Chapter 314 The little girl dances

Soon, Murong Wei changed into the dance clothes and came in, followed by the maids she brought, who also changed into the dance clothes.

The fiery red emerald shirt and pleated skirt spread out like scattered flowers, and the tulle wrapped around the shoulders and wrapped around the slender waist.

The pattern on the skirt is very beautiful, people can't take their eyes off.

She was barefoot, and there were colorful bells tied to Bai Cong's wrists and ankles, which jingled when she walked.

Everyone looked at this scene, and their interest was aroused.

What performance will Princess Murong bring to them?

Yuan Deyin was eating grapes and sweet-scented osmanthus cake seriously, but when she saw Murong Wei's chic dress, her movements stopped, and she looked at the other party with a weird look.

"What's wrong?" Jun Yu quickly noticed something wrong with her expression, he asked in a deep voice.

"This dance dress looks familiar." Yuan Deyin murmured.

"Your Majesty, this princess's dance is called 'Feihong's Slush'."

After Murong Wei finished speaking with a slightly haughty tone, she turned around and walked behind.

At this time, everyone discovered that a eunuch had already moved up a large screen, surrounded by several big drums.

Murong Wei's maids all picked up their instruments and started playing.

And Murong Wei jumped straight onto the biggest big drum in the middle.

Seeing her move, there was a burst of amazement around her.

Such a beautiful light work.

It is extremely good that a woman, who is still a spoiled princess, can practice lightness kung fu like this.

But, isn't she going to perform on this drum?

The name of the dance she just said, why they have never heard of it.

But I have to say, the name is still nice.

The sound of playing music began to spread around, and everyone's eyes flashed with amazement again.

What a unique melody, they have never heard this kind of tune.

Could it be that Princess Murong did it herself?
Yuan Deyin was still sitting calmly in her seat, but when she heard Murong Wei mention the name of the dance, her expression could no longer maintain her calmness.

Now, I heard the familiar melody again.

The breath on her body began to become a little angry.

On the other side, Murong Wei had already started to move, she twisted her waist following the rhythm.

Spreading her hands, her fiery red neon dance clothes spread out like a fairy flower, and she was like an independent fairy.

Standing on her tiptoes, she raised her legs and flipped half a circle in a quick gesture. The ribbon around her waist drew the arc of an arch bridge in the air.

Borrowing lightness skills, she followed the rhythm and jumped from one drum to another. Using the internal force of her toes, the big drum was also struck.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Until Murong Wei flew down like a fairy and returned to the front, after the whole dance was over, they still couldn't react.

Because of this dance, they felt that Murong Wei's face was even more beautiful than before.

People in the know can tell that Murong Wei's dance skills are average, and she relies entirely on her internal strength.

But it's not worth it that people are creative, dancing on drums, they have never seen it before.

And this song is also very unique and refreshing.

"Cousin Wei, how come Qiao'er has never heard that you dance so well before?"

Nan Lingqiao covered her mouth and asked in astonishment.

She looked innocent, looking at Murong Wei with watery eyes.

"Ling'er, your cousin is smart. She doesn't like to show off many things, but she has this strength. You didn't know she was so powerful before, it's just that she didn't like to show off"

Nan Guiming looked sideways at Nan Lingqiao, and explained lovingly.

Murong Wei originally had a very bad face because of Nan Lingqiao's words, but now she heard Nan Kuiming's words, and she felt a lot better.

Heh, this princess is the most honorable princess in the Xichuan Kingdom, and her talents are naturally impressive!

"Unexpectedly, Princess Murong is still a talented woman."

There are already people around who can't help but praise.

"She is the most favored princess in the Xichuan Kingdom, so she naturally received the best talent instruction."

"That's right, it is said that her mother was still a talented and beautiful woman, if not, how could she fascinate Emperor Xichuan."

"By the way, she wanted to compete in talent just now, right? After she shows off her talent, who dares to compete with her? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

After everyone sighed with emotion, their expressions became a little dignified.

The envoys of several small countries shook their heads at their princesses.

In order to get into Jun Zhouhan's eyes, their princess has to behave well.

But it must not be performed behind Murong Wei, otherwise it will be set off to nothing, and the original talent will appear bleak.

So for a while, everyone watched, no one said a word.

The faces of Chi Yan's veterans were slightly solemn.

After all, this is in Chi Yan's palace, Murong Wei behaved like this, and no one from Chi Yan stood up, it was very embarrassing.

