Chapter 285 Available People

Yuan Deyin didn't even make a sound, Yunmo just jumped up on the spot.

His face was full of anger, as if he had heard some terrible news.

"What are you making such a fuss about?"

When Yuan Deyin heard Zuo Qie's words, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in her heart, because she still didn't know what happened to the eldest lady and Uncle Jiuhuang from Donghua Mountain.

But obviously, Yunmo's excited appearance made her even more confused.

"Hmph, Jun Yu, he doesn't marry a wife for a long time, and he won't marry a wife later. To marry a wife now, he clearly wants to find a vicious stepmother to abuse you!"

Yunmo gritted his teeth, as if he could already see Yuan Deyin being abused.

Yuan Deyin's mouth twitched.


Only he can figure it out!
That young lady from the East looks like she is only eighteen or nineteen years old.

People don't want to be her stepmother.

"Calm down, the princess is not in a hurry yet." Yuan Deyin glanced at Yunmo, telling him not to be surprised.

"No, this king still thinks that you may be abused. Otherwise, after the enthronement ceremony is over, you will immediately go to the Western Regions with this king. There are only countless cattle, sheep and horses there. Extremely kind, they will definitely love you very much, and this king will only treat you well..."

Until now, Yunmo has not thought of abducting Yuan Deyin, but has more careful thoughts
"Don't talk!"

Zuo Qi saw that Yun Mo was chattering non-stop, and he was almost at a loss for words.

He was so angry that he clenched his fists and stared fiercely at the other party.

Zuo Qie became angry, and Ming Zhou naturally followed him and bared his teeth at Yun Mo.

Yun Mo was scared and took a few steps back, he frowned and muttered: "This king is just telling the truth, why are you so fierce."

"Sister, don't pay attention to him."

Zuo Xie glanced at Yunmo in disgust, he quickly pulled up Yuan Deyin's sleeve, and led her to the side.

Yuan Deyin looked at the angry Zuo Qi who was much shorter than her, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked: "You dragged me here, is there something you want to tell me in private?"

"Sister, don't you want Jun Yu to marry a wife?"

Zuo Qi raised his head, his mature eyes were full of sincerity.

Yuan Deyin was taken aback by his words, she wrinkled her face and shook her head slightly.

"Stop talking nonsense like this. If someone with a heart hears it, you will get into trouble. Uncle Nine Emperors has already reached the age of marrying a wife and having children. If he wants to marry a wife, he should." Yuan Deyin said softly Said.

"But sister, I can see that you are unhappy." Zuo Qi said stubbornly.

His dark eyes seemed to be able to see through Yuan Deyin.

In the past few days, when his sister came to study with him every day, he could feel her absent-mindedness.

He didn't know what happened to her. Until today, he heard Steward Dong say that he had slipped up.

Is she unhappy?
Hearing Yunmo's words, Yuan Deyin frowned tightly and felt very depressed.

Is she really unhappy, is she really that unwilling to get married to Uncle Nine Emperors?

But, wouldn't it be better for Uncle Nine Emperors to have someone to accompany him!
Zuo Qie looked at Yuan Deyin's dazed look, and he hummed.

It seems that my elder sister is so intelligent that she is not like ordinary people in other things, but when it comes to emotions, she is ridiculously slow.

She was clearly jealous, and she didn't want Jun Yu to marry another woman.

"Sister, haven't you thought about..."

Zuo Xie opened his mouth, he wanted to ask, did she ever think that she could also be the princess of the Prince Regent's Palace.

Although he hated Jun Yu very much, after careful consideration during this period of time, instead of letting other bastards who don't know his character abduct his sister, he would not let his sister marry Jun Yu!
At least Jun Yu seems to be very kind to her sister.

However, Zuo Qie couldn't say anything, so Butler Dong came over in a hurry.

"Princess, because our royal family doesn't have many female relatives, you need to take care of many things." Steward Dong said in a serious tone.

Yuan Deyin quickly turned around and replied, "Well, Steward Dong, tell me."

"This is the list of envoys who attended the enthronement ceremony. Of course, there are also many princes and marquises who came back from other fiefdoms." Steward Dong handed a pamphlet to Yuan Deyin.

"Okay." Yuan Deyin read the pamphlet carefully, and also felt a little headache.

There are really not many guests at all.

And the Chiyan royal family is empty, no wonder Uncle Nine Emperors is busy.

"Then who else hasn't come to Beijing now?" Yuan Deyin asked softly.

"As for the representatives of the country, those from the state of Wei didn't come. They came this time with His Royal Highness the crown prince of the state of Wei. Besides, our prince and prince are still on their way," Dong Butler replied.

Wei Guo?

Yuan Deyin's heart skipped a beat.

Wei Guo, this is a country that is both unfamiliar and familiar to her.

