Chapter 297 Warning
post station.

This is a big place that accommodates all the envoys, but the envoys from each place live in separate courtyards.

Dongfang Chu walked back and forth in Dongfang Lejun's room, his square face was so gloomy.

"Master Dongfang, your son was injured too badly. Using thousand-year-old ginseng can indeed save his life, but this martial arts... I guess it's useless, and I won't be able to practice martial arts in the future."

After examining Dongfang Lejun, the doctor bit the bullet and explained to Dongfang Chu.

"Quack doctor." Hearing the doctor's words, Dongfang Chu slapped the doctor directly without any explanation.

The doctor caught his palm, spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, then knelt down on the ground, his body trembling.

"Master, this is already the tenth doctor. The situation of the young master is indeed not optimistic."

Fang Kuan, Dongfang Chu's subordinate, frowned as a reminder.

Hearing this, Dongfang Chu gritted his teeth and roared sinisterly: "In such a big Chiyan capital, there is no one who can save Jun'er. If he can no longer practice martial arts, how will he inherit Donghua Mountain in the future? These Quack doctors, I'm going to kill them!"

"Master, please calm down first, these people are in Donghua Mountain, we can kill them however we want, but now we are in the capital, so many eyes are watching."

Fang Kuan came over to stop Dongfang Chu.

"A mere child, what is there to be afraid of!" Dongfang Chu snorted coldly.

However, he quickly thought of Jun Yu's unfathomable cultivation, and his sinister expression gradually faded.

Apart from old man Tianji, Jun Yu is the one he fears the most.

Back then in Donghua Mountain, Jun Yu was still very young, and he couldn't see through the opponent's cultivation level...

I'm afraid it's even more terrifying now.

If it wasn't for the evil poison on his body, even now, the world would be nothing to fear in his eyes.

Thinking of this, fear flashed in Dongfang Chu's eyes.

However, thinking that his only seedling was actually injured by Jun Yu, he was so angry that he had nowhere to vent.

He hit the wall next to him with a heavy fist, and soon cracks appeared on it.

He said in a tone of resentment: "What a gentleman, since he insulted our Donghua Mountain so much, he hurt Jun'er like this."

Dongfang Lexuan stood by the side all the time, keeping silent, letting her father get angry.

But when she heard that her father was angry with Jun Yu, she hurriedly stood up.

"Father, this matter has nothing to do with Brother Jun Yu." She explained anxiously.

Hearing her words, Dongfang Chu gave her a disapproving look.

He usually loves Dongfang Lexuan very much, but if it involves Dongfang Lejun, his love for Dongfang Lexuan will be a little less.

Because in his eyes, the son is the one who inherits the orthodoxy, and the daughter is to stabilize Donghua Mountain.

Giving her love is just so that she can find a husband who can stabilize Donghua Mountain so that she can help Jun'er.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Chu looked at Dongfang Lexuan with more anger.

He asked loudly: "You were by your elder brother's side at that time, why did you let him hurt so badly! I spent so much time cultivating you, just to let you grasp Jun Yu's heart well. As a result, you, even a man I can't stand it, what use are you for!"

Listening to her father's blatantly disgusting words, Dongfang Lexuan's heart grew jealously like weeds.

damn old thing...

Her heart was full of murderous intent, but when she raised her head, her expression became aggrieved.

She shook her head with tears in her eyes: "Father, I'm sorry, it was Xuan'er who didn't protect big brother well. But, this matter really has nothing to do with brother Junyu, it was Yuan Deyin who hurt big brother like this."

"Yuan Deyin? Is that the vulgar orphan girl from the Ji Palace?"

Dongfang Chu snorted coldly, as if not paying attention to the other party.

"That's right, father, you don't know that Yuan Deyin is not just an orphan in the Ji Palace. She is also Yu Shengxiao's apprentice, the adopted daughter of the Tusu family, and is also very prestigious in the eyes of Chiyan people... "

Seeing Dongfang Chu's expression changed, Dongfang Lexuan hurriedly continued: "She is Chi Yan's big celebrity now, and she is not afraid of anyone. The elder brother just said a few words about her, but she arrogantly let her hidden guards attack her." The eldest brother has started. Father, she clearly doesn't pay attention to our Donghua Mountain."

Dongfang Lexuan didn't mention Jun Yu's behavior at all, and she didn't even say that the hidden guard who did the attack belonged to the Prince Regent's Palace. She wholeheartedly wanted to blame Yuan Deyin for all of her faults.

The idea in her heart now is that it is better for her father to hate Yuan Deyin to death, and then use all the power of Donghua Mountain to kill Yuan Deyin, then it will save her a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lexuan's eyes flashed with hot emotion.

