Chapter 290 Put the dagger on her neck
Yuan Deyin had just returned to the street with all the ladies, when suddenly a young man hurriedly chased after him.

"Princess Deyin, this is from the storekeeper Yin Niang." The servant handed Yuan Deyin a note respectfully, and left quickly.

Yuan Deyin glanced at the note in that hand, there were three words written on it.

"Murong Wei." Yuan Deyin read these three words carefully in her heart.

She instantly remembered that Steward Dong had shown her the list of envoys from various countries, and one of them was Murong Wei.

Murong Wei... Princess Xichuan.

What a princess of the Xichuan Kingdom, in their capital city of Chiyan, even sent a murderer to kill her!
"Deyin, what's wrong with you?" Mei Qingzhou found that Yuan Deyin's expression was not right, so she asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

Suddenly, her eyes saw the "Emerald Pavilion" behind them.

Her face brightened.

Putting all other unpleasant emotions behind her, she said softly: "The preparations for the palace banquet these days have made everyone exhausted. Let's go to the Emerald Pavilion to have a look. If you pick any jewelry you like, the princess will give it to you." you."

"Princess, how is this possible?" Sudan Tong and the others hurriedly shook their heads.

It was an honor to help prepare the palace banquet, how could they have the nerve to ask Princess Deyin to give them jewelry.

Moreover, this Jade Pavilion is one of the best clothing and accessories stores in the capital, and the items inside are not cheap at all.

"Don't worry, Deyin will definitely let the emperor's brother pay for it, so you can choose boldly. Besides, didn't you all prepare a show for the palace banquet this time? The clothes and jewelry you wear look good, but they are related to us. Chi Yan's face cannot be compared by people from other countries."

Yuan Deyin spoke so seriously that it bluffed Sudan Tong and the others.

Before they could react, she had already pushed them all into the Emerald Pavilion.

There are quite a few guests in the Emerald Pavilion.

Seeing the showcase, the moment Yuan Deyin appeared, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly leaned over respectfully and said to the boy: "Bring all the distinguished guests to the second floor, and bring all the best accessories to you." Take it out for them to choose."

Yin Panrong and the others were still in a daze, so they were pushed up to the second floor.

When they sat down on the second floor, they were still in a daze.

It's not that the second floor is very difficult to make an appointment, and most people can't get up.

I heard that when Jun Chujing left the palace and came to the Emerald Pavilion, she made a fuss for a long time before she could go up to the second floor.

They sent it up so easily?

How is this going……


A gaudy carriage stopped in front of the Emerald Pavilion.

But the curtain was not raised for a long time.

In the carriage, three people sat there.

Nan Guiming was wearing a red robe, still hanging loosely on his body, as if the clothes could be torn off with a light tug.

His eyebrows were slender, and it looked like the maid had painted them before he went out.

At this time, his eyes fell on Murong Wei faintly.

"Weiwei, what happened to that trash?" He asked in a strange tone.


Murong Wei paused, and suddenly sneered.

She could naturally guess who he was talking about.

Who else could there be besides her elder brother who can only stay in the room and read sage books.

She snorted coldly, and then said disdainfully: "It's still the same as before, and I don't know what the concubine mother is afraid of him, a waste, let him jump around, it is impossible to cause any trouble."

"My aunt is a cautious person, and her worries are not without reason, just keep an eye on her." Nan Guiming said vaguely.

He lowered his eyes, staring at his slender fingers, and suddenly said coldly: "It's a pity that that trash is a man. Otherwise, it would be wonderful to peel off that skin and play with it..."

After he finished speaking, a gust of wind passed through the carriage.

But facing his perverted appearance, Murong Wei and Nan Lingqiao didn't show any emotion.

As if this is a very normal thing.

"Cousin Wei, last night I saw your maid hurried into your room with a token, what happened?"

Nan Lingqiao picked up a handful of hair from her bare shoulders, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it, then asked Murong Wei innocently, holding her small face.

Looking at Nan Lingqiao's appearance, a bit of disgust flashed in the depths of Murong Wei's eyes.

Is this bitch spying on her?
She even knew exactly what her maid had done.

Forget it, there is no benefit in tearing your face.

After thinking about it, Murong Wei evoked a gentle smile.

