The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 292 Another layer of identity of Yuan Deyin

Chapter 292 Yuan Deyin's Another Identity

"Treasurer Bian, come in."

Yuan Deyin cleared his throat and called Bian Fengge in.

Bian Feng pushed open the door, and when he saw Yuan Deyin, his expression instantly became respectful.

"The old slave has seen Miss." Bian Feng still had some tears in his eyes, and he immediately knelt down to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin wanted to stop him, but he didn't have time.

"Uncle Bian, what are you doing, get up quickly."

Miss Yuan's tone slowed down a lot, as if treating a trusted elder.

"No, the old slave wants to kneel. It's because the old slave didn't protect the young miss and you."

Bian Feng looked sad.

The eldest lady in his mouth is Princess Ji.

He was born with the mission of protecting the eldest lady, but when the Jiwang Mansion encountered such a big disaster, he couldn't help, he could only let the eldest lady lose her life like this, and the young lady had to live under the fence.

"Miss, my poor miss..." Bian Feng became more and more painful as he spoke.

His elegant face was now covered with tears.

Seeing him crying so hard, Yuan Deyin was in a hurry and didn't know how to comfort him.

In fact, she never knew who Uncle Bian was.

He appeared just as early as she could remember.

He is very respectful to his mother and concubine, calling her "Miss" and "Miss".

Concubine Mu also said that he was the one who would never hurt them.

Even the father and king don't know his existence, but the mother and concubine have many important things to him.

He's a formidable guy, extremely smart in business.

Others only thought that he was the shopkeeper of the Jade Pavilion in the capital, but they didn't know that he was actually the biggest shopkeeper of the entire Jade Pavilion.

The Emerald Pavilions of all countries are under his management.

However, the final master is still the mother concubine.

But no matter what, she still admired him extremely.

If it wasn't for him, the Emerald Pavilion would have collapsed long ago after the mother concubine passed away.

"Uncle Feng," Yuan Deyin tried his best to help him up with a stern face, and then said in a serious tone: "At that time, the incident happened suddenly, the father and the king were murdered, and the mother and concubine suddenly fell ill. It’s too sudden, and there’s nothing you can do if you can’t save it.”

"But miss, you..."

Bian Feng looked at Yuan Deyin with a guilty expression.

He could imagine that if the eldest lady was gone, the young lady would definitely be bullied by the second room of Jiwangfu, so he also wanted to help the young lady.

But the eldest lady had told her before she was alive that no matter what happened, even if it was a moment of life and death, he could not take the initiative to go to Jiwang's mansion to find the young lady.

Because the existence of the Emerald Pavilion is special, it cannot be related to the powerful, otherwise it will harm the little lady and the Jiwang Palace.

In addition, during that period of time, the Halberd King had just passed away, and the entire capital was staring at the Halberd King's Mansion, and an unknown regent followed the little lady, so he was enduring it all the time.

After finally seeing the little lady walk into the Emerald Pavilion today, he almost cried on the spot.

Although the little miss wrote to him a few days ago, telling him not to worry, she is fine.

But how can he rest assured that the young lady is young and has no parents by her side, what if she is bullied?
As if he could see through his mind, Yuan Deyin said in a serious tone: "Uncle Jiuhuang has always been by Deyin's side, how could Deyin accept bullying?"

"What if he is the one who bullies you!" Bian Feng said seriously, as if he was very unhappy with Jun Yu.

He has always felt that the young lady is a free person, and if the regent insists on letting her move to the regent's mansion, it is clearly restricting her freedom!
The regent is definitely not a good person!
Looking at Uncle Bian's gritted teeth, Yuan Deyin knew that he, who was extremely defensive, must not like Uncle Nine Emperors.


Pressing the center of his eyebrows, Yuan Deyin said patiently, "Uncle Bian, let's stop talking about those sad things. Today I asked you to deal with Prince Nanhan and the others. Will it affect the Emerald Pavilion?"

The Emerald Pavilion is the painstaking effort of the mother and concubine, but it must not be ruined by her temporary willfulness.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin felt a little regretful in his heart.

Shouldn't I be so impulsive just now?
Although Nan Guiming and the others are hateful, a certain little girl feels that her heart will really hurt if she retaliates against them by harming her mother's concubine's property.

Bian Feng could not help laughing when he saw the appearance of their young lady who was such a small money fan.

He said in a deep voice: "Miss, don't worry, our Emerald Pavilion is not a small shop that anyone can destroy!"

What he said was quite aura.

