Chapter 304 Uncle Nine Emperors Killed Her
Yuan Deyin: "!!!"

Now, her nervous little eyes had nowhere to rest.

When Jun Zhouxu's voice fell, Jun Yu's whole body sank coldly. When he looked at her from the corner of his eye, he naturally noticed her nervousness.

They know each other.

This thought flashed through Jun Yu's mind, and the coldness in his body deepened.

"Deyin has met Lord Xu."

In such a situation, Yuan Deyin could only twitch the corners of his mouth, and greeted Jun Zhouxu in a distant tone.

"Why are we two so unfamiliar?" Jun Zhouxu raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yuan Deyin with an unclear expression.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Aren't they unfamiliar? !
Standing a few steps away, Mr. Li Da and the others who were waiting respectfully to serve were sweating like a waterfall.

While wiping their cold sweat, they pricked up their ears to eavesdrop on the conversation, and at the same time carefully looked at the Lord Regent's eyes that were gradually turning cold.

They are going to cry.

King Xu, it's hard for you to come back, so don't talk so much, please stay away from Princess Deyin, okay?

However, Jun Zhouxu is destined not to hear the wailing in their hearts.

Looking at Yuan Deyin's wrinkled face, Jun Zhouxu smiled even wider.

"If I hadn't come to the capital today, I would have never thought that Miss Ling'er in Seoul would be the daughter of King Ji, Princess Deyin."

Jun Zhouxu opened his mouth slowly. When he said this, there were complex emotions in his eyes.

Judging from his tone, it seems that he is accusing her?
Yuan Deyin was obediently listening to him at first, but after hearing this now, he couldn't hold back anymore.

She instantly raised her eyebrows coldly, and said angrily: "Deyin has never lied to you, my lord. The concubine mother did call Deyin by her nickname 'Ling'er' back then. As for her identity, Deyin said that she was It’s just living in Seoul temporarily, as for the rest, Deyin never said it himself, it’s just your own guess.”

"Furthermore, Lord Xu is the real liar, right? You said that you are a bodyguard and your brother-in-law is the county magistrate...Hmph..."

The more Yuan Deyin spoke, the more angry she became, like a little fox whose tail was stepped on, and instantly exploded.

When Jun Zhouxu heard this, he was stunned for a moment, thinking that what she said was reasonable.

But soon, he couldn't help chuckling.

She is a few years older, and her appearance has changed a little, but her articulate ability really hasn't changed at all.

He was almost taken in by him.

"Hey, I had to hide my identity. But you deliberately created an illusion that I had nothing to do with the capital. I naturally thought you were just the daughter of an ordinary family. After I returned to the fief, I went to find I have loved you for a long time, but in the end you seem to have evaporated from the world, and I have been sad for a long time..."

At the end of Jun Zhouxu's speech, his tone was somewhat aggrieved.

Eunuch Li Da: "???"

Prince Xu, you, you, can you speak properly?

What makes you sad for a long time?

What's going on.
Why does the little princess still know Xu Wang? Didn't Xu Wang go to the fief many years ago?How can I still go to Seoul to see the little princess.

Although Prince Xu's words sound like accusations, but if you listen carefully, you can hear that these words are more like "telling grievances".

Moreover, he used "I" to refer to himself throughout the whole process. From this, it can be seen that he really completely listed Princess Deyin among his own people.


After all, can he see the Ninth Prince?

He was about to freeze the people around him to death.

Eunuch Li Da and the other young eunuchs around trembled, feeling inexplicably wronged.

A certain little girl finally noticed Uncle Nine Emperor's coldness.

Her face sank slightly.

Too bad, she was only thinking about what happened back then with King Xu, and she forgot that Uncle Nine Emperors was still here.

If Uncle Nine Emperors and the Emperor's Brother were not in the right match with Concubine Wei, it must be wrong with Jun Zhou Xu.

She also talked so much with King Xu, so uncle Nine Emperors was furious.

