The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 309 The Mystery of Princess Halberd's Life Experience

Chapter 309 The Mystery of Princess Halberd's Life Experience
Miss Dugu?

Empress Puyang?

"But, haven't the hermit families already escaped from the world? Besides, the ancestors have set up a group instruction that all the direct bloodlines of the hermit families cannot marry the royal family."

Tu Suye spoke anxiously.

"That's right, Miss Dugu... Cough, no, it should be Empress Puyang, and it is for this reason that she chose to leave the Dugu family. Strictly speaking, she was expelled from the Dugu family. She was the first to be expelled from the Dugu family." Concubine..."

"The head of the Dugu family is probably very angry. He once uttered cruel words in front of all the clansmen, saying that if Empress Puyang is really married to Emperor Chiyan, she should never step into the Blossom Forest..."

"At that time, my teacher hadn't been kicked out yet, so I knew a thing or two about this matter..."

Grandma Zong Lin replied in a hoarse voice, and her cloudy eyeballs also showed some other emotions.

For a marriage, Empress Puyang chose to abandon her mother clan.

It's so...

A bit of loneliness flashed across Jun Yu's dark eyes.

No wonder the queen mother never told him about his grandfather and grandmother.

So, when the queen mother often looked at the moon in the sky in the courtyard of the bedroom in the dead of night, it was also because she was missing her relatives?
How much the queen mother loves the father is that she will give up so much for him.

"Wait, Jun Yu, your mother's queen is Miss Dugu, and Princess Ji is the person Young Master Dugu is looking for. Could it be that Princess Ji is also the young lady of the Dugu family?"

Yu Shengxiao couldn't help expressing his guess.

Tu Sufang, who was standing not far from him, did not know when it started, his mouth was already tightly pursed, and his eyes were very complicated.

"No, your conjectures, I have guessed before when I was old. When the master was in his later years, his legs and feet were bad, so he had to tell me these things. I began to guess that the person he was looking for was a sister of Empress Puyang. But the master It is very firm to say that in the Dugu family, only Empress Puyang was born, and the other ladies are all in the Flower Forest..."

Grandma Zong Lin shook her head, denying Yu Shengxiao's conjecture.

"Then why does Young Master Dugu insist on looking for Princess Ji?"

Yushengxiao's peach blossom eyes were full of doubts.

Grandma Zong Lin shook her head again.

She didn't know about this either.

"Senior, is your master still alive?"

Suddenly at this time, Tu Sufang asked anxiously.

In an instant, everyone's suspicious eyes fell on him.

Even Tu Suye looked at him with weird eyes.

Isn't the eldest brother always a very calm person, why did he seem to lose his composure just now?

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Tu Sufang's eyes flickered for a moment, and he quickly regained his composure.

He said lightly: "I am also very curious about this question, and I also want to know the real life experience of Concubine Deyin."

It turned out to be like this, he is now Deyin's brother-in-law, and it is understandable to be a little anxious about Deyin's mother and concubine.

Yu Shengxiao nodded first, not feeling strange anymore.

Almost all the people present withdrew their puzzled eyes.

Except for Jun Yu, of course.

Jun Yu narrowed his black eyes slightly, and he glanced at Tu Sufang lightly, without saying a word.

"In my life, in order to survive, I have worshiped many people as teachers. But Master Dugu is one of the masters I respect the most. It is a pity that he passed away 11 years ago..."

"The year he passed away, I happened to come to the capital, and I happened to see Ji Wang Shili Hongzhuang marrying the princess. I didn't know until then that the person Master had been looking for for Young Master Dugu was in the capital, and he became Princess Ji... "

"It is Master's lifelong wish to find someone and bring them back to Fanhualin. Unfortunately, I have no way to go to Fanhualin, and Master has not told me how to contact Young Master Dugu, and I have no way to persuade Princess Ji to come with me." ..."

At the end, Zong Lin's mother-in-law also had tears in her old eyes.

After so many years, Princess Ji...has passed away.

If she dies in the future, she will have no way to explain to her master.

Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan's inquiring eyes fell on the two brothers of Tu Su's family.

Tu Suye came to his senses and immediately touched his nose and muttered.

"Don't look at me. Although I also live in Fanhualin, the area of ​​Fanhualin is no less than that of a country. The four hermit families each occupy the east, west, north, south. If you want to find other families Young Master, I may still be able to help, but Young Master Dugu, forget it. They have not appeared in front of the world for hundreds of years. I am afraid that I will be killed by their gossip array before I can step into their territory It's..."

In the Blossom Forest, the Dugu family's place, I'm afraid not even a foreign bird can fly in.

Tu Sufang nodded and agreed with Tu Suye's words.

"My father has sent invitations to the Patriarch of the Dugu family many times, but there is no way to send the invitations."