From the day when Emerald Pavilion was founded, the philosophy pursued by the eldest lady is not to get involved with the rich and powerful, at least on the surface.

So the world knows that Princess Ji has a prominent family background and a dowry of ten miles of red makeup, but they don't know that the jadeite pavilions that are spreading all over the world are also her property.

Every country has rich and powerful people, even properties owned by princes.

Money can easily generate "power" at any time, so in order to suppress these dignitaries and prevent them from becoming too powerful, the emperor of each country usually supports private businessmen.

The Emerald Pavilion was classified as a "folk shop", and ordinary princes and princes couldn't touch it, because they wanted to be afraid of the emperor's suspicion.

What's more, the Emerald Pavilion, which has developed to this day, is not only selling clothes and accessories, but also cultivates talents from all walks of life behind it, and they are placed in various countries without anyone noticing.

Only those inside the Emerald Pavilion know how powerful it is.

All of this is due to the foresight of the young lady back then.

It's just that the eldest lady can't see it.

Thinking of this, Bian Feng's expression became even more bitter.

Seeing his expression, Yuan Deyin knew that he must be thinking of his concubine mother.

Her little face was also a little disappointed.

Concubine Mu is the woman she admires the most, but Concubine Mu is gone...

Worried that his sadness would affect the little lady, Bian Feng took a deep breath, and then comforted her in a relaxed tone: "Miss, don't worry, if Nan Guiming wants to do something to the Emerald Pavilion, he will do it himself." He knows how to measure his vital energy."

"However, they dared to send someone to assassinate you, and this old slave will definitely not let them go."

A bit of hostility flashed in Bian Feng's eyes, and his whole body became gloomy.

He has a strong evil spirit, and he doesn't look like a refined businessman at all.

However, his murderous intent was only fleeting, and he quickly returned to his gentle appearance, because he was worried about scaring Yuan Deyin.

"Uncle Bian, what are you thinking..." Yuan Deyin called out when he realized that he was thinking about something.

"It's okay." Bian Feng quickly shook his head with a kind expression.

"Princess, are those upstairs your friends?"

"Yes, Uncle Bian, take out all the things from the Emerald Pavilion. Deyin promised to give them something."

When mentioning Mei Qingzhou and the others, Yuan Deyin's eyes sparkled.

It can be seen that she has a good relationship with those young ladies, Bian Feng nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

However, he quickly thought that if the eldest lady hadn't left that place, she might have many friends and countless clansmen respecting her, and she wouldn't have lost her life in this little red flame...

After thinking about it, Bian Feng looked at Yuan Deyin with a more amiable expression.

Forget it, in that place, the eldest lady and the young lady will indeed be distinguished, but they may lose their happiness.

The little miss is growing up happily now, which should be what the eldest miss wants.

"Old slave obeys." Bian Feng said kindly.

Hearing the movement upstairs, Yuan Deyin knew that his chance to talk to Uncle Bian was running out.

She hurriedly told her patiently: "Uncle Bian, you have to take good care of yourself, and don't even neglect your own health just to take care of the shop. If you have any questions, you can write to Deyin."

"Okay, okay." Bian Feng listened to her words and nodded with a smile.

After Yuan Deyin gave her instructions, she opened the door and went out.

Afterwards, Bian Fengcai opened the door.

The two seemed to be unfamiliar people.

Just at this time, Mei Qingzhou came down with a group of ladies.

"Deyin Deyin, this necklace is beautiful." Yin Panrong ran up to Yuan Deyin holding a necklace, her face was full of excitement.

Yuan Deyin looked down and saw an eye-catching necklace in Yin Panrong's palm.

A pendant on a necklace with a brilliant stone embedded in it.

"I've never seen such a stone before. It's very strange and beautiful." Sudan Tong looked at the necklace with a little love in his eyes.

The other ladies nodded.

Although their families are not as rich as the Jiwang Palace and the Prince Regent's Palace, they have seen a lot of good things.

But it was the first time they had seen such a beautiful stone.

"This is a diamond. After polishing, it will look good as jewelry." Yuan Deyin explained.

"Diamonds? Deyin, how do you know?" Yin Panrong looked at Yuan Deyin curiously.

The eyes of the other noble girls also fell on Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin suddenly felt a headache.

Why did she slip up in such a hurry?

There are many precious stones in the mountains, but what people in the world look at are gold and ores, and diamonds have never been discovered.

Or someone who has seen it before will only think it is useless and will not pay attention to it.

