Chapter 283 In the crowd, I picked her up

Finally seeing Jun Yu's eyes fell on her again, Murong Wei felt a little annoyed.

Jun Yu is so indifferent to his dignified Princess Xichuan!

She opened the curtain, and let Murong Rui, who had been staying inside, come out.

Everyone saw that Murong Rui's figure was a little weak, he was holding a book tightly, and looked at everything around him weakly, as if he was very frightened.

"Strange, who is this man? He looks submissive, as if he has never seen the world. He is too petty."

"He came out of the carriage of the Xichuan royal family, so it should have something to do with the Xichuan royal family."

"But I heard that Prince Xichuan is brave and good at fighting, and he is a good-looking talent. He wouldn't be like this..."

The pointing voices around him mercilessly hit Murong Rui directly.

Aware of these scrutinizing eyes, Murong Rui frowned, and his face became even paler.

He squeezed the book in his hand with all his strength, and there were serious marks on it.

"Cough cough cough..."

After coughing for a long time, he twitched the corner of his mouth, trying to reveal his identity.

But who knows, he didn't even have time to speak.

Jun Yu, who was sitting on the horse, said in a low voice, "Come on, Xichuan Xianwang is not feeling well, why don't you hurry up and help him?"

After his words fell, Wu Ting and Wu Xi who followed behind him quickly moved forward to help Murong Rui.

Because the movement range was too large, Murong Wei who was standing on the side was directly pushed aside.

She was so angry that she could only grit her teeth and stare at Wu Ting and Wu Xi resentfully.

She has been staring at Murong Rui all the way along, but the other party has not shown any signs.

With a little resentment in her heart, Murong Wei wanted to drag him out and let others blame him.

An abandoned prince without any real power, who knows him?

Most importantly, she might be able to take this opportunity to have a few more words with Jun Yu.

She had never been so deliberate with a man before.

But who knows, before she finished speaking, Jun Yu directly said the name and identity of her, the useless big brother.

Moreover, he didn't even want to give her an extra look.

Even Murong Rui looked at Jun Yu in shock.

She didn't expect Jun Yu to know him.

Did he just help him out?

After receiving Jun Yu's kindness, Murong Rui nodded to Jun Yu, with a frightened look, as if he couldn't hold on to the kindness.

The atmosphere quickly calmed down, but at this moment, a carriage that had just entered ran wildly, and then stopped directly in front of Jun Yu.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a man with prairie hair quickly jumped out of it.

Yun Mo's skin was a little darker, and his body was a lot stronger, but this would not make him look embarrassed, but it would exude the bohemian aura of him.

Now many women look shy, and they were all shy by the sudden appearance of this naughty boy.

But Yunmo didn't care about other people's eyes at all, he threw the whip halfway, then looked anxiously at Jun Yu and asked, "Where did the little one go?"

He used to call Yuan Deyin "Xiao Douding", but thinking of her, he hated this title.

He decided to replace it with "little one".

After he returned to the Western Regions, he discovered that his father's health was worse than expected.

There are still many remnants of Brother Dawang's clan, and he joined hands with his father to finally wipe out the remnants.

The only price was that he was forced to grow up every day, and those traitors knelt down in front of him, begging him to spare their lives, and saying that he would never commit another crime in the future.

However, his heart has become extremely hard.

He is not the former Prince Yunmo, who used those compassionate hearts in ridiculous places.

So he mercilessly killed those who begged for mercy.

His hands have been stained with a lot of blood, but he has not looked back.

His only thought is to know if that little guy far away in the capital is having a good time, and if he misses him.

Finally, taking advantage of this opportunity of Jun Zhouhan's enthronement celebration, he left everything at hand and rushed to the capital in a hurry.

But why he went to Beijing, but didn't see Xiao Budian.

When everyone heard Prince Yunmo's words, their expressions became weird.

Who is that "little guy" in his mouth?
It sounds like he has a good relationship with this "little guy".

Not many people dare to despise him now, after all, no one knows that he is different from the past.

The Western Regions fought a battle with Chi Yan, and even though they lost in the Western Regions, Chi Yan did not hold them accountable.

The King of the Western Regions is in very bad health now, and he has handed over most of the power of the tribes in the Western Regions to Yun Mo.

If there are no accidents, Yun Mo should be the future king of the Western Regions.

Yun Mo didn't care what others thought of him, he searched around with anxious eyes.

Finally, under Jun Yu's horse, he saw a little girl dressed as a book boy, and she followed Jun Yu like a little tail.

"Hmph, I've finally found you." Yunmo laughed and ran towards Yuan Deyin.

But before he could lean over, the spear in Jun Yu's hand came directly towards him.

His cold eyes stared at Yunmo like this: "Prince Yunmo, if you get closer, don't blame me for being rude."

Yun Mo felt the coolness coming from his neck, he swallowed his saliva, and naturally he didn't dare to get close.

But he raised his eyebrows at Yuan Deyin with a playful smile.

"Little one, this king said he would come to see you, you see, this king didn't break the appointment, right?"

Yunmo was happy, but Yuan Deyin only felt a headache.

She wrinkled her small face and sighed silently.

