The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 291 Expose the Identity of the First Prince Murong

Chapter 291 Expose the Identity of the First Prince Murong
Sensing the cold temperature on her neck, Yuan Deyin wrinkled her face in annoyance.

Why was it threatened again.

Because Wuying had to try on clothes, it was inconvenient for Wuying to come in as a man.Unexpectedly, it was this reason that would allow someone with a heart to take advantage of it.

Yuan Deyin gritted her teeth angrily. The next time she goes out, she must let Wuyi's sister accompany her. If not, she must learn some boxing skills, otherwise she will be so passive every time something happens.

Standing behind her was a tall man.

He was dressed in black, covering his face, only showing a pair of sharp eyes.

It's just that these eyes, in addition to being sharp, are also a little more probing.

He stared at the unpredictable expression on Yuan Deyin's little face, and the depths of his eyes were full of strange emotions.

This little princess is interesting, if other women find out that someone put a dagger on her neck, they will be so frightened that their legs will weaken and their eyes will be teary.

And she...

If he was not mistaken, the look on her face must have been annoyed.

"Princess Deyin County, you are really good at tricking the princes and princesses of Xichuan and Nanhan..."

He snorted coldly, his tone mocking.

It's just that it's hard to tell who the irony is.

Hearing the other party's voice, Yuan Deyin frowned.

But soon, she raised her eyebrows and said arrogantly: "Your Excellency risked the dagger on the neck of the princess just to talk about this matter? Naturally, the princess has a lot of means, unlike just now Those three guys at the door are so stupid!"


Really arrogant.

He said something casually, and she still climbed up the pole.

He is worthy of being raised by Jun Yu.

Also, she actually said that Murong Wei and the others were idiots.

Funny, funny, really funny.

Murong Wei and the other three didn't know why the treasurer of the Jade Pavilion would hurt their face like that, but he knew it very well.

Because he could see clearly in the dark that it was the little fox who ordered the shopkeeper.

The treasurer of the Emerald Pavilion is under the orders of a little fox...

Isn't the person behind the Emerald Pavilion...

After thinking about it, there was a glint in his eyes.

"If you don't speak again, then the princess will leave."

Yuan Deyin didn't wait for the person behind him to move for a long time, but the dagger was always pressed against her neck, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Little princess, hostages should look like hostages. You speak so arrogantly, aren't you afraid that I will cut off your head?"

His voice suddenly turned cold.

In order to conceal his identity, he deliberately changed his voice to become hoarse, but now that his voice has cooled down again, it seems that the coldness of his body is permeating people to panic.

But even so, Yuan Deyin didn't have the slightest fear.

She snorted a few times, and then said in a relaxed tone: "If you want to kill the princess, the princess should be dead when you say the first sentence, but you still have to fight with the princess Talking so much, I'm afraid you don't have the intention to kill the princess at all."

Even though Xiao Ming is in other people's hands, Yuan Deyin's tone of voice is still "arrogant".

The man paused for a moment, and there was a flash of emotion in his eyes.

In the end, he actually laughed a few times in a low voice. It could be seen that he was in a very good mood now.

"What a cunning little fox, Jun Yu taught you these things?" His faint eyes fell on her head.

Yuan Deyin's smug expression instantly subsided, and his brows became a little colder.

If you take a closer look, you will definitely find that her expression is somewhat similar to that of a certain Nine Emperor Uncle.

She said calmly: "Your Excellency mentioned Uncle Nine Emperors over and over again, are you an acquaintance of Uncle Nine Emperors or an enemy of Uncle Nine Emperors?"

After she finished speaking, the people behind her became silent again.

Yuan Deyin was not in a hurry, she muttered: "Of course, there is a third possibility, you are not familiar with Jiuhuangshu and you have no enmity. Tell me why you arrested this princess, because you need this princess to help you What to do, or explain to you?"

A little fox only half as tall as him, even trying to guess his mind?
The man raised his eyebrows, but the emotion in the depths of his eyes was not unhappy.

Because Yuan Deyin guessed right.

He did have a question for her to clarify.

"What is the relationship between Emerald Pavilion and you?"

There was a bit of sharpness hidden in the other party's tone.

Yuan Deyin pouted for this question.

She said without thinking: "Relationship? The relationship between the treasurer of the Emerald Pavilion and this princess is very good..."

Hearing what she said, the sharp light in the man's eyes deepened, and there was a faint look of anticipation.

He wanted to dig out the secret behind it.

As a result, Yuan Deyin's words changed in the next moment, and she said: "The treasurer Bian saw that the princess is so cute and cute, so he treated the princess as his own granddaughter..."

That man: "..."

"You are so narcissistic!" After a long time, the man coughed a few times before choking out such a sentence.

It could be seen that he was out of breath by Yuan Deyin.

Who hasn't seen the shopkeeper of the Emerald Pavilion, who would treat her so well because she is cute and cute, and would not hesitate to offend a vicious person like Nan Guiming for her?

"Thank you for the compliment."

Yuan Deyin followed up with his eccentric words without any burden.


He got a little angry again, apparently he didn't expect Yuan Deyin to be so thick-skinned.

