Chapter 299 Four Great Hidden Families
"Sister Wuyi, is there any strange person in the Prince Regent's Palace today?"

Yuan Deyin always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at her in the dark, but she couldn't find out who it was, so she felt a little depressed.

Tomorrow is the enthronement ceremony, and the preparations for the palace banquet are almost done, and the rest is up to Uncle Jiuhuang and the emperor's brother.

I hope that at this juncture, nothing will go wrong.

"Strange person?" Wuyi lowered his head in thought.

"Reporting to the princess, a group of new maidservants have been recruited in the palace recently, do they make you feel uncomfortable? The maidservants will ask Butler Dong to send them out of the mansion." Wuyi quickly replied,
After finishing speaking, she wanted to turn around and look for Steward Dong.

"Wait a minute, sister Wuyi, there's no need." Yuan Deyin quickly called Wuyi.

Maybe it was just her illusion.

The recruitment of the palace has been carefully reviewed, and it should not be the fault of those maids.

"I'm so sleepy, I'll take a break first, Sister Wuyi, wake me up later."

Yuan Deyin stretched, and quickly walked into the inner room with the hem of her skirt.

The jingle of the bell around her waist, not only does not make people irritated, but it is like a lullaby.

These days, she has been busy in the palace, and finally she can come back to the Prince Regent's Mansion to rest at this time, so naturally she can't waste this opportunity.

"Your servant obeys." Wuyi nodded, then turned around and went out, helping to close the door by the way.

But suddenly at this moment, Yuan Deyin's voice became slightly colder.

"Sister Wuyi, wait a minute."

"Princess, what's wrong?"

Wuyi returned to Yuan Deyin's side again, and asked in a suspicious tone.

The sleepiness in Yuan Deyin's eyes became a little less.

There was also a bit of weird emotion on her chubby little face.

She pointed to the quilt with her finger and asked softly, "Who made this bed?"

"Reporting to the princess, it used to be the Cangling shop, but because of the preparations for the palace banquet, they were all sent into the palace to help. This is the new maid's shop. Is there any problem?"

Wuyi's tone was a little more suspicious.

Did their princess find anything?But when she looked around, there was nothing else on the tidy bed.

"Sister Wuyi, are you sure the maidservants are the only ones new to the mansion?" Yuan Deyin asked again in a strange tone.

"Slave is sure." Wuyi said in a firm tone

Because the Prince Regent's Mansion is a little bustling now, Steward Dong can't take care of it alone, so she also helped check the matter of buying a maid.

"Are you sure that the new maid entered the inner room, right?" Yuan Deyin asked softly again.

"Report to the princess, that's right."

"Okay, sister Wuyi, go and do other things, I'll rest first."

The clarity in the eyes of a certain little princess disappeared instantly.

She stretched for a while, and then threw herself onto the bed in a round shape.

Wuyi hurried over to help her cover the quilt, then turned around and closed the door to go out.


In the evening, Yuan Deyin woke up slowly.

"Princess, are you awake?"

Hearing the movement, Wuyi gently pushed open the door.

It was starting to get dark in the room.

Yuan Deyin rubbed her eyes, her eyes were confused, and her whole body was like a soft, dazed little ball.

"Sister Wuyi, what time is it now?"

Wuyi looked at her messy appearance, held back a smile, hurried over, and gently smoothed her hair.

"Princess, it's time for dinner. Tonight, Steward Dong asked the kitchen to prepare your favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and there are many other delicious things."

Wuyi said softly while smoothing her hair.

Hearing that there was something to eat, the ears of a certain little princess perked up!
"Sister Wuyi, help me up quickly."

Miss Yuan hurriedly rubbed Wuyi with her elbow.

Because she slept for too long, half of her body is numb now, and she needs help to get up.

When she got up, Wuyi could hear her swallowing saliva clearly.

Wuyi suppressed a smile.

Princesses who are so gluttonous in the whole world, except for their princesses, are truly unprecedented, and there will be no one to come after.

"By the way, Sister Wuyi, is Uncle Nine Emperors back?"

When Wuyi was helping her dress, a certain little girl seemed to have just remembered something, she shook her head and asked.

"My lord still has some things to discuss with the emperor. After all, tonight, the King of Southwest has entered the palace..."

Wuyi said the last sound in a low voice.

Some things can be understood without elaborating vowel deyin.

It turns out that the King of Southwest has arrived, no wonder I haven't seen Sister Tao Lin and Master Shen these few days.

However, I don't know if Mr. Tao has come or not.

If Mr. Tao came with King Xixi, how would Mr. Shen deal with it?
A certain little girl frowned and began to worry about other people's affairs.

But after thinking about it, she waved her hand.

"Forget it, let's solve the problem of food and clothing first."

Important, after she was fully dressed, she ran out with the hem of her skirt first.

That speed, if it weren't for Wuyi's excellent martial arts, he might not be able to catch up.

"Princess, be careful, don't knock."

Wuyi yelled worriedly behind him.

