile he evoked was like an evildoer. The two maidservants beside him were stunned, and their movements of fanning the cattail fan were also slightly sluggish.

As a result, in the next moment, a pair of poisonous eyes fell on them.

"You can't even fan the wind well. It's useless for your hands to look good. You might as well chop them up."

Nan Guiming's red phoenix eyes smiled sinisterly, as if a group of poisonous snakes were surging inside.

The two maidservants instantly turned pale with fright.

"Prince, please forgive me. Prince, please forgive me. The servants will not dare next time..." They quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

The kowtow was so strong that after only a few times, their foreheads were bloody and blood flowed down their cheeks, making their entire faces a bit hideous.

But they didn't dare to stop at all, because the prince would really let them watch their hands being cut off.

Then the severed hands would be put into the frying pan, and they would watch without batting an eye as the hands rolled around in the frying pan until they burned.

If they fainted from fright, someone would sprinkle salt directly on their wounds to wake them up and force them to continue watching.

They haven't personally experienced those scenes, but just thinking about them once, they are already scared to death.

However, for their begging, Nan Guiming's sinister Danfeng's eyes not only showed no sympathy, but a little more joking, like the proud sense of comfort when seeing his pet being tortured to death by him.

"Drag them down." He withdrew his eyes, and ordered coldly.

Soon, two men in black leaned in and dragged the two maidservants away.

Before the people watching outside could notice what was going on, they saw a shadow disappear.

Looking at this scene, Nan Lingqiao didn't speak, but was playing with her headgear beside her.

Murong Wei's expression didn't fluctuate, but they were just two clumsy servants who died when they died.

Cousin has always had a habit, that is, what he likes most is the parts of women, and they are cut off one by one. If he likes it, he can keep it for himself to watch. If he doesn't like it, he can just throw it into the oil pan. wild dogs.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with her cousin's actions. They were all humble lives, and it would be better if he died.

Behind him, Murong Rui kept his head down and read a book, but Nan Guiming's voice of giving orders could still be heard in his ears.

However, he was not moved at all, as if he had never heard their conversation, and continued to immerse himself in the book.

(End of this chapter)

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