Chapter 282
"By the way, cousin, I have already received news about the envoys we mentioned just now. Several countries have sent their princesses here to marry Chi Yan." Murong Wei continued.

Her tone was extremely disdainful.

In her opinion, Jun Zhouhan is just a bastard who relies on Jun Yu to ascend the throne, and is it worth those countries rushing to send their princesses here?
However, for those countries that are inferior to Xichuan, marrying Chi Yan is indeed the most important means to keep their country.

After all, Jun Zhouhan doesn't have any women in the harem now. If the princesses of those small countries enter the palace, they may be queens, then they will be on the same boat as Chi Yan.

Thinking of this, Murong Wei's eyes were a little gloomy.

"Cousin, we must not let their marriage succeed. If they form an alliance, it will be extremely detrimental to us."

Murong Wei spoke viciously.

Chi Yan has a Jun Yu that has already made them very vigilant, if it joins forces with other countries, then Xichuan will be in trouble.

Hearing Murong Wei's nervous words, Nan Guiming just sneered.

He lowered his head, looked casually at his slender fingers, which were a bit prettier than women's, and said leisurely: "Marriage, of course, is to be married, why not?"

"Cousin, what do you mean? Aren't you worried that Chi Yan will unite with other countries to deal with us?"

Murong Wei frowned, she looked at Nan Guiming with disapproval.

Wasn't her cousin very smart in the past, why is he so confused today?
As if he could see through Murong Wei's thoughts, Nan Guiming smiled leisurely again.

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and he said casually: "Of course I hope that Chi Yan can marry successfully, but we, Qiaoer, can only take the position of queen."

Murong Wei was just stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized it.

She frowned, staring at Nan Guiming closely.

Cousin means that Nanhan Country wants to marry Chi Yan...


"Cousin, you don't have to worry. I will tell my aunt about this matter. We are relatives. Chi Yan is just a stepping stone for us. Waiting for Qiao'er to sit in the position of Queen Chi Yan and give birth to the prince, this Chi Yan The flames... should also be extinguished."

At the end, Nan Guiming actually laughed sinisterly, and the poisonous snake in those Danfeng eyes began to move around, sticking out one tongue after another.

Nangong Wei was horrified again.

Cousin mean, do you want to devour Chi Yan?
However, can Nanhan really be able to eat a country as big as Chiyan?
But soon, her frowning brows relaxed, and she couldn't help showing a bit of a comfortable smile.

If Nanhan couldn't swallow it, Xichuan would come and help him swallow it.

"It's certainly a good idea, but with so many countries watching, how can we be sure that Jun Zhouhan will take a fancy to Cousin Qiao'er?"

Murong Wei's eyes seemed to fall on Nan Lingqiao's body.

Hearing her words, Nan Lingqiao flicked her hair, she twisted her body, then covered her mouth and laughed, her watery eyes looked over like this.

"Sister Weiwei, do you think that according to Qiao'er's charm, she still can't attract Jun Zhouhan?"

After the words were finished, the maid on the outside seemed to be able to sense Nan Lingqiao's thoughts, and helped her half open the curtain of the carriage.

In an instant, when the men outside saw her like this, their nosebleeds flowed down.

When Murong Wei saw this scene, she twitched the corner of her mouth with a half-smile, and said in a faint tone, "Sister Qiao'er is really charming."

And Nan Lingqiao seemed unable to hear Murong Wei's yin and yang aura, she straightened her chest, crossed her feet, raised her eyebrows and said leisurely: "That's natural, thank you Cousin Wei for your compliment."

Disdainful to continue talking with Nan Lingqiao, Murong Wei lowered her voice and said, "Jun Zhouhan has no skills, we can easily control him, but what about Jun Yu? He is not easy to deal with?"

If there is someone Xi Chuan fears about Chi Yan, then Jun Yu is the only one.

Not to mention Xi Chuan, there are probably not many people in this world who are not afraid of this God of War prince.

Hearing Murong Wei's words, Nan Guiming's face darkened slightly, and his red phoenix eyes became more gloomy.

"It is said that not only one princess was sent from those countries this time. I'm afraid their plan is that one princess will be married to Jun Zhouhan, and one princess will be sent to the Prince Regent's Palace." Murong Wei continued to speak.

"But didn't the people in the world say that Jun Yu is not close to women, and there is not even a female family member in his mansion. Such a person would be willing to let those princesses into his mansion?"

Nan Lingqiao held her little face like a coquettish flower, and she asked in an innocent tone.

"Heh, if you're not close to women, what's the matter with the princess who has become famous recently?"

Murong Wei snorted coldly.

In fact, she didn't have any feelings for Jun Yu. Her father was jealous of him, and every time the emperor mentioned him, he always looked dignified. She had never met Jun Yu, but in her opinion, he was just a teenager. , After a few victories, it was spread so mysteriously by the world.

In her opinion, Jun Yu should have a vain reputation, and she didn't think Jun Yu could be so powerful.

