Chapter 307
Many people thought that Yuan Deyin was bound to die.

Some people even worried that the scene was too horrible, so they wanted to close their eyes one by one.

But who knew, Tianlei actually stopped in just this split second, and Yuan Deyin was also intact.


Jun Yu watched his little girl standing there safe and sound, his cold brows softened instantly.

The tightly hanging heart also began to settle down.

He knew that his little girl would definitely not have an accident so easily.

"Hey, it's really all right, Xiao Deyin is really all right, this miracle doctor still has a little apprentice."

Yu Shengxiao almost cried on the spot again.

But this time it was tears of joy.

It's not easy, there will always be a bitch trying to harm his little apprentice!
But the little apprentice is so good, he can save the day every time, and piss off these sluts!
"Impossible, how is it possible, you are obviously the disaster star, it is impossible not to die..."

Dongfang Lexuan was the first to speak out anxiously, her expression was a little broken, obviously she couldn't accept the result.

The corner of Miss Yuan's mouth curved slightly, and she looked at Dongfang Lexuan with clear eyes.

She asked aloud word by word: "Miss Dongfang, old man Tianji just said that if the thunder can't hurt the princess, then the princess is not a disaster. You insist on saying that the princess is a disaster now." Xing, could it be that you still want to frame this princess?"

At the end of Yuan Deyin's words, her aura became a little cramped.

The way she looks at people is like a gentleman, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Dongfang Lexuan, who was a little flustered, almost couldn't bear her momentum.

Yuan Deyin didn't bother to pay attention to her.

What she really cares about is the help of old man Tianji.

"My lord, what do you think?"

Yuan Deyin directly threw the question on Old Man Tianji.

The puzzled eyes of the rest of the people also fell on Old Man Tianji.

They also want to know what is going on?

Didn't the old man Tianji say conclusively that Princess Deyin is the disaster star, and that the thunder will definitely kill her this day?
Now that Tianlei didn't kill anyone, doesn't that mean that Princess Deyin is not a disaster at all!
But old man Tianji is a fortune teller, how could he make a wrong judgment?

So the current atmosphere is very weird.

Old Man Tianji pursed his lips, his eyes were also tinged with coldness,
When he stared at Yuan Deyin, he seemed a little annoyed.

He quickly twirled his fingers and began to count something.

Soon, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Yuan Deyin in disbelief.

Impossible, her fate has not changed at all, this day thunder was also induced by him on purpose, she should die without a doubt, why is it okay?
For so many years, old man Tianji has always claimed to be a man of Taoism, and he has never made a mistake.

Why did you try to kill Yuan Deyin today, but failed!

Sensing the coldness of old man Tianji, Yuan Deyin was a little puzzled.

Old Man Tianji had a strong intention to kill her.

Why is this?
Is it really because of her bad luck?

"Yuan Deyin, don't try to fool you. Such a terrible thunder strikes your head, but you are not injured at all. You must be a disaster star who knows black magic."

Dongfang Lexuan shouted loudly as if she had caught Yuan Deyin's trick.

Jun Chujing was also extremely manic, wondering how to kill Yuan Deyin.

Now hearing Dongfang Lexuan's words, she quickly nodded her head: "That's right, normal people can't withstand the thunder of heaven, you must be a monster, disaster star!"

"It seems that your memory is really worthy of your pig brains."

Yuan Deyin glanced at them coldly, with an expression of extreme disgust on her fleshy face.


Dongfang Lexuan and Jun Chujing looked annoyed, they didn't expect Yuan Deyin to compare them to pigs.

"Could you have forgotten that the old man Tianji said just now that Tianlei is spiritual. If the princess is not a disaster star, the thunder will definitely not hurt the princess that day. You don't agree with it. Could it be that you think the words of the old man Tianji Is it nonsense?"

In the last sentence, Yuan Deyin's tone was innocent. She tilted her head and looked over, as if she was really waiting for an answer.

"Pfft... Deyin, old man Tianji is so powerful, how could he speak nonsense?"

Yunmo broke away from Santa, and he said to Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Those words, inside and outside, were all satirizing old man Tianji.

"You..." Dongfang Lexuan blushed, very annoyed.

Suddenly at this time, there was a "bang" in the sky, and the thunder fell directly from the dark clouds.

Before everyone could react, they heard a scream.


They hurriedly looked over, only to see that the place where Dongfang Lexuan was standing just now had been cut out of a big hole, and a puff of smoke rose around it.

And Dongfang Lexuan has been pulled aside by old man Tianji.

Her hair was disheveled, the white feather gauze skirt on her body had been chopped to the point of being half burnt, and her exposed arms were also scorched.

She was completely in shock.

If old man Tianji hadn't pulled her away just now, she would have become a charred corpse now.

"Miss, you, your hands and legs." Hong Ying said in a trembling voice beside her.

Dongfang Lexuan looked down, and found that her fair skin was bloody and bloody, and she felt pain.