How mysterious?

Yu Shengxiao scratched her hair, a little mad.

"Don't be in a hurry to pass the news to Young Master Dugu. After all, Princess Ji has passed away. Besides, who knows whether they are looking for Princess Ji for a good thing or a bad thing?"

Shen Chuannan said in a deep voice, his words were still to the point.

But mother-in-law Zong Lin couldn't help showing anger on her face.

"Master Shen, the old master is also a member of the Dugu family. He is pure and good, so the young master Dugu is naturally upright and will not hurt innocent people."

Her tone of voice is also much heavier.

Shen Chuannan knew that his words had touched her back, so he quickly bowed his head and saluted.

He said respectfully: "Senior, it was the junior who made a slip of the tongue. However, this matter is not only related to the late Princess Ji, but also Princess Deyin. The junior will naturally have a lot of concerns. I hope you will forgive me."

Hearing his words, Zong Lin's mother-in-law looked a little better.

"Okay, I've said what I have to say, just be careful with Li Cang." Granny Zong Lin nodded, and she leaned on her crutches and turned to leave.

"Senior has helped us so much, it's not convenient for you to go back now, why don't you stay in the Prince Regent's Mansion?"

When Jun Yu saw that Grandma Zong Lin was about to leave, he said in a deep voice.

"Are you worried that if I say these things today, Li Cang will deal with me?"

Grandma Zong Lin turned her head and stared at Jun Yu quietly.

After a long time, she sneered.

"I have been fighting with Li Cang for most of my life. If I don't have the ability to protect myself, I have lived for so long. You don't have to force me to stay here. What I hate most in my life is being with Li Cang. Kind of villain, and you have to deal with the royal family..."

After finishing speaking, Grandma Zong Lin turned around, her stooped body was trembling, but her steps were firm.

She has said everything that should be said, and what to do in the future is up to them.

When Grandma Zong Lin's expression was no longer visible, Jun Yu's deep and indifferent eyes swept over everyone, especially staying on Yu Shengxiao's body a few more times.

Yu Shengxiao felt that the hairs all over his body were standing on end.

He quickly raised his three fingers: "I, I promise, I will never say what happened today."

Hearing his promise, Jun Yu then retracted his gaze.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you alright?"

The little girl tugged on his sleeve lightly.

Although he concealed it well, the little girl still noticed it.

After Zong Lin's mother-in-law talked about Empress Puyang, his situation was very wrong.

"I'm fine, don't worry, I will help you find out about your mother and concubine."

Jun Yu shook his head at her and comforted her softly.

"Tao Lin, take Yin'er back to the room to rest, there will be a palace banquet tonight." Jun Yu ordered Tao Lin in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Miss Yuan seemed to have just remembered something.

She patted herself on the head with an annoyed tone.

"Oops, why did I forget about the palace banquet. I must be very busy tonight, I have to rest for a while, otherwise how would I have energy."

After finishing speaking, she hurried towards Tao Lin.

"Sister Lin, let's go."

Yuan Deyin has already left, and Shen Chuannan, Yusheng and Xiao will naturally not stay here.

They said something to Jun Yu, turned around and left.

Tu Sufang and Tu Suye looked at each other and were about to leave.

But suddenly, Jun Yu's sharp voice came from behind them.

"Master Tu Su, don't you have anything to tell me?"

Jun Yu's voice made both Tu Sufang and Tu Suye stop in their tracks.

Tu Sufang's black eyes turned a few times, and his breath changed a few times.

He sighed silently, and finally turned around.

He patted his skirt, which had no wrinkles at all, and then looked at Jun Yu calmly.

"Sure enough, nothing can escape the eyes of the Ninth Prince."

"What's so tricky about Princess Ji's life experience?"

Jun Yu looked at Tu Sufang with sharp eyes, and spoke slowly.

Tu Suye felt like he was standing by the side like an outsider, and he was a little dazed when he heard Jun Yu ask his elder brother.

"Brother, do you know about the Dugu family? But, isn't it that even the father can't contact the head of the Dugu family? How do you know why the young master Dugu wants to find Princess Ji?"

Tu Suye's mouth kept talking.

Hearing his noisy voice finally stopped, Tu Sufang turned his head and glanced at him.

"It's true that I don't know the secrets of the Dugu family, but I do know the secrets of the entire Hidden Family." He said slowly.

Tu Suye: "Huh?"

"Ninth Prince, you should also know the mission of the hidden family, right?"

Tu Sufang cast his eyes on Jun Yu, and his tone was a bit complicated.

"Stable the situation of the world, don't get involved too much with the royal family of the outside world, and always be loyal to the master of Fanzhou Island..."

Speaking of this, Jun Yu's eyes flashed a bit sharp.

Sensing the change in Jun Yu's expression, Tu Sufang let out a sigh of relief.