After thinking about it, a certain little girl quickly hid her sharp claws.

She had no intention of winning Jun Zhouxu, but quickly moved to the side of Uncle Huang, and tugged on his sleeve carefully.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin will explain this matter."

"My king won't listen."

A certain Nine Emperor Uncle coldly withdrew his eyes. He looked ahead, and the coldness all over his body could frostbite Yuan Deyin's little paws at any time.

Yuan Deyin: "???"

Eunuch Li Da: "..." Damn it, who is this tsundere ghost?

Jun Zhouhan and Eunuch Lida also had the same expression, but as the emperor, he had to restrain his expression a bit.

He coughed softly, trying to hide his gaffe.

Since Jiuhuangshu wants to be arrogant, as the nephew of the emperor, he kindly helps him and asks him what is going on, and how Xiaoyin and Jun Zhouxu know each other.

"Xiaoyin, brother Xuhuang, I think you two have known each other for a long time."

Jun Zhouhan spoke in a calm voice, his probing eyes fell on Jun Zhouxu, and the aura of the emperor followed.

"Reporting to the emperor, three years ago, the first emperor sent his ministers to Seoul to rescue the floods. There, the minister met Ling... Princess Deyin."

Even when Jun Zhouhan asked, Jun Zhouxu naturally answered respectfully.

Three years ago, Seoul...was flooded?

Jun Zhouhan narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he was still in Donghua Mountain at that time, he still had some impressions of the flood in Seoul.

After all, that flood was a rare occurrence in a hundred years. The dams collapsed, all the farmland and houses were washed away, and the lives of the people were on the line...

At that time, Jun Zhouchen was in power...

Jun Zhouchen was suspicious by nature, it was not enough for him to get Jun Zhouxu to fiefdom, and he tried every means to suppress him.

And Seoul gave him an opportunity.

Flood control in Seoul is difficult, and no one in the imperial court dares to volunteer.

Immediately, Jun Zhouchen sent an imperial edict directly ordering Jun Zhouxu to go to Seoul to control the water, on the grounds that the fiefdom in charge of Jun Zhouxu was relatively close to Seoul.

To put it nicely, Jun Zhouchen cared about the people so much that he even sent his elder brother to the disaster area.

But to put it bluntly, Jun Zhouchen wanted to take this opportunity to punish Jun Zhouxu for his crimes.

After all, everyone felt at the time that the flood in Seoul was destined to be irreversible.

But who knows, in just half a month, Jun Zhouxu was able to divert the water out by diverting the canal, and even mobilized the local gentry to donate food, saving a city.

At that time, the news caused a great sensation.

Although he couldn't see it with his own eyes, Jun Zhouhan knew that Jun Zhouchen must be furious.

He is still very curious about how Jun Zhouxu came up with that ingenious way to divert the canal, so that the water can be led out so quickly, and he can also mobilize those squires who love money to donate food.

"Oh? Xiaoyin, you also went to Seoul at that time?"

From the corner of Jun Zhouhan's eyes, he saw a certain Uncle Nine Emperors standing beside him with an indifferent face, but his ears were pricked up.

He didn't seem to care about anything, but he must be very anxious.

He was amused in his heart, so he quickly pretended to be serious and asked questions.

Now that the emperor's brother started to ask, a certain little girl naturally dared not hide it.

She quickly replied: "The flood in Seoul has caused the whole Chiyan to worry about it. Although Deyin is not in Seoul, but as a citizen of Seoul, he is still the daughter of the father and king. Naturally, he can't bear to see the people displaced. So I discussed with my mother and concubine. After that, the two of them packed their bags and went south to Seoul, trying to do their best..."

The concubine mother taught her since she was a child that if she was born in a noble family, she should be more compassionate.

"Xiaoyin, you actually went to such a dangerous place..." Jun Zhouhan's face changed when he heard this.

He always thought that she was staying in Zhuangzi outside the capital, but he didn't expect that she would be so courageous that she would go to Seoul with Princess Ji.