"That man is the third-ranked killer in Jianghu. His name is Dumu Mountain. He kills with blood blade. There are not a few people who died in his hands. Last night, this princess asked Hongying to make a deal with him." Murong Wei said in a tone. Said leisurely.

"Dumu Mountain? A single business? That's a great killer in the world. If he makes a move, someone will definitely die. So, Cousin Wei, whose life are you desperately trying to kill?"

Nan Lingqiao seemed to be in high spirits, she stared at Murong Wei curiously.

Murong Wei suppressed her disgust towards Nan Lingqiao, she sneered.

"Of course it's Yuan Deyin."

"Yuan Deyin? That small and cute little girl who dressed as a servant and rode the same horse as the Chi Yan regent?"

Nan Lingqiao covered her mouth, and said again in shock: "Such a cute little girl, you can do anything to Cousin Wei, what did she do to make you hate her so much?"

When she said these words, Nan Lingqiao still looked at Murong Wei with a pair of innocent eyes. Coupled with her innocent appearance, people would think that she was a pure and harmless little princess, and that she was Worried about Yuan Deyin.

But Murong Wei is very clear that this innocent and innocent Nan Lingqiao is actually no different from Cousin Ming in terms of cruelty.

She once scalded the face of a maidservant with boiling water, and then slowly cut it off with a knife...

All this is because that maidservant's face is prettier than hers.

Suppressing the nausea in her heart, Murong Wei said expressionlessly: "Sister Qiao'er, of course I did this for your consideration. Aren't you planning to be Chi Yan's queen? But all countries know that Jun Zhouhan is I love Yuan Deyin very much, although she will not enter the palace now, but who can guarantee that in the future? The best way is to kill this worry in the cradle forever."

Having said so much, Murong Wei didn't tell the truth.

The biggest reason why she wanted to kill Yuan Deyin was actually because she was jealous that Yuan Deyin could be by Jun Yu's side.

"That's right, what Cousin Wei said makes sense. But Qiao'er still thinks it's a bit too cruel to do this. She's just an 11-year-old girl, and it's such a pity that she was beheaded by a killer like this. Queen Brother, do you think so?"

Nan Lingqiao looked at Nan Guiming with a sighing expression.

Hearing Nan Lingqiao's words, Nan Guiming paused for a moment, his slender red phoenix eyes flashed a little strangely.

He suddenly remembered the little girl who shook her head when he saw him at the city gate that day.

Her chubby head looks very cute, it would be great if he cut it off and used it as a plaything.

"Oh, Dumu Mountain is cheaper." Nan Guiming sneered strangely.

Suddenly, he remembered something, and he glanced at Murong Wei faintly.

"Are you sure you won't leave a handle?"

They are not yet suitable for conflict with Chi Yan. If Jun Yu is wary of them because of a small Yuan Deyin, it is really not worth it.

"Brother Ming, don't worry, that's Dumu Mountain. He can only kill people, and he will never disclose the information of his employer. Besides, I asked Hongying to contact him in disguise, and he will not find out about me." Come on me. From last night to now, so many hours have passed, Yuan Deyin probably has become a corpse now." Murong Wei sneered triumphantly.

And this time.

The "corpse" Murong Wei spoke of was lying on the corner of the Emerald Pavilion, listening to their conversation with a blank expression.

Yuan Deyin clasped his arms with both hands.

Murong Wei, Nan Guiming, Nan Lingqiao...

This enmity, the princess has written it down!
Sister Qingzhou and the others were trying on clothes upstairs. She took this time to come downstairs and wanted to go to the teahouse to find the fourth brother.

But before she walked out of the Emerald Pavilion, she saw a very flamboyant carriage parked outside, and she retracted her outstretched foot.

She really had never seen someone with a carriage that was more ostentatious than Master's.

And this is the capital, who dares to be so arrogant?
So she guessed almost immediately that the person sitting in the carriage was Nan Guiming from Nanyue Kingdom.

But she didn't expect that there was another Murong Wei who bought and murdered her directly.

Uncle Nine Emperors said, if people don't attack me, I won't attack others. If people attack me, I will kill them.

Yuan Deyin stared at the carriage, his eyes flashed with the same stern look as Uncle Nine Emperors.

She put her fingers in her mouth and whistled.

The whistle was neither soft nor heavy, but Nan Guiming in the carriage heard it immediately.

His red phoenix eyes instantly darkened.