Just when everyone had different thoughts, Murong Wei directly asked Jun Zhouhan: "Your Majesty, before the performance, this princess said that this is a talent competition. I wonder if you can let this princess choose who will accept the competition?"

Jun Zhouhan's eyes were deep, he was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

Although he had sensed that Murong Wei was uneasy and well-intentioned, since the words of the emperor had already been spoken, there was no possibility of denying them.

Seeing Jun Zhouhan nodding, Murong Wei's eyes flashed a bit of triumphant emotion.

She turned around directly and looked at Yuan Deyin with faint eyes: "Princess Deyin, would you like to compete with this princess?"


Chi Yan's ministers looked very nervous after Murong Wei's words fell.

This Murong Wei can compete with anyone, so why did she find Princess Deyin?

Although Princess Deyin has no royal blood, her identity is related to the royal family.

If she loses, she will lose face of the royal family.

"Your Majesty, no!"

So soon a minister came out to stop it.

"Why not? This princess has already performed, why can't Princess Deyin do it?"

Murong Wei looked at the minister with a half-smile.

The minister's face was flushed, and he whispered: "Princess Deyin County is still young, and her not mature."

"A young age can be used as a reason for lack of talent. You really opened my eyes to this princess. This princess started to learn to dance when she was three years old. At that time, she didn't say she couldn't do it. Could it be that you are afraid, I can't afford to lose..."

Murong Wei mocked.

She still didn't forget to turn her head and glance at Yuan Deyin provocatively: "Princess Deyin, your father is the king of halberds. I heard that your mother and concubine were very talented back then. You can't even dance, right?" ?”

She even satirized Princess Deyin?
The faces of the ministers of many countries showed a bit of thinking about watching the show.

It turned out that Princess Murong made such a big circle just to humiliate Princess Deyin.

I don't know how Princess Deyin offended her, and it was worth her trouble.

However, as long as Murong Wei didn't force their people to perform, then it didn't matter how she dealt with Yuan Deyin, they just had to watch the show.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's increasingly ugly face, Murong Wei felt relieved.

She tried her best to shine in front of people, just to trample Yuan Deyin to nothing.

If Yuan Deyin does not accept the challenge today, her notoriety of "surrendering the enemy without fighting" will spread all over the world.

But it would be even better if she could take on the challenge, after all, it's more embarrassing to be ugly.

She didn't think Yuan Deyin was a dancer.

When she came to the capital during this time, she had asked someone to investigate Yuan Deyin carefully.

What can an orphan girl who grew up in Zhuangzi do?
Although I heard that when she was in Weiyang Academy, she got a first class in the literary talent assessment, a first class in riding skills, and a first class in playing the piano...

But in her opinion, it must be because of Jun Yu's good relationship with the old man in Weiyang Academy that he asked them to give her a clue in advance.

Otherwise, how could an idiot who grew up outside be so powerful!

But to be on the safe side, she still chose to dance. Yuan Deyin can't dance or cheat.

Seeing Murong Wei acting like a villain, Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou, who were sitting at the back, died of anger.

This Murong Wei deliberately made things difficult for De Yin.

"Qingzhou, Deyin definitely can't dance." Yin Panrong said anxiously.

Princess Runnan also came at this time. Standing beside them, she couldn't help asking in a puzzled tone, "Why do you think Deyin can't dance?"

"First of all, Deyin has never danced in our performance; second, she won three first-class things in Weiyang Academy. You have heard about it, princess. A girl in her teens, she never Maybe she can play the piano, has a good literary talent, is also very good at chess, by the way, she is also quite skilled in riding horses, and her medical and poison skills are not at the level of ordinary people..."

Yin Panrong snapped her fingers and began to analyze seriously.

There are enough things in the Deyin Club, so I probably don't have time to learn dancing...


Hearing Yin Panrong's firm explanation, Princess Runnan breathed a sigh of relief, she frowned and said softly: "Let's see first, if it doesn't work, I will pick a noble girl to compete."

She couldn't watch Murong Wei continue to bully Deyin.

Hearing Princess Runnan's words, both Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou wanted to take the initiative to ask Ying to replace Yuan Deyin.

But when they hadn't said what they wanted to ask for, a certain little girl over there said seriously: "Okay, since Princess Murong is kind enough to make an appointment, the princess will naturally agree."

"You... actually agreed?"

When Murong Wei heard that Yuan Deyin agreed so readily, she still couldn't react.

After recovering, she said to Yuan Deyin with a half-smile, "Are you sure? If you lose, don't say that this princess is making things difficult for you."