Jun Yu, is this how he raised his daughter for King Ji?

There was a strange flash in his eyes.

"The princess has already answered you this question well, what more do you want to ask!" Yuan Deyin asked with a serious face, and started to ask back.

The man knew that he couldn't answer this question, so he took a deep breath and asked, "What's the matter with the horse?"

"Don't try to get past it, I've seen all your little moves."

Worried that Yuan Deyin would answer indiscriminately, this time, his warning words came out first.

The dagger on Fang Zi's neck often dropped a few points, and Yuan Deyin could feel her flesh being cut open.

very painful……

Taking a breath, Yuan Deyin said in a muffled voice, "What could be the matter! Naturally, the princess ordered the horse to embarrass the three of them."

"Ridiculous, how can a person talk to a beast!"

As if annoyed, the man raised his other hand and placed it on Yuan Deyin's neck.

Her neck is so small, even without a knife, it should be easily cut off...

"This princess is telling the truth, do you believe it or not!"

Yuan Deyin seemed to give up on herself, she stretched her neck, looking like a "human king".

Seeing her like this, the man couldn't get his hands off.

"Hmph, full of nonsense, slick tongue!" He snorted coldly.

Obviously he didn't believe her words, but he didn't continue to ask.

Because in his opinion, Yuan Deyin is like a little fox, with too many eyes, even if he asks, he will get a false answer.

Hearing that he didn't take her answer to heart at all.

Yuan Deyin secretly hooked the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of cunning.

If she made up other answers, this person would probably continue to ask questions.

But if she told the "truth", he must think she was lying.

"Forget it, killing you will only get me into trouble."

The man snorted coldly, then retracted the dagger, ready to turn around and run away.

But at this time, the expression of the little princess who was still messing around just now gradually became serious.

She turned around and looked at his back with sharp eyes.

"The eldest prince of Xichuan Kingdom, Murong Rui, right?"

Her voice made the other party stop quickly.

Murong Rui turned his head, his slender body like a jade tree released bursts of killing intent.

He stared at Yuan Deyin with vigilance and chill.

Yuan Deyin acted as if she hadn't seen it. She pursed her mouth and picked up a handkerchief to wipe the blood on her neck.

I muttered in my heart.

It's over, if Uncle Jiuhuang sees this scar, I don't know if he will be angry.

"Don't look at the princess with that kind of eyes. You didn't want to kill the princess just now, so the princess will not expose you." Yuan Deyin raised his head.

Although she is short in stature, her aura is not much weaker than Murong Rui's.

"People in the world think that Prince Murong is a dou who can't stand on the wall. He only reads those fearless sage books every day, and his temper is cowardly. Even Murong Wei was deceived by you. No one knows that your martial arts not only Not low, courageous, and most importantly, ambitious..."

Yuan Deyin's tone was very firm.

When Butler Dong showed her the brochure of envoys, she also learned about the situation in various countries by the way.

So she also knows a thing or two about Xichuan's national conditions.

This "idle king" who is basically a waste in the eyes of the world is not an idle person.

There were so many hidden guards from the Prince Regent's Mansion outside, but he was able to come in so easily and threatened her.

This is enough to show that his martial arts are not low.

It may even be above Brother Wuying.

In addition, there was a faint smell of blood on his body, probably because he had done something important.

He still pays so much attention to the affairs of Uncle Jiuhuang and Murong Wei. If he is said to be a person who doesn't know anything outside the window, Yuan Deyin will be the first to disagree.

The more she analyzed in her heart, the clearer Miss Yuan's head became.

"Why do you think I'm that trash?"

Murong Rui stared at Yuan Deyin quietly.

When he said the word "trash", his tone was extremely mocking.

"Look at your hands." Miss Yuan guessed that the other party would not kill her. She looked at the chair next to her and sat down with her buttocks on her buttocks. appearance.

Looking at her small appearance, Murong Rui's expression under the black cloth actually twitched a bit.

With her calm and relaxed appearance, who is the one who controls the home field!

Although he was annoyed by her leisurely appearance, he finally raised his hand silently.

His black eyes looked at the palm of his hand, and he didn't understand her intention for a moment.

"Just now when the princess was threatened by you, I was so angry that I guessed which bastard dared to bully the princess. Until the princess saw the calluses in your palm, the princess knew it was Xichuan's dog Cub!"

A certain little girl spread her teeth and bit them hard, looking like she was not easy to mess with.

Murong Rui's face was distorted again.

If she said that people in Xichuan were dogs, he would still agree.

However, her insults obviously scolded him too.

"There are calluses on your hands, what can it mean?"

The insults he has received over the years have made his heart feel like a rotten stone, so Yuan Deyin's "humiliation" is nothing to him at all.

Instead, he was full of curiosity about her.

"The pads of your thumb and index finger have the thickest calluses. It can be seen that you are a book lover..."

"There are so many people who love to read, why must it be Murong Rui?"

"Because your two cocoons are extremely thick, as if you are flipping through books every day. Even if you are the number one scholar, you don't love books so much. So the princess thought about it carefully, only Sai Chuan Xianwang, who has to play the role of a ignorant nerd in many eyeliners every day, must have such cocoons."