She originally wanted to keep a low profile by the side of Uncle Nine Emperors, but after Prince Yunmo made such a fuss, she probably couldn't keep a low profile.

Indeed, after Yun Mo's voice fell, all kinds of scrutinizing eyes fell directly on Yuan Deyin.

They saw sharply that she was disguised as a man.

After thinking about it, they probably guessed her identity.

After all, besides the little princess, who else can befriend Prince Yunmo and stay by Jun Yu's side?

Murong Wei's scrutinizing eyes fell on Yuan Deyin's body like a few needles, sharp and vicious.

The first time she saw the book boy's clothes on Yuan Deyin, she snorted coldly in her heart.

A majestic princess, actually wearing men's clothes to show off in the market.

Sure enough, the princess was brought back from the countryside. She has no real royal blood, let alone received any education. She is really uneducated!
And her body, as short as a winter melon, doesn't look like a girl at all.

I don't know why Jun Yu is so special to her.

But when Murong Wei's eyes fell on Yuan Deyin's small face that was carved like jade, especially when she saw those clear and bright eyes, her heart trembled slightly.

A burst of anger flashed in her heart, and she didn't know how many vicious thoughts had come up in her heart.

As a woman, she naturally knew how amazing Yuan Deyin's chubby face would be when it grew.

"Cousin Wei, is that Chi Yan's Princess Deyin? If she looks cute, no wonder Jun Yu is so special to her."

Nan Lingqiao covered her red lips beside her, expressing emotion in a very innocent tone.

As a result, after hearing her words, Murong Wei's complexion became even worse, she snorted coldly, and cursed against her will: "Hmph, cute? But it's just like a bumpkin, what's so cute!
"Give me your hand." Jun Yu found that so many people were staring at his little girl, his black eyes instantly turned cold, and the aura all over his body was a bit pervasive.

The little girl he was protecting carefully shouldn't be stared at like a monkey by these people here.

Suppressing the coldness in his heart, Jun Yu looked at the little girl with only gentle eyes.

Yuan Deyin didn't like the sizing eyes either. She pouted her little mouth and quickly stretched out her little hand.

When her soft little hand fell into Jun Yu's big palm, it was like a ball of soft catkins, which softened his hard heart a little.

Holding his little hand tightly, Jun Yu easily pulled her up, letting her fall directly into his arms.


Jun Yu snorted coldly, hugged the little girl, and left quickly with the horse's legs between them.

When the tall figure hugged a soft little girl Juechen and left, the people who were watching were a little dazed.

This, this, did the Lord Regent hug Princess Deyin in the street, and the two even rode a horse together!
This, this, men and women are different, it is not appropriate.

"However, I think the regent and Princess Deyin are a good match."

"That's right, that's right, that's what I think too. Apart from being a little younger, the princess has nothing wrong with her."

"Didn't you realize that the Prince Regent saw the tenderness in Princess Deyin's eyes just now, as if dripping water."


Among the crowd, several young women couldn't help muttering excitedly.

The common people were just shocked, and they didn't feel any resentment or anger.

But the atmosphere on the envoy's side was not so good.

"Does Jun Yu look down on us, he picks up half of us and leaves?" A prince said angrily.

Shen Chuannan looked over and recognized that this was the prince from Mobei.

All he felt was a headache.

A Yu has a willful personality, and he left halfway after picking up people. He was very happy, but who will take care of this mess?
Gritting his teeth in his heart for a long time, when Shen Chuannan looked up again, he showed a gentle smile.

He explained in a gentle voice: "Everyone, don't be nervous. Our Ninth Prince has something urgent to deal with, so he left first. Now the officials will take you to the post station, and there will be a banquet in the palace later..."

"Hehe, there is something urgent, what is his urgent matter?"

Another prince from Mobei, he was cursing.

"Lord Shen, it's fine." Ling Xiye smiled softly, and spoke kindly, without any pretensions of a prince.

Shen Chuannan also smiled and nodded at him, then turned around and led the group of them to the post in a mighty way.

Their carriage was about to move, Murong Wei glanced at Nan Guiming and Nan Lingqiao before turning around and getting into the carriage.

But when she passed by Murong Rui's side, she didn't forget to let out a cold snort, and contempt and disgust overflowed from her eyes.

"Brother Huang, let's go in too." Nan Lingqiao smiled coquettishly at the people behind her, then turned her head and acted softly at Nan Guiming.

Nan Guiming glanced at her, and stared at the direction Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu left with his treacherous eyes for a long time, before finally returning to the carriage with some reluctance.

However, a very light word blew in the wind.

"That girl's eyeballs are so beautiful, I really want to dig them out and put them in the palace..."

Naturally, Prince Yunmo would not go to the station with them.

Seeing that he was about to ride away on horseback, Mrs. Santa had a mournful face, and he and several subordinates grabbed his sleeves.

"Third prince, please stop for a while. Before coming, the king has already told the old minister to watch you carefully. This red flame is no better than the Western Regions. What if you cause some trouble again? ?”

Santa was on the verge of crying.

