The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 306 The little girl was struck to death by the thunder

Chapter 306 The little girl was struck to death by the thunder


These two words completely caused a commotion, and everyone looked at Yuan Deyin and Old Man Tianji with vigilance and doubts.

"My lord, the catastrophe you speak of is Princess Deyin?"

Murong Wei pretended to show a shocked expression, she covered her mouth and asked curiously.


Old Man Tianji didn't say anything unnecessary, but looked at Yuan Deyin with a look that seemed to be looking at something dirty.

Jun Yu's face darkened instantly. He knew that after the master came, the enthronement ceremony would definitely not go smoothly, but he never thought that it would be so difficult.

"My lord, is there some misunderstanding in this, maybe it's just bad weather, is there any disaster?"

As the Son of Heaven, Jun Zhouhan, when faced with this kind of weather phenomenon, his first choice was to protect Yuan Deyin.

Jun Zhouxu's slightly complicated eyes also fell on Tianjilairen, and he said slowly: "Although this king is far away in the fiefdom, I often hear that His Holiness is a respectable ascetic. Blame it on an innocent little girl."

His words are really inside and outside the words, and they are all defending Yuan Deyin.

Concubine Wei and Jun Chujing were originally overjoyed because old man Tianji pointed the finger at Yuan Deyin.

In the blink of an eye, they heard Jun Zhouxu speak for Yuan Deyin, and their hearts vomited blood again.

"Master, this disciple respects you, and I hope you will be worthy of my disciple's respect."

Jun Yu's palm gripped the little girl's wrist tightly. While comforting the little girl silently, his tone of voice towards old man Tianji was very complicated.

When Old Man Tianji heard his words, his expression darkened first, and then anger surfaced.

He is a good apprentice, is he threatening him now?

If he really wants to do something to Yuan Deyin today, will he still deceive his master and exterminate his ancestors?

"Brother, don't force the Venerable. He will never hurt innocent people, he is just following the destiny. The disaster star must be killed as soon as possible."

Dongfang Lexuan's previous words were still extremely soft, but in the end, her murderous aura was almost unstoppable.

Many underground ministers could no longer bear it.

They didn't care about the following and the above, and they all knelt down one by one.

"Your Majesty, this is a matter of Chi Yan's life and death, I beg you to take it seriously."

"That's right, Your Majesty, one disaster star can destroy the entire country. Your Majesty, you must care about the lives and deaths of the people."


Those ministers expressed grief and anger every sentence, as if if Yuan Deyin was not dealt with, something would happen to Chi Yan tomorrow.

"It's ridiculous. There are military generals guarding the border, thousands of soldiers defend the country, and we civil servants above the court are advising the emperor. If there is a fundamental problem in a country, the most important thing we should reflect on is why we can't protect the country. Live in the country, not because of some disaster star!"

Shen Chuannan turned his head, and he looked at these courtiers kneeling on the ground with hatred.

Eat the king's wealth, share the worries for the king.

Is that how they share their worries?
Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, some ministers felt a little ashamed.

Indeed, they read so many books of sages, which did not make them the kind of people they are today.

But some people were obviously red-eyed.

Regardless of Shen Chuannan's status as the prime minister, they said angrily: "Master Shen, you have a good relationship with Princess Deyin, and you must protect her. Although the life and death of a country depends on the protection of our courtiers and common people, but I can't bear it anymore, those dirty things are using some dirty tricks behind the scenes to destroy the foundation of our red flame!"

These ministers actually said that about the little girl...

Jun Yu was standing there, but the coldness in his body seemed to swallow everything up.

He looked at the ministers who accused the little girl with gloomy eyes, and his pervasive aura seemed to be looking at a group of dead people.

Sensing that Uncle Nine Emperors was going to attack these ministers, Miss Yuan quickly pulled up her sleeves and shook her head slightly at him.

No matter how the world says Uncle Nine Emperors is cruel and cold-blooded, at least Chi Yan's courtiers and people still respect him. If he did something to these courtiers today because of her, I'm afraid it would chill the hearts of many people.

