The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 311 Ling Yeguo's Insidious Trick

Chapter 311 Ling Yeguo's Insidious Trick
"The Emperor is here."

The eunuch shouted, and soon, the yellow figure of Daoming appeared.

Yuan Deyin's drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and she quickly sat upright, restoring the dignified posture that belonged to the princess.

"Long live the emperor." The ministers and family members below knelt down.

"Stay flat." Jun Zhouhan raised his hand when he reached the hall, and asked the kneeling people to stand up.

"Today is Chi Yan's national celebration day. I also thank all the envoys for coming. Don't forget to have a drink tonight." Jun Zhouhan glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

Soon, someone from the palace came in with delicious food.

"Huh? Osmanthus cake? How can there be osmanthus cake?"

Seeing a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in front of her, Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up.

But she felt strange again.

The food for today's palace banquet was strictly controlled by her and Princess Runnan.

She also thought about using sweet-scented osmanthus cake as a welcome snack, but after thinking about it, although the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was delicious, it was still a bit shabby for entertaining distinguished guests, so she rejected the idea.

But why is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake brought out again now?

She turned her big eyes secretly, only to see that there was no sweet-scented osmanthus cake on other people's tables.

"This king asked Wuxi to bring it from the Prince Regent's Palace."

A certain prince held a cup of tea and took a sip. He glanced at the curious appearance of a certain little girl, and spoke softly.

"So it's you, Uncle Nine Emperors..."

The little girl smiled, the crescent moon curved.

She picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake with her hand and took a few bites. It really tasted familiar.

She couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you always bring Deyin sweet-scented osmanthus cakes every time you go out. If Deyin is not with you in the future, then Deyin won't be able to find sweet-scented osmanthus cakes to eat."

"Then you will be with me forever."

Jun Yu put down the teacup, looking at Yuan Deyin with dark eyes.

Yuan Deyin couldn't understand the deep meaning in his eyes, but she smiled obediently, her eyes were shining, and she said seriously: "Okay."

After eliminating three sweet-scented osmanthus cakes in a row, Yuan Deyin felt that her belly was full, so she stopped talking.

She turned her head, only to see Uncle Nine Emperors drinking tea.

His face seemed to be a little paler.

She remembered what the fourth brother said to her in the afternoon.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, can you suppress the poison for you if you find Jin Qing Pill?" She asked in a low voice.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu's eyes darkened, and his face became very cold.

"Who told you about this?"

There was a bit of anger in his tone.

Shocked by his appearance, Yuan Deyin poked her finger cautiously, and said nervously: "I asked the fourth brother, and I just want to know your physical condition..."

Knowing that his tone was a bit harsh just now, Jun Yu slowed down his tone.

He explained in a low voice: "My king's body is fine, you don't have to worry, and don't think about it."

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded in a muffled voice.

Not far away, Yue Lushan was sitting in her seat. She was not bad at martial arts, and her hearing was excellent, so she heard everything Yuan Deyin said.

Of course, Feng Yiwei beside her also heard it.

Feng Yiwei's complexion was a little bad, he patted the back of Yue Lushan's hand.

"Jun Yu dares to think about Jin Qingdan of the Yue Family. Don't worry, he will never get anything from the Yue Family with me here."

He vowed to promise Yuelushan.

But Yuelushan quickly withdrew her hand, her eyes were full of disgust.

"Feng Yiwei, you should take good care of your Feng family. I am the most powerful junior of the Yue family. If I want to protect the Yue family, I will protect it. It is not your turn to an outsider."

The word "outsider" deeply hurt Feng Yiwei's heart, and he exuded a sad breath all over his body.

"Miss Yue, isn't it a little too much for you to say, our young master is your fiancé, he just cares about the Yue family, why are you so malicious?"

As Feng Yiwei's subordinate, Feng Jin couldn't help but speak.

Their young master is so kind to the Yue family, but Miss Yue is always so mean!
"You are a servant, and you are qualified to question this lady? The marriage between the Feng family and the Yue family was originally not in my favor. It was your young master who came here eagerly to treat me well, not because I begged him to pay! Also, There are so many men who admire me in this world, and they all want to go through fire and water for me, according to what you say, do I have to be nice to them all?"

Yue Lushan spoke in a strange way.


How could she compare the young master with those people!

Feng Jin was so angry that he wanted to say something else, but Feng Yiwei had already sneered.

"Feng Jin, you're getting tougher!"

After warning Feng Jin and suppressing his heartache, Feng Yiwei smiled bitterly.

"Shan'er, if you think what I just said is wrong, then I won't say it."

Feng Yiwei pretended nothing happened, he turned his head to drink dull wine in a self-deceiving manner.

