Chapter 313 Yue Lushan Intervenes

"Your Majesty, Ninth Prince, is this how you Chi Yan entertain distinguished guests?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin's refusal, Zuo Yong turned around and questioned Jun Zhouhan and Jun Yu, trying to put pressure on them so that they could force Yuan Deyin to hand over the antidote.

However, after Jun Zhouhan heard this, he said without anger and prestige: "Master Zuo, this is a play between your eldest princess and our Princess Chiyan, why does it involve the way of hospitality?" What? I think Princess Deyin has done a good job, after all, gifts are reciprocated. We will return double the gift you Lingye Kingdom gave us."

Jun Zhou wrote that he is trying to protect Yuan Deyin, right?
Zuo Yong was so angry that his eyes were gloomy.

Chi Yan's minister also felt very comfortable. The people of Lingye Kingdom were so arrogant just now, but now they know how to admit defeat.

They don't care if the Lingye Congress will bear a grudge against them now, anyway, they have already offended them, so they don't mind offending them more thoroughly.

Well done to the emperor and Princess Deyin!

"Come here, Princess Zuo is unwell and needs someone to take care of her. You all go there and take good care of Princess Zuo."

Jun Yu flicked his sleeves and ordered in a cold voice.

As soon as the words fell, a few palace maids walked up behind Zuo Mei with brisk steps.

Across the distance, Zuo Yong could feel the fluctuation of the inner force.

What a powerful inner force!

His heart sank in an instant, this Jun Yu was taking care of Mei Er at a good level, or sending a few masters to follow behind them and monitor them at a bad level.

Well, Jun Yu, like Jun Zhouhan, did not hesitate to make Ling Yeguo an enemy just to vent his anger on Yuan Deyin.

Zuo Yong lowered his gloomy eyes, his breath was a bit gloomy, and he could vaguely burst out with anger.

It was he who underestimated the enemy, thinking that Jun Zhouhan would at least be afraid of Ling Yeguo and dare not do anything to them.

Unexpectedly, the other party has become so arrogant that he doesn't take Ling Yeguo seriously!

When this level is resolved, he must wash away today's humiliation.

Under the black robe, Zuo Yong's fists were tightly clenched, and the blood tendons on his body were wriggling like blood snakes.

"Cousin, it hurts..."

Zuo Mei's hair was messy, like a madman.

Where is the incomparably arrogant look when he was dealing with Yuan Deyin just now?
"Princess Deyin, Meier is reckless. When we were in Lingye Kingdom, everyone in the royal family had witch pets. We thought you would like Xiaoguai too, so we made a joke with you. I hope you don't." Don't mind. If you still feel that you are still angry, the national teacher also carries many treasures with you, and you can choose from them. I only hope that you can help solve the poison on Meier's body..."

Zuo Yong quickly suppressed the hatred in his body, he showed his humble attitude, and hoped that Yuan Deyin could save Zuo Mei.

Seeing his appearance, Miss Yuan frowned.

This national teacher is much calmer than Zuo Mei, able to bend and stretch. Dealing with this kind of person may be a bit more difficult than dealing with Zuo Mei.

At this time, some palace people had already moved the new table behind Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu.

Miss Yuan quickly turned around, picked up a few grapes, and ate them leisurely.

Feeling that she had almost finished eating, she glanced at Zuo Yong leisurely, as if she just remembered something, she asked curiously: "Master Zuo, what did you just say, the princess was distracted and didn't hear it?" Well, say it again."

Everyone: "..."

This is so embarrassing.

Shen Chuannan directly took the lead and laughed.

Princess Deyin is really a ghost horse elf.

Because of her words, Zuo Yong's exposed face was darker than his black eyes, but he knew how angry he still was.

As a genius of Ling Ye Kingdom, he has been respected and admired all the time. Since when did Zuo Yong suffer such grievances?
The murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but soon, Jun Yu, who was standing beside the little girl, overwhelmed him with powerful internal force.

He couldn't dodge in time, and his chest was hit hard.

His throat felt fishy and sweet, and he almost spit out blood.

Pursing his mouth, suppressing the smell of blood, Zuo Yong glanced at Jun Yu with anger.

Jun Yu is really protecting his weaknesses, he just wanted to kill Yuan Deyin, and Jun Yu gave him such a heavy blow.

Today's shame, my national teacher has recorded it, and in the near future, it will be doubled.

"Princess Deyin, as long as you are willing to undo Mei'er's poison, any treasure you need from my national teacher, my national teacher is willing to give it."

Zuo Yong endured his hatred and lowered his noble head.

Mei'er's life is more important, he can only endure the humiliation.

But who knew, he gave in so much, and Yuan Deyin snorted coldly, and she said in disgust: "Master Zuo, you stink so badly, no matter how valuable you are, you can't escape the smell, my princess!" I still don't want it, the nose is not blessed to suffer..."

"You..." Zuo Yong felt that he had never wanted to kill someone so much like now!

But Yuan Deyin didn't stop, she tilted her head, pouted her mouth, with a puzzled expression, she asked leisurely: "Master Zuo, the princess said that she has no antidote, why do you still force the county Lord, do you think that the princess is young and easy to bully, and you want to be so aggressive?"


