Chapter 296 Uncle Nine Emperors Are Angry
"Yuan Deyin, why do you have so many diamond necklaces?"

Seeing this scene, Jun Chujing felt that a mouthful of blood was about to spit out from her throat, and she questioned loudly.

Hearing this questioning voice, Miss Yuan shrugged calmly.

"A few years ago, when I lived in Zhuangzi with my mother and concubine, I picked up many diamonds in the back mountain and made them into necklaces."

"Here, so many diamonds, is it really possible to pick them up?"

Among the people, they couldn't help but make envious voices.

After Princess Chujing made such a fuss in the Emerald Pavilion, they all realized that this diamond was very valuable.

"How do I find this? I grew up in Zhuangzi, and I haven't picked up diamonds on the mountain."

Among the people, voices of envy came out again.

A certain little girl shrugged again, and said in a calm tone: "Just walk more, you can pick it up as you walk."

Everyone: "..." Excuse me.

"Yuan Deyin, since you already have a diamond necklace, why do you want this princess to give it to you!"

Jun Chujing finally realized that she had been deceived by Yuan Deyin, she gritted her teeth and asked.

In the end, Yuan Deyin covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes sparkling.

"The necklace is what you insisted on giving to Deyin, the princess, not what Deyin insisted on you. Besides, who would want too many necklaces? Princess Chujing, you said so much, do you want to give it away?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Chujing and asked back.

"Ben, since this princess has promised, she will naturally do it!"

Jun Chujing suppressed the fishy sweetness in her mouth, and said through gritted teeth.

"That Deyin thanked Princess Chujing."

Yuan Deyin nodded to the other party with a smile, then quickly turned and left.

The speed is so fast that there is no sloppiness.

Looking at her back, Jun Chujing was angry and had no place to vent, and almost killed herself from anger.

Since a certain little girl has left, Jun Yu will naturally not stay here.

However, after he left, he glanced sideways, with dark and obscure eyes, and glanced at Bian Feng.

Yu Shengxiao noticed his actions, walked quickly to him, and said in a low voice: "Do you also think that the shopkeeper of the Emerald Pavilion is very arrogant? He is so courageous, the royal family and people in Donghua Mountain dare to offend. However, This genius doctor appreciates this character very much."

Seeing that Jun Yu was unmoved, he lowered his voice and said, "But think about it carefully, this Emerald Pavilion is too arrogant and is also provoking your authority. Do you want me to mobilize my own network to help you investigate it? The person behind it?"

When Yu Shengxiao said this, his tone was a bit stern, and he even raised his eyebrows at Jun Yu.

Although the people behind the Emerald Pavilion are very mysterious, but Yu Sheng and Xiao Yun have traveled all over the world for so many years, so if he wants to investigate, he still has a chance to find out something.

"No need, we are all one family." Jun Yu gave him a faint look, then turned and left.

All family?

Yu Shengxiao looked at Jun Yu's tall back, then at Bian Feng, he put the jade bone fan against his chin, his face full of doubts.

Jun Yu... what the hell is he talking about!

Can't you be more straightforward?
Difficult to understand!

Going outside, Yuan Deyin stuffed a diamond necklace for each of Mei Qingzhou and the others.

"Princess, this is too expensive, we can't take it." Sudan Tong shook his head immediately and refused.

Others also wanted to return the necklace to Yuan Deyin.

But Yuan Deyin put on a serious face at this moment.

"This princess gave it to you. If you still respect me as the princess, then you can't refuse!"


"Thank you princess." They hurriedly blessed Yuan De's body.

"Then shall we still enter the palace?" Yin Panrong asked curiously while putting the necklace on for herself.

"Of course I'm going. However, I need to explain some things to Uncle Nine Emperors. Sister Wuyi, you bring a few ladies into the palace."

After Yuan Deyin explained to Yin Panrong and the others, he turned around and told Wuyi.

"The slaves obey."

Yin Panrong opened her mouth, but thinking that such a big thing happened today, Deyin really wanted to have a good talk with Lord Ninth, so she took back what she originally wanted to say.

"Deyin, Donghua Mountain has a strong background. I don't know if the Ninth Prince will blame you for offending them today."

Mei Qingzhou thought a little deeper, and she frowned badly.

"It's okay, you go to the palace first, and I will explain it to Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin nodded with a smile.

Wait until they all leave in a carriage.

The smiling face of a certain little girl collapsed in an instant.

She shrugged her head, her soft face was full of frustration.

Wuying was like a piece of wood, following her side silently.

But seeing the change in her expression out of the corner of his eye, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

The change of face of the little princess... is really fast.

However, with the look of the little princess now, is it because he is worried about the prince and blames him?He muttered in his heart.

It has to be said that Wuying's guess is correct.

Yuan Deyin looked not far away at the magnificent carriage with the logo of the Regent's Palace.