Although the third prince has matured and stabilized a lot now, he is now the only seedling in their Western Regions. The hopes of the entire Western Regions are pinned on him, and there is no room for any mistakes.

Hearing Santa's wailing words, Yunmo frowned.

"The king is not dead yet. Why are you crying all the time? Jun Yu must have brought the little girl back to the Prince Regent's Mansion. I don't want to go to a post station. This king is going to the Prince Regent's Mansion to find her."

After finishing speaking, Yun Mo rode his horse to find a path and galloped towards the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Santa is behind, and he can't stop it even if he wants to stop it.

"Master Santa, wouldn't it be more beneficial for the Western Regions to have a good relationship between Prince Yunmo and the Prince Regent's Mansion? Why would you obstruct it?"

Some subordinates followed Chi Yan for the first time, and they were really surprised when they saw that Santa was blocking Prince Yunmo.

"What do you know!"

Santa was so angry that his beard blew up, and he stomped his feet.

"If the third prince wants to make friends with the regent, then my lord will naturally agree with it. However, the third prince wants to take the treasure of the regent."

At the end of Santa's speech, she really felt that she had broken her heart.

When he was in Haicheng, he, an old man, could see clearly that the regent regarded the little Princess Deyin as a treasure.

But the third prince was too confused, and wanted to abduct the little princess to the Western Regions.

It would be nice if someone didn't break his leg.

"I hope the third prince will be more sensible this time."

There is no way to stop it, Santa can only beg himself to pray that the end of their third prince will not be too miserable.

The envoys had already left, and the people had no excitement to watch, and they gradually dispersed.

A woman in a white veil and a veil was left among the crowd, and four maidservants followed behind her.

"Hongying, do you think Brother Jun Yu is going too far? Master asked him to marry me, but he would rather die than surrender. After turning around, he was very gentle to Yuan Deyin, and even rode a horse with her in the crowd. I I knew him first, so many years, he has never had such a gentle look towards me..."

Dongfang Lexuan gritted her teeth, she looked at the position where Yuan Deyin was standing just now, and asked coldly, each sentence became colder, and each sentence became more angry.

She, the heavenly girl of Donghua Mountain, lowered her figure to curry favor with him.

But he gave all his tenderness to that worthless and humble orphan girl!

Does he really have a heart?

Her four maidservants also looked gloomy.

Hongying stomped her feet and said angrily: "Miss, this servant is going to kill that little vixen for you, she must have confused the Ninth Prince."

"No, let her die like this, how can it satisfy the hatred in my heart?"

Dongfang Lexuan's eyes were cold, she blocked Hongying's movements.

If it wasn't for Yuan Deyin, she wouldn't have been humiliated by brother Jun Yu that day.

She will remember all these humiliations and return them to Yuan Deyin!

She wants to make Yuan Deyin's life worse than death!
"Miss, what should we do now?" Lan Cui looked at Dongfang Lexuan, waiting for her to give an order.

"Master already told me yesterday that senior brother can only marry me, and master will definitely help me." Thinking of old man Tianji's words, Dongfang Lexuan's sinister face added a little smile.

What's the use of Yuan Deyin's love for brother Jun Yu?

Anyway, old man Tianji would not agree with her!
"That's right, Old Man Tianji is the reborn parents of the Ninth Prince. I guess the harsh words he said to Old Man Tianji that day were just out of anger. When he calms down, he may know that Old Man Tianji is for his own good." Lan Cui said heavily nod.

"Besides, old man Tianji is so powerful, it's easy to deal with Yuan Deyin. It seems that we don't need to do anything, and Yuan Deyin will die."

"That's right, Yuan Deyin's fate is only because of having a Ji King father. But how long will she let the Ninth Prince remember her father's friendship? It is estimated that the Ninth Prince will hate her soon."

"Our young lady is good, the Ninth Prince will see clearly soon..."


Listening to the good things these girls whispered in his ears, Dongfang Lexuan's expression became much more comfortable.

But when she thought of something, her eyes were still gloomy.

"Even though the master will help me vent my anger, but Yuan Deyin, I still want her to be ruined." Dongfang Lexuan gritted her teeth.

She doesn't have the noble appearance of a fairy who is not stained with the world, but she has a resentful appearance that is clearly like a resentful ghost.

"Then Miss, what should we do next?"

"This place should always be Chiyan, so it's not convenient for us to do it. The slaves have been keeping an eye on the Prince Regent's Mansion these days, but it turns out that the little vixen is well protected, and it's hard for us to have a chance."

"Heh, to make her suffer, do we still need to do it ourselves?" Dongfang Lexuan looked up at them, those eyes that were originally gentle and pure were now gloomy like rotten mud, emitting bursts of rancid smell.

"Miss, you..."

"Now the envoys from various countries have arrived, and it is estimated that the members of the four major hermit families will be coming soon." Dongfang Lexuan's eyes flashed a little strangely.

"I understand, miss, you want to use people from the four great hermit families to deal with Yuan Deyin?"

"That's right, Jun Zhouhan kindly gave Yuan Deyin the status of the adopted daughter of the Tusu family, so Miss Ben wants to see if Yuan Deyin is happy to accept it!"

(End of this chapter)

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