Chapter 310 Yuan Deyin's Corpse
In a room of the station.

With a sound of "Yiya", the wooden door was pushed open.

But there was no one at the door.

After a while, the door was closed again.

If there are outsiders here, I'm afraid they will be scared to death.

Because the wooden doors open and close automatically.

On the bed in the room, a woman in a goose yellow dress was sitting there. She had a pretty face, but the gloomy face now made her good looks fade a bit.

She glanced at the direction of the door, and then said coldly: "A Jiao, what did you find out?"

After her words fell, a woman in her 20s appeared out of thin air.

The woman looked old, with a maid's braid.

But the breath she exhales can still reveal her impressive martial arts skills.

"The guards in the Prince Regent's Mansion are horribly guarded. The servants also squatted outside for a long time. When they returned to the mansion, there were too many people watching them, and then they slipped in stealthily..."

A Jiao bowed down respectfully to answer.

But her expression was serious.

They seem to...have underestimated Jun Yu.

But think about it, how could it be so easy for a war god prince to sneak into his mansion?
After she went in, she was almost spotted several times.

Fortunately, she had learned the invisibility technique of the Yue family since she was a child, so she escaped.

"Ajiao, you are so afraid of a mere regent's mansion? When did the people trained by my Yue family become so useless?"

Yue Lushan snorted coldly, she was very dissatisfied with A Jiao's remarks.

Their Yue family's invisibility technique is unrivaled in the world, how can ordinary people from the outside world be able to decipher it.

Hearing what her eldest lady said, Gillian's expression froze. She was patient and did not intend to refute. She just bent over and respectfully listened to the accusation.

"Then what have you found in the Prince Regent's Mansion?" Yue Lushan asked coldly.

She had just arrived in the capital, and she heard that her sweetheart, brother Le Jun, was crippled by an orphan in Yuan Deyin, how could she not hate him?

She must kill that little bitch to avenge brother Le Jun.

It's just that the little bitch has been hiding behind Jun Yu, so she had to ask her own people to go to the Prince Regent's Mansion to find out.

Seeing the resentful look on her eldest lady's face, Gillian frowned.

She hesitated for a while, and finally said sincerely: "Miss, the young master of the Feng family is your good match. You are already a fiancée, and the Dongfang family is not good enough for you!"

Ajiao's tone was a little anxious.

Those servants like them can't stand it any longer. Their eldest lady is the honorable eldest lady of the Yue family, and her status is even more noble than the princesses outside.

It is clear that Young Master Feng is her good match.

But why did she give up such an excellent Young Master Feng, and why she wanted to like that trash in Donghua Mountain?
Even if Dongfang Lejun hadn't been abolished by Yuan Deyin, he was still a "trash", not worthy of their noble young lady.

After all, he is almost useless except for his barely visible identity.

Poor martial arts, ordinary appearance, only sweet talk.

He can't even match a single finger of Young Master Feng!
"Shut up, what do you know! Brother Le Jun is gentle and considerate, he is the man who understands me best in this world. Although Feng Yiwei is strong in martial arts and has a good background, he is an elm-headed man who won't please me! "

When Yue Lushan mentioned Feng Yiwei, the disgust in her tone was undisguised.

"Miss, Young Master Feng actually loves you very much. Haven't you seen what he has done for you all these years?"

Gillian's tone was a little anxious.

"Shut up, you are fighting for him like this, you can marry him! He has followed me since he was a child, like an elm. That's right, he does clean up the mess for me every day. Did I let him clean it up? A man as humble as a dog is not worthy of me, Yuelushan!"

Yue Lushan spoke disdainfully.

A Jiao blushed, she really didn't know how to persuade the young lady.

She will regret it later.

"Miss Ben asked you to talk about the affairs of the Regent's Palace, so you can just say so. Could it be that you still want to commit the following crimes and take care of Miss Ben's affairs?"

Yuelushan stared at Ajiao fiercely.

A Jiao's eyelids twitched, she quickly lowered her head, and seriously reported the affairs of the Prince Regent's Palace.

"After the servant girl entered the mansion, she saw Granny Zonglin coming. She went to the hall, and a group of people chatted there for a long time. But the servant girl did not dare to approach because there were too many masters there. The young master of the Tusu family and the four The young master is here, the servants are afraid of being discovered..."

"The old lady Zong Lin is going too? Doesn't that old woman have a lot of trouble with the old man Tianji? How dare she go to find Jun Yu?"

"There are also the two brothers of the Tusu family. They really regard Yuan Deyin as their younger sister. Oh, they are really fraternal. They can bring any cat or dog into the house. No wonder the Tusu family has declined so much in the past few decades. I don't know how many streets the Yue family has lost..."