At this time, the voice of the eunuch's duck at the door came in again.

"The envoy of Wei State has arrived, and the envoy of Ling Ye State has arrived."

As the voice fell, the eyes of the envoys from many countries present changed, and the atmosphere in the entire hall became very subtle.

After all, the enmity between Wei Guo and Ling Ye Guo is quite deep.

However, as far as a country is concerned, there have always been no permanent enemies and no permanent friends.

They secretly took a look at the expressions of Jun Yu and Jun Zhouhan, and found that their expressions were the same, so they suppressed their small thoughts.

Yuan Deyin's ears perked up, she was most curious about Wei Guo, after all...

Wei Qinhuai can be regarded as her cousin.

And behind her, Zuo Qie's small body was tense, and the breath in his body was terribly cold.

Soon, the sound of a wind chime approached from far away.

The first person who walked in was a tall and straight man, wearing a jade-colored robe with a jade pendant pinned to his waist, with a handsome face and an elegant demeanor.

The hearts of many unmarried women present moved slightly, what a handsome man.

This should be the Crown Prince of Wei, Wei Qinhuai.

When Yuan Deyin saw Wei Qinhuai, her little heart skipped a beat.

Of course, not that kind of adoring heartbeat.

It's a kind of feeling that you can't help but get close to the other person at the first sight, and always feel that the other person is very familiar.

Could it be that this is the power of blood?
Wei Qinhuai's eyes also inadvertently passed over Yuan Deyin's body at the first moment, and the corner of his mouth curved into a gentle arc.

Finally, I saw my little cousin.

When Yuan Deyin saw Wei Qinhuai, she was still in a good mood, but when her eyes fell on the woman behind him, her expression changed suddenly.

Not to mention that Yuan Deyin's expression was not right, many ministers present and their family members all looked at the woman with strange expressions.

"Isn't the woman next to Prince Wei the one from Prince Ji's Mansion?"

"She is no longer from the Palace of Jiwang. Princess Deyin has already separated from their second wife."

"This is the eldest girl from the second room of the Yuan family, she seems to be called Yuan Ying'er."


Beside, some ministers couldn't help muttering.

At the beginning, when Jun Zhouchen was still in power, King Ji was guarding the frontier, while Princess Ji and Princess Deyin were in the Zhuangzi outside.

Therefore, the second room of the Yuan family, every time the palace banquet was held, attended the banquet under the name of Prince Ji's Mansion, and was in the limelight for a while.

This Yuan Ying'er is also a person who likes to show off. In addition, she had an aunt who was a nobleman in the palace before, so everyone knew her.

It's just that she caused so many scandals later, and not many people are willing to mention her.

I didn't expect to see her here!

Worried about whether they had made a mistake, some ministers couldn't help asking if the person in front of their daughter in Weiyang Academy was Yuan Ying'er.

Jun Yu also narrowed his eyes slightly, his whole body was a bit awe-inspiring.

Wei Qinhuai shook his head silently at him, then quickly walked to the middle of the hall.

He raised his hands in a bow and saluted Jun Zhouhan.

"Wei Qinhuai has met the emperor."

"Excuse me." Jun Zhouhan said in a deep voice.

Others thought that he would hate Wei Guo deeply, but according to his friendship with Nine Emperor Uncles, how could he not know that the relationship between Wei Guo Crown Prince and Nine Emperor Uncles was unusual, so how could he embarrass him?
However, what happened to Yuan Ying'er behind Wei Qinhuai?

"Prince Wei, this is..."

Jun Zhouhan's sharp eyes fell on Yuan Ying'er.

Wei Qinhuai's eyes silently glanced at the two generals standing on Yuan Ying'er's left and right sides, he suppressed the anger on his face, and quickly recovered his gentle and jade-like appearance.

He said calmly: "Reporting to the emperor, this is my cousin, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying?

This is obviously Yuan Ying'er, how could she become Wei Ying, or Wei Qinhuai's cousin, that is the identity of the princess!

Standing on Wei Ying's left, Hu Biao stood up quickly with a hostile face.

He spoke loudly, without the slightest hint of respect, "Your Majesty, this is the daughter of our former prince of Wei, and also the granddaughter of Empress Dowager Chunyu. She left with the former prince for many years and was only recently found."

It turned out to be so...

The people around nodded in understanding.

But soon, their expressions became even weirder.

What the General of the Wei State just said was - the former prince of the State of Wei?

That person is not dead yet.

Doesn't that mean that the second master of the Yuan family is the former crown prince of Wei, and the son of Empress Dowager Chunyu?
Emperor Wei's ascension to the throne was not at all aboveboard, how could he tolerate their existence?
Forget it, those things are the affairs of their Wei people, and have nothing to do with Chi Yan.

