The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 303 What King Xu said to Yuan Deyin

Chapter 303 What King Xu Said to Yuan Deyin

"Princess, it's time for you to get up. The enthronement ceremony is about to begin, you need to take a bath before dressing up."

Cang Ling and the others finally came back from the palace, and she gently woke up a certain little princess.

When they rushed back, they were all shocked when they heard Lord Wuxi say that the princess had fallen asleep in the Ninth Prince's room last night.

In this world, no one can manage to treat the inner room of the Ninth Prince as his own, except for the little princess.

"Huh? Is it time?"

Yuan Deyin got up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, and yawned frequently.

She squinted her eyes and looked outside the window. The moon hadn't set yet, and the surroundings were still pitch black.

"It's still so early..." she whispered.

Cang Ling held back her smile, and said in a gentle voice: "Princess, it takes a long time to shower and groom, so you must get up before dawn."

After finishing speaking, she gave Ji Xia a look.

The two picked her up in a tacit understanding.

Yuan Deyin was in a daze, letting them throw her into the water, pick her up, drop her again, smear her, and put her clothes on...

A cock crowed.

Yuan Deyin's spirit also slowly returned.

Just at this time, Cang Ling whispered in her ear: "Princess, it's alright."

When Yuan Deyin slowly opened her eyes, she looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't recover for a long time.

In the mirror, her skin is as white as snow, her eyebrows are curved, and her teeth are like shellfish.

Cang Ling put on a very delicate makeup for her, but it couldn't hide her natural innocence.

Because she has a title, the clothes she wears today must be grand.

The wide sleeves are decorated with Lingyun patterns, bordered with gold thread, and tassels hang down naturally.The canary fluff on the waist is intertwined, which is noble and incomparable.

She was wearing a black and red floor-length dress with a golden feather gauze on the outer cover.

This should be the first time she has worn such a grand dress since she kept the filial piety for her father and queen mother.

"Princess, the enthronement ceremony is a big event for the whole country to celebrate. Even if you are in the mourning period, you can still wear grand clothes."

Cang Ling stared at her for a long time, thinking that she had some scruples, so she quickly explained softly.

Hearing Cang Ling's words, Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly.

When the virtuous king ascended the throne, the whole country celebrated with joy. Envoys from so many countries were watching. As the princess, she could not make mistakes.If the concubine mother is still alive, she will also be allowed to wear this grand dress.

However, she was depressed not because of this incident.

But because...

For such a big event as Chi Yan's enthronement ceremony, father, queen, mother and concubine... can no longer participate.

Father Wang used to be very concerned about such important national affairs.

"It's time, help me up." Yuan Deyin suppressed the emotions in her heart, and she called softly to Cang Ling.

She wore so much jewelry on her head that it nearly overwhelmed her.

When she got up, she heard a clanging sound from her waist.

Looking down, the bell is still there.

"Princess, the Ninth Prince has ordered that you like this bell the most, and it will not be a problem to wear it at the enthronement ceremony." Cang Ling said softly.

With familiar things on her body, Yuan Deyin's mood instantly improved.

She nodded slightly: "Okay, let's go out."

After the words fell, she started to walk out, the bell around her waist jingling.

The moment the door was pushed open.

She saw Uncle Nine Emperors standing at the door.

Her black hair was fixed by a jade-encrusted and gilt crown, and her eyebrows were cold and dignified.

Wearing a noble black-red robe with gold silk border, the robe is embroidered with a golden four-legged python pattern, the noble aura makes people unattainable, and a glance sweeps over, as if contemptuous of the common people.

The moment a certain little princess saw him, her heart suddenly jumped.

When Jun Yu looked at a certain little girl, amazement flashed quickly in his eyes.

"Come here." Jun Yu called Yuan Deyin in a low voice.

Although he was calling for her to come over, the long legs of a certain prince consciously walked towards her first.

When Yuan Deyin came to her senses, Jun Yu had already arrived by her side.

His big palm supported her small hands, and the big and small palms were hidden in the wide sleeves on both sides.

