Chapter 312
Seeing how panicked the crowd was, Zuo Mei smiled coldly.

Are you panicking?
Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu killed the emperor's uncle, and she will definitely make their lives worse than death.

This black snake is called "Xiaoguai", and it is fed with her heart and soul and various precious poisons.

If you get bitten by it, you won't die right away.

Because dozens of venoms will directly enter the human body through Xiaoguai's teeth, and then keep breaking out in the body, making life worse than death.

The last person who was bitten by Xiaoguai was a traitor from Lingye Kingdom's royal family. That traitor knelt in front of her, begging her to give him a good knife.

Hehe, Yuan Deyin, I guess he can't bear the pain!
Thinking of the begging person becoming Yuan Deyin, she will feel extremely happy!

Zuo Qie was right behind Yuan Deyin. When he saw the black snake, the panic in his heart could no longer be calmed down.

He shouted manically: "Sister."

He also knows what this black snake means, this is Zuo Mei's greatest confidence...

Zuo Mei really came prepared, and immediately used poison on her sister.

Both Zuo Qie and Jun Yu wanted to rush over, and many palace guards appeared beside them.

But the black snake seemed to have become a spirit. Seeing so many people here, it became more and more manic, and it wrapped around Yuan Deyin's ankle more and more.

It also spat out its own cold letter from time to time, and stared at Yuan Deyin with a pair of mung bean eyes, as if she was its belly.

"Xiao Deyin."

"younger sister……"

Yu Shengxiao, Tu Sufang, and Tu Suye all stood up. They also wanted to come to save people, but they were worried that they would anger the black snake.

Of course, there were still many happy people present.

For example, Yue Lushan, Jun Chujing, Murong Wei.

Seeing the chaos here, Yue Lushan sneered directly, her tone very mocking.

"My lady thought that Yuan Deyin has three heads and six arms, which is very powerful. A mere poisonous snake is worth their nervousness..."

"Shan'er, the poison in Lingye Kingdom is very sinister, I think that poisonous snake has become a spirit..."

When Feng Yiwei heard Yuelushan's words, he looked a little disapproving.

Although he didn't like anyone on Jun Yu's side, he also didn't like Ling Ye's behavior.

So after hearing Yuelushan's mocking words, it was a rare first time for him to express his disagreement with her.

But who knows, he just refuted Yuelushan's words once, which made her look very angry.

Yue Lushan blushed, and she looked at him with disgust, contempt, and disdain.

"Young Master Feng, after leaving the Blossom Forest, you have become so 'understand righteousness', it seems that I misjudged the person in the past..."

"Shan'er, why do you talk like that..." Yin and Yang were angry.

Feng Yiwei's expression was stiff, he was in great pain.

Why does Shan'er always trample on his dignity like this?

Over there, Zuo Yong looked at the scene of flying dogs and dogs, and his eyes flashed a little bit.

"Sister Mei'er, let me teach you a lesson. This is still Chi Yan's palace. If someone is killed, we won't be able to escape..."

Hearing his cautious words, Zuo Mei sneered, she looked sideways, glanced at him with disgust, and then spoke leisurely.

"Cousin, what did we dare not do when we were in Lingye Kingdom? Why are you so restrained when you arrive at the small Chiyan Palace?"

"Mei'er, you..."

"Cousin, don't forget that it was Yuan Deyin who killed your father, my uncle. If she doesn't die today, what is the majesty of our Lingye Kingdom? How can the soul of the uncle rest in peace? "

"Also, I don't think that Jun Zhouhan will do anything to us for a mere princess with a different surname. He has just ascended the throne, and behind us is the entire Lingye Kingdom. If he has some brains, he would not dare to fight us ..."

After all, the sorcery of Lingye Kingdom can be worth one to ten thousand!
Hearing Zuo Mei's swear words, Zuo Yong was silent for a while, but in the end he still didn't stop.

