The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 300 The Assassin Attacks Late at Night

Chapter 300 The Assassin Attacks Late at Night
Since the fourth brother didn't know much about the Dugu family, Yuan Deyin naturally wouldn't ask him.

"Wait, fourth brother, you haven't answered yet, what did you and elder brother do to Donghua Mountain?"

Yuan Deyin remembered the first question, so she hurried over to ask.

"Hmph, of course I'm going to teach them a lesson. Although the world has sealed our four major families as hermit families, we naturally won't really hide our names. We also have to eat, so our country has its own industry in the entire continent. Sister , the Tusu family is also very rich..."

"As for Donghua Mountain, the same is true. They also have their own property. But they think they are noble, and they feel that they are cultivators, and their money is like copper, which insults their noble souls. So their property is just to decorate Donghua It's just at the foot of the mountain..."

When Tu Suye explained, his tone was a little disgusted.

The people from Donghua Mountain obviously have no business acumen.

Decades ago, the industries arranged in other places lost all their money, and finally the industries fell to the foot of Donghua Mountain.

However, they who are trying to gain fame want to describe their stupidity as noble.

He also pulled out a reason why he didn't love money.

Hypocrisy, even more hypocrisy than the Yue family and the Feng family!
"Wait, fourth brother, are you going to the foot of Donghua Mountain to destroy their property?"

Yuan Deyin could guess what Tu Suye and the others were doing in an instant.

"That's right, the Tusu family has a big business. In fact, they can bring down those small shops in Donghua Mountain by moving their little fingers. But they are in the corner of Donghua Mountain. Our businesses are all in the bustling city, in those corners of the mountain. There is no one from us, so only my eldest brother and I can do it ourselves..."

Tu Suye shrugged, his tone very helpless.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Fourth Brother's words are so embarrassing.

If the people from Donghua Mountain were here, they would probably be pissed off.

"If they dare to bully you, they will have to pay the price. When they go back to their lair, they will find that they can't even afford porridge!"

Tu Suye said imposingly.

The Tusu family has always protected their weaknesses!

If Donghuashan dared to bully their sister, he had to bear their anger!

"The food is cold."

Just when Tu Suye was still about to say something to Yuan Deyin, Zuo Qie suddenly said such a sentence coolly.

He glanced at Tu Suye's eyes with disgust.

Before, Jun Yu and Yun Mo robbed him of his sister, and finally drove Yun Mo to the post station, and Jun Yu also stayed in the palace...

He thought that he was the only one beside his sister, but who knew, another Tu Suye appeared!

Really exasperating!

Hearing Zuo Xie's words, Yuan Deyin thought he was hungry, so she hurriedly said, "Let's eat first. Fourth brother, I need your help with something after dinner."

"Sister, what can I do for you? I want to help too!"

When Zuo Qi heard what they said, his little face sank.

There is only one sister, and he doesn't want to be snatched away by others.

Yuan Deyin didn't know his depressed thoughts, she turned her head and explained to him patiently: "This matter can only be done by the fourth brother."

How about it, brat, I'm more useful than you.

Tu Suye naturally knew that Zuo Qi was competing with him for favor.

So when he heard Yuan Deyin's words, if he had a tail, he would have wished to raise his proud tail.

The way he looked at Zuo Xie was also extremely provocative.

Brat, still want to fight with him!
Tu Suye was smiling happily now, he never thought that he would cry ugly tonight.


After dinner, Yuan Deyin took a fragrant bath after reading medical books in the yard for a long time.

"Princess, what else do you need to do?" Wuyi asked respectfully.

"No, I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

Yuan Deyin rubbed her eyes and began to yawn.

Looking at the sleepy little princess, Wuyi smiled helplessly.

Why is the little Princess so sleepy tonight, didn't she just wake up in the evening?
After a few hours, she started to feel sleepy again.

Like a sleepy pig.

Although he smiled helplessly, Wuyi's tone was still extremely gentle.

"The servant will turn off the lamp for you first."


Yuan Deyin hummed softly a few times, then closed the window, and then threw herself on the bed on all fours.

After half an hour...

The moon is high in the sky.

The little girl who was still "snoring" on the bed opened her eyes instantly, her eyes were extremely clear.

She quickly lifted the quilt away, and then gently pushed the window open.

"Fourth brother, you can come in."

Soon, Tu Suye got up shyly.

"Sister, do you really want me to do that? Or, let me find you a maid. Or, your sister Wuyi is also fine, she is also very good at martial arts."

Tu Suye said to Yuan Deyin with a mournful face.

Tonight, a certain little girl let him stay at the Prince Regent's Mansion and said that he needed his help with something, so he was very excited.

