Chapter 295
Yuan Deyin's words made everyone's eyes fall on Jun Chujing.

Her thoughts of running away in desperation could only be dismissed on the spot.

But she soon thought that Yuan Deyin dared to be arrogant to Jun Dongfang and Lexuan because of the presence of Uncle Nine Emperors!

She didn't believe she dared to do anything to her!
After all, she is a real royal!

Uncle Nine Emperors should give her some face.

Thinking of this, Jun Chujing felt much more at ease.

"Why are you calling this princess? Just now, this princess was influenced by the words of the two brothers and sisters of the Dongfang family, so she said that kind of thing, you..."

Jun Chujing clutched the handkerchief, racking her brains to excuse herself.

But a certain little princess covered her mouth and laughed.

Although there were still tears in her eyes, she was not at all embarrassed.

When she laughed, her eyes curved into beautiful crescent shapes.

"Princess Chujing, Deyin called you not to pursue your scolding Deyin, but to ask you, that you want it? If not, then Deyin can be wrapped up by the shopkeeper."

Yuan Deyin's voice is soft, coupled with her clear eyes, she looks a bit cute and harmless.

Jun Chujing was taken aback for a moment, and then let go of all her guard.

Heh, it must be because Uncle Nine Emperors is here, Yuan Deyin dare not be so arrogant anymore, so she dare not hold her accountable for cursing others just now.

Even brought the topic to the necklace.

Then don't blame her for not giving her face!

A bit of embarrassment flashed in Jun Chujing's eyes, and she immediately raised her chin.

"Of course the princess wants it! Shopkeeper, all the diamond necklaces are wrapped up by the princess."

Jun Chujing spoke in a very arrogant tone.

She squinted at Yuan Deyin's eyes, as if she was a superior winner.

Diamond necklace?

Jun Yu glanced at a certain well-behaved girl with deep eyes.

Seeing her ready-to-move little paws hidden under Zhang Yang's character, his thin lips slightly curled into an arc.

He was not going to make a sound.

Because he knew that the little girl had her own ideas.

Jun Yu didn't participate, but Yu Shengxiao couldn't hold back.

He widened his eyes as if he was furious.

He quickly stood on the other side of Yuan Deyin, and said loudly: "Little Deyin, is it Jun Chujing who wants to snatch your necklace? Tell Weishi, and Weishi will help you get it back!"

"Master Jade, my princess said that I want all the necklaces. Are you going to fight against my princess? You..."

Jun Chujing was a little annoyed when she saw that Yushengxiao wanted to help Yuan Deyin decide, and couldn't help but question Yushengxiao.

But she couldn't finish her questioning, Yu Shengxiao put away the jade bone fan.

His slender peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and when he looked back, his indifferent eyes just fell on her.

"This genius doctor is talking to Xiao Deyin, is it your turn to speak up?"

Normally, Yu Shengxiao was suave and romantic, but when his face darkened, the atmosphere around him became dangerous.

Jun Chujing was suppressed by his aura of warning, she gritted her teeth, too scared to speak.

But at this moment, a certain little princess actually patted Yu Shengxiao's jade bone fan to suppress his anger.

"Master, although Deyin was the first to see this diamond necklace. But Princess Chujing likes it so much, so why not give it to her? After all, she is a princess, and she really needs the blessing of a precious necklace."

"You..." Yusheng was very angry.

He didn't expect that Xiao Deyin would speak for Jun Chujing.

After Jun Chujing heard Yuan Deyin's words, she could hardly hide the joy in her eyes.

She felt that Yuan Deyin must have been scared, that's why she confessed.

That's right, Dongfang Lexuan is here, and her status in front of Uncle Nine Emperors and Jun Zhouhan is not that high anymore.

A little orphan girl, without royal blood, still wants to be arrogant?It's a fantasy!

Although Fangcai Junyu was indifferent to Dongfang Lexuan, Jun Chujing was not nervous at all.

Although she doesn't like Dongfang Lexuan either.

But she still has to admit that with Dongfang Lexuan's beauty and status, there are very few men in this world who can refuse her.

Uncle Nine Emperors is definitely no exception!
What's more, Old Man Tianji put pressure on Uncle Nine Emperors.

Thinking about it this way, Yuan Deyin will indeed be abandoned by Uncle Nine Emperors soon, so she should admit her love early.

After thinking about it, Jun Chujing raised her neck even higher, like a proud white swan.

"Hmph, it's rare that Yuan Deyin has such awareness. Shopkeeper, wrap up the seven diamond necklaces for this princess and send them to the palace. But..."

Jun Chujing looked at Yuan Deyin's slender neck with only a rope hanging on it, it was simply too shabby.

She covered her mouth and sneered.

"Send the six necklaces to the palace. The remaining one, I will give to Princess Deyin. After all, the enthronement ceremony is about to begin. No matter how bad Princess Deyin is, she is also a princess with a different surname. Being so shabby, we have lost the face of our Chiyan imperial family..."