A bit of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Because of their witchcraft in Lingye Kingdom, no one in the surrounding countries dared to do anything to them these years.

A mere Yuan Deyin dared to kill his father!

She... deserves to be damned.

Zuo Mei watched as Jun Yu took the sword from the guard's hand, and was about to kill her little boy.

She sneered.



How can the poison cultivated by this princess be dealt with with a sword?

No matter how powerful Jun Yu is in martial arts, so what, in front of witchcraft, he is nothing but a waste.

After thinking about it, Zuo Mei raised her wrist and blew out a burst of black mist.

The black mist floated lightly into the eyes of the black snake, and its eyes instantly turned blood-colored.

The murderous breath became stronger again.

It actually easily dodged Jun Yu's sword.

"My little baby, bite this bitch to death, mother, I will give you something more delicious..."

The corners of Zuo Mei's mouth curled up, and her eyes, which were beautiful at first, when she narrowed them slightly, turned out to be exactly the same as the black snake's mung bean eyes, glowing with a strange cold light.

After her murmur came out, the black snake began to arch its body.

It opened its big scarlet mouth, ready to bite down on Yuan Deyin's ankle.

Seeing this scene, other people, especially the female relatives, closed their eyes in a pale color, not daring to look at it at all.

Princess this time...

It's really going to be bitten.


Just when the black snake's sharp teeth were about to touch Yuan Deyin's ankle, a white fur ball suddenly jumped out from under Zuo Qie's table.

Even without being able to see clearly what was going on, the fur ball jumped directly to Yuan Deyin's feet, and it raised its white paw.

Slapped the black snake away with one palm.

The strength was so great that the black snake's entangled body flew out immediately.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but after reacting, they saw a black snake a few meters away, with its head turned into black pulp, and it fell directly to the ground.

"Little boy!"

How arrogant Zuo Mei was laughing just now, how painful it is to shout now.

She ran there quickly, wanting to hold her beloved baby.

As a result, the snake's head was so bloody that she couldn't hold it even if she wanted to.

This black snake is dead, utterly dead.

It was almost fatal with one blow.

"You killed this princess' little boy!"

Zuo Mei turned her head, her face was filled with overwhelming anger, and her teeth were bitten with blood.

This is the baby she spent so much effort to cultivate, but it was killed...

Everyone's strange eyes also fell on Yuan Deyin.

No, to be precise, it landed at her feet, that Snowball's body.

Wait, they don't have vertigo, do they?

This little thing that slapped the black snake to death with one palm turned out to be a rabbit...

And it is a rabbit that is so fat that it may lose oil if it is grilled.

A rabbit heroically killed a black snake?

And this black snake, is Princess Lingye's favorite pet?

This is too weird, right?
"Gu Chi Gu Chi..." Master Yin, the Yin family is very powerful, isn't it too late to save you?

A certain fat rabbit brushed the two tufts of hair on the top of its head with its paws, and then winked greasyly at Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin's hairs stood on end.

I have to say, it really touched her.

However, its saving posture is still very beautiful.

Yuan Deyin quickly picked it up from the ground, and then took out his own handkerchief.

"My king is here."

At this time, Jun Yu had already quickly walked to her side, and he took Xiao Bai and her handkerchief skillfully.

He looked at her eyes, somewhat deep.

He remembered that this fat rabbit was as clumsy as a pig when it first came to the palace.

He will never forget that it was caught in the brothel and was almost eaten, but it sneaked out halfway and bumped into the Prince Regent's mansion by mistake...

It was only half a year, a pig... no, it was a stupid rabbit, why did it react so quickly?
Its reaction just now was stronger than Linghu's.

Is it because of the clumsiness in the past, or... because of the little girl?

Jun Yu lowered his eyes, and he helped Xiao Bai wipe the black paws it had just slapped over and over again expressionlessly.

But the small body of a certain rabbit was shaking and shaking.

Why does it feel that a certain prince looks at it so sharply, as if he wants to see through it.

