The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 288 More than four brothers who protect the calf

Chapter 288
"Fourth young master, where are you going? The young master said that he asked the younger one to watch you while he was entering the palace. You must not run around and stay at the inn."

A young servant followed closely behind a white-haired "old man", so anxious that he was about to cry.

Hearing this nagging voice, the "old man" turned his head in disgust.

His chin was covered by a white beard, and there were many age spots on his face.

But the pair of carefree eyes that were exposed clearly resembled Tu Suye's appearance.

"Shiye, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will drive you away." Tu Suye threatened coldly.

Shiye wanted to cry even more now.

Why is he so miserable, with such a master who threatens him at every turn.

"Yes, but the young master said..." Shiye was aggrieved, and he wanted to struggle.

As a result, Tu Suye swept over with a faint look.

"Didn't you say that elder brother has already entered the palace? Then if you don't tell me about this young master, who will know!"

"Yes, but..."

Shiye was still very disturbed, after all the young master was so smart, he would definitely find something was wrong.

"I told you to stop talking nonsense, hurry up and follow me, this young master is acting as an old man now, hurry up and support me." Tu Suye threatened.

"Okay, okay, young master." Shiye could only walk over with an aggrieved face in the end.

"What are you calling young master, master!" Tu Suye gave Shiye another sharp look.

"Yes... yes, master." Shiye nodded aggrievedly.

Looking at the bustling city with people coming and going, Shiye, who had never traveled far, could only nervously grab Tu Suye's sleeve.

"Young Master, where should we go now?"

"Naturally, I sneaked to the Prince Regent's Mansion to find out what the hell Yuan Deyin is." Tu Suye said proudly.

He originally wanted to go out to play, but thinking about it, it seems that it is more important to give that cheap righteous sister a blow.

If Yuan Deyin was frightened by him, he probably wouldn't dare to think about the Tusu family in his life.

Hmph, he will let her know that not everyone can miss the Tusu family!
"Master, no, it's not good." Shiye was about to cry again.

After all, before Madam came, she had already told her to make a good impression on Miss Deyin.

But who knew that the Fourth Young Master was going to give her a blow.

After Shiye was annoyed for a while, he turned around, only to see that "Master" was already walking like flying, and had gone a long way.

He could only grit his teeth and hurried to catch up.

The two supported each other, and under the guidance of passers-by, they finally reached the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

But they looked at the heavily guarded gate of the mansion and felt trembling in their hearts.

"Young...Master, why don't we go back first and pay a visit another day. After all, I've heard that the guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion are the best in the world." Shiye opened his mouth tentatively.

As a result, Tu Suye gave him a blank look.

"This young master learned the skills of the Tusu family. If you can't even enter the door of the Prince Regent's mansion, wouldn't it be ridiculous?" Tu Suye sneered, with a haughty tone.

"However, there are estimated to be thousands of first-class guards in the Prince Regent's Palace." Shiye continued to add.

"Okay, don't be so high-profile, let's go to the back door of their palace to see if there is any dog ​​hole to get in." Tu Suye said with a serious face.

Shiye: "..."

The fourth young master is indeed the fourth young master, and he can recognize it so fresh and refined.

The two sneaked towards the back door of the palace.

But they didn't know that from the moment they appeared, they were already being watched by the hidden guards of the Prince Regent's Palace.

"Master, let's not take the risk. It feels like being a thief. It's not good." Shiye was still trying to persuade Tu Suye not to be impulsive.

As a result, Tu Suye gave him a disgusted look.

"If you are timid, go quickly, don't be a burden here."

Shiye felt aggrieved and wanted to cry again, the young master disliked him.


"Wait, did you hear something?" Tu Suye suddenly stopped and looked at Shiye strangely.

Shiye nodded with red eyes: "Okay, it seems like some animal is calling."

Are the animals barking?
Are there animals in the Regent's House?

Tu Suye, who knew nothing about the Prince Regent's Mansion before coming here, is even more pervasive now.

Suddenly at this moment, he saw a yellow-white figure flashing like a bolt of lightning at the end of the alley.

The action is simply too fast.

"Shiye, did you see that there was a fat orange cat over there just now. Fortunately, my young master has good eyesight, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to see what it is!"

Tu Suye asked Shiye excitedly.

Shiye frowned and scratched his head.

