Chapter 294 The King's Wife

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, everyone looked strange.

Especially Dongfang Lexuan, her eyes were full of resentment, as if she wanted to kill someone.

She gritted her teeth, walked over quickly, and said with a pitiful expression: "Brother Junyu... Senior brother, Princess Deyin, is she going too far, she actually beat my face like this... Okay pain."

"It really hurts enough." Obscure emotions flashed in Jun Yu's eyes.

His tense body seemed to be expressing his anger.

Dongfang Lexuan knew that he was angry when he saw his appearance.

The big stone in her heart was put down heavily, and she still didn't forget to take a deep breath.

Originally, she was worried that brother Jun Yu would be deceived by the little bitch Yuan Deyin, but unexpectedly, brother Jun Yu was still willing to stand by her side.

This time, she wanted to see how badly this little bitch died!
After thinking about it, Dongfang Lexuan raised her chin and stared at Yuan Deyin with cold eyes, revealing a vaguely complacent expression.

The rest of the people were a little worried.

Although Princess Deyin slapped Miss Dongfang with his hands, they felt that these two slaps were good!

Because the two of the Dongfang family spoke so well, they were clearly looking for a fight!

However, Miss Dongfang is the Prince Regent's fiancée, so he will definitely help her.

Thinking of this, their hearts were suspended, and they looked at Yuan Deyin worriedly.

But just when everyone thought that Jun Yu was going to get angry with Yuan Deyin, he suddenly lowered his head quickly, frowned, and looked at her red palm with pity.

He said in a hoarse voice: "Don't do anything recklessly in the future, people with too thick skin will hurt your hands."

A thick-skinned person...will hurt your hand?
This sentence spread to everyone's ears, and it really made them look different.

Did brother Jun Yu mean that she had a thick skin?
Shouldn't he be accusing Yuan Deyin!
Dongfang Lexuan's head buzzed, she staggered a few steps, looked at Jun Yu with tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe that he would help an orphan girl to bully her.

Obviously, she and him are the closest people, aren't they?

If Dongfang Lexuan's tearful eyes were just a way for her to get Jun Yu's sympathy at the beginning, then now, she is really jealous and angry to the point of tears falling down.

Hearing what Uncle Nine Emperor said, a certain little girl pursed her mouth, and shrugged her head like a poor little rabbit being bullied.

"Deyin didn't want to hurt his hand, but...but they scolded Deyin, and even the royal family. Deyin was a person who received the favor of the emperor, how could this happen, so Deyin decided to give I slap Miss Dongfang twice..."

Yuan Deyin sniffled and said the reason slowly.

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and looked at Uncle Jiuhuang pitifully, like a cute and stupid rabbit.

She opened her big misty eyes, pouted her mouth, and asked cautiously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Miss Dongfang's mouth is too dirty, Deyin slapped her twice, you won't be angry, will you?"

"Yuan Deyin, you slap Miss Ben in the face, yet you still have the guts to ask your brother if you are angry, you duplicity bitch!"

Seeing that Yuan Deyin, who was still arrogant just now, is now as obedient as a little rabbit, and snatched away what she wanted to say, Dongfang Lexuan felt like her heart was split open, and her face was grim Terrible.

In the past, she always pretended to be weak, but she never expected...

This little bitch Yuan Deyin actually robbed her of her words!

"Dongfang Lexuan, shut up!" Jun Yu's black eyes sank, his whole body was full of hostility.

Dongfang Lexuan's grievance made her speechless under Jun Yu's oppressive gaze.

"Yin'er, don't panic, this king will definitely give you an explanation, and you will never be wronged."

When Jun Yu spoke to Yuan Deyin, his expression instantly eased.

That gentle tone, as if Yuan Deyin was a fragile ceramic doll.

"Yu Shengxiao, why don't you roll over and apply medicine to Yin'er!" Jun Yu's cold eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao, who came behind him belatedly.

"Xiao Deyin, did you hurt your hand? Which bastard is it that hurt you!"

Yu Shengxiao's eyes fell on Yuan Deyin's red and swollen palm, and he stopped fanning the jade bone fan, and his carefree face also became gloomy.

He quickly walked up to Yuan Deyin, cupped her red and swollen hands, and the aura all over his body was palpable.

