Chapter 287 Give Up Killing Yuan Deyin

"But, how can we kill Yuan Deyin?"

Now that the mother and concubine believed in Dongfang Lexuan, Jun Chujing naturally rushed over, because she really wanted Yuan Deyin to die.

There has never been a slut who can make her lose face over and over again.

Obviously she is the most honorable princess!
"Princess Chujing, don't be nervous, plan... This lady has her own arrangements, you just need to listen to this lady."

Dongfang Lexuan glanced at Jun Chujing and Concubine Wei, and the corners of her mouth under the veil curled into a strange arc.


"Brother, are we really going to participate in the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Chiyan? Isn't it just a brat enthroned? Who knows who will pull him down from the throne one day..."

At the entrance of the noisy city gate, two plainly dressed men walked in one after the other.

They all had rough beards on their faces.

But if you look closely, you can definitely see the delicate skin under the beard.

Therefore, the two must be no more than 25 years old.

Although their beards covered most of their faces, they looked ordinary, but their demeanor did not look like ordinary people at all.

"Brother, why don't you pay attention to me." Tu Suye quickly caught up with the man in front of him, and he screamed angrily.

Tu Sufang glanced at him angrily.

He said earnestly: "Fourth brother, we are going to Beijing in a low-key manner this time, not only to congratulate Brother Han on his ascension to the throne, but also to meet his righteous sister for father and mother. I can't spare you!"

If an outsider heard Tu Sufang's words here, he would be extremely shocked.

Because he called Jun Zhouhan "Handi".

Calling the emperor of a country "younger brother" is definitely disrespectful to anyone else.

But Tu Sufang, as the heir of the Tusu family of the four great hermit families, his title of Jun Yu basically represented their family, and he treated Jun Zhouhan as a relative.

Outsiders thought that Concubine Jiang saved Patriarch Tu Su's life back then, but in fact she only made Patriarch Tu Su owe her a favor.

Actually otherwise, what the Tusu family valued most was kindness.

So they all regard Jun Zhouhan as their family.

But Jun Zhouhan has the blood of the royal family. As members of the hermit family, they are watched by everyone in the world, so they can't show too close, otherwise it will bring disaster to both parties.

This is also one of the reasons for their low-key visit to Beijing this time.

Now, the fourth brother is making a lot of noise, what if he is found out?
"Hmph, what righteous sister! Our family recognized Jun Zhouhan. After all, their mother and concubine are kind to our father. But what is she, Yuan Deyin, a little girl who wants to rely on our Tusu family?"

Tu Suye spoke unhappily.

He was the last person in the Tusu family who didn't want Yuan Deyin to be his adopted sister.

Their family has always wanted a daughter, and the mother and concubine also hoped day and night that they would have a daughter, but in the end they gave birth to four children, all of whom were sons.

Because he has no daughter, his father, mother, and elder brothers all give their love to him who is the youngest.

She never thought that this adopted daughter who turned out to be out of nowhere would cause her mother to miss her every night.

From time to time, someone would be sent out to find out what kind of person this Princess Deyin was.

If it wasn't for the fact that her mother was not feeling well this time, she would definitely have rushed here just to see Yuan Deyin.

Outsiders don't know, saying that their Tusu family is indifferent to Yuan Deyin, and they have not made a statement for so long, they must not like her.

Little did they know, the Tusu family had their own considerations.

Yuan Deyin is the owner of Chiyan County, but she can be the adopted daughter of the Tusu family, but because she is not of real royal blood, her father is a king with a different surname.

Only in this way can we avoid the shackles of the rules established by our ancestors, then——

The hidden family cannot be too deeply involved with the royal family.

But even so, the world still had a big reaction.

The Tusu family's low-profile response to their adoptive daughter was actually protecting Yuan Deyin.

The more he thought about it, Tu Suye felt sour in his heart.

He was very jealous of this righteous sister who had not met yet, for fear that she would take away his place in the family.

"You brat, it's fine if you tell me these things. If you dare to say it in front of your parents, and Brother Han, believe it or not, I'll punish you?"

Tu Sufang's face became serious.

Tu Suye was shocked instantly.

Since he was a child, he has been a great devil in the world. He is not afraid of heaven and earth. The only thing he is afraid of is his father and elder brother, because they are very strict.