Saying that, Jun Chujing turned around triumphantly, ready to ask her maid to pay.

Bian Feng remained silent the whole time, but when Jun Chujing said to wrap up the diamond necklace, his eyes flashed a little sharply.

He quickly wrapped all seven necklaces, including the one Yin Panrong was holding.

"Princess Chujing, this is the necklace you want." Bian Feng lowered his head and held the two boxes over, his tone could not tell whether it was respectful or disrespectful.

"Yu'er, Xue'er." Jun Chujing gave her the two court ladies' Youyou eyes.

Yu'er quickly took over the necklace box, while Xue'er was going to give money.

At this time, Bian Feng said neither humble nor overbearing: "Thanks to the princess's great love for our store, these seven necklaces total 30 taels."

"Xue'er, give it to him quickly..." Jun Chujing waved.

She is not in the mood to listen to others now, all she can think about is taking out a necklace to humiliate Yuan Deyin.

This bitch has humiliated her time and time again, she must humiliate her well today!
"Princess, princess, it's 30 taels..." Xue'er was about to cry.

She held the purse and said in a trembling voice.

When they left the palace, they only brought 3000 taels of silver bills.

Where are they going to get 30 taels?

Selling all the rewards in the concubine's palace, there is not so much money!

Xue'er's flustered words finally reached Jun Chujing's ears and woke her up.

"What? 30 taels, shopkeeper, are you kidding? Just these seven small stones are worth 30 taels?"

Jun Chujing's smile gradually receded, her eyes were very dangerous, and her tone was warning.

But how can she threaten Bian Feng?
He straightened his back, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "The Emerald Pavilion opens the door to do business, and it is all about sincerity and innocence! Princess, don't think it is cheap just because there are only diamonds on the necklace. Diamonds are rare, and they are carefully carved by us." How much manpower and material resources did you spend on the pattern! 30 yuan for seven pieces is already a discount for you, the princess."

When Bian Feng said the words in one breath, Jun Chujing not only didn't feel relieved, but became more and more angry.

She opened the box angrily, and found that the diamond necklace inside was indeed beautiful, but... She just didn't think it was worth so much money!
"Heh, you sounded good, the princess just suspects that you are driving up the price and earning black-hearted money!"

Jun Chujing's tone was aggressive.

Bian Feng's face also darkened.

"Princess, if you don't like the Emerald Pavilion, just say so, don't put unwarranted charges on the Emerald Pavilion. We, the Emerald Pavilion, have been open for so many years, and no guest has complained like you!"

Bian Feng's words were heard clearly by the people around him.

Many people nodded without thinking about it.

"That's right, I absolutely trust the Emerald Pavilion. In this world, there has never been such a conscientious shop as the Emerald Pavilion."

"That's right, other shops either only do business for the rich, or they only do cheap goods. But Jade Pavilion is different. Its first floor is for ordinary goods, and the second floor is for treasures. All the customers who enter the store are treated equally. .Whether you can afford it or not, or whether you like it or not, they have given enough respect."

"The clothes in their shop are very beautiful, and the quality is also top-notch among their peers, and the accessories are also first-class and beautiful!"

"I have also heard about that diamond necklace. It is said that it is only available in the Emerald Pavilion. No matter how many dignitaries want to get one, it is not expensive to sell 30 for seven."

"Is the princess really that poor? It's only 30 yuan and you have to search for it. The housekeeper of the rich merchant of the Chen family is even richer than her..."


Those common people didn't deliberately lower their volume when discussing, so those words were easily passed into Jun Chujing's ears, almost making her vomit blood.

At this time, Yuan Deyin came over very considerately and asked, "Princess Chujing, don't you have enough money to buy it? Otherwise, Deyin should buy it..."

"Don't even think about it, how can this princess have no money!" Jun Chujing felt as if her tail had been stepped on when she heard Yuan Deyin's words.

She turned her head and stared at Yuan Deyin resentfully. She retorted with a grin, like a crazy woman.

Yuan Deyin was not flustered either, she shrugged her shoulders as if she was very disappointed.

"Well, since Princess Chujing wants it so much, then Deyin won't be loved by others."

"Princess Chujing, should you pay?" Bian Feng said sharply.

Jun Chujing was furious, but so many people were watching, especially a Yuan Deyin.

In order to save her face, she could only grit her teeth and say, "Pay, definitely pay! But this princess doesn't bring so much money with her. After I return to the palace, I will send someone to bring it over."

After finishing speaking, Jun Chujing raised her chin, took her maid, and wanted to leave with the necklace.

What she thought in her heart was that when she entered the palace, she would not believe that the people from the Emerald Pavilion would have the guts to go to the palace to ask for money.

At that time, she will get this necklace without spending a penny.

However, her little plan is doomed to fail.

Because Bian Feng walked directly in front of her and stopped her.

