Chapter 301 Tell the truth
Although he only met Pei'an once, Yuan Deyin was deeply impressed by the name.

Because he has exactly the same face as Brother Shu Jiang.

Moreover, he is still his father's man.

Thinking of her father, the corners of Yuan Deyin's mouth were pulled off, with a lonely expression.

Sensing the little girl's emotions, Jun Yu gently patted the back of her hand with his fingertips, comforting him silently.

"Jun Yu, you are really despicable enough to set a trap for me. This is how you killed the prince and my brother!"

When mentioning Ji Wang and Shu Jiang, Pei'an's eyes were full of hatred.

"Today, I will use your dog's life blood to sacrifice them!"

After finishing the words, Pei An raised the sword in his hand, ready to stab Jun Yu.

But at this time, a certain little princess quickly raised her head.

Her tone was a little indifferent.

"The trap was set by the Princess, and has nothing to do with Uncle Nine Emperors."

"Princess, don't be fooled by this traitor, don't speak for him."

Facing Yuan Deyin, Pei'an did not speak harshly, but was both respectful and nervous.

Because he came this time to rescue Yuan Deyin.

The only thought in his mind was that the prince and elder brother had been killed by Jun Yu, and he would risk his life to rescue the princess.

That is the only blood of the prince, and it is the hope of the royal family of Wei, she must not have any accidents.

"The princess did not speak for Uncle Nine Emperors, because it was indeed the princess and the fourth brother who set up this situation together."

When Yuan Deyin's voice fell, not only Pei'an was shocked, but even Wuxi and Wuying were distorted.

Princess Deyin and Fourth Young Master Tu Su actually set up a game under their noses, and they didn't even know about it!

Jun Yu looked down at the little girl's cold face with an unclear expression.

"My princess has long been aware that there are people watching in the dark, so I made the illusion that I went to bed early in advance, and even dismissed Brother Wuying, just to lure you out... But, this princess didn't expect this secret The person staring at you turned out to be you..."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, Wuying and Wuyi next to him suddenly realized.

No wonder they thought the princess was a little strange today, it turned out to be the case.

"But..." Yuan Deyin looked at the guards in the room.

She tugged at Nine Emperor Uncle's sleeves with her small hands, and asked in a strange tone: "Nine Emperor Uncle, did you already know that Brother Pei'an has entered the mansion?"

"En." Jun Yu nodded without any nonsense.

Wu Xi had noticed it since Pei'an entered the Regent's Palace in disguise.

So Jun Yu ordered the secret guards of the entire palace to stand still, waiting for Pei An to show his feet.

He was afraid that the little girl would be worried, so he didn't tell her about it, and Wuyi didn't receive the news, so as not to leak the news.

But I didn't expect that a certain little girl was keenly aware of the trick.

"Jun Yu, you finally admit that you have set up a trap. You are indeed insidious and cunning! Although I fell into your trap today, I will not be your prisoner even if I lose this life!"

Pei'an held the sword and stared at Jun Yu angrily.

"Wei Pei'an, do you have any brains? Our lord has never harmed King Ji and your elder brother, and he will not harm Princess Deyin in the slightest. Don't let hatred blind your eyes!"

Wu Xi roared angrily.

In fact, the first time Wei Pei'an appeared, they could have stabbed him to death, so as not to have more dreams at night.

But the prince just cared about the friendship of the King of Ji, and always gave them hands, just waiting for Wei Pei'an to wake up on his own.

But who knows, Wei Pei'an is just a pig's brain, and he doesn't know that he has found the wrong enemy.

"Hmph, I saw him enter Wei Qinhuai's tent with my own eyes. In that battle, he was unscathed, but King Ji lost his life. It wasn't his tricks, or something!"

Wei Pei'an couldn't listen to Wu Xi's words at all.

No past gas to smoke from the head.

"Wei Pei'an, you were your crown prince's secret guard back then, but you suspected that your crown prince was in collusion with our prince, are you crazy?"

Wu Xi asked loudly.

"Although I am Wei Qinhuai's secret guard, I am loyal to the Empress Dowager Chunyu and the King of Ji! I only regret now that I didn't see through Wei Qinhuai's wolf ambition earlier. How could he be willing to let the King of Ji be willing to let the dragon chair come when he is greedy for that dragon chair?" Returning to the Kingdom of Wei? That battle was the best proof that his wolfish ambitions were exposed, he and Jun Yu killed King Ji together."

Wei Pei'an's tone was firm, his face was full of hatred.

Wu Xi was so angry that his temples popped out.

How can there be such a stubborn person.

Listening to Wei Pei'an's words, Jun Yu's face became more and more gloomy, and his breath was terribly cold.

The little girl was by his side, and she was most aware of his emotional changes.

She stood on tiptoe, tried to get close to his ear, and said in a low voice: "Uncle Nine Emperors, don't you also find it strange why he is so sure that the Crown Prince of Wei will covet the throne?"

During this period of time, so many events happened and so many secrets were known, Yuan Deyin also had many thoughts in his mind.