"A little orphan girl dared to provoke Donghuashan. She really wanted to die. However, I heard that Jun Yu was also there. No matter what, he, as my son-in-law of Donghuashan, looked at me My brother-in-law is hurt like this, I don't want him to give me an explanation today!"

Dongfang Chu spoke viciously, his eyes were full of hatred.

Dongfang Chu's majesty is not so easy to provoke, even if the other party is Jun Yu.

If Jun Yu wants to marry his daughter, he must show sincerity.

Today Jun Yu had to kneel down and admit his mistake, and hand over Yuan Deyin to them for disposal.

Also, I want to bring Yushengxiao over here, kneel down and heal Jun'er's injury!

Just at this moment, a servant hurried over and said, "Master, the regent is here."

"It's just in time. Fang Kuan, you send someone to invite old man Tianji. I don't believe that Jun Yu can't obediently lower his proud head today!"

Dongfang Chu snorted coldly, then sat down on the chair next to him with his sleeves thrown, his expression very gloomy.

Soon, a slender and tall figure walked in from outside.

Dongfang Lexuan looked at Jun Yu's cold and resolute handsome face.

Her heart felt slightly hot.

Brother Jun Yu is willing to come, does it mean that he is still afraid of Donghua Mountain?

If that's the case, wouldn't there be a chance between them...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lexuan's heart jumped even more.

She looked at Jun Yu with hot eyes.

But Jun Yu acted as if he didn't see her, his cold and indifferent eyes never looked at her.

"Lord Nine." Dongfang Chu called out coldly.

He neither wanted to stand up and salute, nor did he appear to be respectful to Jun Yu.

He is going to be Jun Yu's father-in-law, so he still needs to salute Jun Yu?

Jun Yu looked at Dongfang Chu's reluctance to get up from his chair, the corner of his mouth curled up in a mocking arc, but he didn't make a sound.

"Jun'er was hurt by that lowly orphan girl, you'd better get her to kneel down and plead guilty to Jun'er."

Dongfang Chu put on airs and began to order Jun Yu.

"The majestic Princess Chiyan doesn't even need her to kneel down to worship the current emperor. She only kneels down to worship the dead. Master Dongfang, do you still want her to kneel down?"

Jun Yu's mocking eyes fell on Dongfang Chu.

Dongfang Chu's face was flushed red, apparently confused by Jun Yu's words.

He raised his finger and pointed at Jun Yu angrily.

He never thought that Jun Yu would dare to say such vicious words to him.

Is he cursing Jun'er to die?
"Well, you Jun Yu, after leaving Donghua Mountain, you will start deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors!" Dongfang Chu put such a hat of deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors on Jun Yu.

"Master Dongfang, it seems that you are old and your brain is not working well. Have you forgotten that Donghua Mountain has nothing to do with this king's sect?"

Jun Yu sarcastically said mercilessly.

"you you you……"

Dongfang Chu was outraged again.


Behind Wuxi Wujing and several hidden guards couldn't help laughing.

They are professionally trained, and if they can't help it, they won't laugh so easily.

But obviously, the prince's poisonous tongue made them really unable to hold back their laughter.

Dongfang Chu was already very angry, but now he dared to laugh at him when he saw a few hidden guards.

He slapped the table heavily, and he spoke ferociously.

"Come here, these servants don't know their dignity, so drag them down and beat them to death with sticks."

"Who dares to touch my king's people?"

Jun Yu's icy eyes swept across those disciples of Donghua Mountain who were about to move.

The cold and suffocating aura emanated directly, and those people began to panic, not daring to take a step forward at all.

"Okay, that's great. Junyu, you've repeatedly refuted my face, do you still want to marry my daughter? Believe it or not, I won't let you marry Xuan'er!"

Dongfang Chu began to grit his teeth and threaten Jun Yu.

In his opinion, his daughter is beautiful and noble, and men all over the world can't wait to hand over the dowry gift with both hands.

If Jun Yu can't marry Xuan'er, he should be very flustered.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Chu looked at Jun Yu with a bit of embarrassment.

This kid Jun Yu should know he is afraid by now, so he is ready to beg for mercy.

Wu Xi and the others looked at Dongfang Chuna's doggy appearance, and couldn't help but roll their eyes.

The prince is right, the head of the Eastern Dog should have no brains.

Otherwise, how could you think that the prince really wanted to marry his daughter?
"Master Dongfang, this king thinks that you not only have a brain problem, but also don't use your eyes. Ling Qianjin has an ordinary face, a vicious mind, extremely poor talent, and Shu Xian is not good at it. She is not as good as the [-]-year-old butcher on the East Street. unmarried daughter."