Why didn't he see it?

Is it really because his eyesight is not as good as the Fourth Young Master's?
"Hurry up and catch it. Forget it, Master Ben will go there in person."

Tu Suye poked his little paw expectantly, then walked towards the end of the alley with great interest.

Although he is a great devil in the family, he has a very special hobby.

He just likes soft things, and he has raised many chubby cats.

Now seeing that there is a cat that is much fatter than usual and has shiny hair, how could he miss it!

After thinking about it, Tu Suye hurried over.

Just as it was near the end, the "fat cat" rubbed its own butt out from the corner.

Tu Suye showed a salivating smile, and he stretched out his hand unceremoniously.

Then he grabbed "Fat Cat" by the ass.


Ming Zhou's hair stood on end, it bared its sharp teeth and turned its head.

Tu Suye was stroking the cat comfortably, but when he looked up, he met a pair of tiger eyes.

The atmosphere became quiet for a moment, and then gradually became weird.

"Shiye, do you feel that there is something wrong with this cat?"

Tu Suye swallowed. He looked at the imposing "king" character on Ming Zhou's forehead, and asked Shi Ye, who was walking from behind, in a weak voice.

Seeing this scene, Shiye really wanted to cry out loud.

"Fourth young master, there is indeed something wrong with it, because it is not a cat at all!"

Shiye's calf was weak, he said in a trembling voice.

Master, does he have bad eyesight?
Forget it, is the young master blind?
Such a big tiger, he actually mistook it for a cat!

Now, his paws actually touched the tiger's butt!
God, let a lightning strike him to death, he doesn't want to face such a scene.

Tu Suye was also discouraged, and he smiled flatteringly at Ming Zhou's gloomy face: "Brother Tiger, misunderstanding is all misunderstanding."

After speaking, he wanted to take back his hand.

But before taking it back, he still didn't change his mind, and pinched Ming Zhou's butt again.

Ming Zhou: "..."


A certain big tiger roared earth-shatteringly.

This baby is dirty, this baby is going to kill this wretched man!

Ming Zhou stared at Ming Zhou, as if trying to tear him apart.

"Shiye, what are you doing standing here, run away!"

Tu Suye gave Shiye an angry look, and then ran away quickly.

After touching the king's butt, he still wanted to run away.

Mingri's teeth "creaked and creaked", and its vigorous body twisted, and it immediately caught up.

Seeing the tiger chasing after him, even if Tu Suye used his family's unique lightness kung fu, it would be useless.

He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

If I had known that I would have followed my elder brother to learn the skills of the Tusu family, I wouldn't be in such a mess now.

Just when Ming Zhou was about to crush Tu Suye in one bite, suddenly a soft and gentle voice came.

"Tomorrow, don't hurt anyone."

In a word, the tiger who was still irritable just now became docile in an instant.

Tu Suye and Shiye also stopped running away, they turned their heads hesitantly.

As a result, I saw a huge tiger, just like a docile cat, rubbing against the feet of a little girl, constantly showing off its cuteness.

A tiger is so cute, it's shameless.

Tu Suye was very angry.

But what's more in his heart is, it's so sour.

He also wanted the tiger to listen to him so that he could pinch it.

Frowning, Tu Suye followed the tiger and looked up.

In the end, I saw a... cough, no, it was a little girl who was exquisitely carved and looked at him suspiciously with her head tilted.

A gust of wind blew, and the bell around the girl's waist jingled.

She wears two ox horn whips, and there is curly fluff on her plump forehead, her big dark eyes are like bright stars, her nose is small and tall, her pouting mouth is well-behaved, and her chubby face makes people People... want to pinch.

Want to pinch!

Want to pinch!

Want to pinch!

Tu Suye felt that he was really going to explode on the spot.

This little girl is really cute, so soft, I really want to pinch!
His eyes were red, and he really wanted to go up and pinch the other's tender and tender face.

Shiye grew up with him, and with his current appearance, there is nothing Shiye doesn't understand.

Shiye quickly stopped him.

"Fourth young master, this is Chi Yan, she is a girl, you can't pinch, you can't pinch." Shi Ye felt like he was about to cry.

Is there anything more difficult to be a servant than him?
What kind of obsession is this fourth young master, come and rescue him personally!
"Who are you? Why are you bullying Ben... bullying my brain axe." Yuan Deyin stared angrily at the other party with a pair of black eyes.

