The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 293 Uncle 9, Deyin's hand hurts

Chapter 293 Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin's Hand Hurts
"Brother, how can you say that about the princess? She is still young and hasn't bloomed yet. Maybe she won't be what she is now when she grows. Also, her father, King Ji, sacrificed for Chi Yan, the king How could brother Yu have the heart to let her be alone! Don't talk nonsense."

Dongfang Lexuan frowned and shook her head at Dongfang Lejun, with a look of disapproval.

When the people heard this, their ears perked up.

Some nerds holding books started to raise their heads and chests up, and sighed with admiration: "Miss Dongfang is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world, she is both beautiful and virtuous, she is simply a fairy who came out of a book."

"That is, logically speaking, Princess Deyin has been in the Prince Regent's Mansion for so long. Miss Dongfang, as the future mistress of the Prince Regent's Mansion, should be angry in her heart. But she didn't lose her temper and even helped Princess Deyin Tell me, isn’t this a fairy and what is it?”

"No wonder you can be the fiancée of the regent king. Many people can't do such a graceful and generous character."

"I don't know if Princess Deyin will feel ashamed? If she is a little self-aware, she should leave the Prince Regent's Palace as soon as possible!"

"That's right, she is so shameless in the Prince Regent's Mansion, she doesn't despise embarrassment and we all despise her..."


Some voices got worse and worse.

Because in their view, Yuan Deyin is a princess without real power.

Although she has so many titles, she has no power at all. How can she stand up to them!
Most importantly, Miss Dongfang is here, and they are not worried that the regent will go over Miss Dongfang to settle accounts with them.

After all, Miss Dongfang is his wife, and Yuan Deyin is a rascal in the Regent's Palace.

Everyone will choose to stand on the wife's side!
Yin Panrong clenched her fists in anger.

It sounded like Dongfang Lexuan was speaking for Deyin, but those words couldn't stand up to scrutiny at all.

She was clearly saying that Deyin is ugly now, so she might look good in the future.

Deyin is ugly?
With Dongfang Lexuan's big face, she has the nerve to say such a thing!
Yin Panrong looked at their finely carved jade-like little faces, feeling like she was about to be laughed out of hand.

And the last sentence, this Dongfang Lexuan is simply a top-notch white lotus.

Her eccentric words were clearly telling everyone that the reason why the Lord Regent left De Yin in the Prince Regent's mansion was because the King Ji had lost his life.

Bian Feng was so angry that his face sank.

These stupid people are always led by the nose.

Dongfang Lexuan just said a few words, and they actually began to insult the young lady along the way.

They are just too much!

People from the Dongfang family, right? They're really good!

Bian Feng looked at Dongfang Lexuan and Dongfang Lejun, a bit of death flashed in his eyes.

If the identity of the young lady is announced one day, even ten Dongfang families will not be able to make amends.

Sensing the murderous aura emanating from Uncle Bian, Yuan Deyin worried that he would be exposed, so he quickly shook his head at him.

She took the initiative to walk to Yin Panrong and the others, and gently tugged their sleeves with her small hands, so that they wouldn't get angry because of Dongfang Lexuan.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was silent, everyone thought she was wronged.

Dongfang Lejun sneered again, he glanced at Dongfang Lexuan, and then said in a superior tone: "Xuan'er, you are just too kind, if this kind of thing, in our Donghua Mountain, your brother and I, even Letting her be a foot-washing maid is disdainful."

"Young Master Dongfang, why do you insult your own feet? I'm afraid that even stepping into Donghua Mountain would be an insult to you, such a shameless little village girl."

As long as Yuan Deyin can be bullied, Jun Chujing is happy in her heart, so now she raises her chin and lowers Yuan Deyin.

The common people were also pointing fingers at Yuan Deyin, but after hearing Dongfang Lejun and Jun Chujing's words, they frowned and felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, they are all low-level people. If Princess Deyin can't even be a foot-washing maid, what about them?

Although Donghua Mountain is a special existence, many people admire it, but if this mountain does not take them for granted, their admiration will be difficult to maintain.

So many people looked at Dongfang Lejun with a bit more complaints.

Sensing the change in the eyes of these people, Dongfang Lexuan sneered.

Do these untouchables feel that they have been shadowed by the sand?

It doesn't matter if you are humble, but you still have to pretend that you have a backbone, it's a low bone!
Dongfang Lexuan looked at Chi Yan's people like ants.

But because she thought that she would marry into the Prince Regent's House and become brother Jun Yu's wife, then her fairy image could not be destroyed.

So for the time being, I still need to make false claims with these untouchables.

After thinking about it, she clutched her chest, shaking her head at Dongfang Lejun with red eyes.

