The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 284 The Damned Rival Is Here Again

Chapter 284 The Damned Rival Is Here Again
Although Lie Ma was riding fast, Yuan Deyin had already learned how to ride a horse a few days ago, and Uncle Nine Emperors was always behind her to protect her, so when they arrived at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, she didn't feel that there was any danger. any discomfort.

She got out of Uncle Jiuhuang's arms, jumped off the horse quickly, and was as nimble as a little fox.

As a result, her feet landed on the ground, and an anxious and joyful voice sounded from the side.

"Little boy, this king is here."

Hearing this voice, Yuan Deyin frowned.

She turned her head, and she saw Prince Yunmo galloping over on horseback.

Because Yun Mo took a short cut, he was able to catch up quickly.

Although what he did at the city gate just now caused him a lot of trouble, Yuan Deyin's face was still a little happy when he thought that they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

She stood with her hands behind her back, her soft face was full of seriousness: "Welcome to Chiyan Capital again, Prince Yunmo."

"You little one, what are you doing so politely? What is our relationship? Do you need to be so polite?"

Yunmo jumped up from his horse, wanting to hug Yuan Deyin.

As a result, a big hand came out and directly grabbed the little girl to his side.

"Prince Yunmo, Yin'er is a woman, men and women are different, don't let me see you touch her again!"

When Jun Yu said these words, his eyes were full of warnings, and his voice was also very cold.

Yunmo had tempered his courage on the grassland during this time, but when facing Jun Yu, he was still as cowardly as a rabbit.

He rubbed his nose. Although he was a little scared, he couldn't help but said unwillingly: "Although men and women are different, didn't you hug the little girl just now in front of so many people?"

Hearing Yun Mo's words, Jun Yu's face darkened, and his aura felt like a storm was about to come.

The Wuxi people who followed behind were a little shivering.

They were mad in their hearts, why did Prince Yunmo pluck the hair on the tiger's butt every time.

He can just kill himself, don't implicate them!
Doesn't he know that when the prince is angry, the people around him are easily implicated?

Just when a storm was about to break out, the little girl tilted her head, and with a crisp sentence, she managed to make all the anger of a certain Ninth Emperor Uncle disappear.

She said to Yunmo, "Why do you compare yourself with Uncle Jiuhuang? You are different from Uncle Jiuhuang."

Sure enough, it was the little girl he raised, and she knew she was looking for him.

The corner of Jun Yu's mouth raised a slight arc, and his whole body seemed to be smoothed.


Sure enough, the little girl was speaking for Jun Yu again.

Yun Mo snorted coldly in his heart. Although he had expected it in his heart, he was still very upset.

Sooner or later, he would snatch the little girl from Jun Yu.

"Hmph, this king doesn't believe that you, an old man, have never married. When you get married, you won't have the time to compete with this king for a little girl."

Yun Mo gritted his teeth and muttered.

His voice was not low at all, and several people standing around him heard it.

Jun Yu's eyes darkened slightly, and the aura on his body began to become a little cold.

And the little girl was still smiling just now, but when he said this, her little face collapsed in an instant, and she could vaguely see some disappointed emotions.

His words reminded her that Uncle Nine Emperors was going to get married.

She also remembered Dongfang Lexuan's arrogant appearance, and the approach of old man Tianji.

Yunmo didn't realize that the atmosphere was not right at all, he asked Yuan Deyin aggrievedly: "Why did my king write you so many letters, and you didn't answer any of them!"

As he talked, Yun Mo felt that he was wronged to death.

After he returned to the Western Regions, there were endless things to deal with every day.

Father Wang is really raising him as his heir this time, so he has a lot to learn.

He had a little free time almost every night before going to bed, and he used that time to write to her.

Every day, without interruption.

However, she didn't answer a single letter.

The bookboys around him all said that she was too cruel, even if she just replied one letter, it would be fine.

Seeing Yunmo's aggrieved look, Yuan Deyin couldn't care less about being sad, and now she was full of doubts.

"I, I haven't received your letter." Not a single letter.

"Didn't you receive the letter from me? That's not right! I remember clearly that I will send you a letter every night before going to bed, and the letter is sent by the most loyal carrier pigeon cultivated in the Western Regions. It is absolutely I won't run away with this king's letter..."

Yun Mo replied with a serious tone.

"However, there is one thing that is really strange to me. Those pigeons never came back after sending letters..."