"Master, it wasn't others who beat Deyin, it was Deyin who beat people." Yuan Deyin said softly.

"That's also that person's fault! Damn it, you made your hand turn red, how rough her skin must be!"

Yu Shengxiao gritted her teeth, looking like "this genius doctor's apprentice must not be bullied".

Everyone: "..."

It really is the jade genius doctor who protects the weak.

"Is it you? Dongfang Lexuan, it's your little apprentice who bullied this miracle doctor!"

Yu Shengxiao put away the jade bone fan and stared at Dongfang Lexuan with gloomy eyes.

"Master Yu, it was Yuan Deyin who had the audacity to slap Miss Ben in the face, and Miss Ben hasn't..."

Dongfang Lexuan was so angry at Yushengxiao's slap in the face, she gritted her teeth and wanted to refute.

But how could Yu Shengxiao give her this chance.

He sneered directly: "Okay, it really is you, a thick-faced monster! The skin is rough and the flesh is thick, and the mouth is still smelly. No wonder Donghua Mountain has declined these years, and the scenery has become much more desolate. It turns out that you poisoned it! Why? It's not enough to harm Donghua Mountain, do you want to harm Xiao Deyin..."

Once Yu Shengxiao's venomous words started, she couldn't stop.

Dongfang Lexuan staggered a few more steps, if it wasn't for the maid supporting her, she might not be able to stand up.

The onlookers were also sweating profusely. They had never seen such a protective and vicious master.

"Unexpectedly, Master's mouth can not only eat, but also curse."

The little girl was at the back, smiling happily, her eyes sparkling, and she looked at the tall back of a certain jade doctor with admiration.

As a result, the face of Jun Yu who was standing beside her instantly sank.

He stared at Yu Shengxiao's back with a somewhat obscure expression.

Yu Shengxiao was still standing in front of the sky, but for some reason, he suddenly felt a cold and dangerous look behind him, which made him tremble.

"Yin'er, this king can protect you too." A certain prince said expressionlessly.

"Huh?" A certain little girl was still rubbing her eyes, but when she heard Uncle Nine Emperor's words, she couldn't react and could only look at him blankly.

Jie Junyu looked indifferently at Wuying.

"Wuying, report to this king what happened."

Jun Yu's final note fell, and everyone's hearts trembled.

Wuying walked over quickly, and respectfully said all the wild words that Dongfang Lejun and Dongfang Lexuan had uttered.

"Senior brother, my elder brother..." Dongfang Lexuan panicked, and she wanted to act first.

But Jun Yu's cold eyes slowly fell on her and Dongfang Lejun.

"Wash your feet girl?"

"Looking so ugly?"

"You still want to do something to Yin'er?"

Jun Yu sneered, and the words that came out of his cold thin lips became colder than each sentence.

"Jun Yu, you are from our Donghua Mountain, and you don't even help me. That bitch ruined me, so help me tear her apart!"

Dongfang Lejun endured the blood in his mouth, and stared at Yuan Deyin resentfully, as if he wanted to stare out his own eyes.

He is the young master of Donghua Mountain, and now he is disabled, and everyone in the world will laugh at him!

Yuan Deyin, he wants her dead!

He thought that Jun Yu would help him kill Yuan Deyin, but his voice fell...

Jun Yu took the blood-dripping sword from Wu Ying, and walked towards him like a ghost.

Sword up and down.

Dongfang Lejun, who was still a little faint just now, passed out directly.

I don't know if I was scared, or the pain was too much to hold on.

Because his body was full of blood holes.

The common people looked at his miserable appearance with horror.

Wuying's hidden guards just broke Dongfang Lejun's tendons and hamstrings at first.

Jun Yu, on the other hand, avoided his vitals with a blank face, poking a dozen holes.

Jun Yu threw the sword into Wu Ying's hands expressionlessly, and even gave Dongfang Lejun one with his extra eyes.

If it wasn't for Master's sake, Dongfang Lejun would be a stinking corpse now.

Dongfang Lexuan's legs felt weak, and her heart trembled a little.

With tears all over her face, she looked at Jun Yu sadly.

She wanted Dongfang Lejun to die at the hands of others, but definitely not at the hands of Jun Yu!

Because when Jun Yu made a move, he slapped her in the face.

