The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 286 Dongfang Lexuan's wolf ambition

Chapter 286 Dongfang Lexuan's wolf ambition

In Concubine Wei's palace.

"Bang" several times in a row.

Jun Zhoujing didn't feel relieved after smashing several vases in a row, and she was about to smash another expensive vase.

Dowager Wei, who was helped in by two nuns, was dizzy with anger.

She suppressed the fishy sweetness in her mouth, and shouted: "Jing'er, what are you doing!"

Seeing his mother and concubine coming, Jun Zhoujing reluctantly threw the vase on the side maid.

She ran up to Concubine Wei angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Concubine Mu, I'm not happy."

Concubine Wei was so angry that her teeth ached.

Are you going to vent your anger on these evil vases if you are not in a good mood?
Didn't she know that since Jun Zhouhan came to the throne, even that basic face would not be maintained for them.

There are more sluts in this palace, and those people despise them more and more.

It has been a long time since "oil and water" has come in here.

So in this palace, their mother and daughter are struggling, and these vases are one of their few possessions.

Jing'er even smashed them!
Thinking of this, Concubine Wei's heart ached as if she was about to bleed.

Seeing Concubine Wei's distorted expression, Jun Chujing also knew what she was thinking.

Puckering her lips, she muttered softly: "These things are gone, let that little bitch Mei Qingxue bring them over..."

But after finishing speaking, the mother and daughter looked at each other in horror.

"Why are you mentioning a dead person, bad luck!" Concubine Wei glanced at Jun Zhoujing resentfully.

Jun Chujing also knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, so she also fell silent.

The main reason is that when they lacked something in their palace, they sent their maids to Mei Qingxue to inform them.

Mei Qingxue was deeply favored by Jun Zhouchen at that time, what do you want?
But the person she admired in her heart was Brother Xu Huang, so naturally she would keep sending things to their palace in order to please them.

Now that little bitch Mei Qingxue has been executed by Jun Zhouhan, there is no longer anyone who will be taken advantage of by sending things here.

In Jun Chujing's mind, she actually thought that it would be great if Mei Qingxue hadn't died.

But soon, disgust flashed in her eyes.

Jun Zhouchen has been dead for so long, this place is already under Jun Zhouhan's world, even if Mei Qingxue is not dead, she definitely can't help them!

From this point of view, it would be better for that little slut Mei Qingxue to die, lest the matter fail and implicate her and the concubine mother.

The two mother and daughter looked at each other, and both of them agreed not to mention the unlucky dead man.

"Why are you so angry now? Who is making you unhappy again? Now the palace is full of Jun Zhouhan's people. If you behave inappropriately, you will be caught by him."

Concubine Wei sat down on the chair, and said to Jun Chujing somewhat resentfully.

Hearing these words, Jun Chujing's face changed. Although the person who taught her was her mother and concubine, she was still very unhappy.

She snorted coldly, and then muttered loudly: "What else can there be! Naturally, this is the palace banquet to celebrate the ascension to the throne. Jun Zhouhan gave Yuan Deyin and Yuan Deyin the right to organize the banquet in the name of the royal harem having no female relatives." The Wei family of Runnan Palace."


Concubine Wei who reminded Jun Chujing to remember her status and etiquette just now, after hearing this, she slapped the table heavily, stood up quickly, her voice was sharp, and her face was extremely ferocious.

Her appearance is no better than Jun Chujing's.

"These sluts, the Ai family is not dead yet, why is there no one in this harem? Such a big banquet is not allowed to participate in the Ai family, what is the face of the Ai family!"

Concubine Wei's face was so ferocious that she wanted to eat people.

Finally, the Queen Mother and Queen Zhou were killed. Although Jun Zhouhan was enthroned, there was no one in the harem to hinder her. She thought she was the most honorable woman in the harem.

But he didn't expect that Jun Zhouhan's action was to poke her heart and slap her in the face!
She is a concubine of a country, not as good as a princess with a different surname!
"That's right, concubine mother, they don't think much of you." Jun Chujing also stomped her feet, her face full of anger.