He muttered again.

Not only is the letter gone, but the carrier pigeon is also gone, which is really strange.

Could it be that Xiao Deyin detained his carrier pigeon?

"If you don't want to reply, you should send back all my pigeons. They are all pigeons that I have cultivated for many years. If there are so many missing all of a sudden, my heart feels bad..."

Yunmo had an aggrieved face. He didn't know whether he was aggrieved because Yuan Deyin didn't reply to his letter, or because he lost so many pigeons.

However, Yuan Deyin was really confused.

She pursed her mouth, feeling extremely wronged in her heart.

"I have never received your letters, let alone detained your pigeons. Do you think I am the kind of person who receives so many letters and doesn't answer any of them?"

Yuan De asked angrily.

Although she finds it troublesome to write letters, she also understands the etiquette among friends.

If someone kept sending her letters and she didn't reply, how sad and worried that person would be.

"Wait, you really didn't receive the letter from the king, nor did you see the pigeon of the king?"

Yunmo frowned, looking at Yuan Deyin with a strange expression.

As a result, he saw anger in the little girl's clear eyes.

She doesn't seem like a liar.

"Then, what about my king's carrier pigeon, and the words my king told you in the middle of the night!" Yun Mo continued to frown, still unable to understand.

From the beginning to the end, Jun Yu was like a mountain.

He stood calmly behind Yuan Deyin, listening to their conversation calmly.

He was clearly standing here, as if he was staying out of it.

Behind them, Wuxi's dark guards couldn't help twitching their mouths when they saw their prince's indifferent appearance.

Prince Yunmo didn't know what happened to those letters and pigeons, but they knew it all.

Because every night, the prince made them stare at the sky above the palace.

Once the pigeons fly by, they are intercepted.

Those homing pigeons have all entered their stomachs.

As for those letters, they naturally used them as firewood to roast pigeons.

Worried about what would be exposed if this continued, Wu Xi hurriedly said with a haha: "Prince and Princess, it's hot outside, if not, why don't you go in and talk?"

"Okay, Uncle Nine Emperors, let's go in." Princess Yuan Xiao nodded seriously.

Before entering the mansion, she did not forget to look back at Yunmo.

"What are you still doing there, isn't it hot?"

"Hot hot hot." Yun Mo nodded like a puppy,

After finishing speaking, he followed Yuan Deyin into the mansion in a desperate manner.

When passing by Jun Yu, he still did not forget to glance at him provocatively.

As a result, Jun Yu walked past him expressionlessly, as if he didn't exist.

"Hmph, ignore this little king, another day, this king will definitely abduct Xiao Deyin." He muttered in his heart.

Although Jun Yu was able to leave behind so many envoys and bring the little girl back, it doesn't mean that he has to do anything.

There is still a lot of news in the palace waiting for him to report.

So he turned around and told Wuxi in a cold voice: "Take care of the princess, if that kid Yunmo dares to do anything, throw him out of Chiyan."

It was "throwing out" Chi Yan, not "driving out" the Prince Regent's Palace.

It can be seen how low a certain Ninth Prince's patience with Yun Mo is.

Wu Xi straightened his body, and he nodded emphatically: "Your subordinate obeys."

Greeting guests is naturally in the front hall, but when passing the back garden, suddenly a little guy rushed out with a fat rabbit and a rampant tiger.

"Aww..." Ming Zhou's tiger eyes widened.

It bared its sharp teeth and stared at Yunmo vigilantly, as if it could pounce on Yunmo and tear him apart at any time.

After being fed with delicious food from the palace these days, Ming Zhou is no longer the weak tiger that he was back then, it already has the aura of a forest overlord.

So even Yunmo, the third prince of the grassland who grew up on the grassland and mixed with wolves, was scared and took a few steps back when he saw Mingri for the first time.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yuan Deyin didn't expect that Yunmo could still be frightened, she covered her mouth unkindly and laughed.

In fact, she had been able to detect the movement of Mingri's running from a distance just now, but she didn't intend to tell Yunmo.

I just want him to be frightened and restrained a little, so that he will not offend Uncle Jiuhuang every time he sees him.

If Yunmo knew about Miss Yuan's thoughtfulness, he wondered if he would die of grievance.

However, he probably has no way to know her little thoughts.

He is now full of embarrassment.