"Not good, there is an ambush."

He wanted to take Murong Wei and Nan Lingqiao out of the carriage.

But obviously, it was too late.

Moreover, this whistle is not a secret signal for an ambush, but a secret word between the girl Yuan Deyin and the horses in their carriage.

After the horse heard Yuan Deyin's whistle, it let out a long sigh, and then the four horseshoes ran wildly in several directions.

"Ah!" Murong Wei's head hit the wooden pillar heavily, causing her to yell out in pain.

Although Nan's worked hard to cultivate her, she was only taught to be vicious in terms of scheming. In terms of martial arts, she is extremely untalented.

So when the carriage was swaying, Nan Guiming and Nan Lingqiao could still use martial arts to protect themselves, but Murong Wei was really at the mercy of others.

After she was hit several times in a row, her face was stained.

A strange poisonous light flashed in Nan Guiming's eyes.

Damn it, he brought that horse from Nanyue Kingdom, if he went to the battlefield with him, he wouldn't be alarmed for no reason.

Someone must have done something secretly, damn it!
He reached out and grabbed Murong Wei with one hand, trying to drag her out.

But at this time, the horse outside let out another long cry, and the horseshoe jumped forward, and they were knocked back into the carriage again.


Nan Guiming's gloomy face became more gloomy.

He raised his hand and shattered the carriage with a palm, and knocked the horse unconscious at the same time.

At the moment when the carriage was shattered, all the weird eyes on the street looked at this side.

Because he was a little anxious to start just now, Nan Guiming's hair was a little messy, his clothes were also crumpled, and he was holding a Murong Wei who looked like a madman in his hand.

A bit of disgust appeared in the eyes of Chi Yan's people.

A carriage was suddenly shattered, and then three men and women in disheveled clothes appeared.

Tsk, what exactly did they do in the carriage is really reminiscent of Pianpian.

Wait, why do these three faces look familiar?

It turned out to be the prince and princess of Nanyue Kingdom and Xichuan Kingdom that I met at the city gate that day.

They are really "open".

The contemptuous and naked eyes of the people of Chiyan could turn Nan Guiming and the others into a hornet's nest.

Murong Wei was dizzy and unable to react.

But the cold eyes of Nan Guiming and Nan Lingqiao seemed to want to kill someone.

They usually act surly and dress boldly, but that's their business.

Now that she was so embarrassed today, and was shown by these Chiyan people, it made them so aggrieved that they wanted to kill someone!
These untouchables, they must dig out these eyeballs!

Nan Lingqiao took out the whip from her waist, wanting to let her whip drink human blood.

But the people here have lived in the capital for so long, which one is not human?
When they found that the atmosphere was not right, they all slipped away like rabbits.

"Qiao'er, go to the Emerald Pavilion and change your clothes. In a few days, I will definitely dig out the eyeballs of these untouchables and give them to you."

Nan Guiming spoke gloomily.

Hearing his words, Nan Lingqiao felt a little more at ease.

She let out a "hmm", and then started to help carry Murong Wei, ready to enter the Emerald Pavilion.

Fortunately, when they went out today, they came to Jade Pavilion to buy clothes.

It just so happens that you can change a set of clothes in it now, if you don't go back to the station in this appearance, jokes about them will be heard in the various countries tomorrow.

The three of them were just about to enter the Emerald Pavilion, when suddenly the shopkeeper blocked the door.

The shopkeeper was a middle-aged man in his 40s. He looked at the other person sharply. His indifferent expression was completely different from the surprised appearance of Yuan Deyin's arrival just now.

"Wait a minute, you three. I have regulations in the Emerald Pavilion. Dogs and people with disheveled clothes are not allowed to enter." The shopkeeper said expressionlessly.

"You, damn untouchable, you dare to compare this princess with a dog, do you know who this princess is?"

Murong Wei seemed to have come to her senses, she stood up with a face covered in bruises, and looked at the shopkeeper with unfriendly eyes.

But the shopkeeper didn't seem to have any sense of her warning, and he said lightly: "No matter who you are, this is the rule of this shop. If you don't want to follow it, you can go to another shop."

Murong Wei glanced at the whole street, and found that there were no other clothing stores at all, and many Chiyan people who had not completely left were pointing fingers at them, which made her so angry that she wanted to kill.