Jun Yu spoke expressionlessly.

His cold and determined voice resounded throughout the room.

"You, what are you talking about?" Dongfang Chu asked with a trembling voice as he felt his face was in pain from being beaten.

This time, Dongfang Lexuan really had tears all over her face, crying out of anger.

She looked at Jun Yu like a bitter woman.

He was really ruthless, and his words were harsh enough.

Didn't she think that these words would embarrass her?
She is famous all over the world and attracted so many men's love, is he really indifferent?
"Jun Yu, let's not talk about Xuan'er for now, you have hurt Jun'er so badly..."

Dongfang Chu looked at Jun Yu with gloomy eyes.

Since his daughter still can't impress him, he will use Jun'er's injury to question him.

But Jun Yu's face was unmoved by Dongfang Chu's aggressive questioning, and his eyes became even more indifferent.

"You should be glad that this king didn't do it himself, otherwise, he should be in the loess by now."

"Jun Yu, you are so arrogant!"

Dongfang Chu patted a table again, and the table was a bit crumbling.

"The reason why this king came here is just to remind you for the last time, if anyone dares to do anything to Yin'er, this king doesn't mind taking his life."

After Jun Yu dropped the warning indifferently, he walked away directly.

When he warned Dongfang Chu, the servants around felt as if their necks were being strangled by something, and they couldn't move around.

Finally, when Jun Yu left, they were so exhausted that they almost knelt down.

The coercion of the Ninth Prince is too terrifying...

This feeling of death, they really don't want to come back for a second time.

"Arrogant boy, how unreasonable!" Dongfang Chu smashed everything next to him heavily.

Having been arrogant for most of his life, since when did Dongfang Chu ever get threatened by others!

He didn't expect Jun Yu to slap his face like this, embarrassing him!
"Where's the old man Tianji, where's the man!" He roared loudly.

Now, I am afraid that only the old man Tianji can suppress Junyu.

"Master... Master, the old man Tianji said, the young master's fate has already been decided and cannot be changed."

The servant who came back reported tremblingly.

Old Man Tianji's words clearly mean...

He didn't want to care about Dongfang Jun's injury.

"Get out, get out!" Dongfang Chu picked up the teacup and slammed it heavily at the servant.

The servant was instantly bleeding.

"Master, the young master is vomiting blood again, the most important thing now is to save the young master's life."

Fang Kuan's anxious voice came from the side.

Dongfang Chu could only suppress his anger at this time, and hurried over there.

Dongfang Lexuan looked at this messy scene, her nails were clenched into her palms, and she didn't know the pain.

"Miss, what should I do?" Hongying was next to her, asking tentatively in a low voice.

"Has anyone from the Yue family come?" Dongfang Lexuan asked in a gloomy tone.

"I just arrived this morning, and the young master of the Feng family also came together." Hongying replied respectfully.

The Yue family is the third family among the four hermit families, slightly stronger than the Tusu family.

The Feng family is the second family.

She only found out last night that Chi Yan had indeed invited people from four hermit families this time, but only three families would come.

The first family, the Dugu family will not come.

However, the Dugu family has always been solitary, and the last time their entire family appeared in front of the world was a hundred years ago.

It's normal for them not to show up.

After all, as the first family, the mysterious power is difficult to fathom.

Any move they make can shake the earth.

"Miss, what do you want to do?"

Seeing the gloomy expression of their young lady, Hongying couldn't help asking.

"Is there their third lady, Yue Lushan, among the members of the Yue family?" Dongfang Lexuan asked in a strange tone.


"That's interesting." Dongfang Lexuan's expression became more and more strange.

"Miss, what's the matter?"

"The Yue family loves Yue Lushan the most, and they almost respond to every request."

"My servant heard that Yue Lushan's fiancé is Feng Yiwei, the young master of the Feng family. It is said that this young master worked so hard to win this marriage. I can't tell that there are still lovers in this hermit family. Miss, you suddenly mentioned them, what do you mean?"

Hongying asked suspiciously.

"You only know that Feng Yiwei is infatuated with Yuelushan, but do you know that the idiot Yuelushan is in love with my elder brother?" Dongfang Lexuan sneered.

"This, I don't know." Hongying shook her head in shock.

"Oh. Although my elder brother is not very smart, he knows how to use his skin to seduce those ignorant idiots. You said, Yuan Deyin is protected by the Tusu family and Yushengxiao, but can she resist the Yue family? What about your anger?"

Dongfang Lexuan covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly.

"Hongying, tell Yuelushan the news that my eldest brother was injured by Yuan Deyin."

"The slaves obey."

(End of this chapter)

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