"Huh, if you don't compete, you say that Xiao Deyin is not comparable. After you compete, you start to ask people if you are sure? Princess Murong, do you want our Xiaodeyin to compete?"

Yu Shengxiao couldn't bear it anymore, he opened his mouth and started to slap people.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Murong Wei's face froze and her expression was a little ugly.

Yusheng Xiao?
He is very protective of Yuan Deyin.

"The princess is just afraid that Princess Deyin will not behave well..." she said with a very angry look.

"I'm afraid she won't perform well, so don't compete with her in the first place. People are you, and ghosts are you. You want to set up a chastity workshop after being a biao!"

Yu Shengxiao crossed her waist and yelled again.

The civil servants sitting not far away from him all blushed. This Jade Doctor looked like a dog, but the mouth he spoke... was really daunting.

However, although they didn't dare to say these words, they heard them comfortably.

This Princess Murong has indeed been established again.

"You..." Murong Wei blushed, her expression twisted.

Yuan Deyin also stood up from her seat at this time and walked to her side.

"Princess Murong, the princess will accept your invitation to compete. But before that, there is one thing that the princess would like to ask, is that 'Feihong treading slush' just now made by you?"

she asked in a cold voice.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Deyin would ask such a question at all, and Murong Wei's eyes were a little flustered.

But soon, she calmed down. She lifted her head up and revealed, and said in a haughty tone: "That's natural. This song, the dance, and the design of the dance clothes are all made by this princess alone."

"Princess Murong is really talented. She even designed the clothes herself."

"I'm waiting for others, how can I have her talent."

"Princess Deyin County is also true, she just needs to be soft, why does she have to get together to seek humiliation?"

"That's right, it's not shameful to lose to Princess Murong, after all, her talent is indeed convincing..."

There were murmurs from around, and Murong Wei's expression became more and more proud.

But Yuan Deyin, one of the parties involved, was not surprised by honor or disgrace, and she always maintained a calm expression.

She took a deep look at Murong Wei, and then said: "Then Murong Gong is really a talented woman worthy of the name."

After finishing speaking, she walked straight towards the big drums.

Now a eunuch has come over and is about to take the drum away, but Yuan Deyin quickly raised her head, and she said softly: "Leave the things, the princess will be useful later?"

Still useful?
Murong Wei also heard this with sharp ears, she turned around and looked at Yuan Deyin sharply.

She couldn't help asking in a weird tone: "Princess Deyin, do you want to dance the same dance as this princess?"

"Why not? Princess Murong, since you said that the two of us competed, we have to dance the same dance to be comparable, right?"

Yuan Deyin smiled at her obediently, his expression seemed to be very ignorant.

"Is Princess Deyin stupid? Princess Murong's dance is already unsurpassed in the world. If she has the brains, she should choose another dance. There is still a slight chance of winning."

People around were muttering bitterly, as if Yuan Deyin had done something unforgivably stupid.

"That's right, she'll just wait, when her performance is far from that of Princess Murong, she'll just cry."

"I just observed it. To dance this dance, you must have internal strength, and you can only dance with deep internal strength. Otherwise, the distance between the drums is so long, let alone beating the drums with your toes." Even jumping over it is impossible."

"The owner of Princess Deyin has no internal strength. I don't know whether to say that she is a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, or that she is stupid!"

Not only people from other countries looked at Yuan Deyin's eyes mockingly, but even the ministers of Chi Yan's own country looked at her angrily, as if she had done something to shame Chi Yan.

But the little girl didn't care, her eyes passed through Murong Wei, and she looked directly at Uncle Nine Emperors standing in the distance.

Seeing the trusting eyes of Uncle Jiuhuang towards her, she felt that everything was even more fearless.

"Okay, leave the things behind, the princess can get ready to start. Sister Qingzhou, can you help Deyin play music?"

Yuan Deyin smiled and looked at Mei Qingzhou who was sitting at the end.

Hearing Yuan Deyin calling her, Mei Qingzhou was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, she quickly stood up and knelt down: "Minister obeys."

"You're going to dance like this?"

Murong Wei looked at Yuan Deyin wearing a palace robe and walked towards the drum, she immediately asked aloud, with a somewhat mocking tone.

She really doesn't know how to dance, she's a country bumpkin!
Although her palace gown was pretty, how could anyone dance in such cumbersome clothes, she would be exhausted after only a few moves.

Facing Murong Wei's mocking eyes, Yuan Deyin just smiled slightly: "Why not?"