"Okay, okay, I just don't say anything." When I saw her, I secretly dealt with him.

Tu Suye muttered in his heart.

Seeing that Tu Suye's face had softened, Tu Sufang's expression changed a little bit.

"Okay, let's find a place to settle down first, and then we will find a chance to meet our righteous sister." Tu Sufang said in a deep voice.

"Got it, got it." Tu Suye nodded obediently.

But the mind has already flown.

This Chiyan capital is too prosperous.

The hermit family all lived in the Flower Forest, an area deep in the mountains and old forests.

Although the Tusu family is not poor, and the place they live in is well-decorated, but there must be a lot of fireworks missing.

So when he saw this noisy street, he would inevitably feel anxious.

He has already done it, and when the big brother is not staring at him, he will sneak out to play.


When Jun Yu came out of the palace, he saw a plainly dressed "old man" standing not far away, looking at him from time to time with sizing eyes.

"My lord, is it an assassin?" Wu Xi was full of vigilance, he raised his sword, and looked not far away with sharp eyes.

Jun Yu said blankly: "Have you ever seen someone who is an assassin on the side of the road in broad daylight?"

Wu Xi: "..." It seems that there is nothing.

"The last time I mistook Yin'er for an assassin in the imperial mausoleum, and now I mistook the assassin by the side of the road. Wuxi, I suspect that your eyes are blind." Jun Yu said indifferently.

Wu Xi was stunned for a moment, but when he realized it, he pursed his mouth and was about to cry.

The lord, his words... are too poisonous~
He knew that the prince remembered the incident in the imperial tomb where he almost killed Princess Deyin.

Lord, he always remembers...

"Sub, this subordinate will definitely practice his eyesight in the future." Like a sad little daughter-in-law, Wu Xi lowered his head and quickly admitted his mistake.

"But, but, who is that person, and why has he been spying on us?"

After hesitating for a long time, Wu Xi couldn't help it anymore, and probed the question in a low voice.

Jun Yu didn't answer, he stretched his long legs and walked straight towards the other party.

"Young Master Tu Su, please stay safe." Jun Yu stared at the other party with his deep eyes, and his voice was calm and powerful.

A bit of sharpness flashed in Tu Sufang's eyes.

Even though he was dressed like this, Jun Yu could recognize his identity just by looking at him.

As expected of the Regent of Chi Yan!

He laughed, and immediately stood up straight, looking back at Jun Yu calmly: "Don't come here without any problems."

"You want to enter the palace to meet the emperor?" Jun Yu could see through his intention at a glance.

Although according to Tu Sufang's skills, the palace is for him to come and go freely.

But now that there are many people in the capital, it will be troublesome if something goes wrong, so he chooses to keep a low profile.

No, let him squat down to Jun Yu who just left the palace.

"Wu Xi, bring Young Master Tu Su into the palace." Jun Yu didn't wait for Tu Su Fang to say anything, he gave Wu Xi a look.

Wu Xi's face symbolized the Prince Regent's Palace, so the guards would not look carefully at whoever he brought into the palace.

Tu Sufang opened his mouth, he wanted to talk about Deyin's sister, but seeing Jun Yu's hurried appearance, he had no choice but to put this thought away first.

After seeing Brother Han, go find Yimei again.

As Tu Sufang thought about it, he quickly smiled at Jun Yu: "Thank you Ninth Prince for your help."

After finishing speaking, he quickly followed Wu Xi into the palace.

After waiting for no one here, Jun Yu's face darkened, and his voice was cold, "Do you need me to invite you before you are willing to come out?"

His voice fell, and a thin figure like green bamboo came out from the corner.

"Prince Regent." Qing Xiu respectfully saluted Jun Yu.

Jun Yu didn't respond, his deep eyes passed over Qing Xiu, and looked at the white-haired He Jinyuan behind him.

He Jinyuan's complicated eyes stared at Jun Yu for a long time, but he remained silent.

"Mr. Jin Yuan, you still don't want to let Yin'er go, do you?" Jun Yu's deep eyes showed a bit of cruelty.

If the other party showed any killing intent towards Yin'er, then he would never let the other party go.

After the murder case at Weiyang Academy, Yin'er didn't go to the academy anymore, but Jun Yu couldn't relax for a moment.