In her eyes, her prince and brother is a child prodigy praised by everyone in Xiliang.

And the prince and brother are a few years older than Jun Yu, Jun Yu is just a kid who is about her age, how can he be so good?

When he was very young, Jun Yu's father, queen and queen also passed away, so he had no king's teaching.

He is different from her and the emperor's brother. He was taught by his father to grow up.

Such a comparison, Jun Yu must be just rumored by the world, he is actually not that powerful.

Hearing Murong Wei mention the matter of Princess Chiyan, Nan Lingqiao seemed to be in high spirits.

The corners of her mouth were bent, and she asked curiously: "Qiaoer heard that the Princess of Chiyan, Huan Yuan Deyin, is the orphan of King Ji. She also said that although she was young, she lived in the Western Regions and Chiyan Haicheng. It played a big role in the First World War, and some people say that when the An family of the former Empress Dowager Chiyan tried to blow up the palace, it was also this little princess who stopped her..."

She had a curious look on her face, as if she was really curious about Yuan Deyin.

Murong Wei said in a strange tone: "I can't tell, Sister Qiao'er has seriously investigated Princess Chiyan."

"That's natural. Qiao'er must get acquainted with a person who appeared out of nowhere, so that she can know herself and the enemy and be victorious in every battle. At the beginning, these Chi Yan old men wanted Yuan Deyin to become the Queen of Chi Yan... ...She almost became Qiaoer's opponent..."

Nan Lingqiao looked very emotional.

"That's right, it's just that Jun Zhouhan doesn't seem to like her. Otherwise, why would he abandon such a precious promise of the Tusu family and change her identity? I guess he wants to repay her favor so that she can end her desire to be a queen." Just think about it. It's really pitiful, her father and mother are dead, she has worked so hard to please Jun Zhouhan and Jun Yu, but in the end she won't get anything."

Murong Wei followed Nan Lingqiao's words with contempt.

From Murong Wei's point of view, Yuan Deyin, a young girl, actually went to Haicheng and stayed with the sick people.

She has done so much and gained a good reputation, it must be to let Jun Zhouhan remember her goodness, so that she can reach the sky in one step and become the queen of Chi Yan.

She is an orphan girl with a different surname Wang, and she is actually like an outsider in this huge country.

Perhaps it was because of King Ji that Jun Yu took more care of her.But what about the future?Can Jun Yu still have that much patience?

Therefore, Yuan Deyin must be planning for himself.

So young, so scheming.

However, she miscalculated.

After doing so much by himself, Jun Zhouhan didn't even intend to make her a queen!
"But, isn't she the adopted daughter of the Tusu family? If the relationship of the Tusu family can be climbed, it must be very powerful."

Nan Lingqiao put her face on her face and spoke in a very envious tone.

In the end, when Murong Wei heard her words, she just sneered contemptuously in her heart.

Nan Lingqiao is really an idiot, she can't see through this.

"It has been so many days since Jun Zhou's letter issued the decree. If the Tusu family really cared about this adopted daughter, they would have sent someone here. The behavior of Han suddenly stuffing people into their family is extremely disgusting, although he verbally agreed, but I'm afraid he has hated Yuan Deyin in his heart..."

Murong Wei's words became more and more mocking.

In her opinion, Yuan Deyin's future life will be very miserable.

"However, Qiao'er was on the way here, and I heard that people from the Tusu family are also here, and their eldest son came here in person, so he is the designated heir of the Tusu family."

Nan Lingqiao continued to ask curiously while holding her small face.

In the end, Murong Wei covered her mouth and laughed.

"Sister Qiao'er, can you stop being so naive and naive? This time when Jun Zhouhan ascended the throne, the other three major families came, even people from Donghua Mountain. As one of the four major families, the Tusu family, How can there be an empty seat. They just came to participate in the palace banquet, how could it be for Yuan Deyin!"

Murong Wei's tone of voice was extremely firm.

"So that's the case. Cousin Wei is really smart, it's because Qiao'er is stupid and didn't think clearly." Nan Lingqiao lowered her head, admitting her mistake with a very obedient appearance.

"Weiwei, you mean, people from Donghua Mountain are here too?" Nan Guiming's Danfeng's eyes flashed a bit gloomy.

Murong Wei glanced at it, thinking that he must have not received the news.

"That's right, the secret guard my mother gave me has been found, and Dongfang Sen has arrived. Dongfang Lexuan and Old Man Tianji arrived first."

Murong Wei told all the things she found.

Since it is believed that Nan Hanguo is on the same boat as them, there will be no harm in telling these news.

"Old man Tianji has also gone down the mountain?"

Nan Guiming's expression gradually became strange, and no one could guess what he was thinking in his heart at this moment.

Looking at him like this, Murong Wei raised her eyebrows, knowing that he must be curious too.

She hummed: "Cousin, you also find it strange, right? Didn't the old man never go down Donghua Mountain that day? Why did he come to the capital this time and stayed at the post station? Could it be because of the person who ascended the throne? It's Jun Zhouhan, and Jun Zhouhan was fostered with him at the beginning, he came here for friendship?"