Her little face was flushed with anger.

The words accidentally leaked out and called the tiger a "brain axe".

She was so pissed off!

Originally, I was tired enough to prepare the palace banquet in the palace in the morning, but when I came back to the palace to rest, I wanted to take Mingtian out for a stroll.

Because there were many people at the front door, in order not to scare people, she deliberately brought Ming Zhou to the back door, but who knew that this person actually bullied Ming Zhou, it was unforgivable!
"Shiye, she is so cute, if I pinch her, she should cry." Tu Suye gave Shiye a wicked smile.

The corner of Shiye's mouth twitched.

To be honest, he also wanted to slap their fourth young master for his face.

This stinky shameless!
"Gu, miss, I'm sorry, my master didn't do it on purpose." Shiye blushed and explained to Yuan Deyin in shame.

"Your master? I thought he was your grandfather." Yuan Deyin snorted softly.

Disrespectful to the old!
"Grandpa?" Tu Suye's voice raised slightly, as if he was a little anxious. When did he become a grandfather? Is he still a handsome young man?
But when he jumped around, he remembered that he was dressed as an old man now.

He scratched his hair a little annoyed.

If I had known earlier, I would not have pretended to be such a ghost and went out. I would not be able to get close to that little girl if I turned into an old man.

"Morrow, what's the matter with you?" Yuan Deyin looked at the big tiger leaning on her feet, looking aggrieved, and she felt a little distressed.

"Wow..." Huh, he touched his ass, how could he be touched by a male guy.

Yuan Deyin's mouth twitched.

It is so sad because the person who touched it is a male?

So, if it's a female... Ahem, no, it's a woman touching its butt, wouldn't it be so sad?

"Hmph, you're also a pervert." Yuan Deyin poked Ming Zhou's head, and said with hatred.

"Aww..." He just likes Miss Sister, can't he?

A certain big tiger hummed a few times, feeling even more aggrieved.

Yuan Deyin didn't want it to stay outside for so long.

She touched its head and wanted to take it back to the Prince Regent's Mansion.

She ignored Tu Suye the whole time,
Tu Suye noticed that Yuan Deyin was leaving.

He was anxious, and hurried over: "Little girl, which family are you from?"

Seeing Tu Suye approaching, Yuan Deyin stood up with thorns all over his body, and looked at him warily.

This old man is so strange, why did he come here!

Ming Zhou also stared at him vigilantly, as if he could pounce on him to resist at any time.

"You, don't come here." Yuan Deyin's tone was a little nervous.

Just at this critical moment, suddenly a familiar voice came from behind.


Yuan Deyin turned her head, only to see Jiuhuangshu in official robes walking towards her quickly.

There are many people behind Jun Yu, but the little girl seems to only see him.

Her eyes lit up, as if she had lost all fear.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." She shouted, and hurriedly ran over with her short legs.

Seeing the little girl running towards him, Jun Yu quickly reached out to catch her.

It was as if he had done this action countless times.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, there is a very strange grandfather there." Yuan Deyin looked in Tu Suye's direction, clutched Jun Yu's sleeve nervously, and said aggrievedly.

The little girl who was flabbergasted just now, after seeing Uncle Nine Emperors, was really just a little girl who wanted to protect her wholeheartedly.

Hearing the little girl's words, Jun Yu's deep eyes instantly fell on Tu Suye not far away.

Tu Suye just heard the words "strange grandpa" in his ears, and he felt his heart was about to vomit blood instantly.

"This young master is handsome and unrestrained, so it's not a strange old man."

He quickly tore off the beard on his face, and quickly wiped off the age spots on his face.

Soon, a handsome young face was revealed.

However, a pair of stern eyes also stared at it.

"Fourth brother, can you explain what's going on?" Tu Sufang looked at Tu Suye coldly.

Why is this voice so familiar?

Tu Suye fixed his eyes on the man in the white robe and jade crown next to Jun Yu, isn't that the eldest brother who has recovered his face?

"Big brother, why are you here?"

Tu Suye, who was still valiant just now, became cowardly like a quail in an instant.

"Of course I came to see our righteous sister with the regent. But I remember that before I left, I repeatedly told you to stay in the inn and not to wander around. Did you take my words as wind on your ears? "

Tu Sufang blushed with anger.