"Also, isn't your Lingye country's witchcraft very powerful? You often use so many poisons to harm people. You can't even cure such a simple poison, can you?"

Yuan Deyin covered her mouth and spoke in shock.

She looked innocent and innocent, as if she was really curious about this question.

Jun Yu watched her making a fuss, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

Sure enough, his little girl will not let him down.

Those who bullied her would die of anger if not poisoned to death.

"Princess Deyin, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. They didn't kill you against Princess Lingye, and you are still fine. But if you insist on being so aggressive, it seems that you are too small."

From the side of the hall, a cold and haughty voice came.

Everyone looked over and saw a woman in a goose yellow dress drinking tea there, she was full of nobility.

At first, everyone didn't know who she was, but when they saw her position and a man with extraordinary appearance sitting beside her, they guessed it instantly...

This is the eldest lady of the Yue family, Yue Lushan.

However, is she going to help people from Ling Ye Kingdom?

Both Tu Sufang and Wei Qinhuai on the opposite side were sipping tea with their heads down, but a murderous look flashed in their eyes at the same time.

This year, Yue Lushan had better not have the intention to say such a thing, if she really wanted to hurt her younger sister (little cousin) like Zuo Mei, then they would definitely not care about her identity as a Yue family member.


Beside, Feng Yiwei called Yuelushan disapprovingly.

The hidden family can't meddle in the affairs of the royal family, at least it's clear that they can't meddle. If she suddenly said such a sentence, wouldn't it mean that they would become enemies with the royal family of Lingye Kingdom?
Facing Feng Yiwei's worry, Yue Lushan glanced at him in disgust.

After so many years, only his elm head can take the words of those dead ancestors to heart.

For the Yue family, strength is the most important thing!
They have absolute strength, what do they want to intervene, are others qualified to have opinions?

Miss Yuan looked at Yuelushan's domineering appearance, and she could guess the other party's identity.

This is another person who shares the same hatred with Zuo Mei.

Everyone thought that Yuan Deyin would continue to hate the world, and some even started to sweat.

But who knew, she actually smiled obediently when Yue Lushan questioned her.

Then she nodded in agreement: "That's right, what Miss Yue said makes sense, our Chiyan royal family should be people with a broad mind, how can we have to turn around because a dog wants to bite us? The dog was killed. Miss Yue is really wise and stupid, she must have had a lot of dogs in the past..."



Zuo Yong and Yue Lushan uttered angrily at the same time, they didn't expect Yuan Deyin's words to scold them both.

Miss Yuan was not afraid of Yue Lushan's murderous eyes.

On the contrary, the smile at the corner of her mouth was deeper, revealing eight cute little teeth.

"Hearing Miss Yue's words, my princess was deeply touched. Although there is no ready-made antidote here, my princess once heard a folk prescription, which seems to be able to cure this poison...Brother Wuxi, come here……"

Yuan Deyin hooked Wu Xi's hand, and then whispered something in his ear.

Jun Yu was right next to him. Although the little girl deliberately lowered her voice, he still heard her words.

The corner of his mouth raised an inconspicuous arc, this scene... will be very exciting.

After Wu Xi retreated, he soon came up with a bowl of medicine.

"Master Zuo, this is the folk prescription." The little girl pointed at the bowl and said loudly.

"How does my national teacher know that this is not another bowl of poison!"

Zuo Yong snorted coldly, he doesn't trust Yuan Deyin very much now.

Miss Yuan shrugged, and she said as if she was very disappointed: "This is obviously the folk prescription that the princess got, why don't you believe it. Hey, can't there be a little trust between humans and dogs?"

"Cough cough cough..."

In the main hall, there were several ups and downs of coughing.

At this time, the person who was holding back the laughter really couldn't help it, so he coughed to cover up his laughter.

Yu Shengxiao endured so much that her cheeks ached to death.

He touched Shen Chuannan's shoulder with his elbow, and then said with emotion: "As expected of this genius doctor's little apprentice, his words are poisonous. You won't pay for your anger!"

"You are just a nominal teacher, and you can't teach her anything, so don't brag about it shamelessly."

Shen Chuannan didn't even look at him, and spoke directly, the words were extremely disgusting no matter how they were heard.

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Yu Shengxiao disagreed very much.

"What name master, this genius doctor taught her medical skills, okay? She can poison that dog... Cough, no, it's Zuo Mei. It must be because of this genius doctor's good teaching."

"Oh? Really? Then can you tell me, what is the poison? Also, what is the bowl of medicine she brought over Wuxi?"

Shen Chuannan glanced leisurely at Yu Shengxiao with sharp eyes.


Yu Chenxiao touched his nose in embarrassment.

Because, he didn't know what kind of poison it was!

To be honest, he really didn't teach Xiao Deyin seriously at all, he just threw the medical books to her and let her learn by herself.

Which link went wrong?

He felt that he couldn't see through the little apprentice's medical and poison skills now.

Could this be the legendary story of the Yangtze River where the back waves pushed the front waves and the front waves were shot to death on the beach?