"Brother, how can you say that about Princess Deyin? She's such a young girl, she can't stand being bullied."

Looking at the scene in front of him, the most peaceful person is Yuan Deyin.

She yawned first, then rubbed her eyes, and said to Mei Qingzhou helplessly: "Sister Qingzhou, you were right last time. If you want to watch a play, you still have to go to the theater. Depending on the place, there will be a show..."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Mei Qingzhou's eyelids twitched violently.

When did she talk about going to the theater?
But looking at Shangyuan Deyin's sly eyes, she understood instantly.

She coughed softly, and then said seriously: "That's right, although it will take time to go to the theater, but the performance is really good. Unlike other places, we feel embarrassed when watching it."

Dongfang Lexuan originally kept her tearful eyes, but the conversation between Yuan Deyin and Mei Qingzhou fell into her ears, and her tears didn't flow or didn't flow.

These two sluts... Do you mean she's a poor actress?
Among the people, some people have already reacted.

Princess Deyin compared Miss Dongfang to the singer. Didn't she mean that she is actually acting in a play?
"Yuan Deyin, how dare you insult Xuan'er?" Dongfang Lejun heard something was wrong, he put away his fan, and stared at Yuan Deyin viciously.

In the end, Yuan Deyin just glanced at him with neither salty nor dull eyes, and then looked away.

"Yuan Deyin, you bitch, you actually ignore me. I order you to answer me immediately!" Dongfang Lejun pointed at Yuan Deyin's nose and cursed.

But Yuan Deyin didn't seem to hear him.

She grabbed Mei Qingzhou's hand, and said with a look of emotion: "Sister Qingzhou, Deyin didn't understand what the concubine mother said 'never quarrel with a stupid dog', but Deyin now understood."

Mei Qingzhou asked very obediently: "What do you mean?"

"That is, if you quarrel with a dog, others will not be able to tell who is the stupid dog. So, we'd better be good people and let that dog bark like crazy."

Yuan Deyin spoke, showing eight well-behaved teeth.

After her words fell, the entire Emerald Pavilion fell into an eerie silence.

In the end, it was Bian Feng who burst into laughter directly.

Mei Qingzhou, Yin Panrong and Sudan Tong even covered their mouths and laughed a few times.

The people also understood what Yuan Deyin meant, and they dared not laugh blatantly.

They had no choice but to lower their heads and hold back their laughter, but the shaking of their shoulders still betrayed their smiles.

"You bitch, you actually called me a dog!" Dongfang Lejun realized later, his mouth was twisted in anger.

He is the heir of Donghua Mountain, and he is always worshiped on the mountain. When did he suffer such grievances!
"Princess Deyin, my brother just said a few words to you, why are you so aggressive?"

Dongfang Lexuan looked at Yuan Deyin with obscure eyes, but she had a sad and wronged look on her face.

It seems that Yuan Deyin is some heinous person.

As a result, Yuan Deyin raised her head suddenly, the corners of her mouth drooped, tears glistened in her dark eyes, and she shook her shoulders.

Her voice was choked with sobs: "It turns out that in your eyes, Sister Dongfang, Deyin is aggressive? According to what you mean, is it because your elder brother said that Deyin can only keep silent?" The world says, Sister Dongfang, that you are well-educated, sensible, transparent and generous. It turns out that being scolded for keeping silent is what you think is generous..."

"Miss Ben didn't..."

Dongfang Lexuan didn't expect Yuan Deyin's tears to come, and caught her off guard.

When she saw that the people were already in commotion, her heart suddenly sank and she wanted to argue.

But Yuan Deyin would never give her this chance.

Sniffing, Yuan Deyin's crystal clear tears rolled down.

"If you don't like Deyin, you can just scold Deyin. Why do you let your brother blame the father in a strange way. His death in the battlefield is already the biggest pain for Deyin. Why do you Don't let us go..."

"I, I didn't..."

"Also, Deyin's title was conferred by the previous emperor. Even if the Ji Palace has fallen, as long as Deyin's title is still there, then Deyin is a member of the Chiyan royal family. You insult the princess like this, Do you think the Chiyan royal family is inferior to Donghua Mountain?"

"You're talking nonsense, Miss Ben didn't!" Dongfang Lexuan's face darkened instantly, and her tone was even a little annoyed.

Although Donghua Mountain is famous, in the final analysis, it is a school of martial arts.

Besides, Donghua Mountain is still in Chi Yan's territory.

The reason why the imperial court did not embarrass them was that they did not interfere in the government affairs.

But this does not mean that they are qualified to insult the royal family.