In fact, the most important thing is that he feels ashamed of his stupid brother!

It's the first time I met Deyin's sister. Is it really okay for him to act like this?

Tu Sufang wanted to draw a clear line with Tu Suye on the spot, and then told Yuan Deyin - "This person has nothing to do with Tu Su's family, please don't mind us."

When Tu Suye heard Tu Sufang's words, he froze for a moment.

After reacting, he muttered with a strange expression: "Prince Regent, sister Deyin..."

Is it...

Could it be...

That soft and cute little girl is his adopted sister whom he has hated for so many days!

Tu Suye looked at Yuan Deyin's soft little face wary of him, and he felt his heart was about to break.

want to cry...

He didn't know that his adopted sister was so soft and cute.

If he knew, he would definitely carry the carriage to Chi Yan overnight and steal her away.

Tu Suye just had this thought in his mind, when a dangerous look fell on him.

His heart tightened, and he raised his head stiffly, only to see Jun Yu staring at him expressionlessly.

Those black eyes seemed to be able to see through the small thoughts in his heart.

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to think about it any more.

When Yuan Deyin heard Tu Sufang's words, her little ears instantly stood up, like a little rabbit.

She pulled open Jiuhuangshu's sleeves, poked her head out, looked at Tu Sufang suspiciously, and looked at him with a bit of astringency, "You are..."

Seeing the little girl's small appearance, Tu Sufang's expression softened, and his tone softened a lot, for fear that he might frighten this soft rabbit.

"I am the eldest son of the Tusu family, your eldest brother." He explained to Yuan Deyin softly.

Big brother?
There were other emotions in Yuan Deyin's eyes.

But without any hesitation, she directly shouted openly: "Hello, brother."

Hearing that Yuan Deyin called his eldest brother, Tu Suye looked at Yuan Deyin expectantly, and whispered, "I am the fourth brother."

"Oh." A certain little girl said a word just like that.

And then……

Tu Suye looked at Yuan Deyin expectantly in this way, but after waiting for a long time, he couldn't wait for the fourth brother, and he felt that his heart was about to break.

A certain little girl felt a little funny when she saw his lost look.

Thinking that the anger she gave to Ming Zhou should also be released, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and before Tu Suye could react, she easily called out: "Fourth brother."

Hearing this sound, Tu Suye's head buzzed first.

After reacting, he looked excited, as if he had been hit by some pie.

"Hey, sister." He responded with a smile.

"Sister Deyin, mother asked us to bring you this." Tu Sufang took out a jade bracelet from his body.

When Yuan Deyin saw the appearance of the jade bracelet, he could guess in his heart that it was definitely not ordinary.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say that she couldn't take such an expensive gift.

But she quickly thought that the step-mother asked her eldest brother to send the gift all the way, if she said no, the step-mother would know how sad it would be.

So she quickly took the jade bracelet, "Thank you brother, thank you stepmother."

Jun Yu didn't speak, but when he saw the jade bracelet, a deep light flashed in his eyes.

Yin'er didn't know what the jade bracelet was for, but he did.

This is a symbol of the identity of the hermit family within the various countries.

Mrs. Tu Su gave the jade bracelet to Yin'er, probably because she already knew Yin'er's identity in her heart.

"Sister, besides mother, the four of us also have gifts for you." Tu Suye approached Yuan Deyin as if asking for credit.

It was originally proposed by the three brothers to give a gift to the younger sister, but Tu Suye disagreed because he didn't want the younger sister at all.

After seeing his younger sister now, his intestines are full of regret.If I had known earlier, I would have prepared more gifts, so that my sister would get closer to him.

Yuan Deyin thought that she had already accepted the meeting gifts from her adoptive mother, and wouldn't it be too good if she didn't accept those from her brothers.

After hesitating for a moment, she nodded, "Thank you brothers."

She thought that the elder brothers were just like stepmothers, just giving a gift.

After half an hour, twenty carriages were parked at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, and each carriage was filled with treasures.

And Tu Suye still seemed to be licking a dog, and said with a smile: "Sister, it's because the fourth brother didn't prepare it. He only prepared a little bit. When there is a chance next time, I will prepare dozens of treasures in carriages for you."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Is it really just called "a little bit"?
(End of this chapter)

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