"Why have I never heard of such rules in the Jade Pavilion?" Nan Guiming stared at the shopkeeper with gloomy eyes, as if trying to see through him.

The Emerald Pavilion has always been a magical existence.

He has shops in various countries, and his business is very good, he is deeply loved by dignitaries and nobles, and at the same time, he can also be sought after by ordinary people.

A clothing store can take care of all the customers. The people behind it must have business acumen.

More importantly, no one can find out which faction the Emerald Pavilion belongs to.

There used to be many royal families who wanted to suppress them, but it survived stubbornly.

Therefore, many countries have formed a tacit approach, which is to allow the Emerald Pavilion to grow freely.

They thought that the person behind the scene should not be the royal family of some country, but at most an ordinary person with a bit of business acumen, so why not let him make more money?

The reason why Nan Guiming and the others planned to come to the Emerald Pavilion to buy clothes today was that this place might not belong to Chi Yan.

But I never thought that the treasurer of the Emerald Pavilion is really arrogant.

"When did this rule come into being?" The shopkeeper snorted coldly, and then replied calmly, "It was just established!"

"You..." Murong Wei was so angry that she almost picked up the sword.

"Cousin." Nan Guiming shouted coldly, stopping Murong Wei's movements.

Just now, he sensed a strong fluctuation of internal force in this shopkeeper, the depth of this internal no less than him.

He originally wanted to go out low-key today, so he didn't bring a guard with him.

So if he wants to start a conflict here, he is the one who is thankless.

The most important thing is that if they lose, with so many eyes on them, Nanyue Kingdom and Xichuan Kingdom can't afford to lose face.

And this shopkeeper, martial arts and demeanor, are obviously not ordinary.

Then the person behind him is really just an ordinary businessman?
Nan Guiming narrowed his eyes slightly, like a poisonous snake.

"This palace is Prince Nanyue." He threatened the other party in a cold voice, releasing all the coercion in his body.

"So what?" The shopkeeper's eyes were the same, but he just glanced at the other party lightly.

"It's really good, you're not afraid, Ben Gong and Chi Yan's Emperor Shenben? Your Emerald Pavilion can't survive." Nan Guiming said coldly.

In the end, the shopkeeper just sneered: "Prince of the Nanyue Kingdom, right? Don't forget that the Emerald Pavilion does not belong to Chi Yan. It's a big deal, this store will go bankrupt, but the Emerald Pavilion will never fail. Still Yes, Chi Yan's Emperor Shengming, he doesn't believe in any references to cats and dogs."


The coldness in Nan Guiming's eyes leaked out, and the desire to kill was burning in his heart.

With a few clicks, he actually crushed his own bones.

Hearing this sound, Nan Lingqiao and Murong Wei lowered their heads in shock at the same time, looking at his hand, their expressions became strange for the first time.

They have all seen how cruel Nan Guiming is to others, but they have never seen him torture himself to this extent.

It seems...

His anger was almost unstoppable.

This was probably the first time that Nan Guiming was disobeyed in this way since he was a child, and it was also the time when he was the most angry and wanted to kill someone the most.

The coldness in his eyes turned into a black ball.

At the last moment when he was about to erupt, he sneered strangely.

"Qiao'er, cousin, let's go." He instantly recovered his expressionless expression, and while holding a person by the hand, he flew up to the eaves and left.

Below, there are still many Chiyan people pointing and pointing.

Yuan Deyin hid behind, watching this scene, she almost wanted to applaud.

Shopkeeper Bian is really powerful, he was able to force Nan Guiming into such a state.

I believe that after tomorrow, his embarrassing things will be spread all over the world.

But with a smile, Yuan Deyin's expression became serious.

Just now Nan Guiming was obviously so angry that he was about to kill someone, but he recovered his calm almost in the blink of an eye.

Such a person is the scariest thing.

Because of his strong self-control, he can endure all humiliation, and then fight back.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin got goosebumps all over his body.

Her soft little face was full of seriousness, she had to talk to Uncle Jiuhuang about this matter after returning home, and told him to be careful of Nan Guiming.

Just when she stood up and wanted to leave the room on the first floor, suddenly, she smelled a strong smell of blood coming from behind.

She frowned and wanted to turn around, but a sharp knife wound around her neck from behind.

A cold touch came from the neck.

(End of this chapter)

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