The reason why she let her brother bully Yuan Deyin was because Yuan Deyin had no real power and her father died early.

But she never expected that Yuan Deyin would move the Chiyan royal family out.

She wanted to refute.

But since a certain little girl opened her mouth, does she still have a chance to speak?

Yuan Deyin took a deep breath, and the tears fell more violently.

"The grandfather of the former emperor loved Deyin so much that he gave Deyin this honor, but you have trampled on Deyin's dignity arbitrarily today. Do you think that the Chiyan royal family is easy to bully? Or do you think that this small place like Chiyan can't afford you, Donghua?" The mountain is a giant Buddha!"

"Deyin understands, you insulting Deyin is secondary, killing chickens to scare monkeys is the real thing, you want to provoke the emperor's brother and the Chiyan royal family, right?"

"The next step for you is to get rid of Chi Yan, or to attack the royal family?"

Yuan Deyin seemed to have just realized something, she backed away in panic, her face pale.

The people of Chiyan also seemed to have been struck by lightning.

They were terrified.

They are just ordinary people, and their biggest dream is to live and work in peace and contentment without war.

Nowadays, the royal family is single and weak, if Donghua Mountain wants to attack the royal family, it will clearly destroy Chi Yan's country and make them suffer from the flames of war.

Thinking of this, they stared angrily at Dongfang Lexuan and Dongfang Lejun with resentment in their eyes.

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that what Princess Deyin said made sense.

If it weren't for the fact that the Donghua Mountain people had the guts to treason, how could they have the guts to scold Princess Deyin so much?

Anyway, Princess Deyin's father is Chi Yan's king with a different surname!

"What a fool, we were almost provoked by her!"

"That's right, no matter what Princess Deyin says, she can be regarded as a member of the royal family, and her father sacrificed for the country. No matter how big Donghuashan's face is, she can't scold people like this. Unless, Donghuashan is absolutely Don't take the emperor seriously!"

"It's really arrogant! In the territory of Chiyan, could it be the Jun family's world. Could it be that Donghua Mountain still wants to overthrow the throne?"


The more the people analyzed, the more frightened they became.

They almost became the lackeys of these evil traitors in Donghua Mountain!
Dongfang Lexuan's heart beat violently when seeing these common people treated them like enemies.

Her face could hardly maintain her gentle image.

It's unreasonable, Yuan Deyin, a little bitch, is so eloquent!

Dongfang Lexuan could at least be patient, but Dongfang Lejun was furious.

He yelled: "Bitch who doesn't know what is good or bad, how can you insult Donghua Mountain, this young master will kill you!"

After speaking, he took out the sword from the scabbard of the entourage behind him.

Seeing this scene, the people fled with their heads in their hands.

But they had a firmer thought in their hearts.

This Young Master Dongfang must have become angry from embarrassment, and now he wants to kill someone to silence him!

Donghua Mountain must have been told by the princess that they wanted to rebel!

Dongfang Lexuan cursed secretly when she saw that her elder brother couldn't stand being provoked so much.

Damn idiot, to be irritated by Yuan Deyin's few words.

Forget it, Yuan Deyin deserves to die anyway, if he can kill her with the help of a fool like Dongfang Lejun, that would be great...

Anyway, when the time comes, when Jun Zhouhan investigates, she will be safe and sound with the protection of the old man Tianji.

If she "explained" again, these stupid people would believe her again.

If Jun Zhouhan wants someone to pay for Yuan Deyin's life, then just push out the idiot Dongfang Le Junjun.

Anyway, she has been displeased with her stupid brother for a long time, hasn't she?

The father has only one son, and if the son dies, only the daughter will inherit the mantle...

Thinking of this, a strange light flashed in Dongfang Lexuan's eyes, and she quickly took a step back.

Jun Zhoujing's heart was also beating wildly.

"Hurry up, kill Yuan Deyin, that bitch." The voice in her heart kept clamoring.

When everyone saw Dongfang Lejun coming aggressively, they thought Yuan Deyin was dead.

Turning back again, Murong Rui hid in the dark with a flustered expression.

Isn't this little fox very smart?

She actually courted death by herself!
Murong Rui gritted his teeth, and finally decided to bear the risk of being discovered and rush out to save people.

Such a funny little fox, it's a pity to die.

The rest were also terrified.

But only those who are closest to Yuan Deyin can see the sly curve of her mouth.

Finally... angered the Dongfang family.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yuan Deyin looked to a dark place.

Suddenly, Wuying quickly flew out with the four hidden guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

In the blink of an eye, everyone could only see a few black shadows passing by before their eyes, and then heard a scream, which scared them all to stop running away, and looked suspiciously at the source of the sound.