"Senior brother, I know that big brother's words are a bit too much, but you made a move... Isn't it a bit too cruel..."

Dongfang Lexuan was supported, she bit her lower lip, and questioned Jun Yu with tears in her eyes.

"Behind Yin'er is the entire Chiyan royal family. Dongfang Lejun insulted her, and it is not an exaggeration to die." Jun Yu said coldly.

"But...but...we grew up together..."

Dongfang Lexuan bit her lower lip, and started to play emotional cards with Jun Yu.

As a result, Jun Yu stared at her mercilessly with his dark and cold eyes.

"Miss Dongfang, please be serious! When I was in Donghua Mountain, I didn't meet you more than three times a year. How did you grow up together?"

After he said these unceremonious words, everyone's expressions became strange.

They thought the Prince Regent and Miss Dongfang were childhood sweethearts...

But after the regent explained, they felt that the relationship between Princess Deyin and the regent was more like a childhood sweetheart, okay?

Dongfang Lexuan seemed to be hit hard, her body was shaking.

She kept opening her mouth like a fish out of water.

She was mad with hatred!
Senior brother, how could he humiliate her in front of so many people?

How can he!
But even though she was so resentful that she wanted to kill someone, Dongfang Lexuan still pretended to be aggrieved that she couldn't accept.

She lowered her head, her tears were like a raging spring.

She kept shaking her head.

"Brother, I thought our relationship was pure. After all, during that time, I was the only one around you. We were fine in Donghua Mountain before, why do you seem to be a different person now?"

Dongfang Lexuan's voice was very low, but it was enough for everyone around to hear it.

Everyone was slightly shocked.

Miss Dongfang meant that the regent treated her well in Donghua Mountain, but now he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone?

The opportunity for this change should be the sudden appearance of Princess Deyin, right?
But it is.

Anyway, Miss Dongfang is also the Prince Regent's fiancée, so it doesn't matter if we don't see each other less, this relationship can't be changed!
From this point of view, the Prince Regent shouldn't have treated Miss Dongfang like this.

The common people dare not say anything against Jun Yu, but those strange eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

Seeing those common people started to stand on her side again, Dongfang Lexuan felt a little proud again.


As Miss Dongfang, she was destined to be tied to brother Jun Yu.

Yuan Deyin?What is she!
Just when Dongfang Lexuan was still trembling in his heart, Jun Yu's steady and powerful voice sounded again.

"It turns out that when Miss Dongfang was in Donghua Mountain, being able to stand ten meters away from me was considered close to me."

After Jun Yu's sarcastic words came out, Yu Shengxiao laughed outright.

Is ten meters away considered close?
Then he stood within three meters of Jun Yu, wouldn't that be the distance for an embrace!
I laughed so hard!
Dongfang Lexuan's expression froze, she never thought that Jun Yu would disrespect her so much.

What she didn't know was that this wasn't the most embarrassing thing for her.

Jun Yu stood back beside the little girl, his deep eyes swept over everyone, and then he spoke sharply.

"Recently, someone used the guise of this king's fiancee to do evil, it is simply ridiculous! This king hereby declares to the world that this king has never been married. If there are still people who spread rumors, this king's future wife will be misunderstood and alienated from me. Your Majesty, I will definitely not forgive you lightly!"

Jun Yu's words are firm, as if weeping blood.

Everyone seemed to be hitting their hearts with every word, shocking them.

Regent means...

Miss Dongfang is not his fiancée at all, is she?
That Miss Dongfang claims to be the regent princess, isn't that too shameless!
Also, the Prince Regent just said "future wife".

Wait, why do they feel that the regent's words seem to have the feeling of someone they like.

A certain little girl's ears were always pricked up. When she heard Uncle Jiuhuang's words "future wife", her heart seemed to be scalded, and her ears were hot and red, like a A little rabbit whose heart has been scratched.

Yu Shengxiao's cold face broke the ice in an instant, he opened his jade bone fan and smiled like a peacock.

Jun Yu looks so coquettish, but when he picks up the little rabbit, it's just... let's be inferior!

"Senior brother," Dongfang Lexuan looked at Jun Yu in a panic.

She couldn't believe that Jun Yu would expose her so ruthlessly.

"But, but, Master said..." Dongfang Lexuan was still unwilling.