Yuan Deyin was not flustered by Murong Rui's rhetorical question.

She smiled peacefully and looked at him like that.

This time, before the other party could speak, she continued to speak.

"Among the three people headed just now, Nan Guiming is obviously more conspicuous, and his status is more noble. When normal people talk about those three people, they always emphasize Nan Guiming. But when you mention them, it is Headed by Murong Wei's name. So this princess boldly guesses that you seem to hate and hate Murong Wei more than Nan Guiming. So, if you are not Murong Rui, who else are you?"

A certain little princess had clear logic and firm words, and she looked at Murong Rui with clear eyes like this, leaving him speechless.

I don't know how long it has been.

Only then did he say to Yuan Deyin in a strange tone: "This king really envies Jun Yu sometimes."

He comes from a noble family, and there is such a clever little fox by his side.

This is something he will never have in his life.

He was finally willing to admit his identity. Hearing Murong Rui's "my lord", Miss Yuan shrugged, but she was very calm.

Complicated eyes glanced at Yuan Deyin, Murong Rui originally wanted to say something to warn her.

For example, "If you dare to reveal the true identity of this king, this king will never let you go"...

But when the words came to his lips, he didn't have the desire to say them.

For some reason, he felt that she would not reveal his identity.

For no reason, I thought she wouldn't do it.

After looking at her a few more times, Murong Rui wanted to turn around and leave without saying a word.

Today, he just wanted to follow Murong Wei and get back what belonged to his mother.

As for Yuan Deyin, it was just a small accident.

Forget it, they shouldn't have any intersections in the future.

Just when Murong Rui turned around with complicated thoughts, a certain little girl suddenly called out to him seriously.

"Wait a moment."

Hearing her voice, Murong Rui's footsteps stopped.

This time, Yuan Deyin took the initiative to go around in front of him from behind.

"You have wounds on your body. Nan Guiming looks like a dog's nose at first glance. Be careful when he smells it. This is the wound medicine prepared by the princess. It works quickly and should make your wound heal soon."

After a certain little girl muttered to herself, she didn't care whether Murong Rui agreed or not, and threw the medicine bottle directly into his arms.

"Why is the relationship between Xichuan and Chiyan so good? The princess actually wants to help the king?" Murong Rui said sarcastically, his eyes flashed a little bit, and he looked at Yuan Deyin with a little more playfulness.

In the end, a certain little girl snorted coldly.

"The princess doesn't want to help you." She said angrily.

He cut her neck with a knife, but she remembered it!

But now is not the time for revenge.

"Deyin read a sentence in the book that if a hunter fights with a tiger, both sides will suffer, but if a wolf that has been hiding for a long time comes out to bite the tiger, then the hunter will be at ease."

Yuan Deyin crossed his arms and looked at Murong Rui calmly.

Her metaphor successfully made Murong Rui's expression gradually darken.

He understood.

The hunter is Chi Yan, the tiger is Xi Chuan and Nan Han...

And the wolf who only wanted to bite the tiger was him.

A woman, at such a young age, thinks so deeply.

Murong Wei and Nan Guiming underestimated him, and the world also underestimated her.

This orphaned girl of the King of Ji doesn't necessarily want to grow up under Jun Yu's wings, maybe she will be the one who goes hand in hand with Jun Yu.

Thinking of this, Murong Rui felt a little more envious.

Resisting the emotions in his heart, he looked at Yuan Deyin and said in a strong tone: "This king has no intention of having a bad relationship with Chi Yan. What this king wants is to pay back the blood of the Nan clan."

At the end of the sentence, Yuan Deyin was shocked by the monstrous hatred emanating from Murong Rui's body.

Yuan Deyin only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Murong Rui who was standing in front of him just now disappeared soon.

This person... really is a martial artist.

Yuan Deyin lowered her head and pondered for a while, and at the same time, her whole body's guard was relaxed.

Although when she faced Murong Rui just now, her expression was very calm, but only she knew that she was very flustered inside.

If Murong Rui was so cruel that he directly snapped her head off, then she really wouldn't be able to see Uncle Nine Emperors.

Fortunately, her eyesight is not bad, and she didn't see the wrong person.

Although this Murong Rui bears blood and deep feud, he can be regarded as an upright gentleman.

Thinking of his promise before he left, Yuan Deyin felt relieved.

For Chi Yan, one less enemy should be good.


After thinking about it in her heart, she touched her neck, which made her grin her teeth in pain.

"Hurry up and take the medicine, or Jiuhuangshu will be finished when he sees it."

The little girl who was full of momentum just now is like a cowardly little rabbit at this moment.

She quickly took out the wound medicine on her body and poured it on her neck desperately.

After spraying the medicine, she even raised her collar up, thinking that even if Uncle Nine Emperors was really standing in front of her now, she wouldn't notice.

"Princess?" At this moment, Shopkeeper Bian's worried voice came from outside.

He stood outside for a long time, but he didn't see her come out, so he was inevitably a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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