Chapter 305 Killing Yuan Deyin

Hearing Uncle Jiuhuang's words, a certain little girl lost all intention of talking to Jun Zhouxu in an instant.

What Guan Jun and Zhou Xu said, Uncle Nine Emperors is the most important.

So she quickly lifted the hem of her skirt and ran towards Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin will help you." Her voice was soft and very pleasing to the ear.

A certain Uncle Nine Emperors was shunned in an instant.

He casually leaned on the little girl.

Because he has already controlled the strength, he will not press down on the little girl, but from a distance, it seems that he and the little girl are dependent on each other.

Those ministers seemed to have been mentally prepared. After all, it was an open secret in the entire capital that the Ninth Prince favored Princess Deyin.

Just kidding, if anyone has such a cute little girl, this little girl is so smart, everyone wants to hold it in the palm of their hand, okay?

So at the first moment, their feeling was not that Jun Yu's actions were wrong, but that they were a little envious of Jun Yu.

Of course, some people at the scene had other thoughts.

For example, Murong Wei, her face is very gloomy, and the fire of jealousy burning in her eyes seems to burn everything.

In Xichuan, she is the number one beauty.

She is still the queen of the father and the queen, and the princess who is held in the palm of the prince's brother.

All unmarried men in Xichuan want to marry her.

She is looked down upon by everyone, how can those ordinary people be worthy of her?
She felt that her brother-in-law was the most honorable and outstanding man in the world.

But when she saw Jun Yu that day, she had another thought in her mind.

Although Jun Yu was not as good as her brother-in-law, but when she took a step back, she really couldn't find anyone who was more suitable to be a son-in-law than Jun Yu.

After all, she can't marry her prince brother.

Therefore, what she hopes most is that Jun Yu will fall in love with her at first sight, and then become her son-in-law logically.

But who knew that from that day to today, all Jun Yu's eyes were on Yuan Deyin, and he didn't even give her a single extra look.

So now, she hated Yuan Deyin to the bone.

"Cousin Wei, Chiyan Ninth Prince is really kind to that Princess Deyin."

Suddenly at this time, Nan Lingqiao came over and said this in an innocent tone.

"Really? Isn't sister Qiao'er envious?"

Murong Wei replied in a strange manner, and then followed with gritted teeth.

Because after such a turmoil at the foot of the mountain, many people's small thoughts have settled down, and the enthronement ceremony was held smoothly.

Although Concubine Wei hated it, she could only grit her teeth and watch her son follow behind Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why haven't you seen Fourth Brother and Big Brother today?"

Yuan Deyin asked Jun Yu in a low voice while taking advantage of the incense burner.

"The enthronement ceremony is an important matter for the court, so it is inconvenient for the hermit family to appear." Jun Yu explained in a low voice.

"Oh, I see."

Yuan Deyin suddenly realized.

"Also, among the guests, only Ling Ye Guo and Wei Guo were not present. Wei Qin Huai came from Wei Guo, and they were delayed by something on the way. It is estimated that they will not arrive in the capital until the palace banquet, but Ling Ye Guo..."

Speaking of Ling Yeguo, Jun Yu's tone suddenly turned cold.

"Last night, Wuxi has found out that the people from Lingye Kingdom have gone outside the capital, but they just didn't enter the capital on purpose. This king is worried that they have some kind of conspiracy."

Jun Yu's tone became colder and colder.

Ling Ye Guoquan is a group of demons and ghosts capable of witchcraft. If they really want to do something, they will really make people defenseless.

Yuan Deyin also nodded obediently.

After all, Zuo Xie said that because of Zuo Wei, the people of Lingye Kingdom already hated her.

This time, it can be said to be menacing.

"Wow, it seems that their relationship is really good, and now they are sticking together and talking again, Brother Huang, our relationship is not so good."

In the distance, Nan Lingqiao watched Yuan Deyin's little gestures towards Jun Yu. She twisted her waist and walked to Nan Kuiming's side, tugging at his sleeve, and acting like a baby in an innocent tone.

"You, is this palace not good enough for you? You are still jealous of others."

Nan Guiming glanced at her disapprovingly, but his tone was extremely doting.

Murong Wei was standing next to the two of them, her teeth were about to be crushed.

She suspected that Nan Lingqiao was trying to anger her on purpose!

Hmph, these little sluts will stop being so embarrassing soon.

She thought of the news she had sent her confidants to inquire about when she was at the inn today.

The corner of her mouth began to curl up in a weird arc.

With those people from Donghua Mountain around, Yuan Deyin...wouldn't be smiling so happily today.