She screamed.

"It hurts, it hurts, my lord, please help me, please help me..."

Where did she still have that aggressive look just now, she was extremely flustered.

"Master, it was you who said that the thunder from heaven can only strike disaster stars. Now Yin'er is fine, but Dongfang Lexuan is the one who was injured. Tell me, who is this disaster star?"

Without giving anyone a chance to speak out, Jun Yu quickly walked to the little girl's side. He looked at old man Tianji with cold and disappointed eyes, and spoke in a forceful manner.


He was so disappointed.

He used to respect his master very much, because in the past few years, although the master didn't teach him anything personally, he should have saved his life.

But during this period of time, especially today, what Master has done has disappointed him too much.

So, he doesn't have to be polite.

"Master, senior brother, what are you talking about? How can I be the disaster star. Yuan Deyin is the disaster star. The Venerable Master said before coming that the thunder will strike her that day. She..."

Dongfang Lexuan felt dizzy from the pain. When she heard Jun Yu's words, she panicked and began to speak indiscriminately.


Just when Dongfang Lexuan was about to continue to say something, old man Tianji suddenly gave a cold shout and interrupted her words.

Only now did Dongfang Lexuan realize that she had made a slip of the tongue.

She bit her lower lip, enduring the pain, not daring to make any more noise.

Although she didn't finish speaking, many people present heard the first half of her words.

Also noticed a little tricky.

The meaning of Miss Dongfang's words seemed to be that before the old man Tianji came, he wanted to attract thunder to Princess Deyin.

Why do they have such a secret that the old man has long wanted to kill Princess Deyin?
"Yu'er, Xuan'er grew up with you, you should be clear about her character, she will not be a disaster."

Old Man Tianji put Fuchen down, looked at Jun Yu with vague eyes, and his tone was somewhat warning.

Jun Yu knew that he wanted to get rid of this matter.

But how could he allow it!

He would not forgive anyone who tried to hurt Yin'er, even if the other party was his master!
"Master, when you said this, did you forget that Yin'er was raised by this king! This king knows Yin'er's character best, and she can't be a disaster. Are you going to press on step by step?"

Jun Yu's words became colder each time.

"Yu'er, are you blaming the teacher?"

Old Man Tianji's face was also pulled down.

There was a gloomy and cold aura exuding from his whole body, which made his original aura of immortality fade a lot.

Everyone around looked a little nervous.

Is the Ninth Prince going to break up with old man Tianji?

"The apprentice is not questioning you, master, but just wants to explain a fact. The matter of the sky thunder today, the master has already said that only the disaster star will be injured. Then Dongfang Lexuan, who was injured by the sky thunder now, is the disaster star. "

Jun Yu's tone was beyond doubt.

"Jun Yu!"

Old man Tianji was so angry that he called Jun Yu's name directly.

"My lord, Uncle Nine Emperors is right. However, I don't believe that any calamity will bring harm to Chi Yan. As long as all the ministers are united with me, they will be able to protect Chi Yan. Therefore, even if Miss Dongfang is Calamity star, I will not kill her either."

Jun Zhouhan smiled and said.

He had a very gentle appearance, and it sounded like he was helping Old Man Tianji and Dongfang Lexuan inside and outside of what he said.

But the sentence "Even if Miss Dongfang is a catastrophe" has completely determined Dongfang Lexuan's identity.

Dongfang Lexuan looked pale, she kept shaking her head, she is not a disaster star, Yuan Deyin is the disaster star!

Even if he felt that the old man Tianji's eyes on him were dangerous, Jun Zhouhan would not hesitate.

Even if the world would say that he repays his kindness with hatred, or that he is ruthless and ungrateful.

In terms of the choice between Old Man Tianji and Jiuhuangshu and Xiaoyin, he must be Jiuhuangshu and Xiaoyin's.

After all, they are his family.

Moreover, Old Man Tianji really went too far this time.

"Come here, pass on my will. Although Miss Dongfang may harm Chi Yan, the people of Chi Yan are all kind people, and they will definitely not kill a life. Therefore, I will never allow anyone to use the evil star Reasons to hurt her!"

With Jun Zhouhan's order, those ministers quickly lowered their heads, not daring to say anything.

Their minds are in a mess now, who is this disaster star?
However, the thunder did strike Miss Dongfang.

Could it be that the old man Tianji pressed on Princess Deyin every step of the way, in fact, he wanted Princess Deyin to be Miss Dongfang's scapegoat!

This is too much!
Although he is a fortune teller and has a high level of cultivation, he can't harm others like this!

Especially this person is the daughter of Chi Yan's hero, Princess Deyin!

If they thought about it, these ministers would be even angrier. They looked at Old Man Tianji and Dongfang Lexuan, their anger was not concealed at all.

When Old Man Tianji and Dongfang Lexuan saw this scene, their hearts sank instantly.

Dongfang Lexuan even wanted to die.