Soon, Yuan Deyin ran to the hall.

"Huh? Fourth brother?"

Yuan Deyin saw Tu Suye hugging Xiaobai and masturbating from a distance, she yelled in shock.

A few days ago, after the fourth brother found out about the quarrel she had with the Dongfang family in the Jade Pavilion, he felt as if his hair had exploded, and he had to go to the Donghuashan people to settle the score.

For several days, she did not see him.

Unexpectedly, he actually came today.

"younger sister."

Hearing the sound, Tu Suye turned his head quickly.

When he saw Yuan Deyin, his eyes lit up and he stood up quickly.

Yuan Deyin came over, and Zuo Qi beside him quickly stood up and called out in a low voice, "Sister."

"Well," Yuan Deyin responded, and quickly raised her hand to rub Zuo Qie's hair. She didn't forget to ask, "How is your homework going?"

"It's okay." Zuo Qi nodded calmly.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin's attention was given to Zuo Qi, Tu Suye quit.

"Sister, I haven't seen you for several days, your fourth brother, don't you care about me?"

Hearing his aggrieved voice, Miss Yuan couldn't help laughing.

She puffed her cheeks and took the initiative to hug Xiaobai back.

"Fourth brother, you said angrily that you ran to find people from the Dongfang family to settle accounts, and then you ran away. Afterwards, people started disappearing for several days. We thought you were silenced by people from Donghuashan."

If it weren't for Uncle Nine Emperors telling her not to worry, she might have sent someone to the post station the day before yesterday to ask if the people in Donghua Mountain had detained Fourth Brother.

If not, how could there be no one in sight for so many days.

While complaining, Yuan Deyin stroked Xiaobai's back.

As a result, after touching for a long time, I could only touch a bare piece.

She paused, then quickly lowered her head.

It turns out that Xiao Bai, who was shiny a few days ago, is now... bald!
Yuan Deyin looked at a certain Fourth Young Master Tu Su with rabbit fur all over his body, and she looked strange.

How much he likes to lick rabbits!
Both Xiaobai and Lu bald.


A certain fat rabbit pawed Yuan Deyin a few times with its thinning paws, looking aggrieved.

For this home, it really sacrificed too much.

Staring at Xiaobai's aggrieved look, Yuan Deyin's eyes twitched again.

"Don't be cute, the bald rabbit is cute, it's ugly." She couldn't stand it anymore, so she kindly reminded her.

Xiaobai: "???"
Yuan Deyin raised his hand, handed the fat rabbit to Wuyi behind him, and then looked at Tu Suye.

"Fourth brother, where have you been these days?" Yuan Deyin said worriedly.

Not to mention that the fourth brother is nowhere to be found, even the eldest brother is nowhere to be found.

"That's a good question. Didn't the grandchildren of Donghua Mountain bully you! Your elder brother and I rushed to the foot of Donghua Mountain overnight..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing what Tu Suye said, Yuan Deyin, who was drinking tea, suddenly coughed a few times.

Donghua Mountain is not far from the capital, and they actually went back and forth in just a few days?
Sensing Yuan Deyin's shock.

Tu Suye said arrogantly: "Sister, you don't know much about the hermit family. The four major hermit families each have their own unique inheritance. Our Tusu family is the best in lightness kung fu. From the capital to the world Donghua Mountain, even if it is a person riding a sweaty BMW, it will take ten days to travel day and night. But the lightness kung fu of the Tusu family, as far as I am a half-hearted person, only needs ten hours."

"Cough cough cough..."

Yuan Deyin coughed heavily again.

Ten hours, isn't this speed faster than a goshawk?
"This is what the hidden family makes the world fear." Tu Suye raised his chin at Yuan Deyin, speaking in a sullen tone.

That appearance seems to be saying, hurry up and worship your fourth brother me.

"Fourth brother, are the entire Tusu family so powerful?"

Yuan Deyin held a teacup and looked at Tu Suye curiously.

"Of course not. The inheritance of the hermit family, the bloodline is more important. Even if it is announced to the world, it is not afraid of being learned by them..."

Tu Suye explained slowly, seeing Yuan Deyin's excited look, he continued to explain patiently.

"Only those who are of the direct bloodline of the Hidden World Family can comprehend this mentality. So in simple terms, with my useless foundation, I was able to stagger and float in the air as soon as I was born..."

While Tu Suye explained proudly, he didn't forget to pat Yuan Deyin's head lightly.

"Sister, don't be sad. Although you can't learn our mentality, it doesn't matter. Fourth Brother will protect you."

"But, fourth brother, what you mean by protection is that you want to escape with Deyin with your unrivaled lightness kung fu?"

A certain little girl looked at Tu Suye indifferently, and then asked seriously.

Tu Suye: "..."

He touched his nose awkwardly.

He originally wanted his sister to worship him, but he didn't expect... to overturn.

"Well, it's not bad to escape." He whispered in embarrassment.

Yuan Deyin didn't expose him, she asked curiously: "Fourth Brother, how about Uncle Jiuhuang's lightness kung fu?"