Over there, Yuan Deyin asked Wuxi to take the bowl of medicine and walk straight to Yuelushan.

"Miss Yue, Guoshi Zuo suspects that the princess is uneasy and kind. This is really sad. Therefore, the princess thinks that it is most suitable for you to bring this recipe to Princess Zuo."

She said it sincerely.

Yue Lushan looked at Yuan Deyin's clear eyes, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the coldness flashed by.

What the hell is she doing?

She was just about to refuse, but she heard Yuan Deyin continue to speak seriously: "Miss Yue, you are so kind, and you even speak for them, you wouldn't even be willing to take a bowl of medicine, wouldn't you? "

Yuan Deyin's rhetorical question directly suppressed what Yuelushan was about to say.

"Shan'er, let me do it." Feng Yiwei wanted to take the bowl.

But Yue Lushan stood up quickly, and she said indifferently: "Miss Ben, do it yourself!"

She snatched the bowl from Wu Xi's saucer by herself, then quickly walked towards Zuo Mei.

Seeing Yuelushan approaching step by step, Zuo Yong's heart was already calculating a lot.

He saw Zuo Mei in so much pain from the corner of his eye, and knew that she couldn't bear it for so long.

Forget it, she really has to drink this bowl.

If he really drank people to death, he could justifiably pursue Ling Yeguo's responsibility, and Yuelushan, who took the medicine, would not be spared.

Therefore, he did not stop Yuelushan.

Yue Lushan came in front of Zuo Mei.

Zuo Mei was already tormented by the pain to the point where she lost her sanity. When she heard that the antidote was coming, she quickly reached out and snatched the bowl of food.

Because she was too anxious, a lot of the yellow liquid in the return bowl splashed out and dripped on Yuelushan's wrist.

Yue Lushan immediately frowned, with a look of disgust.

Zuo Mei quickly finished drinking the bowl, and the whole person gradually calmed down, but she was still very weak, and finally, she gradually fell into a deep sleep.

The wizard hastened to find her pulse.

"Reporting to the national teacher, the princess's pulse is normal, and her body is fine except for weakness."

The wizard's words finally made Zuo Yong's heart drop.

"Oh, it's really effective. The folk remedies are really easy to use."

The little girl clapped her palms and spoke with emotion.

"What kind of recipe did Princess Deyin use to be so miraculous?" Yue Lushan asked in a strange tone.

For some reason, she always felt that the liquid splashed on her wrist, and the smell was very unpleasant, a bit fishy.

"It's nothing, it's just Eunuch Li Da's boy peeing." The little girl waved her hands and replied generously.


Yuelushan's tone was sharp, and her noble image could hardly be maintained.

Zuo Yong was also very annoyed, he wished he could stab Yuan Deyin to death with a sword.

Fortunately, Meier fell asleep, otherwise she would have thought of committing suicide if she knew that what she was drinking was urine.

"Mei'er is not feeling well, my country teacher took her back to the inn to rest first." Worrying about other conditions, Zuo Yong could only hold back his murderous aura, quickly hugged Zuo Mei, and left in a hurry.

Jun Zhouhan enjoyed watching the play comfortably, so naturally he didn't bother to stop him.

Yue Lushan also wanted to kill Yuan Deyin, but now she wanted to cut off the skin that touched her wrist even more.

So she turned around immediately and ran away in a hurry.

Her maidservants hurried to follow.

Feng Yiwei watched and wanted to follow, but he thought of something, he looked a little lonely, and finally sat down and drank silently.

First victory...

Miss Yuan shook her head, feeling refreshed,
She returned to her seat like nothing happened.

But many of the envoys below have a bit weird expressions.

It seems that this Princess Deyin is not a good person.

Murong Wei saw that so many people failed to deal with Yuan Deyin, and Jun Yu actually gave Yuan Deyin something to feed himself. This scene made her eyes red.

The main hall has returned to calm, as if nothing happened just now.

The song and dance arranged by Princess Runnan also started. Everyone enjoyed watching it comfortably, and naturally they would forget what happened just now.

Looking at the dancing girl's waist, Murong Wei's eyes flashed a bit strangely.

After the group of singers withdrew, she quickly stood up from her seat and walked to the middle of the hall.

"Your Majesty, since today is a happy day, how happy is it to just watch the performances of singers and dancers? Why don't you start with this princess and let all the noble ladies compete for their talents..."

It was rare for Murong Wei at this time to speak very humblely.

The hearts of the ministers sitting below and the envoys of some small countries were eager to try.

After all, today's palace banquet is the best time for the emperor to choose a concubine and bestow a marriage. They want their daughter (princess) to perform well in order to get a concubine.

Hearing Murong Wei's words, Jun Zhouhan was silent for a long time, his face was so deep that no one could guess his thoughts.

After a long time, he suddenly chuckled: "Princess Murong gave such a good proposal, how can I not accept it? All the princesses present, if they are talented, can come forward and perform. If the performance is good Yes, I have a lot of rewards!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, may the Majesty allow me to go down to prepare first, and then come to perform later."

"Of course it can."

After Murong Wei retreated, she still glanced at Yuan Deyin quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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