"My lord, then this calamity... Oh, no, if Princess Deyin continues to stay in Chiyan, what will be the consequences?"

Murong Wei continued to pretend to be curious, but her words guided Old Man Tianji to press Yuan Deyin step by step.

Behind her, from an angle she couldn't see, Murong Rui's eyes towards her had become a bit more murderous.

No wonder she was in a good mood when she came here today, it seems that she already knew what Old Man Tianji was going to do to Yuan Deyin.

"Today, can Jun Yu still protect her?"

Murong Rui's eyes moved to Yuan Deyin's body, and there was a bit of sympathy in his eyes.

Rejected by everyone and regarded as an ominous person, he has been enduring this kind of gaze in the past ten years.

I don't know how she feels now.

The much-anticipated Yuan Deyin, she turned out to be as indifferent as an outsider.

She came out from behind Jiuhuangshu.

There was a bit of sharpness in her clear and indifferent eyes.

She stared at old man Tianji like this, and then asked word by word: "Dare to ask old man Tianji, what is a calamity?"

Princess Deyin, is she confused?

Why would you ask old man Tianji such a question?

She didn't panic at all!

"Calamity star, control father and mother, those close to you will not die well, and in the end, it will bring disaster to the country and the people. The best solution is to execute this scourge immediately!"

When old man Tianji said these words coldly, there was no pity in his misty eyes.


Jun Yu yelled heavily, and when his deep eyes looked at Old Man Tianji, his expression was unprecedentedly complicated and disappointed.

The master in his memory, although indifferent, was also a compassionate person, he would never hurt any innocent people, he would patiently treat the monkeys in the mountains who were injured and came to the wooden house.

But why is it that such a venerable lord who is sympathetic to the world can't tolerate a little girl?
Doesn't he feel that putting the scourge of the survival of the family and the country on a little girl is not what a person with the world in mind should do?
When the ministers heard Old Man Tianji's words, their bodies trembled several times.

They already completely believed the old man Tianji's words.

After all, Old Man Tianji is known as a "magic fortune teller", and his judgment has never made a mistake.

Besides, he also said just now that the disaster star beats the father and the mother.

Didn't Princess Deyin happen to be the queen mother who died a few months ago?
She must be a disaster star!

So each of them tensed their bodies, staring at Yuan Deyin warily.

It seemed that once he found the opportunity, he would definitely pounce on him and kill Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin's eyes turned around, and found that among the crowd, the eyes full of hatred and watching the show were the most.

The corner of her mouth curved into a mocking arc.

It turns out that old man Tianji's words can "convince" people so much.

Her father sacrificed for the country and died under the calculations of those traitors, but in the end it became a sentence "it was her, the disaster star, who killed her".

"Yin'er, stand behind me."

Jun Yu grabbed the little girl's wrist, trying to pull her behind him.

But the little girl shook her head slightly at him.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, let Deyin handle things like stigmatization by himself."

Her expression was indifferent, but the expression in those clear eyes made people unable to help but be convinced.

Jun Yu frowned, but finally chose to believe her.

"My lord, you are a cultivator in the eyes of the world, and you are worthy of respect. But Deyin wants to ask you one thing. Just because of the death of his parents, you think that Deyin is a disaster star! If you dare to ask, in the lotus pod You were born without father or mother, so are you also a disaster star?"

Yuan De's voice was powerful, and people's faces were shocked in an instant.

How dare she question His Holiness like this.

However, there is some truth to this question.

After all, everyone in the world knows that old man Tianji was found in a giant lotus pod when he was still a baby.

This incident has also become a good talk in the world, saying that he was sent by heaven to save the common people.

"How can you compare with the venerable, the venerable was sent to the world by heaven, you are a disaster..."

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was still eloquent at this time, Dongfang Lexuan became anxious, and she refuted loudly.

As a result, Yuan Deyin snorted directly at her.

"Miss Dongfang, tutoring is a good thing. I hope you have it too. Now it is the princess who is talking to the venerable. Please keep your mouth shut."