"Are you Nine Emperor Uncle?"

When Tu Suye heard Yuan Deyin's words, he kept shaking his head as if recalling some horrifying scene.

"I saw your Uncle Nine Emperors use lightness kung fu for the first time a few days ago. My first thought was, did he learn our family's mind method secretly? After a closer look, he learned the orthodox lightness kung fu ..."

The more Tu Suye thought about it, the more furious he became.

Jun Yu's lightness skill is not inferior to Tu Su's rent.

He vaguely understood that when his father taught them as children...

The phrase that is often said: "There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. The hidden family is not as mysterious as the world makes it out."

The blood of the hermit family is sometimes not worth mentioning in front of talent and hard work.

Jun Yu is that special case...

"Brother said, Jun Yu's lightness kung fu has only shown [-]% in front of us. If it wasn't because he was still carrying fetal poison, I'm afraid his lightness kung fu is far higher than our Tusu family's..."

While muttering these words, Tu Suye's face was rarely solemn.

Fortunately, Jun Yu and Tu Su's family are not in opposition, otherwise...

This is definitely a disaster for the Tusu family!
The thought flashed through his mind quickly.

"Sure enough, it's Uncle Nine Emperors." A certain little girl put down her teacup, and she said leisurely, holding her small face.

With her appearance, she was not at all shocked by what Tu Suye said.

Her tone of voice also had a small appearance of "my uncle Nine Emperors is the most powerful".

Tu Suye remained silent, gritted his teeth, feeling sour in his heart.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't talk about Jun Yu.

After talking for a long time, instead of getting a compliment from my sister, I made a wedding dress for Jun Yu instead.

"By the way, fourth brother, what is the inheritance of other hermit families?"

Yuan Deyin found herself more and more curious about the private family.

"The world has ranked the four great hermit families. The first is the Dugu family, the second is the Feng family, the fourth is the Yue family, and the fourth is our Tusu family..."

When Tu Suye talked about this matter, his tone was disdainful.

Obviously, he disdains this ranking.

In fact, except for the most mysterious and secretive Dugu family, the strength of the other four families is not much different.

But just because the Tusu family disdains these false names, the world feels that they are weaker than the Feng family and the Yue family.

"Fourth brother, just tell me about the hidden family."

Yuan Deyin tugged at Tu Suye's sleeve, pleading expectantly.

Hearing her soft voice, Tu Suye's heart fluttered instantly.

"Okay, okay, what do you want to know, the fourth brother will tell you."

Tu Suye patted his chest, looking like a brother who can do everything for his sister.

He took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and began to explain patiently.

"The inheritance of the Yue family is the art of invisibility." He gave Yuan Deyin an enigmatic look.

"Invisibility? Can you hide yourself so that others can't find it!"

The bright colors in Yuan Deyin's eyebrows and eyes all show that she is very interested in this inheritance.

"Actually, that's it. The members of the Yue family cut off their aura and blended with the surrounding environment, making it difficult for people around to notice their existence."

Tu Suye shrugged, his tone calm.

"I see." Yuan Deyin nodded.

"What about the Feng family?" She continued to ask curiously.

"Feng family? Oh, they actually gave their family a surname 'Feng', they really think they are Phoenix..."

"Actually, they were originally surnamed 'Feng', but their ancestors had heard too many words of admiration from the world, and they were a little carried away, wanting to be the most powerful family. Therefore, they changed their surname to 'Feng'."

When Tu Suye mentioned Feng's family, his tone was even more disgusting.

The Feng family has done a lot of dirty things over the years. Living with this kind of family in Fanhualin, he felt that it was an insult to the Tusu family.

But looking into his sister's clear eyes, he stopped talking abruptly.

Just don't let those dirty things stain my sister's ears.

He went on to talk about inheritance.

"The inheritance of the Feng family is to call the wind and call the rain. Their direct blood can change the weather. It is said that Feng Yulin, the young master of the Feng family of their generation, can summon frost that can withstand sharp arrows on a sunny day..."

Speaking of Feng's family, it was rare that Tu Suye's expression was a little more apprehensive.

If it was the Feng family in the past, there really was nothing to be afraid of.

But who knew, Feng Yulin actually came out of this generation's Feng family.

"What about Dugu's family?" Yuan Deyin asked directly after waiting for a long time for him to talk about Dugu's family.

After all, she is more curious about this first family.

"Actually, I don't know much about the Dugu family. Because every time I want to ask about it, my father has a serious expression on his face. He tells me not to touch the secrets of this family. It is said that their inheritance is even more important. More, more mysterious..."

Tu Suye shook his head.

He also wanted to explain to his sister, but he didn't know much about it.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin frowned, he quickly added.

"Although the four hermit families live together in the bustling forest, it is a place where beasts and poisons gather. Each family occupies one side. Each family also does not communicate with each other. The Dugu family has been silent for hundreds of years..."

It turned out to be the case.

Yuan Deyin nodded clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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