He said in a serious tone: "Princess, our small shop always pays for it and delivers it. If you don't have enough money, you'd better keep the goods. After all, if you don't buy it, there will be plenty of people buying it."

"You, you are so brave, dare to talk to this princess like this!"

Jun Chujing's wishful thinking came to nothing, she was so angry that she pointed at Bian Feng's nose and cursed.

"Princess Chujing, this is a rule in many shops, and it's no wonder they made it. If you think you can't afford it, you should buy it from Deyin..."

A certain little girl sighed and stepped forward.

A smile flashed across Yushengxiao's eyes, he knew his little apprentice's plan.

He coughed a few times, then fanned the jade bone fan leisurely, and opened his mouth leisurely.

"If Princess Chujing can't afford it, the Emerald Pavilion can also consider this genius doctor. Although the genius doctor Gu is a little poor, 30 can still be paid for."

Is this damned Yusheng Xiao mocking that her majestic Princess Chujing is not as good as a down-and-out genius doctor Gu!

Like eating gunpowder, Jun Chujing roared loudly: "Xue'er, you go back to the palace and bring the 30 banknotes. The princess is waiting here. The princess wants to see today, who dares to fight with the princess?" Grab this necklace!"


Hearing her words, Xue'er was about to cry.

That's 30 taels, not 30 taels.

If the concubine finds out, she won't die of anger!

"Why, do you also want to disobey this princess' order?" Jun Chujing stared at Xue'er with gloomy eyes, with a murderous look on her face.

Xue'er's legs were trembling, but she was worried that their princess would kill her on the spot, so she had to obey obediently.

"The servant girl will go back to the palace to get the money."

Jun Chujing watched Xue'er go out, and then she sat down at the side with a gloomy expression.

Those people simply did not leave.

Such a wonderful play, even the theaters are not so good, how could they be willing to leave?

"Yuan Deyin, I'm really sorry, the necklace you like so much is in the hands of this princess."

Jun Chujing felt angry in her stomach, but when she saw Yuan Deyin, she felt a lot better when she thought that the other party could not even compete with her for a necklace.

"It's okay, it's okay, Princess Chujing just said that she wants to give Deyin a piece, so what's so sad about Deyin?"

A certain little girl shrugged, and she answered calmly.

Her answer distorted Jun Chujing's smile.

She just casually said that she wanted to humiliate Yuan Deyin.

But she never thought that Yuan Deyin would be so thick-skinned that she really wanted to accept that necklace from her!
Tens of thousands of taels of necklaces...

Jun Chujing's smile gradually stiffened.

And Yuan Deyin didn't forget to add fuel to the fire: "Yes, I don't know when your maidservant, Princess Chujing, will come back. Deyin has no time to wait. If you wait until you get the necklace, one person will be missing." Send it to the Regent's Palace..."

"Yuan Deyin, you..."

"Princess Chujing is so rich and kind, she wouldn't be unwilling to do such a thing?" Yuan Deyin blocked Jun Chujing's words with a smile.

"Of course, no!" Jun Chujing was about to go mad with anger, but Yuan Deyin blocked her words, so she could only grit her teeth and nod.

Damn it, damn it!
She obviously wanted to humiliate Yuan Deyin, why would she let herself lose money and be so angry!
"Then let's not disturb the Emerald Pavilion's business here. We are still waiting for the palace banquet, sister Qingzhou, come quickly." Yuan Deyin smiled and waved to Mei Qingzhou and the others.

When the few of them came over, Yuan Deyin murmured in a low voice.

"We are quite busy. After all, we have to organize a palace banquet. Unlike others, we have time to wait here."

"Cough cough cough..."

Jun Chujing coughed hard, her mouth full of fishy sweetness.

Did Yuan Deyin, that bitch, intend to anger her?

But, it's not over yet...

When a certain little princess brought Mei Qingzhou and the others to the door.

As if she just remembered something, she patted her head.

"By the way, sisters, the princess said that I would give you accessories, but I almost forgot."

"Deyin, no need." Mei Qingzhou spoke first, and she smiled and shook her head at Yuan Deyin.

These people have all been bullied by Jun Chujing to some extent, and it really made them happy to see Deyin being so angry with Jun Chujing today.

Sudan Tong and the others also smiled and shook their heads.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, they really wanted to let go of their laughter.

Jun Chujing, you actually have today!
"No, how can you not believe what the princess said!" Yuan Deyin shook his head with a small face.

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and said to Cang Ling beside her: "Cang Ling, go to the carriage and get the princess's jewelry box."

"The slaves obey."

Cang Ling nodded, and hurried to the carriage.

When everyone heard what was going on here, they all looked over, including Jun Chujing who was half dead with anger.

Soon, Cang Ling carried the box back.

The box doesn't look big, but it seems heavy.

Yuan Deyin took the box and quickly opened it.

At that moment, everyone felt that their eyes had been stabbed.

Because there, actually...

There is a box of diamond necklaces! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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