Hearing Murong Wei's guess, Nan Guiming's expression not only did not become slack, but his expression became even more gloomy.

"No, the old man Tianji will not go down the mountain for a mere Jun Zhouhan. The only person who can make him break his principles like this is probably that one."

Only Jun Yu can make old man Tianji do something that doesn't suit his identity.

At that time, the old man Tianji who said that he would never accept apprentices announced to the world that he would accept Jun Yu as an apprentice.

This means that he has reminded the world that he wants to put Jun Yu under his wings.

Now, he ran down the mountain again.

It must be for Jun Yu!

But, did something happen to Jun Yu?
Just as Nan Guiming lowered his eyes to contemplate, a commotion suddenly sounded in front of him.

"There are envoys from various countries in front, and the truth is Shen Chuannan. Together with the Regent, we are welcoming all the envoys to the post."

Shen Chuannan's loud voice came over.

Shen Chuannan?Is that the young but strategic son of the Shen family?
A bit of interest flashed in Nan Guiming's Danfeng eyes.

He signaled his subordinates to open the curtain, and then walked out slowly.

"Prince Nanhan."

"Princess Nanhan."

When Nan Guiming and Nan Lingqiao appeared at the same time, all the men and women present looked straight at them.

Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan had already got out of the carriage and mounted their horses to meet the envoys.

And Yu Shengxiao didn't like to fight wits and courage with these officialdom people, he had already climbed to the nearby tea house, found a private room with a good location, and sipped tea comfortably.

As a result, when he looked down, he saw that there were only a few pitiful pieces of fabric on Nan Lingqiao's body.


He spit out the saliva directly.

He has been traveling all over the years, and Nanhan has been there a few times. He knows that the folk customs there are open, and many women and girls are quite revealing. They like to show their arms and ankles...

But it was the first time he saw so many parts exposed like this Princess Nanhan.

"See no evil, see no evil..."

After Yu Shengxiao talked to himself, he turned his eyes to Nan Guiming again.

When he saw the other party, he almost laughed angrily.

Why is this Prince Nanhan dressed more fancy than him.

However, Yu Shengxiao smiled and his smile faded away, and his expression gradually became dignified.

Because he had also heard of Nan Guiming's vicious methods.This person is too dangerous.

Seeing that her cousin and cousin had gone out, Nangong Wei naturally would not stay in the carriage any longer.

She held her head high, raised her chin, and walked out proudly.

She originally wanted to give Jun Yu a blow.

But when she saw the tall man on the horse, her heart trembled slightly.

She took a deep breath and took a closer look, only to meet Shang Jun Yu's cold and sharp eyes.

Although Jun Yu just glanced at her and then looked away, Murong Wei still felt like someone had scratched her heart.

It turned out that what the world said that the regent Chi Yan had a good skin was true.

Although she has seen many beautiful men, her emperor brother is good looking, but he is still much worse than Jun Yu.

Although Nan Guiming's face was so soft and beautiful that she couldn't find any faults, but thinking that it was an evil face, she didn't have any thoughts.

And Jun Yu's handsomeness is like an unshakable cold river on a high mountain, seemingly repelling people thousands of miles away, but it makes people fascinated.

"This princess is the first princess of Xiliang." Murong Wei raised her chin, fixed her eyes on Jun Yu, and revealed her identity.

However, Jun Yu didn't intend to take another look at her.

After all, he was only here to pick up people, and he didn't say anything and listened to the nonsense of these people.

After all, the Chiyan royal family is still too depressed, and Jun Xiao is now in jail, so there are really not many people available.

So it led to things like coming to pick up the envoys, and Jun Yu needed to come forward in person.

"The second prince of the Canglan Kingdom, Cang Liheng."

"The crown prince of the Moon Mist Kingdom, Ling Xiye."


Other envoys came out one after another.

It can be seen that these countries still have to take care of their own face, and the envoys they send are not just random ministers to fool, at least there is a prince and daughter.

Of course, starting from the psychology of these countries.

They sent the prince and princess over, not only to congratulate, but more importantly, they wanted to see for themselves how strong Chi Yan, who had fought several battles in a row, was now.

Jun Zhouhan, the new emperor, is it worth their friendship.

Looking at the other country's princes and princes standing in that row, a somewhat obscure light flashed in Nan Guiming's treacherous eyes.

Many of the heirs of these other countries are here, if all these people are wiped out...

But in the end, he temporarily suppressed his "absurd" idea to devour these countries, and he had to take his time, not in a hurry.

"My envoys have worked hard, and I will take you to the post station." Jun Yu glanced at the crowd with cold eyes, and then said in a deep voice.

His voice was filled with inner strength, and his calm and powerful momentum demonstrated the demeanor of a great country.

But at this time, Murong Wei shouted: "Wait a minute."

(End of this chapter)

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