Chapter 308
A group of people waited in the hall to wait for Zong Lin's mother-in-law.

Yu Shengxiao looked at Xiao Deyin who was sitting obediently across from him, he opened his jade bone fan and fanned it leisurely.

"Xiao Deyin, you explained why you were not hurt by the thunder that day, but you haven't explained why the thunder struck Dongfang Lexuan that day."

Yu Shengxiao asked curiously.

When he was in Huangling Mountain, seeing Dongfang Lexuan was injured by the thunder, he was very happy.

Who told this shameless woman to bully his little Deyin all the time, and today she is plotting with old man Tianji to kill Xiao Deyin.

Thinking of this, Yushengxiao's peach eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The skin of Dongfang Lexuan's legs and arms will basically be destroyed. Even if the wound is healed, there will be ugly scars. She will have to face her scars every day and night...

For a woman, it is better to kill her.

But Yu Shengxiao felt that this was not enough!
The other party had better pray that it would not fall into his hands one day, otherwise he would definitely make her regret it.

Hearing her master's words, the little girl was about to yawn, but she paused quickly.

While holding her chin in her hand, she took out something from her arms.

"It's very simple. When Dongfang Lexuan approached Deyin, Deyin put the Lightning Bead on her body."

At this time, everyone saw a thumb-sized bead in the palm of her hand.

Lightning bead, as the name suggests, is that when there is thunder in the sky, whoever takes this bead can lure the thunder down.

"Little Deyin, quickly throw this thing away." Yu Shengxiao's face changed suddenly, and he said anxiously.

"Calm down, the Lightning Bead can only work in thunderstorms. Now the sun is out outside, it will be fine."

Shen Chuannan, who was sitting next to him, patted Yu Shengxiao's arm lightly, telling him not to be so nervous.


Only then did Yu Shengxiao remember what he had heard about Yin Leizhu, and he felt a little relieved.

"But, Deyin, you put the Lightning Orb on your body, what if there is a thunderstorm?"

Tao Lin spoke worriedly.

"It's okay, when the lightning-leading beads and the lightning-proof beads are put together, they will become two ordinary beads. Today, I only put the lightning-leading beads on Dongfang Lexuan's body, so That's why it led Tianlei to her."

Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

She also took out a small lightning protection bead from her bosom, and the two beads stuck together automatically like this.

From a distance, it really looks like two jewels.

"Sister, how do you have so many of these things?"

Dongfang Fang looked at Yuan Deyin with a complicated expression.

Lightning protection beads are extremely rare, let alone lightning protection beads.

He was born in the Tusu family, and he had only heard about it, never seen it.

Could it be that the Prince Regent gave it to her?
Dongfang Fang's inquiring eyes began to fall on Jun Yu.

But at this time, a certain little girl said casually: "This is the dowry of the concubine mother. Is it difficult to get these beads? Why does the concubine mother have ten beads?"

At the end of the little girl's words, there was a bit of doubt.

She is really puzzled.

Because of this thing, the concubine mother used it as a toy for her when she was a child.

But she usually didn't carry it with her, and today she was thinking about going to the enthronement ceremony. The capital is in such a mess now, so she was a little more vigilant, so she took these two beads with her.

Unexpectedly, they really helped me a lot.

But, why did the master and elder brother look at her with such nervous and surprised eyes?
"Ten, ten?"

Rao Ran, Shen Chuannan, who had seen strong winds and waves, was also choked by the tea he drank at this time.

There are only a dozen orbs of lightning protection and attracting lightning in this world, but Princess Ji has ten of them.

Even Jun Yu's expression was a little weird.

He looked at the little girl with obscure eyes, and there was a dark tide surging in the depths of his eyes.

"Cough, cough... Let me calm down, Princess Ji, who is she? What else is there in the ten miles of red makeup back then!"

Yusheng Xiaoyuan exploded his hair.

"Princess Ji, isn't she the daughter of a wealthy businessman in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Tao Lin couldn't help but make a sound.

No matter how powerful a wealthy businessman is, he wouldn't have so many lightning protection beads.

Moreover, I heard that Princess Ji's natal family has been in decline for many years, and there has really been no movement in the past few years.