Scared the rabbit to death...

"Yuan Deyin, you killed this princess' little boy, and this princess wants to pay for your life!"

When Zuo Meijian saw that Yuan Deyin was ignoring her, the anger in her heart was even worse.

She gritted her teeth, unable to hide the gloomy expression on her face.

A cloud of black mist gathered in her palm, and she rushed towards Yuan Deyin, ready to attack Yuan Deyin.

But before she could touch Yuan Deyin, a sword suddenly touched her neck.

The sword bearer was also merciless, the sword pierced into the skin, and directly cut a hole in her neck.

Zuo Mei looked at Jun Yu in shock.

How is he so fast?
She hardly saw him move, but he came right in front of her eyes.

Not far away, the expressions of the Yue family, Feng family, Murong Rui, Nan Kuiming and the others also became darker, and the contempt in their eyes also began to dissipate a lot.

Jun Yu seems to be much more powerful than imagined.

Judging from his speed just now, he must have reserved the strength he has shown in the past.

Zuo Yong was next to him. When he first saw the black snake die, he couldn't react.

Because he couldn't believe that the top poison they cultivated in Lingye Kingdom was beaten to death by a rabbit that looked harmless to humans and animals.

Now, he saw Jun Yu put the sword on his cousin's neck again.

Sensing the murderous aura on Jun Yu's body, his heart sank again.

He could sense that Jun Yu really wanted to kill Mei Er.

Because of Meier... almost killed Yuan Deyin.

With a sullen face, Zuo Yong walked over there quickly.

He put on a noble posture, and said in a cold voice: "Ninth Prince, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Your eldest princess of Lingye Kingdom almost killed our Chiyan princess. I didn't order you to be arrested immediately. It's already a bit of shame for you. How dare you ask Uncle Nine Emperors what is it?" what for?"

At this moment, Jun Zhouhan's indifferent voice came from the hall.

The breath of the emperor on him is not angry but majestic.

There are dozens of guards waiting for his order. As long as he gives an order, these people in Lingye Kingdom will be arrested directly.

Zuo Yong clenched his fists under his long sleeves, and under the black robe, his body was throbbing with veins, and his anger was also rising.

Until now, Zuo Mei is still so insolent.

She said arrogantly: "Are you sure you want to attack this princess? Behind this princess is the entire Lingye Kingdom. To fight against this princess is to fight against Lingye Kingdom!"

"This witch is so arrogant!"

Some of Chi Yan's ministers were so angry that they were about to curse.

Jun Yu's murderous aura grew even stronger.

But at this moment, the little girl who was standing there walked towards him step by step.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Princess Zuo may just be playing around with Deyin, please put down the sword quickly."

The little girl's voice was soft and cute.

Jun Yu glanced sideways at her, but met her clear eyes.

It was only at this moment that everyone remembered that in such a critical situation just now, the people present, even the emperor and the Ninth Prince lost their composure, but the Princess... seemed to be so calm from the beginning to the end.

Even when the rabbit came out to save her, her expression was calm, as if she had expected this scene.

How big is her heart?


After some veteran officials reacted, they glared at Yuan Deyin with hatred.

This girl, they thought she was smart before, why is she so confused now?
In front of so many envoys, the people of Lingye Kingdom poisoned her with black snakes.

This matter is clearly humiliating Chi Yan's face.

Now that she said she wouldn't pursue it, wouldn't she be telling the world that Chi Yan was afraid of Ling Yeguo, and they could even let such a big matter go!
After that, wouldn't any small country be able to humiliate them by stepping on their faces?
The ministers of Lingye Kingdom can think of this level, and the envoys of other countries naturally also think of it.

So their expressions were a little subtle, and there was even sarcasm in their eyes.

Murong Wei covered her mouth and sneered.

In the final analysis, Yuan Deyin is also a poor creature who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Because he was afraid of Ling Yeguo's revenge, he would give up such a good opportunity.