In the end, Dongfang Lejun was seen lying on the ground covered in blood.

His eyes were wide open, and his mouth was still exhaling, but it could be seen that his breath was already weak.

The blood flowed the most from his wrists and ankles. When everyone took a closer look, they found that...

All his bones were broken.

Even Dongfang Lexuan's face was distorted by this scene.

"You, you actually broke my young master's bones." Dongfang Lejun mixed with pain and hatred, making his face terribly ferocious.

Wuying took a few hidden guards and stood in front of Yuan Deyin, staring at him like he was staring at a dead person.

"Princess Deyin and the royal family share weal and woe, those who insult the royal family will be killed without mercy!"

When Wuying uttered the last three words with all his anger, everyone felt their hearts tremble.

"Although the elder brother's words are a bit too much, is your behavior too much..."

Dongfang Lexuan reacted and was very excited.

That's great, the broken Dongfang Lejun is a waste!
There is no difference between waste and dead people!
However, before this piece of trash can be abandoned by his father, he has to play the last bit of value.

A bit of obscurity flashed in her eyes, and Dongfang Lexuan questioned Yuan Deyin in a questioning tone.

Hearing her words, Yuan Deyin, who was standing behind Wuying, quickly stood up.

Her little face was flushed, and she looked angry.

She looked at Dongfang Lexuan stubbornly, and then walked towards him with big strides.

Dongfang Lexuan looked at the little man walking towards her step by step, she sneered.

Are you scared?
Are you here to beg for mercy from the princess?

That's good, it just gave the princess a chance to humiliate you.

She was so happy that she couldn't help but look a little embarrassed.

Because she was too excited, she couldn't hold back the aura of superiority on her body, and it began to leak out faintly, which was noticed by the people watching from the side.

Those common people looked at her appearance like a villain, and their mood suddenly sank.

Why is this Miss Dongfang less and less like a fairy?

Coupled with Yuan Deyin's questioning just now, they really felt that Dongfang Lexuan and the people from Donghuashan were planning to rebel.

Therefore, they now also hate Dongfang Lexuan.

Seeing Princess Deyin approaching, they were all flustered.

For the first time, they felt that Princess Deyin was just a girl in her teens, and it was really embarrassing for her to deal with the people in Donghua Mountain.

"Princess, don't go there, she will hurt you..." Someone couldn't bear it, and began to call Yuan Deyin worriedly.

But Yuan Deyin acted as if she didn't hear it, she continued to walk towards Dongfang Lexuan.

Finally, she stopped in front of Dongfang Lexuan.

The opponent is a bit taller than her, so she has to hold her head up.

Looking at Yuan Deyin, Dongfang Lexuan was a little disdainful of pretending, and her tone was vaguely arrogant.

"Yuan Deyin, you hurt Miss Ben's brother, if you don't give an explanation today, Miss Ben will..."


A certain little princess slapped him directly.

Dongfang Lexuan's veil was knocked off, and half of her face was swollen.

"Yuan Deyin, you dare to hit Miss Ben!" Following Dongfang Lexuan's scream, everyone woke up in fright.

They looked at Yuan Deyin in shock, and even Mei Qingzhou and the others were stunned.

They didn't expect Yuan Deyin to have such courage.

"Bitch, you dare to hit our eldest lady!" The maidservants beside Dongfang Lexuan were going crazy with anger.

But after their angry voices fell...

With another "pa", Yuan Deyin slapped the other side of Dongfang Lexuan's face again.

Seeing that both sides of Dongfang Lexuan's face turned red, Yuan Deyin took out a handkerchief, wiped her fingers carefully, and then muttered softly: "Well, both sides of the face are swollen, and they are symmetrical..."

Everyone: "???"

"Yuan Deyin, you bitch, this lady is going to kill you." Dongfang Lexuan held back the fishy sweetness in her mouth, and was about to reach out and grab Yuan Deyin's neck.

But at this time, a certain little girl had already seen that slender and tall figure approaching the door.

Her eyes lit up, and she escaped from Dongfang Lexuan's hands like a nimble little rabbit, and jumped directly into the arms of the visitor.

When Jun Yu saw that Dongfang Lexuan was going to do something to his little girl, his cold and stiff heart sank, and he was full of evil spirits, like a violent demon crawling up from hell.

But when he saw the little girl rushing towards him, the hostility in his body dissipated in an instant.

He quickly reached out to catch her.

Rushing into his arms, Miss Yuan poked out her furry head from his arms.

She spread out her palms, then pouted her mouth, looking like she was about to cry, she said aggrievedly: "Uncle Nine Emperors, my hand hurts..."

Everyone: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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