"Master is master, this king is this king, Donghua Mountain is Donghua Mountain, Miss Dongfang should not be confused again. For the sake of Donghua Mountain, this king will forgive you for insulting Deyin. If there is a next time, if this king makes a move, it will definitely not be a matter of two slaps."

Jun Yu looked at Dongfang Lexuan with indifferent eyes, as if the other party was a dead person.

The elegance supported by Dongfang Lexuan collapsed at this moment.

The dignity of her lofty Miss Donghuashan was trampled upon.

By the way, she is still the eldest lady of Donghua Mountain, brother Jun Yu can't humiliate her like this!

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lexuan's heart was not so flustered.

She quickly gritted her teeth and said, "Brother, I am Miss Donghuashan..."

When she spoke like this, she actually wanted Jun Yu to save her face for the sake of her identity.

After all, offending Donghuashan will not lead to any good results.

But after hearing her words, Jun Yu sneered.

"Miss Dongfang brought out her identity, is she trying to say that Donghua Mountain is going to fight against the imperial court? If that's the case, does the king need to send troops overnight to surround the post?"

After Jun Yu finished speaking, Dongfang Lexuan's blood flowed backwards, and she looked at Jun Yu in disbelief.

He actually wanted to fight Donghuashan for a mere vowel sound.

Is he crazy?
Even Yu Shengxiao and Yuan Deyin looked at him in shock, but when they thought of his ability, their hearts instantly calmed down.

But the people were a little flustered at first.

But seeing Jun Yu's determined expression on his resolute face, and his aura as if he ruled the world, they didn't panic at all.

The Lord God of War represents the Chiyan royal family. If he repeatedly backs down from Donghua Mountain, wouldn't it be that Donghua Mountain will ride on his head in the future!
This Donghua Mountain has repeatedly forced the Regent and Princess Deyin to rebel!
If this is the case, then there is no way to back down.

Invisibly, these common people were all on the side of Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin. They looked at Dongfang Lexuan and the others as if they were enemies.

"Senior brother, I..." Dongfang Lexuan didn't expect Jun Yu to say such cruel words, she finally started to panic.

My father repeatedly told me not to offend brother Junyu...

Seeing that Dongfang Lexuan was going to continue to say some tea words, Yuan Deyin walked out from behind Jun Yu.

With a small face, she stared at Dongfang Lejun who was almost breathless on the ground, and said with disgust: "Miss Dongfang, if you talk nonsense, I don't know if you can keep your brother's life... "

"You...I..." Dongfang Lexuan glared at Yuan Deyin sternly.

But Yuan Deyin didn't panic, she said in a leisurely tone: "You look so calm, but Deyin suspects that you don't care about your elder brother's life at all..."

"Shut up, Miss Ben didn't!"

Dongfang Lexuan noticed that everyone was looking at her even more strangely. She stared at Yuan Deyin more and more resentfully as if she had been exposed.

With so many pairs of eyes watching, her little thought of exhausting Dongfang Lejun's life was about to be discovered.

Anyway, staying here is also humiliating...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lexuan could only grit her teeth, suppress the hatred in her heart, and very unwillingly ordered someone to drag Dongfang Lejun away from here.

Passing by Yuan Deyin's side, she originally wanted to warn Yuan Deyin with a red and swollen face, but Jun Yu's murderous eyes looked at her.

Her heart was so painful that she wanted to explode, so she could only reluctantly leave in embarrassment.

But the resentment towards Yuan Deyin in her heart has reached the point of dying.

Dongfang Lexuan ran away in embarrassment, but a little girl muttered seriously from behind.

"Fortunately, Miss Dongfang dragged him away. Otherwise, Young Master Dongfang delayed the treatment, and people would think that he was killed by us."

Everyone: "..." Otherwise, didn't you kill him?

They peeked at Yuan Deyin strangely.

It was the first time for them to see such a eloquent appearance of a little princess.

But for some reason, they didn't think she was annoying at all, but felt a little relieved!

Seeing that her helpers had left, even if Jun Chujing was unwilling, she could only hold back.

So she wanted to leave in despair.

As a result, at this time, a certain little princess poked her head out and said with a smile: "Princess Chujing, where are you going? It's fun to scold people just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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