She had heard about the Crown Prince of Wei, her cousin Wei Qinhuai several times, but she had never met him.

I don't know what it feels like to meet this time?

"The princess?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin lost his mind, Steward Dong called out to her worriedly.

Yuan Deyin came back to his senses, and said seriously: "How are the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Etiquette prepared? If the palace banquet is not fully prepared, the princess is willing to prepare together with Princess Runnan."

I am ashamed to say that there is basically no one in this huge harem, except for Jun Zhouhan's abolished concubines.Therefore, no woman in the harem can handle this kind of important palace banquet.

Thinking about it this way, it is not unreasonable for those ministers to urge the emperor's brother to accept the concubine.Yuan Deyin murmured in his heart.

Steward Dong nodded in agreement when he heard Yuan Deyin's words.

When it comes to the critical moment, the princess can still be calm, which is very valuable.

"This is also what the emperor and the prince mean. All the power of the banquet is entrusted to you, but you must not tire yourself out." Dong Guanjia said earnestly.

"It's okay, Deyin was taught by Uncle Nine Emperors, these things are not difficult, Deyin can be with Princess Runnan." Yuan Deyin smiled obediently, without the slightest panic in his expression.

"Sister." When Zuo Qi saw that Yuan Deyin didn't want to pay attention to him, he yelled worriedly.

"Don't be in a hurry, I'll talk to you after my sister is busy with the palace banquet." Yuan Deyin comforted Zuo Qi patiently.

After finishing speaking, she quickly left with Steward Dong.

Zuo Qi opened his mouth several times, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

He looked at the back of Yuan Deyin leaving, his immature face was full of complexity.

For some reason, he always felt that if he didn't clarify this matter with his sister this time, he would have no chance in the future.


Yuan Deyin and Steward Dong walked to the door together, and the carriage had already stopped at the door of the Prince Regent's Mansion. She needed to go to the Runnan Palace to find Princess Runnan to enter the palace to discuss matters together.

But when her door was about to pass through the entrance of the palace, she suddenly paused and turned her head quickly.

As a result, not far away, a group of maidservants walked over in an orderly manner, as if they had rushed to collect them from outside.

It's strange, why she just felt a gaze looking at her.

But when I turned around, there was nothing left.

She took a few more glances at the maidservants, only to see their figures leaving in a hurry.

"Princess, is there something wrong? Do I need the old slave to tell them to come here first?"

Steward Dong asked suspiciously when he discovered Yuan Deyin's actions.

In the past, the Prince Regent's Mansion didn't have any maids, and the only female guard was still helpless.

After Princess Deyin entered the Prince Regent's Mansion, in order to take care of her conveniently, she began to buy many maids and nuns.

"It's okay, it may be that the princess's eyes are dazzled. It's important, let's go quickly." Yuan Deyin shook his head, and quickly walked out with the hem of his skirt.

When the sound of her bell gradually faded away, walking behind the group of maidservants, a tall and thin figure turned his head, staring at the direction she had just left with complicated eyes.


At the gate of Prince Runnan's Mansion, Wei Ying had already been waiting at the gate for a long time.

Seeing Yuan Deyin coming, she smiled and hurried forward.

"Princess Deyin." She called gently.

Yuan Deyin quickly jumped off the carriage.

"Princess Runnan, how is your health?" Yuan Deyin's concerned eyes fell on the other party.

Wei Ying nodded kindly to the other party: "It's okay, my body has been recuperated these days, and it's almost healed."

The most important thing is that now that the entire Runnan Palace is in her hands, letting her grasp it, she feels much better.

Yuan Deyin saw that Wei Ying's face was rosy, and her figure was much plump, and the worry slowly dissipated a lot.

"The matter of the palace banquet..." Yuan Deyin opened his mouth to explain his purpose.

Wei Ying accepted her words with a smile: "You don't have to worry, Mr. Li Da has already come to the Runnan Palace and told me about it. The palace banquet is urgent, so let's hurry into the palace to see how well the nuns are going." Which step is it?"

"Okay." Yuan Deyin nodded immediately.

She quickly supported Wei Ying's hand, and entered the carriage with her.

After entering, Wei Ying patted the back of Yuan Deyin's hand, knowing that no one else could hear her, the tenderness on her face deepened a bit.

"My child, you have suffered." Her eyes were extremely complicated when she looked at Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin looked at her eyes with some doubts.

"Princess Runnan, what do you mean? Are you talking about this palace banquet? Deyin didn't work hard, but if you say hard work, it's your hard work..."

Yuan Deyin thought that Wei Ying meant that the preparations for the palace banquet fell on her, a girl in her teens, and worried that she would suffer.

"Do not……"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Wei Ying shook her head, her gentle eyes became more complicated.

"I'm not talking about the palace banquet, I'm talking about the Prince Regent's fiancée, Dongfang Lexuan." Wei Ying's expression restrained a bit, but his tone was still serious.