Over there, Jun Yu looked at the crowd of people, turned his head, and said to Jun Zhouhan indifferently: "Your Majesty, the grand ceremony should be over."

Hearing his words, Jun Zhouhan froze.

Behind, Eunuch Lida wiped his cold sweat again.

The Ninth Prince is the only one who can urge the emperor to end the enthronement ceremony as soon as possible.

There was something wrong with Jun Zhouhan's expression, he coughed lightly, and said softly: "Uncle Nine Emperors, there is still a last link, which requires an eminent monk to pray for Chi Yan."

Jun Yu replied in a deep voice.

Blessing is also an important part of a country's major activities, and it should be.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, there is actually one thing I haven't told you..."

As an emperor, Jun Zhouhan actually hesitated at this moment.

However, before he could speak, the eunuch's voice came from the stairs on the mountain: "Old Man Tianji has arrived."

Old Man Tianji?


Jun Yu's dark eyes instantly sank, and his whole aura also began to change.

Jun Zhouhan coughed lightly, and quickly explained: "Uncle Nine Emperors, what I didn't tell you is that the person who came to pray for Chi Yan this time is Old Man Tianji."

According to the ability of old man Tianji, it is naturally excellent to be able to pray for Chi Yan.

But thinking of the recent situation of Old Man Tianji and Uncle Jiuhuang, Jun Zhouhan also felt a little headache, so he didn't say anything in advance.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin called softly.

This sound also made Jun Yu's coldness retreat a lot.

Not only was their mood not right, but the people below all had shock and bewilderment written on their faces.

Of course, except for Murong Wei, there was still that mocking smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she had already expected what would happen.

Soon, under everyone's attention, the immortal Tianji old man came slowly with four children.

The wind was strong on the mountain, and the dust whisk on his wrist was blown by the wind, and he felt as if he was about to ascend to a fairy.

When everyone saw his wrinkle-free face, they were horrified.

It's not that this old man Tianji is nearly a hundred years old, but he actually has the face of a man in his twenties.

His cultivation base...

It's really unfathomable.

Thinking of it this way, many people couldn't help but a little awe flashed in their eyes.

Some people also began to notice the woman in the snow-like gauze skirt beside him.

This woman...

They looked up and saw the veil on her face.

They realized in an instant that the woman in front of them was the legendary most beautiful woman in the world——

The eldest lady of Donghua Mountain, Dongfang Lexuan.

In the past few days, she has been in a vortex. Of course, it is not good news.

But today she turned out to be an old man named Tianji.

It seems that the rumors that Old Man Tianji thinks highly of this Miss Dongfang are all true.

Jun Zhouhan took the initiative to walk over, and said in a gentle tone: "Your Honor, you are here."

Jun Zhouhan naturally respects this person who gave him a second life.

"En." Old Man Tianji naturally had a calm expression.

His eyes passed Jun Zhouhan, and fell directly on Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin behind him.

No, to put it simply, it fell directly on Yuan Deyin.

His vague eyes stared at Yuan Deyin for a long time, and a vague coldness spread from him to all directions.

When many people reacted, they realized that they had already broken out in a cold sweat.

Just now the old man Tianji's aura was terrifying, it seemed harmless, but it burst out like needles.

Yuan Deyin also tugged on her skirt tightly so that she didn't lose her composure.

After regaining consciousness, she let out a sigh of relief, looking a little lonely.

Elder Tianji really doesn't like her very much.

"Your Honor."

Dongfang Lexuan called out softly, the permeating aura on Old Man Tianji's body finally subsided a lot.

"Xuan'er, come here, call Yu'er over, let's pray for Chi Yan together."

The old man Tianji spoke lightly.

But when he said this, the surrounding atmosphere became a little weird again.

Many people have already begun to wipe the cold sweat from their foreheads.

To pray for blessings, one must have disciples by his side.

As the only disciple recognized by Old Man Tianji, the Ninth Prince and Miss Dongfang have a very special existence, so it is understandable for them to follow Old Man Tianji to pray for Chi Yan.

But let the Ninth Prince and Miss Dongfang stand together.

They quickly remembered the words that the Ninth Prince clarified his relationship with Miss Dongfang to the world in Linglong Pavilion.

Everyone had different thoughts when they watched a certain Ninth Prince who was motionless like a mountain.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, old man Tianji is calling for you, you should hurry up."

The little girl Yuan Deyin saw everyone's eyes turned to this side, and she called Uncle Jiuhuang in a low voice.

"Senior brother." Dongfang Lexuan smiled coquettishly, and then walked towards Jun Yu without any suspicion.

She wanted to push Yuan Deyin away and stand by Jun Yu's side.

But Jun Yu quickly pulled a certain little girl back a step.

