Chapter 302 The Strange Uncle Nine Emperors

"The last time this subordinate saw Jiang Zhuo was a long time ago, that time when this subordinate hurriedly came to find the princess..."

Thinking in his mind that he would make a contribution to the crime, Wei Pei'an hurriedly told everything he knew.

"That time, the prince sent someone to kill his subordinates?"

Wei Pei'an asked frankly.

Of course, the answer in his mind now is actually no.

The group of people who chased him with the signboard of Prince Regent's Mansion must not belong to the Ninth Prince.

After all, how could a man as cautious as the Ninth Prince let his hidden guards carry his badge of status with him?

Wei Pei'an, who was woken up by the scolding, can finally think.

"This king never sent anyone to hunt you down. This king just sent someone to search for you, hoping to get the truth from you."

Jun Yu replied in a cold voice, without much disturbance in his voice.

"As expected..." Wei Pei'an smiled wryly, he didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

"Lord Ninth, when Jiang Zhuo came to look for his subordinates that day, his few words were to guide his subordinates to hate you and the prince. Of course, the subordinates were stupid and fell into his trap..."

"What's wrong with him?" Jun Yu asked coldly,
"At that time, he wanted his subordinates to give him the military talisman that the prince handed over to his subordinates for safekeeping. What he meant was that you send someone to chase me down now. It is not safe for me to carry the military talisman, so I will give it to him for safekeeping first. But the military talisman It's very important, so I kept an eye out and didn't hand over the soldier talisman, but give it to the princess."

When Wei Pei'an said these words, he glanced at Yuan Deyin guiltily.

That soldier talisman is the last power left by the Empress Dowager Chunyu in the Wei army.

If this soldier talisman was really taken away by Jiang Zhuo at that time, then he would really have no face to see the queen mother after he died.

When he gave the soldier talisman to the princess, in order to keep the princess away from the Nine Princes, he lied that it was the soldier symbol of Chi Yan's army.

I hope that the mess he left for the Princess will not create a barrier between the Princess and the Ninth Prince.

The more Wei Pei'an thought about it, the more he regretted it.

"It seems that it was that Jiang dog thief who chased and killed you! His purpose was the soldier talisman you were guarding."

Wu Xi snorted coldly, and he gritted his teeth.

But when he thought of something, his tone slowed down a lot.

"Fortunately, you have some brains and didn't hand over the soldier talisman."

"My lord, it seems that Jiang Zhuo is the ghost." Wu Ying said to Jun Yu in a solemn tone.

The battle between Chi Yan and Wei State is destined to be fatal, so the prince, Ji Wang and Prince Wei deployed secretly, hoping that the battle would cause less damage.

The battle plan had already been sent to the Prince's residence before Prince Wei set off.

At that time, Xue Zhuo was still alive and well.

Therefore, Xue Zhuo was the one who knew the secret and betrayed them.

No wonder they have been unable to find out the ghost. It turns out that the ghost is a "dead" person.

However, at that time, all the soldiers and horses of Wei State were used by Prince Wei, but the soldiers and horses that rushed out to surround the King of Ji were the people of Wei Huangjun Xiao.

A mere Xue Zhuo, how could he mobilize Emperor Wei's troops?

This is what they can't figure out.

"Did you miss a question?"

While everyone was thinking, the little girl suddenly reminded them softly.

Their suspicious eyes quickly fell on her.

"Just now, didn't Brother Pei'an say that the reason Xue Zhuo encouraged him to hate Uncle Nine Emperors and the Crown Prince of Wei was that they were afraid that my father would return to Wei... Aren't you wondering how Xue Zhuo knew? Is it my father's identity?"

Yuan Deyin's clear words came directly to their ears.

Princess Runnan once told her that in order to protect her father, only the subordinates trusted by Queen Mother Chunyu would know her father's true identity.

For this reason, it is absolutely impossible for Crown Prince Wei and Princess Runnan to reveal their father's identity to their subordinates.

"That's right, why didn't my subordinates think of it? Prince Wei is such a cautious person, even if he trusts Xue Zhuo again, he will not reveal such an important secret. Even if Xue Zhuo really knows that Prince Wei is in contact with us Closely, at most, we just thought that we didn't want to fight, to avoid the loss of life, and shouldn't be able to think of the identity of the King of Halberd..."

Wuxi suddenly realized.

"But when Xue Zhuo was talking to me, his tone clearly knew the identity of the King of Ji."

Wei Pei'an shook his head, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Then there is only one explanation. Xue Zhuo probably knew the identity of King Ji earlier than us. It was just a conspiracy for him to serve as Prince Wei's aide."