" did you find out about this?" Miss Yuan was dumbfounded, her shocked expression immediately revealed.

"You silly girl..."

Ever since knowing Yuan Deyin's true identity, and with the help that night, Wei Ying treats Yuan Deyin as if she were her own daughter.

Seeing her ignorant expression now, she felt distressed and helpless.

"This matter has already spread from the capital. People outside say that people in Donghua Mountain have always been proud and arrogant. This time they came to the capital on their own initiative. It is obvious that they are here to congratulate the emperor on his enthronement. The position of Concubine Nan came here. Some people also said that the old man Tianji, the master of the regent king, had given him a death order, telling him to marry Dongfang Lexuan..."

Wei Ying let out a deep breath, and began to patiently talk about the rumors in the capital these days.

Of course, there are even worse rumors.

For example--

"Once Miss Dongfang comes, Yuan Deyin will definitely be kicked out of the Prince Regent's Palace."

"Miss Dongfang is a rare beauty, and there is Donghua Mountain behind her. As long as the regent is a person with a brain, he will definitely agree to this marriage. It's just that Princess Deyin is still living in the regent's mansion. , it’s really an eyesore.”

"Although the emperor ordered the regent to take care of Yuan Deyin, is it really okay for her to stay in the regent's mansion as a woman with a foreign surname? It is said that Miss Dongfang went to the regent's mansion once that day, but she left aggressively. It's clear that Princess Deyin didn't know what to do and offended her."

"If Princess Deyin has a face, it's time to get out of the Prince Regent's Palace."

Listening to Wei Ying's patient words, Yuan Deyin frowned immediately.

She muttered in a low voice: "The matter of Dongfang Lexuan and her party waiting to come to the Prince Regent's Mansion, and her saying that she is the fiancee of the Nine Emperor Uncles, all happened in the Palace. Why do people outside know... Is it in the Palace? There are people who gossip..."

Looking at this little girl at this time, she is still thinking about whether the servants of the Prince Regent's Mansion are not clean.

Does she only have the Prince Regent's House on her mind?

Wei Ying was "laughed out of anger".

"My silly voice, the spread of rumors may not necessarily come from the Prince Regent's Mansion..." she said earnestly.

Yuan Deyin's eyelids twitched, and she looked at Wei Ying in shock.

"Princess Runnan, what do you mean...the news was spread by people from Donghua Mountain? Then what is their intention!"

At the end of Yuan Deyin's words, he looked both annoyed and puzzled.

Silly girl, of course they want to force you away.

Of course, it also meant to force Jun Yu to submit.

Wei Ying had some headaches, but she was more distressed.

Those stinky and shameless people in Donghuashan!

Although she didn't know why old man Tianji wanted Jun Yu to marry Dongfang Lexuan, but in her opinion, the people from Donghua Mountain sent people to spread rumors, causing the people in the capital to insult Deyin. !

Deyin, a silly girl, couldn't understand that she had lived to such an old age and experienced so many things.

When she was young, there was also a time when love first fell in love, so she naturally knew that Dongfang Lexuan was definitely not a good match for Jun Yu.

Wei Ying sighed inwardly, she saw how Jun Yu defended Deyin that night.

Alas, if Deyin is not still young...

Thinking of this, Wei Ying felt even more headache.

I always feel that it will be uneven recently.

"Son, don't worry, as long as I'm alive, those people will never bully you." Wei Ying's eyes flashed a bit of cruelty.

Before, she was too cowardly, she let the influence given to her by the queen mother go unused, and she actually fell in the way of that villain Jun Xiao.

She hadn't been able to protect the crown prince before, but now, she would risk her life to protect Deyin.

"Princess Runnan, what do you mean?" Yuan Deyin looked at Wei Ying's serious face, slightly startled in his heart, with a very puzzled expression on his face.

Wei Ying knew that it must be her current appearance that frightened her.

Forget it, she is still young, even though she is smart, she still can't understand many things.

After thinking about it, Wei Ying quickly showed a gentle smile, and she casually changed the topic: "The incident happened suddenly that night, and I haven't had time to say thank you to you. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed by that bastard Jun Xiao." Tortured to death."

When saying this, Wei Ying's eyes were full of hatred.

If Jun Xiao was in her hands, she would definitely humiliate him personally.

"That's what Deyin should do. You are Princess Run, the sister-in-law of Uncle Nine Emperors. Deyin absolutely cannot watch you being bullied by Jun Xiao. Of course, you are Deyin's... aunt."

Yuan Deyin shook her head first, then she explained calmly, with sincerity in her tone.

Wei Ying was originally full of hatred, but when she heard the word "aunt", her hands trembled.