Seoul is so far away from the capital, and the situation back then was very dangerous.

"Brother Emperor, don't worry, Deyin was not harmed at that time, and the trip to Seoul went smoothly." Yuan Deyin replied obediently.

"When I went to Seoul first, I found that there was still corruption in the city where the people were struggling to live. In order to find out those moths, I changed my identity and walked in the city. It was also at that time that I met the eight-year-old Princess Deyin and Princess Ji are giving out porridge, but at that time... Princess Deyin is also under a pseudonym..."

Jun Zhouxu turned around again.

This finally explained clearly why he had such a strange conversation with Yuan Deyin in the first place.

It turned out that it was two people who used aliases who were "confronting each other" just now.

Although their voices are small, many people present here have very sharp ears.

So their conversations were clearly heard by the people below.

"Heh, he really is a restless person. He is so young, so he went to show his face..."

Murong Wei sneered, and actually taunted directly.

"I don't know whether this is going all the way to help or to make trouble."

Murong Wei obviously also knew about the flood in Chiyan Seoul.

The father often said in front of the prince's elder brother that he must learn from Jun Zhouxu's method of water control in Seoul.

After all, Xichuan is a country with a lot of rain all year round, and the floods often last for several months, causing them great losses.

Her father's praise of Jun Zhouxu made her very unconvinced.

After all, in her opinion, no one can be as smart as her prince brother!

So now that Jun Zhouxu mentioned the matter of Seoul and Yuan Deyin was involved, so she started to taunt regardless of the occasion.

Her bitter and mean voice came out, and the faces of many Chi Yan ministers present changed.

Princess Xichuan is really arrogant.

Murong Rui stood by the side silently with his head bowed. He didn't take the lead from the beginning to the end. He looked tense, as if he was afraid of everything around him.

His appearance was in contrast to the arrogant Murong Wei.

For a while, Chi Yan's old envoy Tan Daren couldn't bear it anymore.

He stood up, with an old face, and said in a serious tone: "Princess Xichuan, Princess Deyin, like King Ji, has people in her heart. She and Princess Ji went to save people through mountains and rivers, which is beyond our reach." That's right, how many women in this world can do this, how can she be someone who is greedy for fame?"

"Oh? This princess is wrong to say so? If she wasn't greedy for fame, how could she go to a place where the floods were so fierce to die? This princess thinks she is going to make trouble."

Murong Wei continued to sneer.

Now as long as she can step on Yuan Deyin and these Chiyan people, she will be extremely happy.

"You..." The old censor was so angry that his beard blew up.

"How do I remember that the water control in Seoul is not only the credit of Xu Wang alone. I heard that it was a little girl who offered advice to lead the canal. That girl... is said to be Huan Linger."

At this moment, a weak voice came from nowhere.

In an instant, everyone was taken aback.

Thinking back quickly in their heads, it seems that there is indeed such a thing.

Back then, Xu Wang made great achievements in water control, and the world was shocked.

But Xu Wang did not monopolize this fame, he bluntly said that this strategy was given to him by a little girl.

"By the way, a 'Ling'er Village' was set up in the most severely flooded area in Seoul. There is a temple in the village. In the past three years, many villagers have gone there to worship, and they all regard this little girl as a fairy."

"Yes, I also have an impression of you talking about this. When I was ordered to inspect the south last year, I passed by Seoul. Many shops were named after 'Ling'er', and many people in Seoul adored 'Ling'er' when they mentioned it. ..."

Many ministers have gradually begun to have an impression.

Yuan Deyin was still listening calmly, but as she listened, her expression became a little dazed, and then became distorted.

Temple worship?

What the hell is this?

Didn't she just give a little advice.

After she left Seoul that year, she didn't pay much attention to the affairs of that place.

If she knew that the people there did these things because they were grateful to her, she would run back quickly so that they don't have to.