Although she is a princess, she is inferior to Yuan Deyin in terms of reputation and status.

Why is Yuan Deyin, a country bumpkin who restrains her father and mother, is worthy of being compared to a noble princess like her!
There are so many envoys coming this time, if she sees that she is a majestic princess of a country, she is no better than a Princess Wang with a different surname, then what will be her face!

So after hearing the news, she immediately returned to the mother's palace to lose her temper.

"No, this princess is going to find Jun Zhouhan for an argument. This princess is of the noble blood of the royal family. How can a little bitch be allowed to ride on this princess's head."

Jun Chujing gritted her teeth and was about to rush out.

Concubine Wei was also angry at this time, but she still had a little reason. Seeing Jun Chujing was about to rush out, she sneered: "Hurry up and stop the princess."

After her order fell, the nuns and maidservants in the palace rushed over to block Jun Chujing.

"Mother Concubine, why did you stop me?" Jun Chujing turned her head and looked at Concubine Wei resentfully.

She already had resentment towards Concubine Wei in her heart.

If it wasn't for the mother and concubine's failure to live up to expectations and her father's favor, would she have suffered so much grievance for the emperor's brother to go to such a distant fiefdom?

The Chiyan royal family didn't have many princes and daughters. Now she is the only princess left in the palace. She should have been honored and favored, but as a result... she has to suffer trouble with her mother and concubine!

She even thought bitterly, it would be good if the mother concubine died, so that she would not be a burden to her.

When Concubine Wei saw the resentment in Jun Chujing's eyes, she only thought that she was angry in her heart, and never thought that there was a killing intent in her heart.

"This decree was originally issued by Jun Zhou's letter. If you question him now, isn't it just giving him a chance to catch you? He wants to give Yuan Deyin power. Powerless..."

In the end, the resentment in Concubine Wei's eyes was soaring to the sky.

"Then what are we going to do, is it possible to watch that little bitch Yuan Deyin lording over our heads?"

Jun Chujing has calmed down, but she is still very unwilling.

At this time, the palace lady came to report in a hurry.

"Toffee, Mrs. Tang is here to see you."

Hearing this, Concubine Wei said with a dark face: "Just let her go back. The Ai family is tired today and I don't want to see her."

The Tang family is the mother family of Concubine Wei.

But the highest official of the Tang family is only a fifth-rank official.

And it's not from the Tang family's main family, but from the bastards of the collateral line who obtained their fame through examinations.

Not only did the Tang family not help her at all these years, but they even made her suffer.

So Concubine Wei hates her mother clan from the bottom of her heart.

But the Chiyan harem has rules, in order to alleviate the harem concubine's longing for the mother clan, so every month the female family members of the mother clan will have a chance to visit the palace.

If in the past, Concubine Wei's mother Pang Shi came, she would still like to see her.

But today, she was in an extremely unhappy mood, so no matter who came, she didn't want to see her!
The servant girl knelt on the ground with a terrified expression.

She hesitated for a while, and finally kowtowed and said: "Taifei, Mrs. Tang said that you must see her, because she brought a girl into the palace today, and that girl's surname is Dongfang..."

Before the maid could finish her sentence, Concubine Wei's sharp voice came from above.

"What did you say? That girl followed Aijia's mother into the palace. Her surname is Dongfang?"

"Yes, yes." The maid hurriedly kowtowed and answered.

"Mother Concubine, Dongfang...why is this surname so familiar?" Jun Chujing asked with a frown.

Concubine Wei glanced at her quietly, "In this world, there is no one with the surname Dongfang who dares to enter this palace, except for the one from Donghua Mountain."

"You mean that Dongfang Lexuan, Jun Yu's fiancée, what is she doing here, showing off her might?"

Jun Chujing muttered at the top of his voice.

She has also heard rumors outside these days.

So she hated everyone who had a relationship with Jun Yu.

