Chapter 289 Killer

"Deyin, is it really okay for us girls to go shopping with him?"

Yin Panrong watched Tu Suye follow Yuan Deyin step by step, her brows were about to pinch a few flies to death.

When they were arranging the palace banquet, they realized that there was not enough wine in the palace.

The palace banquet is about to be held, and there is absolutely no way without wine.

So the women wanted to go outside the palace to buy wine.

But why did this man who appeared out of nowhere follow them all the time!

The key is that Princess Deyin didn't stop her!
This man looks noble and handsome, but his behavior, why does he look so foolish?

Yin Panrong saw Tu Suye hugging Xiaobai, rubbing Xiaobai's belly and giggling nonstop, she just felt creepy.

When Yuan Deyin heard Yin Panrong's words, she turned her head, only to see Tu Suye's silly look.

She was also amused, and coughed lightly, only then did she realize that the noble ladies following around were also looking at Tu Suye curiously.

She hurriedly explained softly: "He is the fourth young master of the Tusu family, um...he likes small animals better. He follows me, just worried about me."

Because Tu Sufang had already entered the palace to meet Jun Zhouhan, and after this was done, he didn't have to hide and hide, he just went straight and straight, and even Tu Suye didn't need to disguise himself.

It turned out that he was the Fourth Young Master Tusu.

The noble ladies looked at Tu Suye in shock.

Engaging in their minds also thought of another layer of things.

Didn't others say that the Tusu family didn't value Princess Deyin?Now the young masters of Tusu's family are all following to protect Princess Deyin. If those people knew the truth, their faces would be in pain.

Yuan Deyin glanced around him.She, Sister Qingzhou, Sister Panrong, and several noble girls and their maidservants, a mighty group of girls, with a fourth brother sandwiched between them, seems a bit strange.

She thought about it, and finally walked towards Tu Suye.

"Fourth brother, why don't you find a teahouse to have a sip of tea, and wait until Deyin settles the drink issue, and then come back to the house with you?" Yuan Deyin asked seriously.

But Tu Suye's first reaction was to disagree, and he said in a serious tone: "Then how can it be, you are my young master's younger sister, you have a noble status, what should you do if you are in danger?"

"The hidden guards are following in secret, there will be no danger. How about it, if you are willing to go to the teahouse, I will lend you Xiaobai for half a day."

Yuan Deyin thought for a while, and finally decided to sell Xiaobai.

Tu Suye, who was stroking the rabbit to his heart's content, heard Yuan Deyin's words, his ears perked up instantly, and his eyes lit up.

"Really for a long time?" He looked at Yuan Deyin expectantly.


"Hahaha, good, deal. It really is the good sister of the fourth brother!" Tu Suye hugged the rabbit contentedly, and ran away quickly.

A certain Xiaobai: "???" Damn, is this rabbit about to be betrayed?

Ah, help!
Yuan Deyin couldn't hear the rabbit's howling. After she called Tu Suye away, she had to worry about the drink.

"We have visited most of the taverns in the capital, but we haven't found any mellow wine, Princess Deyin, what should we do?" Sudan Tong, wearing a goose yellow dress, walked in front of Yuan Deyin. , There was a little worry in her eyes.

She is the prostitute of the Su family and a student of Weiyang Academy.

Before, when Aunt Yu Fang made things difficult for Yuan Deyin, she helped her speak.

So Yuan Deyin was very impressed with her.

When Princess Runnan suggested that "the daughter of the Su family, Sudan Chuan", to help prepare the palace banquet, Yuan Deyin immediately agreed.

"That's right, princess, the day of the palace banquet is getting closer and closer, and we still have a lot of things to prepare. It would be bad if we let this drink slow us down."

Another woman in a pink dress spoke.

Yuan Deyin looked over and recognized him.

This is the concubine's daughter, Cong Daimei, who is also a calm and dignified woman.

Standing beside her was Gao Yifei, the prostitute of the Gao family, who also looked worried.

Yuan Deyin frowned and thought about it. Before she left the palace, she also asked Shang Gong, who specialized in purchasing, to ask about it.