Behind him, Wu Xi and the others were stunned.

No wonder when the mother in the palace brought the palace robes to the little princess, the prince picked the black and red one at a glance.

Originally, it was not only because this set was very suitable for the little princess, it was dignified and majestic, without losing the innocence of a girl

Also because——

The prince's official robe is also this style! ! !

This scheming...

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is placed in the palace, it will definitely kill a lot of hypocritical sluts, and then become the empress dowager!

Several hidden guards couldn't help feeling emotional in their hearts.

On the other side, the four maids of Cang Ling stood there, looking at the backs of their Princess and the Ninth Prince.

For some reason, the word "good match" popped into their minds, as if they were supposed to dress like this and stand together like this.

The clothes of the two of them are black and red intertwined, and the gold is conspicuous...

They still have the illusion that this is the ceremony of the Empress Dowager.

"Don't think about it." Seeing that Ji Xia and the others were staring blankly and unable to recover, Cang Ling quickly nudged them with his elbow to wake them up.

"elder sister."

At this time, Zuo Qie yelled Yuan Deyin aggrievedly.

Why did I stand with Jun Yu all the time, but my sister only saw Jun Yu, and didn't even give him one from the corner of my eye.

Hearing this voice, Yuan Deyin looked over.

As a result, Zuo Qie was seen standing beside him in a very formal dress.

"Zuo Qie, when did you come?" Yuan Deyin said with a smile.

Zuo Qie: "..."

"Come here quickly." Yuan Deyin waved to Zuo Qie.

Zuo Qie glanced at Jun Yu, but in the end he was reluctant to walk over.

In fact, he didn't want to attend any enthronement ceremony or palace banquet at all.

But his current identity is the Young Master of Jiwang Mansion, and his elder sister's younger brother.

He will definitely not be able to escape these activities.

The most important thing is that he has to stand in front of those people and let them know that he is her younger brother.

He heard that people from Lingye Kingdom also came, and they arrived in the capital in the middle of the night last night.

The people of Lingye Kingdom apparently came to congratulate him on his ascension to the throne.

But he knew that Zuo Wei's death, they were very unwilling, and this time it would definitely be bad for his sister.

As long as he is still there, he will absolutely protect his sister.

"Let's go."

Jun Yu took Yuan Deyin's little hand, and he didn't forget to lift Zuo Qie to the side to prevent him from getting close to Yuan Deyin.

Zuo Qie had short hands and short feet, so he couldn't help Jun Yu, so he could only look at Jun Yu with a dark face and disgust.

The dignified Lord Regent is a cheapskate who only bullies children!

But the aggressiveness of his eyes couldn't hurt Jun Yu at all.

Yuan Deyin didn't know what a certain naive Uncle Nine Emperors and Zuo Xie were doing, so she got into the carriage first.

Because the enthronement ceremony is of great importance, she represents not only the identity of the princess, but behind her there is a huge palace of Jiwang.

So she couldn't sit in the same carriage as Uncle Nine Emperors this time, she was sitting in a carriage with the flag of Prince Ji's Mansion.

Zuo Qie was her foster brother, and he should have been in the same carriage with her.

But how could a certain stingy Ninth Prince be willing?

He couldn't even sit with the little girl, so Zuo Xie naturally couldn't!So he asked Wu Xi to arrange another carriage.

Just like that, three people and three carriages headed for Huangling Mountain.

The enthronement ceremony was held in front of the royal family's ancestors, so the ceremony was not held in the palace, but on the Huangling Mountain outside the city.

Yuan Deyin lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked at the Huangling Mountain that was getting closer and closer, his fleshy little face was full of emotion.

Half a year ago, she was almost killed beside the imperial mausoleum, but she didn't expect to come to this place again today.

"Princess, there are many outsiders' carriages beside you, it's not suitable for you to show your face." Wuyi's voice came forward and reminded him softly.

Yuan Deyin understood immediately.

She glanced not far away from the corner of her eye, and several luxurious carriages followed slowly.

Other flags were planted on the wagons.