"Princess Zuo, your seats are over there. You have come to Chiyan after a long journey, you must be exhausted, hurry up and rest on your seats."

Yuan Deyin took the initiative to pick up Uncle Jiuhuang's sword from Zuo Mei's neck, and spoke to him softly.

When Zuo Mei saw Yuan Deyin's behavior, she snorted a few times, and the contempt in her eyes became heavier.

I thought it was such a powerful thing, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

Naturally, Zuo Yong would not pay attention to Yuan Deyin, he turned around, flung his sleeves in a haughty posture and sat down in his seat.

Everyone thought that the Ninth Prince and the Emperor would blame the princess, after all, she did such a stupid thing.

However, what they saw was that the Ninth Prince and the Ninth Emperor just glanced at the princess and didn't intend to do anything.

That's it? That's it?
The emperor and the ninth prince are too indulgent to the princess!
Jun Yu naturally didn't care what they thought, he agreed to whatever the little girl wanted to do.

Besides, he didn't think she would be a person willing to suffer.

I'm afraid, there will be more fun to watch later.

Just when everyone was thinking differently, there was a sudden "Puff"...

Zuo Mei clutched her heart, she spat out a big mouthful of blood, trembling all over, extremely weak.

The pain in her body almost drove her crazy.

She looked at Yuan Deyin with scarlet eyes, and said hoarsely, "Yuan Deyin, you actually poisoned this princess?"

"Yuan Deyin, you are so courageous!"

Zuo Yong patted the table again, staring at Yuan Deyin with gloomy eyes.

He had done thousands of calculations, but he didn't, and Yuan Deyin dared to attack Mei'er openly and aboveboard.

Hearing his words, Miss Yuan yawned first, rubbed her ears, and then casually said: "You think this princess is brave? Thank you for the compliment."

"That's right, this poison was planted by the princess. Princess Zuo came from a long way and gave the princess such a big gift. If the princess doesn't return the gift, it doesn't make sense..."

"By the way, Princess Zuo, the princess likes the big gift you gave me very much. I hope you like it too."

"Come on, this black snake was given by Princess Zuo to the princess. It is very precious. Pick it up quickly, send it to the imperial dining room, put it in salt, vinegar, and oil, stew it for an hour, and then serve it Give Princess Zuo a taste..."


Immediately, a eunuch came over with a plate and chopsticks, picked up the black snake, and carried it to the kitchen.


When Zuo Mei saw that they actually served out the black snake in front of her like a dish, she was so angry that she vomited another mouthful of blood.

"Princess Zuo, don't you like it? Why do you look so bad-faced? Do you want me to poison you again?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Zuo Mei with a smile on his face.

Everyone shuddered, and only then did they realize...

The little princess in front of him really looks like a little devil.

"Hurry up, hurry up and check the princess!" Zuo Yong shouted angrily at the witch doctor behind him.

As a result, Yuan Deyin said leisurely: "Don't bother, there is no cure for this poison."

Sure enough, on the other side, after the witch doctor gave Zuo Mei the pulse for a long time, he spoke with a pale face.

"Reporting to the national teacher, the princess' internal organs have been seriously damaged. If she is not treated in time, she may die. However, the old minister can't find out what kind of poison she is poisoned..."

"Yuan Deyin, I order you to hand over the antidote!"

Zuo Yong turned his head, and he ordered Yuan Deyin loudly.

Zuo Mei was brought here by him, if anything happened to her, the emperor would not let him go.

"What? What did you say? What do you want?" Yuan Deyin poked his ears and asked curiously.

"An antidote!"

"What? Explain what?"

"An antidote! An antidote!"

"What? What medicine?"

"Yuan Deyin, are you trying to fool Bengong on purpose? Bengong orders you to hand over the antidote immediately!" Zuo Yong was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Oh, antidote? Sorry, no!" Yuan Deyin said indifferently.

Zuo Yong's warning is nothing to her!

(End of this chapter)

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