"Everyone in Seoul regards Miss Linger as their savior, but this 'Miss Linger'..."

Everyone secretly looked at Yuan Deyin with weird eyes.

I wonder if this Linger is the same as Bi Linger?
Just when everyone was wondering.

Jun Zhouxu laughed, and he said calmly: "That's right, what the people of Seoul are grateful for is Princess Deyin."


When Princess Deyin was eight years old, he saved a whole city of people.

Could it be that the door has no dog girl?

Many people looked at Yuan Deyin's eyes and didn't know how to describe it for a while.

Of course, there are also many people who are angry and crooked.

The sarcasm on Murong Wei's face has not had time to subside, and now it looks extremely distorted.

She had just ridiculed Yuan Deyin for following along to make trouble for the sake of fame, but she never thought that he actually saved a whole city of people, and even concealed his credit and fame.

Damn it!Did Yuan Deyin and Jun Zhouxu watch her make a fool of herself on purpose?
Murong Wei stared at Jun Zhouxu and Yuan Deyin with resentful eyes.

She didn't realize that behind her, Murong Rui looked at her with extremely mocking eyes.

Glancing at Murong Wei sarcastically, Murong Rui took a leisurely look at Yuan Deyin, and there was a little more interest in those eyes.

She really is more and more surprising.

How many surprises does she have that he doesn't know?
"Impossible!" Concubine Wei grabbed Jun Chujing's wrist and screamed loudly.

Her face was flushed red and her expression was twisted.

She was always proud that Xu'er succeeded in controlling the water back then.

It was also at that time that she firmly believed that her Xu'er was capable of being an emperor.

Now they tell her that Xu'er was able to succeed because of Yuan Deyin's help.

This is impossible!

"Mother, what are you doing?"

Jun Zhouxu called out to Concubine Wei in a low voice, the coldness in his eyes seemed to disapprove of Concubine Wei's gaffe.

"Xu'er, how could you let her take your credit! How could she, an eight-year-old dead girl, make such a suggestion!"

Concubine Wei spoke anxiously, hoping that Jun Zhouxu would quickly deny what she just said.

This time, before Jun Zhouxu could speak, Yuan Deyin took a step sideways.

She didn't want to talk about what happened back then, but now that Concubine Wei is making such a fuss, her little emotions have also come up.

She stood there, looked at Concubine Wei with calm eyes, and then said leisurely: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Concubine Wei, what King Xu said is true."

"Xiao...cough, Deyin, how did you come up with the method to lure him?"

Yun Mo leaned over excitedly and asked curiously.

"Naturally, I figured it out with my brain. Isn't this a solution that can be thought of with a brain?"

Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows and glanced at him.

Yunmo: "..."

Why does this king think this sentence is weird?

Yun Mo couldn't react, but Concubine Wei was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

Jun Zhouhan also heard the deep meaning of Yuan Deyin's words, but instead of getting angry, he smiled even deeper.

Concubine Wei originally wanted to scold something, but Jun Zhouhan glanced over with a faint look.

"Concubine Wei talks a lot today. The emperor's tablet is a bit lonely in the imperial tomb. I don't know if the concubine wanted to talk to the emperor, so she showed such 'eloquence' today?"

Jun Zhouhan's implicitly threatening words successfully made Concubine Wei turn pale.

She swallowed her words unwillingly.

"Your Majesty, the auspicious time has come." Eunuch Li Da said beside him while pinching.

Jun Zhouhan nodded lightly, then turned around slowly, and walked up the front steps step by step.

Such a long step requires them to walk up step by step.

Yuan Deyin also raised the hem of her skirt, ready to follow.

But at this time, Jun Zhouxu said next to her: "Princess Deyin, you still owe me something, you must remember to pay it back."

The expression on Yuan Deyin's small face changed in an instant.

"Yin'er, I have sprained my ankle, come and help me."

Suddenly at this moment, the faint voice of a Nine Emperor Uncle came from the front.

(End of this chapter)

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