There are... Nanyue Kingdom and Xichuan Kingdom.

Yuan Deyin only glanced at the two carriages when suddenly the curtains were blown open.

A sinister face was revealed like this.

Nan Guiming seemed to have a sense of something, Danfeng's eyes slightly raised, and his dark and treacherous eyes just stared at Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin's eyelids twitched violently.

She didn't like this look very much.

But she didn't say anything, just put down the curtain quickly.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the foot of Huangling Mountain.

All the carriages were parked on one side in an orderly manner, and many ministers had already got off the carriages and stood respectfully on the side, as if going to court in the morning.

"Princess, you can come down now."

Wuyi called softly.

Soon, a small white and tender hand opened the curtain.

The bell rang softly.

Because Yuan Deyin's carriage was parked under Jun Zhouhan's dragon and the sedan chair of the Regent's Palace, she was destined to be in the vortex of attention.

When her carriage arrived, many people already had different thoughts when they saw the word "halberd" on her carriage.

Now that she was about to get off the carriage, naturally many people looked at her.

They really want to see what is so special about this little princess who has been famous recently?

Soon, the curtain of the carriage was completely lifted.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the bell, a noble and agile little girl got off the carriage.

There was a glimmer of light in her clear eyes, and the radiant smile on her face when she looked at the maid, made people want to get close to her, but the nobility that leaked from her inadvertently made it difficult for people to feel contemptuous. meaning.

See clearly the delicacy in her brows, although immature, it seems to be the uncut jade that is being cast in the backlight, waiting to shine when it blooms.

Before coming here, many people thought that the most beautiful woman in the world was Miss Donghua from Donghua Mountain.

But when they saw this little princess of Deyin today, they couldn't help but think of a poem: "There is no beauty in a thousand years, and a beauty is a beauty; a country and a city are amazing, and people in the world are shocked."

I'm afraid that in the future, her appearance will change, and it won't be surprising that she will become famous all over the world.

For a while, the little thoughts of princes and sons of many other small countries began to stir.

This Princess Deyin has a noble status in Chiyan and is so beautiful. Although she is still young, if she can marry her must be a good thing.

Prince Yunmo is the most unique among so many people, because he appeared on a horse.

When he saw Yuan Deyin getting off the carriage, his eyes lit up and he wanted to rush over.

But Master Santa stopped him firmly.

"My third prince, you can catch up with Princess Deyin whenever you want, but now that so many people are watching, can you be more polite..."

Santa felt that he really broke his heart.

Although they went straight to and fro in the Western Regions, this was in the capital of Chiyan, and envoys from so many countries were watching. Could the third prince win some face for the Western Regions?

Yun Mo originally wanted to shake his hands and say, what are you doing with those hypocrisy.

But from the corner of his eye, he saw when the princes and sons of those countries looked at Yuan Deyin eagerly.

His face changed instantly.

damn it!
These people even hit her idea.

Seeing the well-dressed appearance of those people, he gritted his teeth and tore his own clothes to tidy up.

But rare, he didn't make trouble anymore.

He can't be compared by these people, this is what he thinks in his heart now.

Jun Yu, who was standing beside Jun Zhouhan, had a gloomy expression on his face.

His gaze swept across the faces of those who coveted his little girl, and the murderous aura on his body became a little stronger.

Jun Zhouhan couldn't ignore the killing intent even if he wanted to.

He smiled wryly, Uncle Nine Emperors, you must refrain from slaughtering people during the enthronement ceremony.

When Yuan Deyin saw Uncle Jiuhuang, her eyes lit up and the corners of her mouth curled up.

Everything around is out of her eyes.

She took small steps and quickly walked behind him, the bell around her waist rang very nicely.

Seeing the little girl rushing towards him, the coldness in Jun Yu's eyes subsided a little.

Concubine Wei and Jun Chujing were standing on the side, and now Yuan Deyin actually passed them and walked behind Jun Yu.

The position of the two of them is second only to Jun Zhouhan.


The location of the enthronement ceremony is a status symbol.