Chi Yan's ministers only thought about it for a while, they didn't want to delve into this issue at all.

What they are thinking more now is that Wei Guo killed King Ji, and the second wife of the Yuan family insulted Princess Deyin...

Now they're still on top.

If it was in the past, Deyin County mainly taught Yuan Ying'er a lesson, but it was just a matter of one sentence, but now Yuan Ying'er is also a noble princess.

This is not easy to do...

The atmosphere at the scene is getting weirder and weirder.

And Wei Ying, who was all the attention, blessed Jun Zhou with a letter.

Where did she still have the haughty look before, she seemed to have been smoothed at this moment, and her whole person became surly.

This kind of her has a bit of extravagance on her body, she looks a bit like a princess.

But, why hasn't she opened her mouth all this time?

"Please forgive me, the princess, she was injured a little bit, and she can't speak now."

Cui Dajian, a general on Wei Ying's other side, also quickly stepped forward, his tone was much more polite than Hu Biao's.


A sharp light flashed in Jun Zhouhan's eyes, and he said with a half-smile: "So that's how it is, come and give me a seat."

Wei Ying followed Wei Qinhuai sullenly, but when she turned around to take her seat, her eyes quickly glanced at Yuan Deyin's side. Her eyes, like the two mung bean eyes of a poisonous snake, were glowing. A cold, vicious light.

Sensing the other party's eyes, Yuan Deyin did not panic.

She just felt a little strange.

At the beginning, Yuan Ying'er had completely touched her bottom line when she wanted to kill her.
She also intends to deal with each other.

But Uncle Jiu Huang said that Wei Huang is still investigating.

Therefore, Uncle Nine Emperors sent Yuanying directly to Wei State through the letter from King Runnan.

Brother Wuxi also said that in order to prevent Yuan Ying'er from telling the truth to Wei Huang, they made her speechless and poisoned her.

If she wanted to tell the truth, her heart would be cramped, and the pain would be so painful.

Their initial thought was that according to Wei Huang's suspicious temperament, he would rather kill the wrong man than let him go, and he would kill Yuan Ying'er directly.

But what is going on now?
"This king has been unable to contact Wei Qinhuai for some time. It is estimated that Wei Huang has already suspected him. The two generals who followed may be Wei Huang's eyeliner."

Jun Yu took the little girl's little hand, and quickly wrote this sentence in her palm with his fingertips.

Did Emperor Wei suspect Wei Qinhuai?
Yuan Deyin's heart tightened.

Sensing her worry, Jun Yu patted the back of her hand lightly, and wrote another line——

"Don't worry, he is much more powerful than we imagined."

Uncle Nine Emperors has such a high opinion of his cousin?
Yuan Deyin was slightly shocked, but more of a peace of mind.

"Princess Ling Ye, Zuo Mei has met the emperor."

"Master Ling Ye, Zuo Yong has met the emperor."

Among the envoys of Ling Ye Kingdom, the two leaders spoke.

They were all covered in black cloth, with only one face exposed, and the same style of wind chimes pinned to their waists.

There was a sinister aura on these two people, like dead bodies dug up in the rotten ground.

Yuan Deyin looked at the appearance of these two people, especially the national teacher, she felt that the other party looked familiar.

At this time, Zuo Qie's dignified voice came from behind him.

"Sister, that woman has a very good relationship with Zuo Wei. She is the most favored princess of Ling Ye Kingdom; For the national teacher..."

Zuo Qie's face was a little heavy.

He knew that Ling Yeguo would definitely send strong enemies this time, after all, they were deeply concerned about Zuo Wei's death.

But he didn't expect that he was such a terrifying enemy.

If there are other members of the royal family in Lingye Kingdom, he is still a little bit sure.

But these two people are both geniuses who are highly expected by the royal family of Lingye Kingdom.

He is not yet capable of fighting them.

Zuo Mei seemed to be aware of Zuo Qi's nervousness, her sinister eyes swept over, and soon landed on Yuan Deyin.

She covered her mouth and spoke with a half-smile.

"Before this princess came here, I heard that Princess Chiyan Deyin is a lovely person. When I saw her today, it turned out to be the same as the rumors. This princess will usually give a generous gift to people who like her..."

"Princess Deyin, may this princess give you a generous gift?"

Looking at her weird smile, Yuan Deyin suddenly felt a chill in her ankle.


Jun Yu also noticed the rustling sound, his hostility sank, and he pushed the table in front of him away.

But his speed was still a bit slower, a poisonous snake wrapped around Yuan Deyin's ankle like lightning, it revealed a pair of mung bean eyes, and the letter that was not straight...


Seeing this scene, many female relatives almost fainted to death.

(End of this chapter)

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