She thought her status in her heart had risen.

But after she told her plan, he felt like his heart was about to break.

"Sister Wuyi is probably under surveillance. Now in the Regent's Palace, only you, who are outsiders, are the ones who have no time to take care of. Therefore, you can only come."

Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

Tu Suye: "..."

To explain is to explain why an "outsider" is added.

His sister really hurt his heart.

Well, who told this to be his sister.

A certain Fourth Young Master Tu Su took a deep breath, then nodded solemnly: "Okay, come on, I guess the man in the dark is about to act."

"Thank you, fourth brother." Miss Yuan's eyes were shining, and her soft face was full of gratitude.

Hearing her words of thanks, a certain Fourth Young Master Tu Su felt his heart go smoothly.

so cute~
Yuan Deyin didn't dare to waste any more time, so she quickly took out a set of women's clothing.

She ordered someone to go to the Emerald Pavilion to order it. The style is what she often wears, but it is much bigger, exactly the size of the fourth brother.

Tu Suye thought that he was sacrificing for his sister, so he didn't resist so much.

He quickly put on the dress and climbed onto the bed.

Yuan Deyin covered him with a quilt, then picked up a small pillow, and sneaked to the window, ready to climb out.

"Wait, sister, where are you going?"

Only then did Tu Suye realize a problem.

He occupied his younger sister's bed and waited here, so where would she go?

"Of course I'm going to Uncle Jiuhuang's room." A certain little girl waved her hand and quickly crawled out.

Tu Suye: "???"

To Junyu's house?

Late at night!

Black lights blind fire!

Lonely and widowed!
How dangerous!

A certain Fourth Young Master Tu Su became anxious in an instant, and he wanted to get up.

But Shiba's worried voice came from the window.

"Fourth young master, don't move around, we've already set up an ambush outside, you're going to startle the snake by moving around."

Shiye's words made Tu Suye restrain his impulse and dare not move any more.

But he was still anxious.

After waiting for so many years at the Tusu family, they finally got a cute little cabbage.

Although it's not real, it's better than real.

Now, this little cabbage is actually going to Jun Yu's pig's house, can he rest assured?

Can he!
From such a long distance, Shiye could feel the anger of their fourth young master.

He could only lower his voice and explain patiently: "Fourth young master, don't worry, the regent stays in the palace tonight, the princess is safe."

That's good, that's good...

Tu Suye breathed a sigh of relief, and obediently lay back on the bed.

Now there are no other hidden guards of the palace around, only him and his people.

He had to be extremely vigilant in order to help Xiao Deyin find out the person in the dark.


late at night.

Jun Yu, dressed in court uniform, finally came back from the palace.

But he came back from a side door, extremely low-key, and no one was alarmed.

After brushing off the dew on his body, Jun Yu walked into his yard with long legs.

Wu Ting appeared behind him, and said respectfully: "My lord, that man has been in the palace for some time, we have been staring at him all the time, it is estimated that he will soon be unable to hold back."

"Cangling and the others will go back to the residence tomorrow. By then, he will have less chance of getting close to Yin'er's courtyard. He will definitely not be able to hide anymore."

Jun Yu spoke indifferently, his voice was cooler than the dew in the middle of the night.

"This subordinate has deliberately removed half of the guards in the palace according to your instructions, pretending to be lax." Wu Zing continued to report.

"How about Yin'er?" Jun Yu glanced sideways at Wu Zong.

Hearing their lord's words, Wu Ting's expression was calm just now, and Shen finally showed a trace of hesitation.

He said in a muffled voice: "I don't know why, the princess doesn't let Wuying watch the night tonight. However, Wuyi is in the side room, if there is any movement, she will be able to find out immediately."

"The dark guards cultivated by the royal family of the Wei Kingdom, do you really think that a single helpless person can block them?"

Jun Yu's voice cooled down, and the anger in his eyes made Wu Zing change his face.

"It's the subordinate who underestimated the enemy. The subordinate thought about his identity, and he would definitely not hurt the princess, so he didn't think much about it."

Wu Zing hurriedly knelt down, and he lowered his head with an annoyed expression.

As the secret guard of the Prince Regent's Mansion, he actually made such a big mistake.

If it leads to a big mistake, he will not regret his death.

"Definitely? As long as Yin'er is involved, I don't want to hear speculation about 'Definitely'."

Jun Yu flicked his sleeves, and the cold wind in the palm of his hand swept over Wu Ting's cheek, cutting light bloodstains.

After finishing speaking, he wanted to quickly turn around and go to Yuan Deyin's yard.

But when he turned around, he heard shallow breathing from inside the room.