Her small mouth curled, and her mood became more complicated.

Uncle Jiuhuang and the master had just returned to the carriage, and this was the first time that Uncle Jiuhuang got into the carriage without talking to her.

From such a long distance, she could feel the oppressive atmosphere in the carriage.

Uncle Nine Emperors... seems to be really angry.

Sighing silently, she walked towards the carriage step by step with heavy steps.

When we got to the side of the carriage, there was still no movement inside.

She could only climb up slowly with her own strength.

Fortunately, she has experience, and this time the climb was smooth.

She cautiously opened the curtain.

As a result, I saw the inside...

Uncle Nine Emperors and Master sat on one side.

The atmosphere in the carriage was simply suffocating. Uncle Nine Emperors had a handsome face, and he sat there with his eyes closed.

She had never seen such a terrifying coercion on Uncle Nine Emperors.

He seemed, really angry.

Yu Shengxiao, who was sitting opposite Jun Yu, felt the same way.

He couldn't figure out how Jun Yu, who was still a dog just now, looked like the king of Hades after getting into the carriage.

He didn't say a word, but the aura on his body was so cold to death.

Holding the jade bone fan, he curled up in a corner, shivering.

But he still didn't forget to give Miss Yuan a look of "seeking good fortune".

Now a certain prince is in a rage, maybe he wants to kill someone.

Little apprentice, please do it yourself.

Yuan Deyin clutched her little hand nervously, and carefully moved it in front of a certain prince.

She lowered her head and said softly, "Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm sorry, Deyin knew he was wrong."

"Know what's wrong? What's wrong?"

Jun Yu didn't even open his eyes, but his cold voice was like a cold hook, which made people's heart ache.

Yuan Deyin's head lowered even more, and it even felt like it was going to be buried in the ground.

She poked her little hand nervously.

For those who want to bully her, she can fight back calmly.

But facing Uncle Jiuhuang's anger, she was a little helpless and a little sad.

"De Yin was wrong...the fault should not have hurt Dongfang Lejun, nor should Dongfang Lexuan be ashamed."

Yuan Deyin's voice was getting lower and lower, even with a bit of crying.

Uncle Nine Emperors spoke for her in front of so many people, and did not give Dongfang Lexuan any face, perhaps because her father was the King of Ji.

He must have defended her for the sake of his father.

Now, there are no outsiders, and he should settle the score after autumn.

Hearing what a certain little girl said, Jun Yu instantly opened his eyes.

His black eyes, like the vast ocean, stared at her closely like this, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and the temperature around him continued to drop, which all showed that he was even more angry now...

I thought that my attitude of admitting my mistakes was not sincere enough.

Yuan Deyin hurriedly continued to explain seriously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin really knows that he is wrong. Today Deyin not only wants to teach Dongfang Lejun because of his bad words, but also because he still has a poisonous smell on him. , if he touches it, he will die from poison..."


At this time, Yu Shengxiao, who was curled up in the corner, trying to be a little transparent, instantly pricked up his ears, and his voice was sharp.

"That's right, when he approached, Deyin could smell the poison on his body. If Deyin guessed correctly, it should be ten flower thorns." Yuan Deyin replied earnestly.

"What?" Yu Shengxiao's voice became a little sharper.

He almost jumped up from the ground.

He was far away from Dongfang Lejun just now, so he didn't notice it.

But the three words "ten flower thorns" still made his hair stand on end.

That is a famous poison in the world!
People who poison themselves often let themselves and those around them take the antidote in advance, and then smear the poison on the exposed parts of their bodies.

Through skin contact, it then erodes the skin of the poisoned person.

This poison will not kill people directly.

It is vicious in that it is difficult for people who are not very proficient in medicine to detect it.

And these poisonous powders remain on the body of the poisoned person, and the longer the time, the stronger the toxicity will be.

Eventually, the skin will rot away little by little.

people don't die...

But life would be worse than death!
It is because of knowing the viciousness of this poison that Yu Shengxiao is very angry now.

He put away the jade bone fan, and his flirtatious face was also a little gloomy at this moment.

"Damn the Dongfang family, dare to poison the apprentice of this genius doctor so cruelly, really damn it!"

If Dongfang Lejun really made a move on Xiao Deyin, then it is estimated that Xiao Deyin's face will really be lost!

Jun Yu's icy eyes were also filled with monstrous anger.

Yuan Deyin thought he was still angry about her doing things without authorization, so she hurried over.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, before Deyin made the move, he also thought about the strong background of Donghua Mountain. But since the other party wants to destroy me, then I can't sit still. But don't worry, Brother Wuying and the others are hurting him time, did not touch his skin..."

"Also, Uncle Nine Emperors, if people from Mount Donghua pursue it, you can directly say that Deyin did it alone. Deyin will not implicate the Prince Regent's Palace, nor will Brother Wuying and the others be implicated. Deyin No matter how bad it is, there is the Halberd Palace behind it..."