He coughed a few times, scratched his hair, looked at Yuan Deyin who was smiling crescent moon, his face turned red with embarrassment.

He snorted and said: "This, this is all accidents. I was not afraid of these things in the past. This is because it suddenly appeared, which scared me. Normally, I can fight tigers and wolves. How many will die."

"Oh..." Hearing Yunmo's words, Ming Zhou bared his teeth even more fiercely, his face was full of anger, and the word "king" on his forehead seemed to jump out at any time.

Why is it so fierce!
Yunmo didn't want to lose face in front of Yuan Deyin, so he put his hands on his hips, ready to confront Ming Zhou.

"Childish!" Zuo Qi remained silent all the time, but seeing that this guy was really about to fight, he snorted coldly in a very disgusted tone.

After he made his voice, Yunmo finally got his attention.

Turning his head, Yunmo Zuoqie looked at him with disgust, and he thought it was funny.

This little brat, after such a long time no see, he seems to be even more disturbed.

It's not cute at all.
After meeting for the first time after such a long time, Yunmo has already complained about Zuo Qi in his heart from beginning to end.

He didn't like Zuo Qie, why did Zuo Qie ever like him?

Zuo Qi stared at Yun Mo with a small face, feeling unhappy.

Why does my sister bring everyone into the palace? This prince Yunmo is so noisy, he is much more annoying than that cold-faced prince Junyu.

At the beginning, it was hard to hope for him to go away, but he didn't expect it to appear again now!
Seeing that the senior and junior were about to act impulsively, Yuan Deyin hurriedly stood up.

She patiently explained: "Prince Yunmo, this is Zuo Qi, do you remember?"

"Of course I remember." Yun Mo nodded lightly, he really didn't want to stand with Zuo Qie.

"Zuo Qie, this is the third prince of the Western Regions, do you remember?"

"Yeah." Zuo Qie nodded coldly.

How can you not remember?

Another person who came to rob him of his sister, he dare not forget!

Alas, another cruel little guy, I don't know who he learned from.Yuan Deyin shook his head helplessly.

Suddenly remembering that there were two equally important family members, Yuan Deyin quickly carried Xiaobai over.

"This is Xiaobai. You have seen it last time."

"Also, this is Mingzhou. His full name is Zuo Mingzhou. His temper is a bit grumpy. Take it easy."

When Yuan Deyin explained that Zhou was grumpy, Ming Zhou was like a kitten, rubbing his big head against Yuan Deyin's ankles.

Is this called irritability?
The corner of Yun Mo's mouth twitched, but he thought of it very much.

The tiger's irascibility and gentleness vary from person to person.

It's so powerful, is it refined?
"The last time I left the capital, I didn't see so many people and animals around you."

Yun Mo hummed softly, his tone sour.

"Wait, this tiger is ferocious by nature, how did you tame it? Could it be that Jun Yu helped you." Yunmo suddenly thought of this question, and he asked curiously.

The thought in his heart is that if Jun Yu helped her tame the tiger, then he must tame a wolf for her next time.

But who knows, upon hearing his words, Yuan Deyin's first reaction was to frown.

She disagreed and said: "The wildness is the nature of the tiger, why should it be tamed?"

"This tiger, haven't you tamed yet?"

Yunmo swallowed, and looked at Yuan Deyin in horror.

"Yes, I've always kept it in its original nature. Don't suppress yourself just because you live in the capital." Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

However, under this condition, she also established a rule for Ming Zhou, that is, she must never hurt good people.

"Wait, then how did you get this tiger to your side?" Yun Mo's expression was still horrified.

"It just came here on its own, relying on me."

"How is this possible!" Yun Mo frowned on the spot.

He grew up on the grassland, and he knew that these animals were ferocious by nature, and it was absolutely impossible for them to take the initiative to get close to humans.

"Isn't it difficult to let tigers get close to humans? Why do you make such a fuss!"

Yuan Deyin frowned, looking very puzzled.

Yun Mo: "..." Excuse me.

This king shouldn't ask such self-defeating questions!
"Sister." Zuo Qi suddenly pulled Yuan Deyin's sleeve, as if he had something important to ask her.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Deyin looked at him tenderly.

"I heard from people in the mansion that a woman who claimed to be Jun Yu's fiancée came to the mansion a few days ago?"

Anger surfaced on Zuo Qie's immature face.

(End of this chapter)

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