But just as she was muttering, a cold figure walked in at the gate of the palace.

Dongfang Lexuan was wearing a white dress and a white veil, she was as noble as a fairy who was not stained by the world.

When Jun Chujing saw Dongfang Lexuan, jealous anger quickly rose in her eyes.

Now that Yuan Deyin overwhelms her a few heads, do you want Dongfang Lexuan now?

"Miss Dongfang, this palace is not your Donghua Mountain, you can break into it at will." Jun Chujing said in a strange way.

Pang followed closely, and when she saw that the atmosphere was not right, she smiled awkwardly: "Toffee, princess, my wife met Miss Donghua in front of the palace gate, she, she said that she has something important to see you... ..."

Seeing Pang's submissive appearance, the eyes of Concubine Wei and Jun Chujing's mother and daughter flashed disgust at the same time.

But thinking that there is an outsider here, they will not embarrass Ponzi.

So Concubine Wei coughed lightly coldly: "The visitor is a guest, besides, Miss Dongfang is also a distinguished guest of our Chiyan imperial family, so the Ai family will naturally treat them well, come here, give them a seat, and serve tea."

"Mother, come and sit with Ai's family." Concubine Wei waved to Pang.

Pang Zi was taken aback, she was flattered, and quickly walked over with her head down.

Since the mother and concubine let Dongfang Lexuan stay, she should take a good look at what the other party is up to.

Jun Chujing snorted coldly, then sat down proudly opposite Dongfang Lexuan.

For Jun Chujing's haughty appearance, Dongfang Lexuan seemed to be indifferent, she lightly sipped the tea brought by the maid.

After a long time, she said leisurely: "On the way here, I heard that the concubine and the princess were struggling in the palace. Looking at it now, it is indeed so. Even the not as good as the servants of Donghua Mountain. for drink."

"You... Dongfang Lexuan, you bitch, you dare to compare this princess and concubine mother to your servants of Donghua Mountain."

When Jun Chujing heard Dongfang Lexuan's words, she bared her teeth and stood up grimly.

It's fine if other people come to insult her!

Who is she, Dongfang Lexuan, who dares to say that about her?

"Jing'er." Concubine Wei was still a little calm. She suppressed her anger and gave Jun Chujing a cold drink.

If Dongfang Lexuan's intention was to annoy them, wouldn't Jinger's appearance make her laugh at her now!
"Miss Dongfang, you came to Ai's house on purpose, maybe just to ask for a cup of tea?" Dowager Wei's cold eyes fell on Dongfang Lexuan.

The woman who survived in this harem looked at people with piercing eyes at this time.

But Dongfang Lexuan was not frightened at all, she covered her veil with a soft laugh.

"Concubine Wei, this lady just wanted to talk about a cooperation with you, but I didn't expect Princess Chujing to be so intolerant of provocation... No wonder she was repeatedly suppressed by Yuan Deyin..."

Dongfang Lexuan's last words sounded like emotion, but the irony was not concealed at all.

Jun Chujing seemed to be stepped on her tail again, she gritted her teeth and gave an order: "Come on, get this bitch out of the princess, no, it's her face that was scratched by the princess before throwing it away." go out."

Yuan Deyin relies on Uncle Jiuhuang and Jun Zhouhan, so it's fine to disobey her many times.

Who is she, Dongfang Lexuan, who deserves to provoke her here!

"Jing'er." Concubine Wei shouted bitterly.

How could the daughter she taught couldn't hold her breath.

Dongfang Lexuan's actions were clearly deliberate provocations. If Jing'er got angry, she would have fallen into her trap.

After so many years in this harem, Jing'er still hasn't made any progress.

This Dongfang Lexuan was right, given her temperament, no wonder she was always suppressed by Yuan Deyin.

It would be great if Jing'er could be half as calm as Xu'er.

Thinking of Jun Zhouxu, Dowager Wei's eyes flashed a little gentle.

Xu'er should also be back for this enthronement ceremony...