He looked at the old man Tianji calmly, and then said in a tone neither humble nor overbearing: "Thank you master for coming to pray for Chi Yan, but assisting master in praying for blessings, the apprentice feels that the emperor will be more suitable as the son of Chi Yan."

Ninth Prince, is this a rejection?

That is Old Man Tianji, his master.

How could he refuse!

What if old man Tianji gets angry and doesn't want to pray for Chi Yan?

Knowing that old man Tianji is highly respected, all the ministers of Chi Yan stamped their feet anxiously.

They looked at Jun Yu with some disapproval, and felt that his actions were very inappropriate.

Could it be that the Ninth Prince refused because of Princess Deyin?

Thinking of this, the faces of the ministers who admired Yuan Deyin just now gradually darkened, and they all looked at her with complaints, as if she was very ignorant.


Hearing Jun Yu's refusal, Dongfang Lexuan turned pale, her body swayed like a small white flower that could be broken at any time.

"Yu'er, it's better not to regret it."

Elder Tianji's misty eyes fell on Jun Yu's body, as if carrying a warning.

Jun Yu could hear that there was something in his words, as if if he didn't obey his orders, something would definitely happen later.

His heart sank slightly.

He still knows how powerful his master is.

Maybe, something bad will happen to him later.

But for him to obey his master's order and stand with Dongfang Lexuan for this, he would absolutely not be able to do it.

So he kept a cold face and didn't speak.

This action of his has already told Old Man Tianji the answer.

Old Man Tianji snorted coldly, turned around with a flick of his sleeves, and walked directly to the Temple of Heaven with Dongfang Lexuan.

Jun Zhouhan frowned and glanced at Jun Yu, and finally hurried up to the Temple of Heaven, he had to replace Uncle Nine Emperors.

He couldn't let Uncle Nine Emperors and Old Man Tianji get into too much trouble.

Everyone looked at the figures on the Temple of Heaven with scorching eyes, feeling a little excited.

People in the world say that the old man Tianji is magical, can see through people's past and afterlife, and has the posture of a fairy.

To be able to see him praying for blessings with their own eyes in their lifetime, then their life is worth it.

Of course, some envoys looked serious.

Over the years, because of the military prodigy Jun Yu, Chi Yan's national power has gradually increased, and he has already posed a great threat to other countries.

If old man Tianji prayed successfully, wouldn't Chi Yan's national strength be even stronger?

In the midst of everyone's attention, Old Man Tianji and his party began to sit cross-legged.

The leader of the old man, Tianji, muttered something.

Everyone found that the sun was dazzling, they looked up, and saw the clear sky above their heads, and the sun was even more radiant than before.

This is a good omen.

Many envoys clenched their fists. Is it really God Bless Chi Yan?
At this moment, a sudden gust of cold wind blew, and dark clouds covered the top, covering all the light.

The whole sky is like a black python, trying to swallow the people below.

With a loud bang, the prayer pillars on the Temple of Heaven were torn apart and exploded.

Blood oozes from the corner of the mouth of the immortal Tianji old man.

"Your Honor."

A few children and Dongfang Lexuan hurried over to help old man Tianji.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Chi Yan's ministers began to panic.

Envoys from other countries showed excited smiles.

It seems that this blessing failed, and it failed very seriously!
"My lord, what is going on here?"

Regarding Chi Yan's blessings, Jun Zhouhan was helped up by Eunuch Lida. He immediately clutched his chest in pain and asked the old man Tianji worriedly.

"What's going on? Naturally, it's because Chi Yan got in with the Calamity Star. The Calamity Star never goes out, Chi Yan is in danger!"

Old Man Tianji stood up, his tone slightly gloomy.

"Disaster, disaster star? How can there be disaster star?"

This time, Chi Yan's ministers became even more flustered, as if they were in chaos.

They didn't even hear Shen Chuannan who was standing in front of them coldly calling them.

This is related to the survival of the country and their life and death. How can they not be in a hurry?


Hearing this familiar word, Jun Yu's heart sank slightly, and he took Yuan Deyin's hand, exerting all his strength.

He quickly pulled her behind him, as if he wanted to protect her behind him forever.

"Calamity star? Your lord, how can Chi Yan have a calamity star? If there is a calamity star, who is it?"

Jun Zhouhan asked suspiciously.

"who is it?"

Old Man Tianji snorted coldly, and looked at Yuan Deyin behind Jun Yu with disgusted eyes.

 Pushing a new book~ #贾教师的小哭包甜反冷#, medical professor VS tear-allergic little crying bag, human boss xs mermaid little princess.

(End of this chapter)

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