Miss Yuan spoke with a serious tone.

Her anxious appearance seemed to wish to take all the faults on herself.


Jun Yu's thin lips finally moved, but the voice he spoke was very cold and icy, with a bone-piercing feeling.

"You still don't know where you went wrong?"

Jun Yu looked sideways, and the cold eyes just fell on her.

Yuan Deyin raised her head in a daze, and there were many doubts in her clear eyes.

she doesn't understand...

"Could it be that Uncle Jiuhuang is worried that Old Man Tianji won't be able to explain it? You, Uncle Jiuhuang, tell Old Man Tianji directly that this matter was done by Deyin, and he will kill him if he wants to."

A certain little girl thought that her Uncle Nine Emperors was worried that the old man Tianji would not be able to explain, so she pushed herself out again.

"Crack" sound.

The tea cup in Jun Yu's hand was crushed by his big hand.

The blood mixed with the tea flowed down together, wet his wide sleeves, and also stained the blanket under his feet.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you are injured." Yuan De yelled worriedly.

"Come here." Jun Yu didn't seem to feel any pain, he stretched out his injured hand and pulled the little girl towards him.

Yuan Deyin didn't have any defenses, and was pulled to his side just like that.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you..."

"Don't move." Jun Yu said hoarsely.

Yuan Deyin didn't dare to move in an instant.

As for Jun Yu, he took out a handkerchief from his body, raised his hand, and patiently wiped her little face, wiping away the remaining tears on her little face.

"Why are you crying?"

Jun Yu's voice was hoarse and depressing, hiding a bit of unnoticeable distress.

Only then did Yuan Deyin realize that Uncle Jiuhuang was asking her why she was crying in front of so many people just now.

She pursed her mouth and snorted: "Dongfang Lexuan is the eldest lady of Donghua Mountain. She is like a fairy among the common people. If Deyin doesn't groan twice to make herself look a little bit aggrieved, then the common people I definitely won't help Deyin..."

"Makes sense."

Yu Shengxiao couldn't help giving Yuan Deyin a thumbs up.

After all, when he arrived there later, he found that the common people were very angry with Dongfang Lexuan.

But in the past, these common people had blown Dongfang Lexuan into an inviolable fairy, openly or secretly.

As expected of this genius doctor's little apprentice, following Bai Lian's path, Bai Lian has nowhere to go!

Yu Shengxiao wailed contentedly here, but Jun Yu's black eyes were filled with wind, and there was already a feeling that a storm was about to come.

"Yin'er, it seems that you really don't know where you are wrong at all."

Jun Yu's tone at this time was cold and a little more helpless.

Seeing her dazed little appearance, he sighed silently, but his movements of wiping her tears were more gentle.

"There are thousands of ways to hurt someone, why do you have to hurt yourself?"

Jun Yu asked in a harsh tone.

Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, she looked at Uncle Jiuhuang in a daze.

Uncle Jiuhuang is so angry, not because she hurt Dongfang Lejun and Dongfang Lexuan, but because she cried?
"Deyin just pretended to cry for a while, there is no actual harm, it's fine." She explained quickly.

But Jun Yu didn't want to hear this explanation at all, his face was still cold.

"Those people are not worth your tears. From now on, you are not allowed to hurt yourself in this way." Jun Yu's words are beyond doubt.

Meeting his deep eyes, the little girl Yuan Deyin quickly lowered her head and replied softly: "Okay, Deyin understands."

Yu Shengxiao was beside her, her teeth were about to fall out.

After going on for a long time, a certain prince cried because his little girl loved him dearly.

He was so scared that he thought what was wrong.

"But Uncle Nine Emperors, the Dongfang family..." Yuan Deyin hesitated, but couldn't help but ask about the Dongfang family and Uncle Nine Emperors.

"The Dongfang family has nothing to do with this king. If they want to kill my king, what if they kill them?"

A murderous look flashed across Jun Yu's black eyes, and his tone was cold and heartless.

"But..." Yuan Deyin wanted to say, isn't he still related to old man Tianji?

But Jun Yu seemed to be able to sense her thoughts.

He raised his hand, rubbed her head, and said in a deep voice: "This king only wants to protect you now, and the rest is secondary. Master, I will explain."

"In the future, if anyone bullies you again, just do it directly. The sky is falling, and this king will support you."

There was a bit of distress hidden in Jun Yu's tone.

"Yeah." The little girl let out a sigh of relief and nodded obediently.

It's good that Uncle Jiuhuang is not angry anymore.

After sending Yuan Deyin to the palace, Jun Yu turned around and left the palace.

But as soon as he went out to the palace gate, the people from Donghua Mountain were waiting there.

"Lord Nine, Elder Tianji wants to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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