What Yue Lushan said satirized many people.

However, thinking of something, her eyes became dangerous again.

"Miss Ben ordered you to inquire about information, but you just told Miss Ben 'you dare not approach'? Then what use does Miss Ben want you for!"

For this maid who has been by her side since she was a child and has helped her with many things, Yue Lushan's tone of voice is still disgusted.

A Jiao's face turned pale, she remembered something, and her expression brightened.

She hurriedly said: "Miss, the slaves heard the fourth young master Tu Su in their yard saying that Jun Yu was poisoned by evil, and the young master Tu Su also said that we need the Jinqing Pill of our Yue family to hang Jun Yu's life. Otherwise, Jun Yu will not have much time."

Hearing A Jiao's words, Yue Lushan narrowed her eyes slightly.

She sneered directly.

"Jun Yu is about to die, it's really good! He dared to think about Jin Qingdan from our Yue family, what a dare! I don't know if he will be blessed or not."

"A Jiao, come here." She hooked A Jiao.

Then he said something in Ajiao's ear.

"You do what Miss Ben said, and you will definitely see Yuan Deyin's body tonight!"


The palace banquet was held as scheduled.

The palace was as bright as day in the middle of the night, the maids and eunuchs came over in an orderly manner carrying the things for the banquet, and there were guards patrolling in the distance.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why hasn't Brother Emperor come here yet?"

The little girl was sitting at the front of the hall, next to her was Uncle Nine Emperors.

Opposite her is Jun Zhouxu, and the idle prince Jun Zhoujing who just came back from wandering outside tonight.

Sensing her drowsy eyes looking this way, Jun Zhoujing raised his glass to her, and he did it first as a respect.

It seems that it is quite easy to get along with.

Princess Yuan Xiao also showed her eight well-behaved teeth to the other party. She stretched out her small paws, poured a glass of wine, and wanted to return a glass of wine to the other party.

As a result, at this time, a dangerous voice of a certain Uncle Nine Emperors came from her ear: "Are you trying to lose your composure in front of the palace? Have you forgotten what you promised me?"

Asking twice in a row made Yuan Deyin's heart tremble a few times.

She put down her little paw timidly, and dared not say anything about drinking.

Below Jun Zhoujing are Jun Zhoujing and Concubine Wei. They were supposed to be sitting next to Jun Zhouxu, but it may be because they were pissed off by what happened on Huangling Mountain today, so Concubine Wei is sitting next to Jun Zhouxu. They all had dark faces, unwilling to get close to their own son.

Looking down, it is Yunmo and Santa's position.

Seeing Yuan Deyin looking over, Yunmo began to wink at her.

Yuan Deyin's smile froze, and he wondered, did his eyes cramp?
Tu Sufang and Tu Suye were sitting on Yuan Deyin's side, very close to her.

Princess Runnan was still supervising tonight's show at Yishang Palace, so she didn't show up.

It is also because of Princess Runnan that a certain little girl can sit here so comfortably and with peace of mind.

Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou are also there, but because of their status, they are all sitting at the end of the minister's family seat.

There are still many vacancies because some envoys have not arrived yet.

"Sister, if you're sleepy, take a nap." Zuo Qie, who was sitting behind Yuan Deyin, tugged her sleeve lightly.

It was only when Yuan Deyin turned around that she remembered that there was a Zuo Qie behind her.

Originally, according to Zuo Qie's identity, he was not qualified to sit in such a front seat.

But both Lord Ninth Prince and Princess Deyin spoke out, so someone would naturally move the stool and arrange Zuo Qie's position behind them.

"Then how can it be, tonight is so important, I have to keep an eye on it here, if I'm sleepy, I'll pass it." Yuan Deyin waved his hand lightly.

She even rubbed her neck. There are so many headgears, it will kill her.

"Mother Concubine, Yuan Deyin actually arranged the bastard she recognized in such a front position, does she still have dignity in her eyes?"

Jun Chujing gritted her teeth and looked at Yuan Deyin, the little flames burning in her eyes were about to swallow her up.

She is a majestic princess of a country, she is not as good as Nine Emperor Uncle, or even that little bitch Yuan Deyin, but now even a foreign bastard is ranked in front of her!

Hearing Jun Chujing's words, Concubine Wei's expression was also very bad.

The queen mother died, and Jun Zhouhan's mother and concubine also died. As the only elder in the harem, she thought she could appear with Jun Zhouhan and sit on the palace.

But who knew, that bitch Princess Runnan actually arranged her under the palace.

Said that she was just a concubine, strictly speaking, she was just a concubine, and she was not qualified to stand beside the emperor.

She thought that her Xu'er was back and could win her back, but she didn't expect that Xu'er was still so close to Yuan Deyin's little bastard!

pissed her off.