But Shang Gong said that when An Shi was in charge of the harem, she allowed her subordinates to be corrupt, and the whole harem was filled with smog. Not a lot.

The money finally flowed into the hands of An's family.

It's no wonder that when An's house was raided, a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry were found from it.

Therefore, there is no help for the purchases in the palace, and they can only rely on themselves.

Suddenly, Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up.

She remembered someone...

Mother Yin!

Yin Niang's wine is even better than the wine brewed by Master.

If you go to buy wine from her, won't the problem be solved soon?

Yuan Deyin thought of this, and hurriedly led a group of noble girls to an alley.

Although the road is winding and hidden in a deep alley, Yuan Deyin will never forget the place he has been to once.

She found her way quickly.

Before they could get close to Yin Niang's tavern, Yuan Deyin and the others could smell a strong fragrance.

"It's so fragrant." Mei Qingzhou couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"What kind of wind is this? It brought our little Princess here, and brought me so many beautiful girls."

Suddenly, a charming smile approached from far away.

Soon, the bead curtain was lifted, and a charming woman came out holding a wine jar.

There is a faint smell of rouge powder on her body, mixed with a strong smell of wine, which makes people not only not bored by the smell, but also has a feeling of wanting to get close.

Seeing Yin Niang's seductive appearance of a mature woman, several noble ladies couldn't help but blush.

Only Yuan Deyin looked at each other with clear eyes, as if looking at a close big sister.

She smiled cutely, showing eight small teeth.

"Of course I have business for Sister Yin Niang." She replied obediently.

"Business?" Yin Niang raised her eyebrows, and her eyebrows were even more amorous. She looked at Yuan Deyin and could see that she was interested.

Yuan Deyin didn't hide anything, she directly told about the need for drinks in the palace.

After listening to Yuan Deyin's explanation, Yin Niang covered the corner of her mouth and began to laugh coquettishly.

"Princess Deyin, I'm very grateful that you think highly of me. But this time, it's a palace banquet. There are so many nobles, aren't you worried about my actions?" She just looked at Yuan Deyin bluntly.

As a result, Yuan Deyin's smile became even brighter.

"Frankly speaking, Deyin is indeed worried about the wineries outside. But if the wine comes from your hands, sister Yin Niang, then Deyin will not worry at all."

Yuan Deyin's voice was firm and his eyes were frank.

"Oh? Why? Could it be because your master knows me. If that bum of your master knew that you trusted him so much, he would probably wake up laughing from his dreams."

Yin Niang muttered while shaking her head, her brows were full of ridicule.

But Yuan Deyin's eyes became more determined.

"It's not because of Master, it's because Deyin believes in you. When Deyin saw you for the first time, he thought you were a good person. Now when I see you for the second time, this idea will not change."

Yuan Deyin's tone was more determined than before.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yin Niang almost wanted to laugh out loud.

nice guy...

This little girl even said that she is a good person.

No one has said that about her for more than 20 years.

But when she met Yuan Deyin's clear eyes, her smile gradually faded.

She had such a moment just now, because a thought came into those clear eyes...

Maybe, he is really a good person.

As if defeated by Yuan Deyin, Yin Niang let out a sigh of relief and said calmly: "Well, what you say is so bad that I can't help you, anyway, it's your royal family who pays such a large amount of money. , I’m a fool if I don’t want it. Tell me, how much wine do you need?”

Seeing that Yin Niang agreed, Yuan Deyin's eyes brightened up a lot in an instant.

She quickly raised her little paw to make a gesture, and listed the number she needed.

She still didn't forget to add: "I want the wine that Deyin drank last time, no matter how expensive it is."

This little girl, does she not remember at all what she did to her Nine Emperor Uncle when she was drunk?
A smile flashed across Yin Niang's eyes.

But in the end it all turned into a nod to Yuan Deyin.

"Okay, although the amount is quite large, fortunately I have a lot in stock here, so send someone to pick it up from me tomorrow." Yin Niang's tone softened a bit.

"That's great." Yuan Deyin smiled crescent-shaped, and she waved to Cang Ling, then took something out of her purse, and walked quickly towards Yin Niang.