"Miss Dongfang, if you came to Ai's house just to say these things, then Ai's house can't accommodate you here. For the sake of your relationship with the regent, Ai's house will not be held accountable. You can go back." .”

Concubine Wei spoke lightly.

In a few words, he took the initiative in his own hands.

If it weren't for the fact that Donghua Mountain was behind this little bitch, and she didn't have Xu'er by her side, and she didn't have any real power, she would have ordered someone to cut this little bitch into pieces.

Concubine Wei was also angry, but she knew her current situation well, so she could only endure it.

"Concubine Wei, don't rush me away in such a hurry. I have already said that I want to come to discuss cooperation with you today." Dongfang Lexuan said leisurely.

"What cooperation can you talk about?" Jun Chujing asked angrily.

"If Miss Ben says that as long as you join hands with Miss Ben, Yuan Deyin will surely die, do you think this cooperation is good?"

In Dongfang Lexuan's beautiful eyes, there was a bit of resentment.

Jun Chujing originally wanted to open her mouth to curse, but after hearing Dongfang Lexuan's words, her head buzzed.

"Miss Dongfang, do you know what you are talking about? Princess Deyin is the orphan of King Ji, why Aijia and Jing'er want to hurt her, don't you..."

"Concubine Wei, there are only a few of us here, why do you have to be hypocritical?" Dongfang Lexuan sneered, and she just looked at Concubine Wei with a mocking expression.

"You bitch, you dare to insult mother and concubine!" Jun Chujing pointed at Dongfang Lexuan and cursed.

Looking at Jun Chujing's appearance, the murderous look in Dongfang Lexuan's eyes flashed, but she quickly returned to her coolness.

"Isn't what Miss Ben is telling the truth? If you don't want people to know about the tricks you have done, you have to do nothing. I know that you not only want Yuan Deyin to die, but also Jun Zhouhan."

Dongfang Lexuan spoke loudly, without any hesitation that she was in the palace.

Her words made the light in Concubine Wei's eyes slowly sink.

Her obscure eyes swept over nearly ten servant girls, and the cold aura on her body was even heavier.

"Aunt Du." She called out in a cold voice.

An old nanny with a low brow and pleasing eyes next to her nodded immediately: "Your servant understands."

Soon, Aunt Du withdrew Pang Shi who was still trembling, and ten maids from the whole palace were also taken away.

I'm afraid that after today, these ten court ladies will turn into a pile of loess, who let them hear what they shouldn't hear.

"Miss Dongfang, you dare to say such outrageous words. Could it be that this is what the regent means?"

Concubine Wei stared at Dongfang Lexuan with vicious eyes, wishing she could put this hat of treason on Jun Yu's head immediately.

Dongfang Lexuan covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, "Concubine Wei, you don't need to follow Missy Ben's words. You just need to know that Missy, like you, wants Yuan Deyin to die. As for Jun Zhouhan, it's Missyy A gift for you."

"Why do you want Yuan Deyin to die?" Jun Chujing's probing eyes fell on Dongfang Lexuan, trying to see through her.

Her tone was much better now, obviously she was moved by Dongfang Lexuan's words.

"Princess Chujing, do you think a woman will allow another woman to live in her husband's house? Even if she is young, she must be a damn vixen."

At the end, Dongfang Lexuan's expression on the outside became hideous.

Seeing Dongfang Lexuan like this, Jun Chujing almost wanted to sneer.

Hehe, aren't you Miss Dongfang so arrogant, why are you afraid that a little Yuan Deyin will snatch Uncle Nine Emperors away?
However, thinking that Dongfang Lexuan might have to use Dongfang Lexuan's hand to deal with Yuan Deyin, Jun Chujing was a little more sensible and did not directly provoke him.

"Why do you think we will believe your words?" Jun Chujing's tone was still tentative.

"Based on how cowardly you are now. Do you think that if you don't resist, is there a way out? As long as you help me kill Yuan Deyin, Jun Zhouhan's life, I will naturally give it to you."