If not, why did such a big incident happen in the Palace of Jiwang, and no one from Jiangnan came over.

Just when they looked puzzled.

Suddenly an old hoarse voice came from the door.

"Princess Ji is not the daughter of a wealthy businessman."

this voice...

Everyone looked at the door.

In the end, when I saw it, Grandma Zong Lin bent her body and used a crutch to support her in.

Tu Sufang and Tu Suye didn't know each other, they looked puzzled.

Yu Chenxiao hurriedly put away her jade bone fan, walked quickly to Granny Zonglin, supported her, and did not forget to explain to the two brothers of the Tusu family.

"This is the senior of this genius doctor. People in the world call her Grandma Zong Lin."

Mother-in-law Zong Lin?

Although Tu Sufang and Tu Suye had never met in person, they had also heard this name.

Soon, they stood up and said respectfully: "So it's Granny Zong Lin, this junior has met senior."

At this time, Miss Yuan quickly jumped up from her seat and ran towards this side quickly.


She called out obediently.

Grandma Zong Lin helped her with Ling Yeguo's incident, but she never had the chance to repay her kindness.

Although she could sense that the aura on Grandma Zonglin was thousands of miles away, Yuan Deyin did not back down, and she took the initiative to stand in front of her.

"I don't know if the senior came here today, what's the matter?"

Jun Yu looked at Grandma Zong Lin with deep eyes.

He hasn't forgotten what she said last time.

She seemed to know a lot about Yin'er.

Yuan Deyin and Yusheng Xiao had already supported Granny Zonglin to sit down on the chair next to her.

She looked around with cloudy eyeballs, and found that there were no servants here, and the remaining people might be people Jun Yu trusted.

She pursed her chapped mouth, and then said leisurely: "Come here, I will naturally tell you some secrets."


Yuan Deyin and Yushengxiao's ears perked up instantly.

Next to him, Shen Chuannan and the others looked suspiciously at Grandma Zong Lin.

If they heard correctly just now, Butler Dong said that Granny Zonglin was trying to clarify the life experience of Princess Deyin.

Could it be that Princess Deyin's life experience is tricky?

Other than the old lady Zong Lin who couldn't see any emotions, the only people present were Jun Yu with a serious expression on his face.

He waved to the little girl and asked her to sit beside him.

His eyes fell on Zong Lin's mother-in-law once before, but this time his eyes were much sharper, and his whole body exuded an awe-inspiring aura.

"Senior Zong Lin, did you feel any emotion after watching the enthronement ceremony today?"

He looked at Zong Lin's mother-in-law like this, and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, some waves appeared on Zong Lin's mother-in-law's face.

She squinted her eyeballs, and the turbid mist in those eyeballs made her look a bit pervasive.

I don't know how long it took, but she snorted coldly,
"The old man underestimated you..."

Jun Yu is the regent, I am afraid that his ability is far more powerful than what the world has seen.

However, those secrets, no matter how powerful he is, are not currently within his reach.

Reining in her emotions, she said in a hoarse voice, "Do you know why Li Cang wants that girl to die?"

After finishing speaking, her weird eyes fixed on Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu.

Li Cang is the real name of Old Man Tianji.

"It must be for Dongfang Lexuan to marry into the Regent's Palace. He lied, saying that our little Deyin has a bad fate!"

Yu Shengxiao spoke first, and he gritted his teeth.

"No, although Li Cang's intentions are wrong, he is indeed right about this matter. This girl, her fate is so strange that it is rare to meet in a hundred years."

Grandma Zong Lin shook her head, her expression was unusually complicated.

This time, everyone's expressions became a little weird.

If it was old man Tianji, they might not believe it, but senior Zong Lin...wouldn't lie too.

"Senior, what's so weird?" Jun Yu's voice was cold and urgent.

He couldn't calm down when he met the little girl.

Yuan Deyin's small face was also slightly wrinkled, she frowned and looked at Grandma Zong Lin.

"Everyone has a Destiny Star, which shines when born and dies when she dies. But when this girl was born, all the Destiny Stars on the entire continent began to gradually dim..."

Grandma Zong Lin shook her head lightly.

"Senior, what do you mean..." Shen Chuannan looked worried.