She turned her head in disbelief, and she couldn't react to Shang Yuan Deyin's cute eyes for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, she chuckled lightly, her eyes flushed a little, she nodded, and said softly: "Good boy...good boy..."

She understood that what she was resisting was the identity of the first princess.

But when it comes to blood relationship, she doesn't resist at all.

It's great that she can hear "aunt" in her lifetime.

If the Empress Dowager Chunyu could hear her say "grandmother" with her own ears, would she die without regret?

Thinking of the Empress Dowager Chunyu who was kind to her but died alone, Wei Ying's nose felt sore and she wanted to cry.

But thinking that Yuan Deyin was still here, and worried about frightening the other party, she quickly put away the astringency in her heart.

She lowered her head and patted the back of Yuan Deyin's hand lightly.

"Anyway, this time there are really more of you and Brother Nine Emperors... However, I am still a little uneasy that Jun Xiao will not die for a day."

At the end of the words, Wei Ying's eyes flashed with worry.

Jun Xiao has lived half his life without much, except that he has the most ruthless methods.

It is said that his confidant has already escaped, and he has not been able to capture him yet.

Therefore, she was always worried that if Jun Xiao was not executed for a day, she would have long nights and dreams.

"The emperor's elder brother still cares about his family. He just locked Jun Xiao in the sky prison and guarded him strictly. He will decide his fate after the enthronement ceremony is over. But don't worry, his fate will not be very good .”

Yuan Deyin told what he knew.

"Your Majesty, he... is still a little too merciful."

A bit of helplessness flashed in Wei Ying's eyes.

For a villain like Jun Xiao, it's best to cut the grass and get rid of the roots, so that if something goes wrong, he will make a comeback.

Although the emperor has grown rapidly during these days, he is not as decisive as Jun Yu in matters of right and wrong.

Forget it, Jun Yu is not interested in the dragon chair, so what's the use of talking about it.

Wei Ying sighed silently in her heart.

She raised her eyes and said softly to Yuan Deyin: "Forget it, there is no need to think about other things now. It is better to get the palace banquet done first. I think that some noble ladies and ladies in Beijing are very concerned about the banquet. They are very experienced in organizing, we might as well ask them to help."

Yuan Deyin's expression lit up when he heard Wei Ying's words.

That's right, if there are available people, then you must not waste talents.

"Wait, Princess Runnan, Deyin seems to have guessed who you want to use?" A sly light flashed in Yuan Deyin's eyes.

Before Wei Ying could say anything, she spoke firmly: "Deyin heard that when Mrs. Yin was still the princess of the Wei State, she was able to freely enter and leave the Wei State Palace, so she was naturally familiar with palace banquets. She married Chi After Yan, she has also attended large and small palace banquets, we will definitely learn a lot from her."

Yuan Deyin used the word "ask for advice", which is enough to show her respect for Mrs. Yin.

This old Mrs. Yin is Yin Panrong's grandmother, who was the Princess Wanning of the Wei State.

The fact that a princess can be named "Wanning" is enough to show how much she was valued in Wei State back then.

Because of Yin Panrong's relationship, Yuan Deyin also knew this Yin Taijun more or less.

When she married the general of the Yin family from the state of Wei, she was clearly married.

But she didn't regret it at all, because when she followed her elder brother in the war, she immediately valued General Yin, who was still a young man in fresh clothes and angry horse.

From then on, you will not marry unless you are a king.

After arriving in Chiyan, she has also been rewarded many times, and she still has orders on her body.

If it weren't for the sparse population of the Yin family these years, and the increasingly tense relationship between Wei Guo and Chi Yan, the Yin family would not have gradually declined.

"Deyin understands that Deyin will let Wuyi invite Mrs. Yin into the palace." Yuan Deyin said seriously.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Wei Ying felt a little relieved.

In fact, she wanted Mrs. Yin to help, and she had another selfish motive.

Mrs. Yin and the Empress Dowager Chunyu were friends in boudoir back then.

It should be good for one more person to protect Deyin.

But she didn't want to tell her this idea, because she was afraid that Yuan Deyin would be under pressure.

"There is also the Miss Mei family beside you. Although the Mei family is gone now and she lives in Weiyang Academy, her demeanor is far inferior to the daughters of other families in Beijing. Let her accompany you to help, It's also very good."

Wei Ying continued to remind Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that Princess Runnan was asking her to make more friends.

Sister Qingzhou is already her good friend.

She also thought that if Sister Qingzhou was allowed to enter the palace to help, it might help Sister Qingzhou improve her reputation in Beijing.

After all, after the collapse of the Mei family, Sister Qingzhou received a lot of stares behind her back.

After thinking about it, Yuan Deyin nodded in agreement.

Wei Ying continued to name several available ladies' names.

Yuan Deyin thought about it one by one, and then nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, Princess Runnan looked at the circle far away from Beijing, but she knew very well whether some people were people or ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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