But I don't know, in fact, as long as you pick it up and polish it carefully, you can make beautiful jewelry.

The reason why she knew it was because the mother concubine had shown it to her.

But what would she say...

Her relationship with Emerald Pavilion cannot be revealed.

Seeing the annoyed look of his little lady, Bian Feng immediately came to the rescue.

He said calmly: "Lady, good eyesight, this kind of stone is called diamond, and it is used to make jewelry. The jewelry is hard, beautiful and unique. This is unique to our Emerald Pavilion, and each shop only sells up to ten pieces every year. "

"Only sell ten pieces? Doesn't that mean that diamonds are very rare?" Yin Panrong had a sad face, and she was still thinking about getting some of these stones by herself.

Hearing Yin Panrong's words, Bian Feng smiled without saying a word.

It's not really "rare".

Because when the eldest lady proposed to use "diamonds", their people had already bought up all the diamonds that appeared in various countries.

Therefore, the most important thing for their Emerald Pavilion is diamonds.

But the principle of only selling "ten items" every year was proposed by the eldest lady, who said it was called "hunger marketing".

The first time he heard it, he thought the word was so strange.

But after thinking about it, it makes sense.

After all, what is rare is more expensive.

Also because of this principle, their Emerald Pavilion has always been sought after.

"We still have seven diamond necklaces left in our shop." Hearing this, the shop clerk hurried over.

"Then, that must be very expensive." The rest of the ladies counted their number, and it happened to be seven.

But they only sell ten pieces a year, they are very rare, and they are so beautiful, so they must be very expensive.

So the few of them kept frowning, and their first reaction was that they didn't want to buy it.

"The princess said that I want to give you gifts. Shopkeeper, take out all the diamond necklaces..."

Yuan Deyin pulled her throat and said loudly, as if she was a little rich woman.

"Deyin, you don't need to spend money, we also have accessories." Mei Qingzhou took Yuan Deyin's little hand and told her not to bother.

Although they all knew that Prince Ji's mansion was rich, they didn't want her to spend it.

She is a lonely little girl, and there will be many places to spend money in the future, so she can't spend it recklessly.

Not only Mei Qingzhou, but even the carefree Yin Panrong had the same expression, and Sudan Tong and the others nodded unanimously.

No matter what you say, you can't make Yuan Deyin spend money.

Seeing how they tried their best to save money for her, Yuan Deyin was moved and amused at the same time.

This Emerald Pavilion is hers, so she will be short of this money?
She opened her mouth, wanting to say that she wanted to buy it.

As a result, at this time, an arrogant female voice sounded: "You can't afford jewelry, but you dare to come to the Emerald Pavilion? Come, take the necklace from her hand to this princess!"

Hearing this voice, Yuan Deyin frowned, she turned her head and saw Jun Chujing and Dongfang Lexuan walking in.

Dongfang Lexuan was wearing a veil, dressed like a fairy, so the moment she appeared, the attention of everyone inside and outside the Emerald Pavilion was taken away.

There was a young man by her side. The man's facial features looked somewhat similar to hers, and his appearance was considered handsome, but his haughty aura made it difficult for people to like him.

"That's Princess Chujing, but who is that fairy next to her?"

"Do you know her? Besides the one from Donghua Mountain, who else has such an elegant temperament!"

"That's right, you bumpkin, you must be Miss Donghua, the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Have you seen all the people in the world? And how do you know that she is the most beautiful, and she wears a veil, so you can't see beauty or ugliness." The person who was scolded whispered, his tone was so wronged.

But no one paid any attention to what he said.

More and more people surrounded the door, and they chanted the titles of "fairy", "the most beautiful woman in the world" and "Miss Donghuashan".

"Unexpectedly, I could meet the most beautiful woman in the world in my lifetime."

"That's right, look at this temperament, it even compares to the princess."

"The regent is really lucky. We are so envious to be accompanied by such a beauty."


The voices that praised Dongfang Lexuan floated up, Dongfang Lexuan always maintained her elegant posture, as if those compliments were just floating clouds to her.

And Jun Chujing next to her almost turned her nose out of anger.

More temperament than a princess?Are these troublemakers blind?

Yuan Deyin frowned slightly when she heard the words "Prince Regent's fiancee".

"You are the orphan adopted by Jun Yu? Oh, I thought it was special, but it turns out that you are so ugly."

Dongfang Lejun fanned a fan, glanced at Yuan Deyin condescendingly, then sneered and mocked.

(End of this chapter)

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