Because he didn't forget, He Jinyuan wanted to kill Yin'er because of that ridiculous "prophecy".

Seeing Jun Yu's vigilant look, He Jinyuan suddenly laughed.

A bit of helplessness slowly emerged on that old face.

"If the old man really wants to kill Princess Deyin, I'm afraid there's no way to do it." He Jinyuan shook his head.

Although he has nested in that small library for many years, he still knows a thing or two about the world's major events.

He also knew something about this young regent who had a great bearing and skill.

If you provoke him, I'm afraid the consequences will not be very good.

Sighing silently, He Jinyuan looked at him with clear eyes, and said sincerely: "Prince Regent, this old man did have the intention of killing Princess Deyin, but the night that the accident happened in the Runnan Palace, this old man was also in the dark... ..."

Hearing his words, Jun Yu raised his eyes, and his pair of deep eyes stared at him a little more.

He naturally knew that there was someone hiding in the dark at the Regent's Palace that night, and he could guess that this person was He Jinyuan.

But he couldn't detect He Jinyuan's killing intent, so he never caught him out.

But now, the other party suddenly made this matter clear, what's their intention?

Sensing the vigilance in Jun Yu's eyes, He Jinyuan let out a foul breath.

"The He family's ancestors have been good for generations, serving the country and the people. When the old man was a child, his father taught many ways of loyalty. If there were no such things in the past, the old man's sons and grandsons should have made achievements in the court now... ..."

"That night, the old man sneaked into Prince Runnan's mansion. He originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos and kill Princess Deyin, so that it would be over. But that day, I could see that she was fighting wits and courage with that despicable King Runnan. Princess Runnan exposed the viciousness of King Runnan, she did not hesitate to throw herself into the lake and hurt her body..."

The more He Jinyuan said, the more complicated his tone became.

Over the years, Chi Yan was under the power of the original Jun Zhouchen, and most of the officials in the court were corrupt moths who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

Such a sincere heart actually appeared in a little girl.

While a little bit of blood rose in his heart, he was even more annoyed.

He was thinking, is he a little confused to put blood feud and the fate of the country on a little girl?

"It's the old man who has been at the edge of his head all these years. He has been unable to get out of the pain of destroying the door, and he is still trying to hurt Princess Deyin. But I don't know, it was my thoughts that fell into the lower ring of that dark and vicious person! "

The more He Jinyuan spoke, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help coughing several times in a row.

"Sir." Qing Xiu looked worried, and quickly supported him.

"No problem." He Jinyuan waved to Qingxiu.

He bent his waist with difficulty, and then gave Jun Yu a heavy salute.

"The thief who killed the He family has not been found yet, and the old man feels that his time is running out. The old man just wants to find the murderer as soon as possible while he is still alive. I have offended you so much before. I hope the regent will forgive me."

He Jinyuan's words are forceful, bloody, and full of emotion.

Jun Yu looked at He Jinyuan with deep eyes for a long time, and he probably understood in his heart how proud He Jinyuan was when he was young.

For the next few decades, he hid and hid, and tried to blame the disaster on a little girl. This was clearly poking his own spine, and he didn't feel so good in his heart.

After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "It's been so many years, Mr. Jin Yuan, if you want to find the murderer, I'm afraid the clues will be cut off."

"The old man has been secretly investigating for so many years, and now it is finally confirmed that there are clues in the southeast area. Although I don't know if I can find anything, the old man still wants to go to the southeast area in person."

He Jinyuan spoke in a firm voice.

Therefore, he came this time not only to tell Jun Yu that he gave up hunting Yuan Deyin, but also to practice it with Jun Yu.

"Alright, this is your lifelong obsession. Do you need men and horses? This king will send you some men." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Regent, but the old man went there in secret, and didn't want to startle the snake. Qingxiu will accompany the old man." He Jinyuan replied respectfully.

"Alright, if you have any difficulties, send a message to this king in time. The He family has been loyal and good for generations, and the court will not forgive the murderer when the He family is destroyed. Mr. Jin Yuan, as long as you are willing, you will always be Mr. He."

Jun Yu watched He Jinyuan speak, his tone unquestionable.

He Jinyuan was stunned for a moment when he heard Jun Yu's words, and he couldn't help the tears in his eyes.

Choked up for a moment, he nodded with difficulty: "I... obey."

(End of this chapter)

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