"The meaning is very simple, she may... destroy this continent." Granny Zong Lin said softly.

"Ridiculous!" Jun Yu patted the table heavily, with a cold expression on his face.

Blaming a little girl for the survival of a continent is simply absurd.

"Ninth Prince, don't be angry. I haven't finished my sentence yet, why did I just say that her fate is weird, instead of directly concluding that she is a disaster star? It's because other people's fate star has dimmed, not necessarily because of it." She took the lives of others, and there is another possibility..."

"Could it be that the other Destiny Stars are willing to dim their own light just to set off her existence?"

At this time, Yu Shengxiao suddenly had some inspiration in his head, and he spoke in shock.

"That's right." Granny Zonglin finally looked at Yu Shengxiao with a little more relief in her eyes, and she continued, "I have only read about this kind of fate in Master's book. Having this kind of fate With the appearance of such a person, there will inevitably be turmoil in the world, the phenomenon of injustice in the world, and the stability of a century will definitely be broken... But as for this person, whether it is the person who caused the turmoil or the person who resolved the turmoil, no one knows. .”

"Since Li Cang was born, he has claimed to be the savior of the world and the savior of the world. He will not let such a big change in this girl exist. So when this girl was not able to show her sharpness, he killed her. .”

Hearing Granny Zong Lin's words, Yu Shengxiao and the others wiped off a cold sweat.

The old man Tianji wanted to kill Deyin for this reason.

"Fuck, who does old man Tianji think he is, the savior of the world, he is just a swindler, my young master's younger sister will definitely not harm anyone."

Tu Suye spoke angrily.

Granny Zong Lin glanced at Jun Yu, and said in a low tone, "Lord Nine, the old man came to remind you to pay attention to Li Cang that day because the old man lost half of his vitality and counted. There will be death."


Yu Shengxiao's voice raised a bit, he couldn't calm down at all now.

Shen Chuannan was still calm, he patted Yu Shengxiao to make him restrain himself.

Sister Shen Chuannan looked at Granny Zonglin, and then said in a puzzled tone: "But senior, isn't Princess Deyin all right now?"

"That's right, she is... well, she didn't die under the thunder..."

When Granny Zonglin heard Shen Chuannan's words, she suddenly laughed a few times, and soon began to laugh wildly.

Her laugh was harsh, like a saw grinding against wood.

Laughter echoed throughout the hall, making it very permeating.

After laughing for some time, Zong Lin's mother-in-law burst into tears, and she looked at the ground vaguely.

Then he continued to sneer by himself.

"Li Cang, you and I got engaged when we were young, and my father raised you for many years, but when you and I got married, you said righteously that you were born to cultivate the Tao. The world is about to be chaotic, and you have to fight for the common people. Vitality... my father was so angry because you ran away from marriage overnight, he vomited blood and died, I was ridiculed by everyone, I wore hair to practice, and I was with you for decades..."

Grandma Zong Lin muttered these words, as if a grieving ghost was venting her emotions.

Yu Shengxiao was shocked. He had heard from his master before that she had a relationship with old man Tianji.

I don't know, it's such a deep origin!

This Tianji old man is too heartless and ungrateful, he is nothing at all!
"Ninth Prince, do you know why he accepted you as his apprentice back then?"

Grandma Zong Lin asked Jun Yu again in a strange tone.

"Because of my king's fate." Jun Yu's tone was cold, and he couldn't hear much emotion.

"That's right, although you have evil spirits in your life, your fate is extremely noble. Li Cang's calculations are very good. He puts you by his side. If he can get a little bit of your luck, it will be great for his cultivation. It's good. Hehe, you really think that his ageless face is so easy to get."

Grandma Zong Lin's last words were extremely sarcastic, and there was some deep meaning behind them.

Jun Yu didn't speak.

He realized early in the morning that his master had a plan for accepting him as an apprentice...

The master insisted on forcing him to marry Dongfang Lexuan, and the most direct plan was just to have an extra bargaining chip to control him.

But because the master should have helped him, so he never broke his face.

But Master, he has already touched his reverse scale now.

"I'll go, this old man Tianji was so immoral in front of him, and he didn't know how many dirty things he did behind his back!" Yu Shengxiao was really about to die of anger.