"Sister Yin Niang, this is the deposit, and the rest will be given to you when I pick up the wine tomorrow." Yuan Deyin walked up to Yin Niang, and gave her a gold leaf.

Yin Niang raised her eyebrows.

She wanted to say that she had no habit of taking deposits.

Moreover, even if it is really a deposit, it does not need so much.

After all, these gold leaves can be bought from ten of her taverns.

Realizing that Yin Niang was going to stuff the gold leaves back, Yuan Deyin said in a low voice, "Sister Yin Niang, these gold leaves are not only for wine money, Deyin also needs your help with other things."

something else?

Yin Niang frowned first.

She soon noticed an unusual smell in the air.

Her brows turned cold in an instant, but when she spoke to Yuan Deyin, her tone softened a bit.

"You mean, someone is following you?"

"That's right, it's inconvenient for Deyin to do anything, so I hope sister Yinniang can help you." Yuan Deyin looked at the other party sincerely.

"Why do you think that I, a lonely and widowed woman, can deal with the top three killers in the Jianghu?" Yin Niang looked at Yuan Deyin with some amusement.

Isn't this girl a little naive?

But Yuan Deyin was not at all cowardly. She raised her head and said firmly, "Sister Yinniang, you know that the one who has been secretly following Deyin is the top three killers in Jianghu."

Listening to her confident and arrogant tone, Yin Niang felt it was funny again.

But her mouth was still tight, and she said calmly: "That's just my guess. I don't have that much ability to help you block the killer. I'm afraid of killing a chicken. When facing a killer, then Not to mention."

"Really? But why did Deyin not only smell the smell of wine, but also the smell of blood when we met for the first time?"

Yuan Deyin's clear and bright eyes looked at each other like this.

Bloody smell?

A sharp light flashed quickly in Yin Niang's eyes, and her aura changed so quickly that she almost had no time to restrain herself.

As for Yuan Deyin, as if she hadn't noticed the murderous aura emanating from her just now, she continued to say softly, "Now my sister also smells of blood."

This time, Yin Niang still didn't speak, she stared at Yuan Deyin with strange eyes.

"Sister Yinniang, Deyin has no intention of interfering in your affairs. It's just that Deyin once heard someone say that there is a poisonous beauty in Jianghu. She ranks fourth on the Jianghu killer list, and is the only female killer in the top ten. But unlike other killers, she only kills those who should be killed. That you?"

Seeing the change in Yin Niang's breath, Yuan Deyin knew that her guess was correct.

"Master Deyin is unreliable, but not ordinary people can be friends with her. How can you be a little boss lady?"

The little girl said this very arrogantly.

"You are so small, you really followed your master." Yin Niang snorted coldly.

Yuan Deyin could already hear her tone, and she wasn't angry about her guessing her identity in private.

"Actually, Deyin can completely deal with people in the dark. As you know, Uncle Nine Emperors will definitely give me a lot of bargaining chips. I really want to bring the person who has been following me to the alley, and then Let the hidden guards deal with him, but..."

Yuan Deyin's tone of voice changed suddenly.

Her appearance also aroused Yin Niang's curiosity.

"but what?"

"But the moment Deyin found out that you appeared, the killer's murderous aura subsided. So I boldly made a guess. Either your identity made him jealous, or he was your acquaintance. Both of these reasons Let him not do anything here, so he just stared at me for the time being, and didn't want to kill me."

Yuan Deyin analyzed calmly.

A scorching light also flashed in Auntie's eyes.

Because, one of Yuan Deyin's guesses was right.

That person is indeed her acquaintance!

And it's... an old acquaintance.

"So, sister Yin Niang, Deyin pleases you." Yuan Deyin hooked Yin Niang's sleeve with his little finger, and looked at her expectantly with bright eyes.

Yin Niang couldn't help chuckling a few times in her heart.

No wonder Jun Yu is so special to her, this girl is not a girl who knows nothing about the world, she clearly has a delicate heart.

She was right, there were quite a few top hidden guards by her side.

That Wuying alone is a headache.

So even if it is the third killer in martial arts, if you want to hurt her, you have to consider whether you will die back.