Yuan Deyin satirized Dongfang Lexuan mercilessly.

Dongfang Lexuan's face was extremely ugly, she opened her mouth, she really wanted to scold back, but she thought that she couldn't ruin the Venerable, so she could only suppress her resentment.

Yuan Deyin, you see, you still don't know what your status as a "catastrophe" will bring to you.

Just let you be arrogant for a while, and soon you will die ugly.

Laughing wildly in her heart, Dongfang Lexuan's mood improved a lot, and she didn't bother arguing with Yuan Deyin anymore.

Of course, Yuan Deyin didn't bother to talk to her too much.

Her calm eyes fell on Old Man Tianji again, her burning clear eyes seemed to want him to see through.

"The example that Deyin just gave may not be convincing. Let Deyin use another example. May I ask how many of the adults present have both parents who were still alive when they were young. If there are parents who unfortunately passed away , is it also a disaster star?"

Yuan Deyin's rhetorical question made many ministers look unnatural, and they touched their noses.

What she said makes sense...

"Okay, this venerable doesn't bother to spend too much time with you, a catastrophe. You are eloquent, but you just want to excuse yourself. If you want to prove it, then this venerable will prove it to you!"

Old Man Tianji snorted coldly, and he took the whisk from a child.

He looked up at the gloomy sky.

"When I was just praying for blessings, the deity had already passed on the words, but because of your existence, God was unhappy, so I blamed the deity. This dark sky is the best proof of God's anger..."

"If you insist on denying that you are not a disaster star, then this deity will ask the heavens again later. When the gods get angry, they will definitely pour their anger on the disaster star..."

"Then what will happen?"

Murong Wei asked impatiently.

"It's very simple. Whoever is the catastrophe will be struck by lightning later on." Old Man Tianji said expressionlessly.

"This king doesn't allow it!"

"I don't agree."

Jun Yu and Jun Zhouhan refused at the same time.

Their expressions are very dignified.

If lightning strikes a person, no matter if it is a disaster star or not, he will definitely die.

"God has the virtue of loving life. If she is really an innocent person, God will definitely let her go."

Old Man Tianji spoke coldly.

"Hmph, you're lying, even the thunder strikes on people, how can you not hurt them? If you want to harm Deyin, just say so, why do you have to make such crooked reasons!"

Yun Mo asked angrily.

These people are afraid of Old Man Tianji, but he is not!
"Third Prince." Santa stomped his feet anxiously, he was so anxious.

Can this old man of Tianji offend anyone?
What if he angered them?

Santa hurriedly pulled Yun Mo back, but Yun Mo was still cursing.

The anger on the old man Tianji's face was clearly visible. He flicked the dust fly towards Yunmo. Suddenly, Yunmo could only open his mouth, but could not make a sound.

This scene made many people stare wide-eyed.

Old Man Tianji's ability is really mysterious.

Who else dares to question him.

What he said must be true.

Most of Chi Yan's ministers began to kowtow.

"Your Majesty, the Ninth Prince, and the ministers implore Princess Deyin to start the test immediately."

"That's right, Princess Deyin, didn't you keep saying that you are not a disaster star? Then you accept this test."

Murong Wei looked at Yuan Deyin provocatively.

Isn't Yuan Deyin very arrogant?

Isn't it just relying on Jun Yu's protection to do whatever he wants?Let's see how arrogant she is this time!

When this lightning strikes, she will definitely die!

In this world, there is no such person as Yuan Deyin anymore.

Yuan Deyin let out a sigh of relief for everyone's pressing step by step, and looked closely at old man Tianji.

She straightened her back and said neither humble nor overbearing: "My lord, if Deyin is not struck to death by lightning..."

"Then the deity admits that he made a mistake in his judgment, and you are not a disaster star."

The old man Tianji took Yuan Deyin's words, and he promised in a firm tone.

"Okay, let Deyin agree to the test."

A certain little girl nodded heavily, and her tone was extremely determined.



Jun Yu and the others were about to rush over to pull her away, but she turned her head and shook her head slightly at them.