Dongfang Lexuan is completely strategizing.

"You..." Jun Chujing twisted her mouth angrily.

Concubine Wei's expression was also very bad, her nails were clenched tightly, wishing she could kill Dongfang Lexuan.

But thinking of the value behind Dongfang Lexuan, she let out a sigh of relief, and then stared at the other party grimly: "What a big tone, we can help a mere Yuan Deyin. But, Jun Zhou Han's life, are you sure you can take it? Also, Jun Zhouhan has such a good relationship with Tianji and Jun Yu, and you are Jun Yu's fiancée, are you sure you really want to help me?"

Her worry was nothing short of worrying.

"Brother Junyu is my fiancé, but what is he, Jun Zhouhan? He is just a scoundrel who stayed on Donghua Mountain back then! Father has long been disgusted with him. Brother Junyu just values ​​this too much. It's not a good thing for him to lose the royal family's affection. He can't do it ruthlessly, so naturally Miss Ben will do it for him."

Dongfang Lexuan spoke leisurely.

Concubine Wei stared at Dongfang Lexuan closely, trying to see through her.

At the same time, she was still thinking for a long time in her heart, trying to figure out whether Dongfang Lexuan's words could be trusted.

"Then why do you think the Ai family trusts you? What if you take Jun Zhouhan's name, blame it on the Ai family, and let Jun Yu ascend the throne?" Concubine Wei said sharply.

If Dongfang Lexuan really did this, wouldn't she and Jinger make wedding dresses for others?
"Haha? Concubine Wei, you are overthinking. You have been in this deep palace for so long, you should know that if Brother Junyu wants to become emperor, it is easy for him, but why does he let his nephew Come on, it is clear that he values ​​family affection and despises the throne..."

Listening to Dongfang Lexuan's words, Concubine Wei snorted coldly in her heart.

Value family?

Hehe, if he valued family affection, why didn't he even think about letting Xu'er become the throne!

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, but her heart became more and more partial to Dongfang Lexuan's words.

"My lady is a majestic young lady of the Dongfang family. Naturally, I don't want to compete for favor among your royal family, so the best way is to let Jun Yu go back to Donghua Mountain with me. As long as Jun Zhouhan dies, Jun Zhouxu will be enthroned." , Brother Jun Yu didn't intend to stay in the capital, so naturally he left with me..."

Seeing Concubine Wei's thoughts moved, Dongfang Lexuan continued to attack her heart.

"I don't ask for anything. The only thing I want is that brother Jun Yu and I will go back to Donghua Mountain. Concubine Wei, you are willing to help, right? After all... King Xu is better than Jun Zhouhan to be emperor, isn't it?"

Dongfang Lexuan's last words were full of temptation.

Concubine Wei was a little apprehensive at first, but when she thought of Xu'er, who was alone in the fiefdom...

She gritted her teeth and said firmly, "Okay, Aijia will cooperate with you. However, you must agree to Aijia. After the matter is completed, you and Junyu will return to Donghua Mountain."

Isn't the son-in-law of Donghuashan just a softie!

When Jun Yu returned there, he must have become a useless waste, how can he still have the majesty of today's regent?

And her Xu'er will become the most honorable emperor of Chi Yan.

The suffering of their mother and son... will soon be over.

Thinking of this, Concubine Wei felt that the congestion that had been suppressed in her heart for more than ten years seemed to be dissolved at once.

"Naturally, what this miss wants is brother Jun Yu." Dongfang Lexuan replied casually.

Looking at Concubine Wei's complacent look, a strange light flashed in her eyes.

Heh, as long as Brother Junyu?
No, Master has said that she, Dongfang Lexuan, has a noble destiny and was born with a phoenix destiny.

She wants brother Jun Yu, and she also wants the position of queen!

What she wants is not just Chi Yan, what she and Donghua Mountain behind her want is the whole world.

Chi Yan was just her first step.

(End of this chapter)

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