"With his appearance, he is still a Taoist? A Taoist ghost is almost the same."

"Senior, why do you say this?" Jun Yu's deep eyes fell on Grandma Zong Lin again.
"In the past few decades, I have been thinking that fate cannot be changed. Therefore, when I realize that this girl is going to die today, I just remind you, and I don't think it can change anything.

"But Yin'er is not dead." Jun Yu said sharply.

"That's right, this girl, she's the most special person I've ever met." Granny Zong Lin shook her head, a pair of cloudy eyes revealed some slight light,
Master also once said that man should not fight against heaven.

But why didn't I think about it, maybe it's just that the "person" who can fight against the sky hasn't appeared yet?
Seeing that everyone was looking strange, Grandma Zong Lin sneered.

"This matter of fate, the old man is just talking casually, you should not take it to heart."

Say anything?

Old Ancestor, your attitude is not like just talking casually.

Yu Shengxiao was the first to shake his head.

However, she has said that Deyin's fate is only weird, and there are two extremes of weirdness, not necessarily bad extremes, but also good extremes.

The most important thing is that Xiao Deyin has avoided today's catastrophe, and he will certainly be able to avoid future catastrophes.

Not only Yu Shengxiao thinks this way, but Shen Chuannan and the others also think the same way. Their hanging hearts can be regarded as letting go.

"Grandmother, you just said that Deyin's mother and concubine are not the daughters of rich merchants, what's the matter?"

Suddenly at this moment, a certain little girl asked suspiciously.

Compared with the words about fate that she couldn't hear, she was more concerned with the affairs of the mother and concubine.

"Although I don't know why your concubine mother claims to be the daughter of a wealthy businessman in the south of the Yangtze River, I know that her identity is definitely not so ordinary..."

Yusheng and Xiao wanted to vomit blood.

Is the daughter of a rich businessman still ordinary?
What are the ordinary people!

"Senior, why are you so sure?" Jun Yu's eyes became sharper.

"The old master is a member of the Dugu family. He was kicked out of the family and removed from the genealogy because he was confused and made some mistakes in the early years. It has been many years since he left Huahualin, but before he left , the young master of the Dugu family gave him a painting, asked him to find someone, and said that if he found that person, he would try his best to send her to the Dugu family... This is the best chance for Master to make up for his mistakes..."

When Granny Zong Lin was saying these words, she took out a piece of paper from her arms.

The paper had turned yellow, but it wasn't seriously damaged. It could be seen that it had been carefully cared for.

She opened the paper.

Soon, everyone saw a beautiful young woman on the paper smiling and looking forward.

Her eyebrows and eyes are so exquisite that they are not like ordinary people, like a fairy jumping off the paper.

People can't help but wonder, is there really such a beautiful person in this world?

When the little girl saw the person on the paper, she couldn't stay calm anymore.

She called out in a trembling voice: "Mother Concubine."

This is Princess Ji?
Tu Sufang and Tu Suye had never met Princess Ji, so when Yuan Deyin called out the word "mother concubine", they were secretly startled.

Young Master Dugu, are you looking for Princess Ji?
The members of the Dugu family are also unattainable people for them.

But why would such a person look for Princess Ji.

Although they don't know the reason, what they can guarantee is that the person who makes the young master Dugu care so much is definitely not the daughter of a small wealthy businessman.

Jun Yu looked at the woman in the painting, his palms were also tightly gripping the table, and the veins on the back of his hands were violently violent, which betrayed his inability to calm down.

Because the Halberd Princess in the painting is wearing a green sparrow hairpin.

The hairpin is exactly the same as the mother's.

The little girl was right, and her mother and concubine did have such a hairpin.

However, didn't the queen mother say that this is the unique hairpin in the world?

"Senior, do you know what is the relationship between this king's mother and Princess Ji?"

Jun Yu looked at Granny Zong Lin with slightly nervous eyes.

For him, the queen mother is also a mysterious woman.

"Empress Puyang?" Zong Lin's mother-in-law's face changed slightly.

She looked at Jun Yu a few more times, sighed silently, and finally spoke.

"Queen Puyang is the eldest lady of the Dugu family."

With a "bang", someone's teacup fell to the ground and shattered to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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