It stands to reason that the Crown Prince of Wei was raised by the Empress Dowager Chunyu, and the hidden guards around him should also trust him wholeheartedly.

But why did Wei Pei'an suddenly change his mind and still be so determined that Wei Qinhuai is a bad person?

And from what he said, he used to trust Wei Qinhuai a lot...

What is the reason that made him bite back and still be so firm in his thoughts.

"There's someone behind him."

When Jun Yu heard the little girl's doubtful words, the coldness in his black eyes gradually dissipated.

His little girl's guess was actually the same as his.

He has always wondered why Wei Pei'an insisted that he was the one who killed the King of Ji, and the people from Wei Qinhuai's side couldn't find him.

Until now when he heard Wei Pei'an's words so firmly, he had a guess in his mind——

Someone must have presented Su Pei'an with even more confusing "evidence"!
Who is it? Is it the same group of people who pretended to be the Halberd King?

"Princess, the subordinates will definitely rescue you."

Wei Pei'an spoke firmly to Yuan Deyin.

But facing his sincerity, Yuan Deyin's face turned cold instantly.

"The eyesight of this princess is really bad. When I saw you for the first time, I even mistook you for brother Shu Jiang. This princess is wrong. Except for your appearance, there is nothing else that can compare with brother Shu Jiang." Fuck him. You haven't learned any of his stability, loyalty, and strategy..."

Yuan Deyin shook his head at Wei Pei'an, looking very disappointed.

"The county master..."

Queen Mother Chunyu is dead, King Ji is dead, and Princess Deyin is now his only master.

But now the master was disappointed in him, Wei Pei'an was a little flustered.

"Princess, don't be fooled by Jun Yu." He tried to slow down his tone, trying to make Yuan Deyin sober.

But Yuan Deyin looked at him indifferently, with an extremely sharp tone.

"What about the people behind you? What kind of evidence did you produce to make you so determined to be an enemy of Uncle Nine Emperors and Crown Prince Wei?"

When the word "the person behind her" came out, Wei Pei'an's pupils shrank slightly.

It was because of his change in expression that Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu strengthened their guesses.

"Princess, there is no one behind the subordinates. It is a fact that Jun Yu killed your father, you must not be deceived by him."

Wei Pei'an spoke earnestly.

"You have been saying that Uncle Nine Emperors killed King Father, so what are you talking about, what good will it do him to kill King Father?"

Yuan Deyin asked loudly.

"There are many advantages. The biggest advantage is that he can monopolize Chi Yan's military power, and he can sit on that dragon chair..." Wei Pei'an replied anxiously.

"Didn't you forget that according to Nine Emperor Uncle's reputation, he doesn't need so much military power, and he can justifiably ascend to the throne? However, he gave up inheriting the throne twice in a row."

Yuan Deyin dismissed Wei Pei'an's guess expressionlessly.

"That's because he has greater ambitions. What he wants is not just Chi Yan's throne, he also wants to annex Wei. If you kill your father, he won't be a threat anymore!"

Wei Pei'an continued to speak anxiously.

"You... Brother Shu Jiang, how could you have a brother like you!"

When Yuan De'an heard Wei Pei'an's words, her nose felt a little sore.

He thought of the elder brother Shu Jiang who was by his father's side and would give her a gentle smile.

If he was still alive, he certainly wouldn't have said such foolish things.

"Fortunately, you have been on the battlefield. Don't you know that the military strength of the Wei State is comparable to that of Chi Yan. The veterans and soldiers of the Wei State have been on guard since they never knew that my father was still alive. Therefore, whether or not my father returns to Wei State has no influence on whether Wei State can be annexed..."

"On the contrary, my father died as Chi Yan's general in battle before his death, which had a great impact on Chi Yan's morale. Under such circumstances, Uncle Nine Emperors still wants to annex Wei's Spring and Autumn Dream, do you think Is it realistic?"

"Uncle Nine Emperors, if he really intends to annex Wei, he should conspire with Wei Huang instead of cooperating with Wei Qinhuai!"

Yuan Deyin became more and more angry.

On the side, Wu Xi and the others looked complicated.

Unexpectedly, Princess Deyin, a little girl, could see things in these countries so sharply.

But why couldn't he understand Wei Pei'an?
Seeing that the blood on Wei Pei'an's face gradually faded.

Yuan Deyin knew what he said, and he listened to it.

She continued to speak in a cold voice: "Hearing is not necessarily false, and seeing is not necessarily true. When something happens, think about who is the biggest winner in this game. I don't know who the winner is. , but at the very least, it won't be me, and it won't be Nine Emperor Uncle..."

At the end, Yuan Deyin's voice was a little choked up.

In this conspiracy, she lost her father and queen mother.

Others thought that Uncle Nine Emperors returned safely without any loss.

But she knew very well that Uncle Nine Emperors was probably taking the fault of her father's sacrifice on her own shoulders.

Since then, the pursuit of the truth will not stop until death.

"Princess, subordinate...subordinate..."

Wei Pei'an also began to react, he opened his mouth, but after hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't utter the words completely.