But when she realized that the person was following in the dark, she didn't choose to deal with him at the first time, but said so many things with her heart-to-heart.

It was clear that she had an unusual relationship with the killer.

This girl, it is false to ask her to help deal with the killer, but it is true that she wants to sell her favor.

Forget it, that man in the dark has a lot to do with her, and she really doesn't want him to get hurt.

She agreed to this situation.

Looking down at the gold leaf in her hand, Yin Niang laughed silently, she also put the gold leaf away, and then said softly: "Okay, I will take care of this matter for you, don't worry, as long as I return it Alive, during this period of time, it is difficult for the famous killers in the Jianghu to do anything to you."

Receiving Yin Niang's guarantee, Yuan Deyin's pursed mouth instantly opened.

She smiled obediently: "Then Deyin thanked Sister Yin Niang."

"However, there is one thing that I hope you can confess. How did you know the person in the dark?"

Yin Niang's probing eyes fell on Yuan Deyin again.

She grabbed the little girl's wrist just now, felt her pulse, and found that she really has no martial arts at all.

Then how did she know the man in the dark so accurately?

That man is the one with the strongest hiding skills on the list of killers.

If it weren't for the fact that she had known him for many years and had such a deep bond, she might not even be able to detect the existence of the other party.

Looking at Yin Niang's eyes, the little girl didn't have the slightest intention to hide it, she replied very frankly: "The bloody smell on his body is very stinky, and I can tell where he is when I smell something wrong from any direction."

Yin Niang: "???"

The man in the dark: "..."

"You, can you smell the blood on his body?" Yin Niang looked at Yuan Deyin with a strange face.

She was a little suspicious that Yuan Deyin was bragging.

Because Yuan Deyin said that she could smell the blood on her body, she could barely believe it because they were so close.

However, that person was obviously so far away.

"Is it hard to smell? Isn't it easy to smell it? Deyin can still smell it. He has body odor."

Miss Yuan rubbed her nose with a troubled expression.

Yin Niang: "..." What she said was true.

The man in the dark: "..." Well, we all believe you, stop talking! ! !
Yin Niang also believed Yuan Deyin's words in her heart, and at the same time, it was inevitable that she felt a little crazy in her heart.

These people have worked hard for so many years to improve their hearing and sense of smell.

But Yuan Deyin, she...she seems to be born with this ability.

This damn talent is really enviable.

After letting out a breath, Yin Niang finally said helplessly: "Okay, the promise has been fulfilled, and the gold leaves have also been collected. Princess Deyin, should you get busy with other things? If you don't leave, I will How to talk to the person in the dark?"

Seeing Yin Niang's helpless appearance, Yuan Deyin smiled like a little fox who has succeeded.

She nodded and said softly: "Okay, then I will leave it to Sister Yin Niang."

Yin Panrong and the others saw Yuan Deyin and Yin Niang muttering something together, but they couldn't hear clearly, which aroused their curiosity.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was finally willing to turn around, she couldn't help but ask, "Deyin, what are you talking about?"

Hearing this doubtful words, Yuan Deyin waved his small hands and said calmly: "We're just talking about drinking, it's all small things."

"Really?" Yin Panrong seemed unwilling to believe it.

After all, small things shouldn't be talked for so long.

"Really, absolutely true." Yuan Deyin lied to Yin Panrong expressionlessly.

And she cheated so much that she had no burden in her heart.

Because she felt that lying was better than telling the truth.

She couldn't tell them that what she was talking to Yin Niang just now was about the killer.

A killer had followed them when they came out of the palace, and was still following them, trying to kill them from time to time.

I'm afraid that if the truth is told, they will all be scared to death.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's frank expression, Yin Panrong did not continue to ask.

"The wine issue has been settled, let's go out." Yuan Deyin suggested with a smile.

"Okay, princess." Several noble ladies nodded with a smile.

After Yuan Deyin left the tavern, Yin Niang's expression turned cold.

She said coldly: "Come out."

Soon, a man in black appeared in front of her eyes.

On a resolute face, there is a hideous scar running from the left eye to the right cheek.

"I didn't expect that we would meet in such a situation." The man whispered softly, his tone a bit bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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