His eyes gradually darkened.

"My lord?" Wu Zing saw their lord stop suddenly, he called out respectfully.

"You step back first." Jun Yu said indifferently, and then walked quickly into the room.

His footsteps were extremely light, like a weak wind blowing gently.

Gently pushing the door open, Jun Yu saw a bulge on the bed.

"Why does the little white rabbit always like to come to the wolf's den?"

A certain Ninth Prince snorted helplessly, and there was a little more tenderness in those deep brows.

He put down his long sleeves, then walked lightly to the bed.

But no matter how soft his steps were, some little girl still heard them.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and then lifted the quilt away.

While rubbing her eyes, she lifted the quilt away.

She stretched out her long arms, and Jun Yu rushed towards him unsuspectingly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, give me a hug."

The reliance in her tone reached Jun Yu's ears, and his hard heart collapsed.

This little girl hasn't fully woken up yet.

He pursed his thin lips and patted him and her on the back lightly.

"Yin'er, why do you suddenly want to come to my king's room?"

"miss you……"

The little girl buried her face in his arms with a cute voice.

Sleeping in a daze, she spoke out what was on her mind.

Jun Yu listened to her words, but there was a little more starlight in his originally piercing eyes.

Suddenly at this time, there was a sound of fireworks blooming in the air.

A sleepy little girl who was still nestled in the arms of Nine Emperor Uncle woke up suddenly.


She stuck her head out in shock.

She even forgot where she was now.

She quickly jumped off the bed and ran out the door quickly.

Jun Yu didn't even have time to smooth out the folds of his clothes, so he quickly followed her out.

Most of the dark guards from the entire Prince Regent's Mansion began to gather in Yuan Deyin's courtyard.

"Quick, quick, Shiye, catch this thief!"

Tu Suye pointed at the man in black who was standing in the middle of the courtyard, and yelled anxiously at Shiye.

Shiye was holding a sword, and his face was slumped.

He really wanted to tell their fourth young master that this thief was superb in martial arts, but he was not capable of dealing with it.

Tu Suye frowned.

Who is this thief? He was in the room just now, when the other party lifted the quilt, his sword was thrown out, but who knew that the other party caught it easily.

And it can escape quickly in the blink of an eye.

If it wasn't for Xiao Liu and the others waiting outside, this person probably would have escaped.

At this moment, most of the hidden guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion rushed out and surrounded the entire courtyard.

The person standing in the middle was dressed in a black cloth and wrapped himself tightly, only revealing a pair of sharp eyes.

Looking at this scene, he was sure.

I have fallen into a trap.

No wonder……

He said why the guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion were suddenly so weak that they could even let him in.

Tu Suye was screaming at first, but he was shocked when he saw so many hidden guards from the palace rushing out.

Wait, maybe my sister set up another game behind his back.

Wu Xi and Wu Ying, who were leading a group of hidden guards, saw the Fourth Young Master Tu Su come out of the small princess's house, their expressions twisted...

What went wrong?

Why is the Fourth Master Tusu in the boudoir of the little princess.

Don't let the prince know about this matter, otherwise, they will be cold...

Just when this weird atmosphere was still deadlocked.

Jun Yu appeared with a certain little girl without shoes.

With lowered eyes, he stared at the little girl who could only step on her feet because of the stones under her feet...

He quickly reached out, pulled her into his arms, and let her white and tender feet step on his instep.

This action of his caught everyone's eyes, and those secret guards looked at their noses and noses, and quickly turned their heads away.

They are used to this scene.

At the scene, there were only two people who were angry with Jun Yu's actions.

One is Tu Suye.

He clenched his fists and stared at Jun Yu with gritted teeth.

This pig dared to blaspheme his sister, it's too hateful.

A certain Fourth Young Master Tu Su has consciously put himself in the position of Miss Yuan's elder brother.

So when he saw Jun Yu hugging Miss Yuan, he became furious.

It's as if the cabbage I raised at home was gnawed by a pig.

Although this pig is handsome, powerful in martial arts, and high in position, none of this can be a reason for him to eat cabbage.

The only person left is the man standing in the middle.

Anger rose all over his body, and the way he looked at Jun Yu clearly had blood and hatred in his eyes.

Yuan Deyin was beside Uncle Nine Emperors, so she could naturally sense the man's eyes.

Who is the other party, and why did he look at Uncle Nine Emperors with such hateful eyes?
Just when she was wondering, Jun Yu suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Pei'an, you are willing to show up."

This sound fell, as if it was a thunderbolt, it exploded in Yuan Deyin's ear.

The other party turned out to be Pei An!
(End of this chapter)

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