The princess was right, he was too stupid.

He couldn't figure out such a simple thing.

"Princess, Ninth Prince, this subordinate deserves to die."

He threw the sword aside and knelt heavily.

He bowed his head, he was so remorseful that he wanted to kill himself.

He actually believed the traitor's words and almost killed the prince and princess.

Fortunately, no big mistake has been made, otherwise, if he died, he would not be qualified to ask the Queen Mother and King Ji for orders.

"Who is misleading you?" Jun Yu stared at Wei Pei'an indifferently.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Wei Pei'an will definitely not hide anything anymore, he hastened to say, "It's Jiang Zhuo, the military advisor next to the prince."

"Jiang Zhuo?"

Jun Yu read the name carefully.

Soon, a stern light flashed in his eyes.

"Didn't he die a long time ago?"

Jun Yu had heard Jiang Zhuo's name a long time ago, and the other party was a trusted military advisor beside Wei Qinhuai.

The man was only over forty years old, but his strategy was extremely powerful.

However, before Wei Qinhuai went to the expedition, he suddenly died of a serious illness.

Because of this matter, Wei Qinhuai still felt emotional for a long time, feeling lost because of the passing of a virtuous talent.

"Reporting to the Ninth Prince, Jiang Zhuo is not dead. In the late period of the First World War in Chiyan Wei, he disguised himself and found his subordinate. He also told his subordinates that the prince was ambitious and conspired with you to kill the King of Ji, lest the King of Ji would return. To Wei Guo. The subordinates were unwilling to believe it at first..."

"However, on the day when the accident happened, my subordinates heard that King Ji was surrounded. When he rode after him, he was covered in wounds and lay in a pool of blood. He told his subordinates that you killed him..."

"So, from that time on, you insisted that our prince killed the King of Ji!" Wu Xi asked Wei Pei'an in a cold voice.

Wei Pei'an lowered his head in shame.

At that time, it was hard for people not to doubt Ninth Prince.

Why did Lord Ji say that Lord Nine killed him? Could it be that King Ji was also misled before he died?

This is something that Wei Pei'an has not been able to figure out until now.

"Have you been looking at the corpse of King Ji?" Jun Yu suddenly said coldly.

"This...the subordinates did not. After the King Ji said this to his subordinates, he vomited blood and died. The subordinates did not have time to take care of his body. They were worried that the pursuers would come back. The truth was brought back, so the subordinates can only ride away first..."

Wei Pei'an said in a tone of shame.

The Empress Dowager Chunyu trained him, but he couldn't even protect the corpse of King Ji.

With black eyes staring at Wei Pei'an's annoyed expression, Jun Yu put on a cold face.

She looked down at the little girl's distraught look because she heard about her father, and he hugged her a little harder.

He pursed his thin lips, and then used his internal force to transmit the sound.

"What you saw was not the Halberd King! The real cause of the Halberd King's death was a fatal blow, without too many wounds, neither lying in a pool of blood nor vomiting blood."

Hearing the sound transmission of Jun Yu's internal force, Wei Pei'an raised his head in shock.

"Lord Nine, what do you mean, someone is pretending to be the Halberd King? The purpose is to make your subordinates misunderstand you?"

Wei Pei'an asked in shock.

This time, Jun Yu didn't need to answer, he knew he was being used.

He knocked his head down so hard that blood came out.

But he acted like he didn't notice.

He gritted his teeth and said: "This subordinate is ignorant and was deceived by an adulterer. He almost killed the Ninth Prince. I beg the Ninth Prince to give this subordinate a death."

give death?

Yuan Deyin was still depressed about her father, but when she heard Wei Pei'an begging for death, she suddenly raised her head.

She pulled Nine Emperor Uncle's sleeve nervously and begged him with her eyes.

Although Wei Pei'an made such a big mistake this time, he now knows his mistake.

He is not guilty of death.

After waiting for Jun Yu's answer for a long time, Wei Pei'an reached out to pick up the sword he had thrown aside.

He quickly put the sword on his neck, intending to kill himself.

But soon, a stone popped out of Jun Yu's hand, knocking his sword down directly.

"The king allowed you to toss in the palace for so long, not because you choose to commit suicide and escape when you know the truth."

Jun Yu's tone was so cold that it seemed to be able to pierce a person's bones.

He stared at Wei Pei'an with a bit of hatred for iron.

"Ninth Prince..." Wei Pei'an raised his head, looking at Jun Yu with red eyes.

Why did the Ninth Prince not let him die when he did such a serious wrong.

"Uncle Nine Emperors wants you to commit crimes and meritorious deeds. You almost made a big mistake. You don't solve the matter, you just want to escape with death. This is a cowardly act!"

Yuan Deyin snorted coldly.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had the same face as Brother Shu Jiang, she would really want to scold him to death.

Wei Pei'an only reacted at this time, and he hurriedly kowtowed heavily.

"The subordinate knows his mistake, and the subordinate dare not seek death again."

"Do you still have any news about Jiang Zhuo?" Jun Yu stared at Wei Pei'an and asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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