He said slowly: "Ninth Prince, you have also thought of it, right?"

"Actually, this is no longer a secret of the hidden family. This should be known to many people in the world. In the past, the forest of flowers was not the forest of flowers. The members of our four private families only obeyed the orders of the extension of Fanzhou Island." Lord of God... that noble man who died suddenly hundreds of years ago..."

"Although our hermit family has been hiding from the world these years, we all have a mission, which was left to us by our ancestors hundreds of years ago. If we want to find the blood of Lord Tuolin, Fanzhou Island must One day it will reappear in the world..."

"The Dugu family is the head of the four major families, and its ancestors are the most trusted subordinates of the Lord Tuo Ling. Only the Dugu family knows how to find the blood of the Lord Tuo Ling..."

After Tu Sufang's words came out, Tu Suye beside him also had some clues.

Tu Suye looked at the slightly serious faces of his elder brother and Jun Yu, and he took a deep breath.

Suppressing the turbulent panic in his heart, he couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Brother, what do you mean... Princess Ji, may be the blood of God Lord Tuo Ling?"

"If it's not the blood of the Lord Tuo Ling, it must be related to the blood of the Lord Tuo Ling. Otherwise, Young Master Dugu would not pay so much attention to an outsider."

Tu Sufang's tone was sharp.

"But, but, if it's really Tuo's bloodline, it's a matter for the entire hidden family. How could he let someone who was kicked out of the family come to look for it? For such an important person, it's okay for Patriarch Dugu to come forward personally. It's too much!"

Tu Suye couldn't help expressing his doubts.

His words silenced Tu Sufang.

Because, he also has the same doubt in his heart.

Jun Yu had a cold handsome face, no one could find out his emotions.

"Master Tu Su, do you have any extra tokens to enter the Flower Forest?" Jun Yu looked at Tu Sufang and asked.

"Of course there are. But..."

Tu Sufang looked at Jun Yu closely.

He quickly guessed Jun Yu's intentions.

He couldn't help asking: "Lord Nine, do you want to go to the Flower Forest in person?"

"That's right, since my queen's mother and Princess Ji are related to Fanhualin, I will naturally go to find out the truth." Jun Yu's voice was beyond doubt.

"Although this is the case, I still want to remind you. Even if you can enter the Blossom Forest, it is basically impossible to enter the territory of the Dugu family!"

Tu Sufang couldn't help reminding.

Because of Yuan Deyin, he also had a good impression of Jun Yu, so he felt that it was better for him to kindly remind him of some things.

"Thank you, Young Master Tu Su, for reminding me, but this matter concerns my Queen Mother and Princess Ji, so I must go!"

Jun Yu's tone was much more determined than before.

Tu Sufang knew that he could neither persuade him nor stop him.

So he nodded: "Okay, since you have made up your mind to go, I will help you. The token is still at the station, and I will order someone to bring it over tomorrow. If you need my help, just mention it."

Tu Sufang had already unconsciously listed Jun Yu as his friend.

"Okay." Jun Yu naturally wouldn't be hypocritical, he nodded directly.

"Okay, now that so many people are staring at our Tu Su's house, it's not convenient for us to stay with you for such a long time. Fourth brother, let's go." Tu Sufang gave Tu Suye a look.

Tu Suye's head was still dizzy, and after hearing his elder brother's words, he raised his heels and walked out.

But when he walked to the yard, he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, big brother, Yu Shengxiao told me just now that the old man Tianji threatened Jun Yu. Jun Yu has evil poison on his body, and now he is short of life. Only the old man Tianji can suppress the poison and save it for the time being." his life."

Tu Suye said in Tu Sufang's ear.

Evil poison?

Tu Sufang's face darkened slightly.

He also heard that Jun Yu had a strange poison in his body.

But he didn't expect it to be evil poison!
Father once mentioned that it was a poison that only existed when Lord Toling was still alive, and it has since disappeared.

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Tu Suye asked worriedly when he noticed that Tu Sufang's expression was not right.


Tu Sufang shook his head at Tu Suye.

He turned his head and spoke to Jun Yu who was still in the hall.

"Ninth Prince, although I don't know how old man Tianji can restrain the evil poison in your body. However, the Jinqing Pill of the Yue family can save your life for several years."

For Deyin's sake, he doesn't mind giving Jun Yu some pointers.

However, the Jinqing Pill is a treasure left to the Yue family by the God Lord Tuoling, and it has been handed down to the present, and there are very few left, so it can be regarded as the protection of the Yue family.

How to get Jun Yu depends on his own ability.

After speaking, Tu Sufang quickly left with Tu Suye.

No one knows, after they left, not far away, in the corner of the yard...

The petals of a few well-blooming roses fell down, covering several footprints on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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