Wuying thought about it for a while, he glanced at their lord's cold profile, and then expressed his guess.

"This..." Wei Pei'an's blood flowed backwards, and his face turned pale again.

In this way, it is impossible for Xue Zhuo to belong to Emperor Wei.

After all, if he really belonged to Emperor Wei, he would have already confessed his identity as Princess Deyin.

According to Wei Huang's suspicious nature, he would never watch Princess Deyin live peacefully in this world without doing anything.

"This Xue Zhuo, what the hell is he trying to do!"

Wu Xi gritted his teeth.

If he could catch this traitor, he would definitely crush him to ashes.

"Is there anything wrong with Xue Zhuo?"

Jun Yu's cold eyes fell on Wei Pei'an again.

Wei Pei'an frowned and thought deeply.

Suddenly, he remembered something, and he hurriedly said loudly: "I once saw a maple leaf-shaped mark on Xue Zhuo's neck."

Because they are both secret guards, Wei Pei'an is very sensitive to the marks on his body.

It was also because he accidentally saw this mark that he was even more determined that he must never hand over the soldier talisman to Xue Zhuo.

"A maple leaf mark?"

"Jiugui!" Wuxi and Wuying said at the same time, and they all had the same shocked expression on their faces.

It had been a long time since they had heard the name of this organization.

Before, it was this organization that wanted to harm the princess.

They thought that the other party had settled down, but they never thought that the other party had been plotting and scheming all along.

"My lord, you must not let them go!"

Wu Xi said in a solemn tone.

Jun Yu's face seemed to be frozen by frost.

Naturally, he would not let those enemies go.

Every day he lived, he believed in crushing them to ashes.

"Take him down and give him a place." Jun Yu restrained his air-conditioning, and said lightly.

"Your subordinates obey." Endless at the far end quickly came over and pulled Wei Pei'an up.

Wei Pei'an instantly understood that the Ninth Prince not only spared his life, but also let him stay in the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Fortunately, it can still protect the princess.

He held back the tears in his eyes, bowed his head respectfully to Jun Yu, and then turned around and left with Wu Wuxing.

It quickly quieted down here.

The guards from just now had already withdrawn, and they were dragged away together with Xiao Liu and others.

Now endlessly took Wei Pei'an away, Wuyi, Wumu, Wuzong, and Wuying all the hidden guards withdrew.

So now there are only Jun Yu, Yuan Deyin, Wu Xi, and Tu Suye standing in a dark corner, dumbfounded.

"Fifth Sister...what is her identity? What is her father's identity?"

As the only outsider who listened to their entire conversation, Tu Suye now has a headache.

"Fourth Young Master Tu Su, what do you think?"

Wu Xi showed an incomprehensible smile to Tu Suye.

Tu Suye opened his mouth tentatively: "The Halberd King, the former prince of Wei?"

He's not a brainless person, after hearing so much news, he can probably piece together the secrets by piecing together.

His sister actually has this identity?
Tu Suye frowned, he didn't know whether to express his happiness or worry...

In the end, the weight in my heart is still biased towards worry.

For others, the secrets of the royal family of Wei State may be difficult to pry into.

But for the Tusu family, a hermit family with a strong network, it was easy to find out.

There are too many secrets in the royal family of Wei State, which are too dangerous.

If those despicable people in Wei Guo know the true identity of my sister, I'm afraid the consequences will be very troublesome.

Thinking of this, Tu Suye frowned even more.

"You didn't drive me away just now, let me listen here so much, don't you worry that I will reveal this secret?"

he said quietly.

As a result, a certain prince threw a cold word to him.

"You won't, and you don't dare."

After finishing speaking, Jun Yu turned around and walked to his yard with the little girl in his arms.

Tu Suye: "..."

He gritted his teeth, feeling that Jun Yu's words were too much to be beaten.

But I have to say that Jun Yu's words are still very accurate, and he can guess his mind thoroughly.

It was so hard to have such a younger sister. Naturally, the Tusu family took good care of her, so why would they leak her identity and cause her troubles.

That old fox Jun Yu must have taken a liking to this, and let him watch the "drama" here for so long.

After all, only by knowing more secrets about my sister can I better protect her, right?

Yuan Deyin was carried by Jun Yu and walked towards his yard. She couldn't help poking her head out of curiosity and said, "Uncle Nine Emperors, since the matter has been settled, it's good for Deyin to go back to sleep in his room."

"Your bed has already been laid by Tu Suye. It's dirty! Let Steward Dong send someone to replace it with a new one before going back tomorrow."

Jun Yu said in an unquestionable tone.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

The fourth brother lay down once, but Uncle Nine Emperors actually said that the bed was dirty?
Does Nine Emperor Uncle have a cleanliness habit?