After Jun Zhouhan said this, I am afraid that from today onwards, rumors that she is a disaster star will start to spread in the world.

He doesn't kill him now, but those people outside, I'm afraid none of them will spare her.

What should she do……

Dongfang Lexuan's six gods have no master.

Shouldn't these things be borne by Yuan Deyin? Why did they fall on her!
Why should she bear this instead of Yuan Deyin.

Dongfang Lexuan stared at Yuan Deyin resentfully, as if she wanted to bite off a piece of Yuan Deyin's flesh.

Seeing the anger of those ministers getting heavier, Old Man Tianji knew that if he didn't retreat now, his fame would be ruined.

"My deity sees that you have no sincerity, so this prayer is fine."

After speaking, he immediately flung his sleeves and left.

The children quickly followed.

"Your Honor."

Dongfang Lexuan shouted anxiously.

His Holiness hasn't clarified that she is not a catastrophe!
If today's news gets out, she must be the world's street mouse, and everyone will call for a beating.

However, the old man Tianji who loved her in the past turned a deaf ear to her cries.

In the end, Dongfang Lexuan had no choice but to grit her teeth, and with Hongying's support, she went down the mountain with difficulty.

"Okay, as long as you have the country and the people in your hearts, and you can devote yourself to Chi Yan, that is the best blessing. I announce that the blessing ceremony is over, and the enthronement ceremony is also over."

Jun Yu stood at the highest position, looking down at the crowd, with a noble and indifferent voice.

Chi Yan's ministers naturally knelt down one after another.

"Long live my emperor."

The envoys of other countries looked at their noses, their noses, their noses, their hearts, and showed a faint smile from time to time.

That look seemed to be blessing Chi Yan's enthronement ceremony a success, but as for whether they thought so in their hearts, only they knew.

"Damn it, Yuan Deyin can't be killed like this. Her life is really serious."

Murong Wei was so angry that her expression became a little grim.

Behind him, Murong Rui's tense body finally relaxed a lot.

He glanced at Yuan Deyin faintly, and his expression was a little more ambiguous.

How did she escape the blow of the thunder?

Don't say that Tianlei has spirituality and will not harm innocent people.

He didn't believe old man Tianji's words.

Let alone Murong Rui wanted to know the answer, Jun Yu's curiosity was also aroused.

But he was relatively restrained. He didn't ask any questions from the time he went down the mountain to the way back to the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Until returning to the Regent's House...

The carriage with the logo of the Prince Regent's Mansion and the carriage with the logo of the Prince Regent's Mansion stopped at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion one after the other.

Yuan Deyin jumped off the carriage first.

Butler Dong at the door had red eyes again.

"My poor little master, are you really not in pain?"

Steward Dong asked Yuan Deyin distressedly.

He knew everything about the enthronement ceremony.

How could Old Man Tianji go so far!
Fortunately, the little princess is fine.

"Deyin is really fine, Steward Dong, don't worry." Yuan Deyin smiled obediently, and she comforted Steward Dong softly.

She lifted the hem of her skirt and walked quickly into the Prince Regent's Palace.

Jun Yu followed, and soon after, Shen Chuannan, Yusheng Xiao, Tao Lin, Tu Suye and Tu Sufang also came.

Although Tao Lin, Tu Suye and Tu Sufang did not attend the enthronement ceremony.

But what happened at the enthronement ceremony had spread throughout the capital as if it had grown wings.

"Young master, I'm so pissed off. What kind of old man is that day machine? He dares to say that the girl from our Tusu family is a disaster!"

Tu Suye was so angry that he was going to explode on the spot.

He is not afraid of old man Tianji.

The world spreads old man Tianji so mysteriously, but in the eyes of the Yinshi family, he is nothing!

Just such an old man who pretends to be a ghost, wants to hurt their Tusu family members!

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin felt a little warm in her heart, she knew that he had completely included her in the Tusu family.

"Sister, are you really all right?" Tu Sufang asked worriedly.

"Brother, I'm really fine." Yuan Deyin smiled and shook his head.

"Don't talk about anything else, little Deyin, tell me how you avoided the thunder?" Yu Shengxiao asked curiously, stretching her neck.

The suspicious eyes of the rest of the people also fell on Yuan Deyin.

At this time, Yuan Deyin smiled slyly.

She quickly took out a bead from her bosom.

"Lightning protection beads!"

Yu Shengxiao was also well-informed, so she recognized the bead at a glance.

However, he was only lucky enough to meet him once at the leader of the martial arts.

That's what the leader of the martial arts team took a lot of painstaking efforts to get.

How did Xiao Deyin get it?
Everyone's puzzled eyes also fell on Yuan Deyin.

"My lord, mother-in-law Zong Lin is here. She said that she wants to tell you about Princess Deyin's life experience."

But without giving them a chance to ask Yuan Deyin about the source of the lightning-proof beads, Steward Dong hurried in and said to Jun Yu in a solemn voice.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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