What the hell is she planning in her life!
Even though she is a concubine and killed so many sluts in the palace, in the end, there are still so many people who can step on her head.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, she couldn't help but said angrily: "You can't blame the concubine mother, if you want to blame it, you and your brother can't live up to expectations and can't earn some face."

"Mother Concubine..." Jun Chujing's expression changed when she heard her mother concubine's words.

"Mother Concubine, how can you say that about me? It's obvious that you don't live up to expectations. If you were the Queen, would Brother Huang still be like that?"

"Jing'er, what are you talking about? Do you want to renounce Aijia too?"

Concubine Wei was so angry that her heart ached.

The daughter she raised with all her heart and soul now actually despises her.

"Princess Taifei, please don't quarrel, otherwise Yuan Deyin and the Ninth Prince will succeed." The old mother behind them reminded them in a low voice.

This made their aura less tense.

Suddenly at this moment, Jun Chujing's maid of honor sneaked in and handed over a note.

"Princess, this is a note from the post station, it was given by Miss Dongfang."

"Dongfang Lexuan, that idiot dared to send a letter to this princess? Didn't she swear that she could deal with Yuan Deyin, and let this princess cooperate with her? As a result, today's slap in the face wasn't enough, her arm My legs and legs are rotten, hehe..."

Hearing her court lady mentioned Dongfang Lexuan, the disgust in Jun Chujing's tone burst out directly.

At first, she thought that Dongfang Lexuan would be able to stir up some disturbances, but who knew, she was still suppressed by Yuan Deyin to death.

Stupid, damned stupid!

Although Jun Chujing was cursing in her heart, curiosity still drove her to open the note.

The note reads——

"Tonight, find a way to lure Yuan Deyin to Puyang Palace."

Puyang Palace?
Isn't that the palace of the Nine Emperor Uncle and his mother?
At that time, Empress Puyang and the first emperor died there.

In the past, the queen's palace generally followed the name given by the Ministry of Rites, but when it came to Empress Puyang, it was named after her title.

There are so many generations of queens, and she is the only one like this.

From this we can see how much she was favored by the first emperor at that time.

It was only after the incident between Empress Puyang and the first emperor that the Puyang Palace was sealed off.

Jun Yu didn't even let people go there, except for the Regent's Mansion who sent people to clean it on the first and fifteenth day of every month, no one in the entire palace was allowed to go in.

I don't know what is there to hide in that place, so I won't let people go!

"Concubine Mother, what do you think Dongfang Lexuan wants to do? What happened to Puyang Palace..." Jun Chujing looked at Concubine Wei strangely.

"That place, for Jun Yu, is like a taboo. Back then, your father wanted to go in and have a look, so he almost broke up with Jun Yu." Dowager Wei said sharply.

In the matter of dealing with outsiders, the two mothers and daughters will consciously return to their old, loving mother and daughter filial piety.

"So, Dongfang Lexuan wants to lure Yuan Deyin to that place, and then anger Uncle Nine Emperors?"

A little excitement flashed in Jun Chujing's eyes.

If only Jiuhuangshu really hated Yuan Deyin!
Yuan Deyin without the protection of the Nine Emperor Uncles is just an ant that anyone can trample to death!

When the time comes, why don't you let her grasp it?

"It's not that simple. Dongfang Lexuan may have other attention. After all, she hates Yuan Deyin so much, how could she just make Jun Yu hate Yuan Deyin?"

Concubine Wei sneered in a disdainful tone.

As a woman, especially a woman who has lived in the harem for so many years, Concubine Wei knows how terrible a woman's jealousy is.

Especially during the day at Huangling Mountain, Dongfang Lexuan was basically ruined, and there was no possibility of being with Jun Yu anymore...

All of this is thanks to Yuan Deyin.

I'm afraid that what she's thinking about now is how to crush Yuan Deyin.

"Then mother concubine, can you guess what trap Dongfang Lexuan set up?"

Jun Chujing asked urgently.

Concubine Wei shook her head, but her eyes were also full of interest.

"The Ai family can't guess, but that woman is cruel and ruthless. I'm afraid she won't let us die, so we just wait and see the good show."

"Concubine Mu, what do you mean... do you want to help Dongfang Lexuan?"

Hearing the deep meaning in her concubine's words, Dongfang Lexuan was slightly shocked.

"That's natural. An enemy's enemy is a friend. Dongfang Lexuan wants Yuan Deyin to die so much, and it will do us no harm. Anyway, we are just helping her lead Yuan Deyin over. Even if we don't succeed, we will Nothing to lose..."

While saying this, Concubine Wei had already started to set up a situation in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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