But seeing Uncle Nine Emperor's unquestionable expression, she didn't dare to talk nonsense.

When they arrived at his room, Jun Yu put him on the bed and strode outside.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, where are you going?"

The little girl stood up from the bed and asked softly.

"My lord is going to sleep in the study." When Jun Yu explained to her, his tone softened a bit.

"Yin'er, how did you find out that it was Wei Pei'an today?"

When Jun Yu thought of this, he paused and looked at a certain little girl with deep eyes.

He originally set up another situation to prevent her from worrying.

But she never thought that she was also setting up a game herself, and even asked Tu Suye to help.

Hearing Uncle Jiuhuang's words, a certain little girl put her face on her face, pouted her mouth, and whispered, "I just found it with my eyes. Deyin didn't expect that he came to Deyin disguised as a maidservant." Yin's yard."

Spotted by eye?

Hearing her words, Jun Yu couldn't help but chuckled.

"Then can you tell me how you found it with your eyes?" he asked patiently.

The reason why he knew that Wei Pei'an entered the Prince Regent's Mansion pretending to be a maidservant, and even tried his best to sneak into her courtyard, became the fourth-class maid in her courtyard, and temporarily took over the work of Cang Ling and the others, because he sent someone to wait for Wei Pei'an to enter the mansion. Keep an eye on it.

And Yin'er didn't get any news from the hidden guards, how did she know about it?
Hearing Uncle Nine Emperor's question, a certain little girl twitched her mouth, and the desire to explain also came.

She quickly got up from the bed, then pointed to a complete quilt on the bed and said, "Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think there is anything wrong with this?"

Following her little paws, Jun Yu looked at the quilt that was circled into a powder, his dark eyes sank.

After a long time, he still shook his head: "I don't know."

He really couldn't see that there was anything wrong with this quilt.

"Don't you think the quilt is folded ugly?"

Miss Yuan looked at him seriously, and asked him a serious question.

Jun Yu: "..."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, who made the bedding in your room?" Miss Yuan continued to ask.

"No past and no shadow."

"That's no wonder it's so ugly!" A certain little girl nodded knowingly.

Jun Yu: "..."

Yuan Deyin quickly brought a quilt from the side, and then folded the quilt in front of Uncle Jiuhuang.

She put the folded quilt in front of the quilt just now.

"Did you see that the quilts made by Brother Wuxi and Brother Wuying are bigger and fluffier, as if they were rolled up casually for laziness. They are not good-looking at all. But if you use the Deyin roll, there will be more fold marks, and the quilt will be smaller."

Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

"So, when you see your quilt, you start to doubt it."

Jun listened to her words, he could guess many things in an instant.

"That's right!"

Yuan Deyin raised her head proudly.

She went back to her room during the day and saw that the quilt was rolled up, just like the one in Jiuhuangshu's room, and she felt something was wrong in her heart.

For this reason, she asked Wuyi several times in a row.

Wuyi said that the person who came into her room to fold the quilt was a new maidservant, but she looked at the way she folded the quilt, no matter how she looked at it, it looked like a man's way of folding the quilt.

Therefore, she had doubts about this maidservant.

The other party put so much effort into entering her yard, he couldn't really just want to be a maid, right?

So she set up that game.

After she finished explaining, she looked at Uncle Nine Emperors expectantly with her soft face.

She wanted to be praised by Uncle Nine Emperors.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't wait for a compliment, instead he got a strange question from Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Do you really think that the quilts in this king's house are not well rolled?"

"Well. Deyin will feel that if the quilt is not rolled well, it will affect the mood of sleeping."

A certain little girl heard his question, and she answered without thinking.

But after she finished speaking, she realized something was wrong.

The room and the bed belonged to Uncle Nine Emperors, the man didn't care about the fineness of the bedding, she couldn't impose her own ideas on Uncle Nine Emperors.

So she quickly changed her words: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is just talking casually. Just as long as you like it."

"No, it's more important that you like it. Tomorrow, I will let Wuxi and Wuying learn how to make quilts from Wuyi."

Jun Yu's face was serious, and his tone was unquestionable.


"Because, I want you to sleep comfortably."

In the dark night, the words of a certain Ninth Prince were very light.

I can't even hear Yuan Deyin clearly.

"Huh? Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you talking about? Can you speak louder..." the little girl said helplessly.

"The king didn't say anything. There are still two hours to get up and prepare for the enthronement ceremony. You should have a good rest first."

Jun Yu turned and left after finishing his instructions softly, Yuan Deyin didn't even have a chance to ask questions.

(End of this chapter)

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