Jun Zhouhan is the emperor and has no queen, so he stands at the front.

Jun Yu is the regent, and his status is below one person and above ten thousand people, so he is naturally second.

Although the status of the other envoys is not low, but because this is Chi Yan's ascension to the throne, it is understandable that their positions are a little later.

And the position of those ministers is the last, they stand there respectfully, dare not have any criticism.

There is no problem with these positions, but why, she, a princess, wants to stand behind Yuan Deyin with her mother and concubine!

Yuan Deyin is an orphan girl with a different surname, why should she?
"Yuan Deyin, you bitch...why are you standing there, hurry up and get behind this princess."

Jun Chujing was almost scolded to death by Concubine Wei because Yuan Deyin cheated her of 30 silver.

How could she tolerate Yuan Deyin standing in front of her.

There was still some noise around, but after Jun Chujing's angry voice came out, the atmosphere quickly fell into an eerie silence.

Many people turned their eyes around Jun Chujing and Yuan Deyin, with different thoughts.

Murong Wei wrote it on his face directly from the look in his eyes.

Heh, this Yuan Deyin's position in Chi not very good.

"Yin'er took the place of the Halberd King's Mansion. The Halberd King has contributed to Chi Yan for more than ten years, and finally died in battle. The honor of the Halberd King's Mansion is no less than this king. You let Yin'er stand behind you. Could it be that you still want this The king is standing behind you too?"

Jun Yu snorted coldly, and the coercion all over his body directly pressed on Jun Chujing.

Jun Chujing was always a bullying person, so naturally she couldn't stand Jun Yu's vicious warning.

Her face was pale, and she staggered a few steps back.

Concubine Wei quickly helped people.

The anger in her heart was burning, and Concubine Wei wished to personally cut Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu into pieces.

But here are all their people, and the mother and daughter can only endure the humiliation.

Concubine Wei suppressed the hatred in her heart, trying to dissolve this matter.

But suddenly at this moment, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar figure approaching from not far away.

"Xu'er." She called out in surprise.

Hearing her soft call, everyone looked over suspiciously.

As a result, I saw a tall and handsome man walking quickly.

His eyebrows are somewhat similar to Concubine Wei's, and he has a dusty aura about him. It can be seen that he rushed over just after arriving in the capital.

"Xu'er, you're back. If you don't come back, Aijia and your imperial sister don't know how they will be bullied."

Perhaps it was because her own prince came back, and Concubine Wei felt that her confidence had returned, her back was straight, and she had the courage to start suing.

When the envoys around heard her words, they murmured in their hearts, it was quite lively now.

But for Concubine Wei's tearful and grievance, Jun Zhouxu seemed to have never seen it.

He walked quickly to Jun Zhouhan and saluted respectfully.

"I have seen Brother Huang and Uncle Nine Emperors."

He was kneeling on one knee, although his back was neither humble nor haughty.But his way of acting is clearly telling everyone that he respects the emperor Jun Zhouhan.

All of a sudden, all kinds of weird eyes fell on Concubine Wei's face.

Concubine Wei couldn't take back her aggrieved expression, and a few small flames burned in her eyes.

Xu'er, is he crazy?
Jun Zhouhan is not worthy to be emperor at all, how can he kneel down to such a villain!
Jun Zhouhan's expression was calm. After these days of baptism, he has been able to become an emperor who does not leak his emotions.

"Imperial Brother has been traveling all the way back, it's been hard work, let's get back together."

Hearing Jun Zhouhan's words, Jun Zhouxu stood up from the ground.

Slowly stood behind Jun Yu.

As a prince, he is naturally more noble than princesses and concubines.

But at such a stop, he was standing beside Yuan Deyin.

When Yuan Deyin appeared from Jun Zhouxu, he froze there like a puppet, with a very weird expression.

From the corner of his eyes, Jun Zhouxu could just see her nervous little face, who had nowhere to rest, and suddenly chuckled.

"Are you so nervous to see me?"

His voice was very gentle, and his tone was clearly like... a joke from an acquaintance.

(End of this chapter)

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