Her clear eyes were a little more determined and pleading.

"Please trust Deyin, Deyin will be fine."

She comforted them silently.


Seeing that Jun Zhouhan is going to stop it.

Jun Yu let out a foul breath, he stretched out his hand, quickly stopped him, and shook his head.

Since Yin'er said she believed in her, then she would definitely be able to.

I don't know when it started, Jun Yu has become absolutely trusting his little girl unconditionally.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, that's thunder..."

Jun Zhouhan looked at Jun Yu urgently, wanting him to wake up.

"My lord...believes her."

Jun Yu was silent for a long time, and his tall body trembled for a long time, his fingers under his wide sleeves were tightly clenched.

Finally, he spit out these four firm words from his thin lips.

"Then let's get started."

Old Man Tianji didn't come to stop Jun Yu when he saw him, and he felt relieved for a while.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Yuan Deyin who walked to the center on his own initiative, and there was a bit of irony in his faint eyes.

This little girl doesn't know the cruelty of thunder and lightning.

How can a mortal body endure it?

"No! Xiao Deyin!"

The man dressed as a servant next to Shen Chuannan was about to rush out to stop him.

"Yushengxiao, calm down."

Shen Chuannan pulled the opponent back with quick eyes and hands.

"How did you let this genius doctor calm down? That is the little apprentice that this genius doctor abducted with his own ability, and she is about to be struck to death by lightning now!"

Yusheng was so angry that the veins on her neck started to twitch.

His identity should not appear in the enthronement ceremony, but since last night, his eyelids have been twitching.

He always felt that something bad was about to happen, so he pretended to be Shen Chuannan's servant and followed him.

Unexpectedly, these dogs really wanted to do something to Xiao Deyin.

Heavenly old man!

He sees him as an old man with a magic stick! .

Yusheng flaunted her teeth and claws, and was about to rush over and poison the old man Tianji to death.

Shen Chuannan knew that he was worried, but he took a look not far away, and finally chose to stop Yushengxiao.

"A Yu has chosen to trust Princess Deyin, so you should trust her too."

"I don't believe it, it's Lei..."

Yusheng's eyes turned red, her voice choked up.

She was just a little girl, a little girl who lived alone without the love of her parents.

Why are these people pressing her every step of the way?
Seeing Yusheng's eyes turned red, Shen Chuannan felt uncomfortable.

He lightly patted Yu Shengxiao on the back, and said in a low voice: "Be obedient, don't be impulsive, Princess Deyin will be fine."

Over there, the old man Tianji couldn't wait to raise his whisk, and muttered something to the sky.

Soon, the dark cloud like a black python gathered directly above Yuan Deyin's head.

"Boom" sound.

A thick thunderbolt fell directly from the sky, directly from Yuan Deyin's head.

Dongfang Lexuan, Murong Wei, Jun Chujing and the others looked at this scene, and felt crazy joy in their hearts.

Yuan Deyin, are you finally going to die!
Jun Yu felt that every finger was being squeezed by him, and his eyes were hot.

Yin'er, I believe in you, don't let me down.

If you insist on leaving me alone, I will bring you back on the road to hell!

Seeing that Yuan Deyin's body was surrounded by lightning, old man Tianji let out a sigh of relief, and he put down the whisk with a contemptuous expression.

An ignorant child who dared to anger the heavens.

It's okay, she died long ago, and many fates should be settled.

On the mountain in the distance, Grandma Zong Lin was standing there with such a long distance. She bent her body and stared at this side with her cloudy eyes, and she was able to see everything clearly. .

She looked at Yuan Deyin's appearance, her face full of grooves and wrinkles, and she felt a little more helpless.

"After all, the old man succeeded."

She admired that child.

But now, he still lost his life.

Jun Yu, you still can't protect her.

This may be fate.

She fought the old man Tianji all her life, but she still lost to him.

Shaking her head, Grandma Zong Lin was about to turn around and leave.

But at that moment, some light appeared in her eyeballs.


She saw that after the lightning dissipated, the little girl opened her closed eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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