After finishing speaking, she ignored Murong Wei's application, and quickly said to Mei Qingzhou, "Sister Qingzhou, did you remember the song just now?"

"Well, remember it."

"it is good."

Yuan Deyin let out a long sigh of relief. Now that the only uncertain factor has been determined, she has nothing to fear.

Looking at Yuan Deyin's side face, Mei Qingzhou frowned tightly.

She felt uncomfortable: Why do these people always force Deyin? She can't even dance, how uncomfortable it will be later.

Thinking of something, Mei Qingzhou hurriedly said to Yuan Deyin in a firm tone: "Deyin, don't be nervous. Although I didn't memorize the whole dance just now, I remembered it roughly. When the performance starts, I will Will remind you."

Hearing her words, Aunt Yuan paused for a moment, she tilted her head with a strange expression.

But seeing the worry in her eyes, the little girl nodded seriously: "Okay."

After the voice fell, Mei Qingzhou had already carried the pipa to the side and started playing.

With only one instrument, the sound is bound to be weak.

And over there, Yuan Deyin was holding up the hem of her skirt, and couldn't climb the drum several times, which was very funny.

Seeing this scene, the other envoys of Xichuan Kingdom laughed outright.

Envoys from other countries also began to shake their heads.

Wei Ying has been expressionless since she sat down, but when she saw Yuan Deyin lose her composure, the corners of her mouth began to twitch with a hint of sarcasm.

Oh, idiot, she still wants to dance, does she really think she is omnipotent?

This dance looks very simple, but it is very difficult. There are many cumbersome little movements in it. Even Murong Wei did it ugly. She thought she could do it, but she might not even be able to remember it.

Always want to show off, just wait to be backlashed, and then accept endless ridicule.

While everyone was holding back their laughter, suddenly, the little girl who was still struggling to climb the drum stepped back a few steps, and she tore off all the hair ornaments on her head.

Then he threw it aside, right in front of Tu Sufang, he gave a helpless chuckle, but patiently helped her put everything away.

Yuan Deyin looked at the big drum in front of her, and she ran forward quickly.

Soon, everyone saw...

Yuan Deyin, who had no internal energy fluctuations in her body, was as light as a swallow, and jumped directly onto the drum.

The shoes on her feet were kicked off at some point, revealing ten tender toes.

Everyone wanted to see something clearly, but found that she was dancing rhythmically to the sound of the pipa.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and her movements were clean and neat.

Everyone was surprised to see that she could keep up with the rhythm of the pipa.

In the next moment, they still saw it.

The light gauze in her hand unexpectedly unraveled into dozens of ribbons, scattered in all directions, like fluttering butterflies.

With her toes pointing, she turned three times in the air, and the ribbon circled around her body. Not only were they not entangled, but her whole body was like a flower fairy surrounded by flowers.

Suddenly, the voice of Pipa changed suddenly, her whole aura also began to change, and her movements became softer.

She jumped forward and landed lightly on another drum.

There were a few "dong dong dong", it was her feet that made the drum sound.

This scene shocked many people to the point of wanting to stand up.

Because the sound of this drum is many times stronger than Murong Wei's just now.

The sound of the drums is steady and powerful, as if infused with something called "new life", which makes people feel excited.

But on the drum, she has a soft figure and an aura of sadness all over her body, which makes people worry.

Many people don't know why, but they just feel empty in their hearts.

The two emotions were intertwined in their hearts, and they all began to lose their minds.

When the sound of the drum and pipa stopped, Yuan Deyin jumped off the drum, like a fairy coming out of a painting.

And they are still immersed, unable to extricate themselves.

"Papa papa", a few applause rang out, and Jun Yu smiled gratifiedly at the corner of his mouth.

His little girl, sure enough, never disappoints.

After the rest of the people came to their senses, they also applauded. Their expressions were simply indescribable.

At first they thought Princess Deyin couldn't dance, but who knew that she not only knew how to dance, but also danced very well.

Fortunately, they couldn't find any faults at all, and they were even held by her heart.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although it is the same dance, Yuan Deyin is many times better than Murong Wei.

At first they thought that Murong Wei danced very well, but after seeing Yuan Deyin's soul-infused dance, they felt that Murong Wei was like a child stealing an adult's clothes.

Although the dance was danced out, it was extremely stiff, as if it was just a superficial dance.

But, didn't Murong Wei make up this dance herself?
Why is she dancing so badly herself?

"You, how did you learn it so quickly?"

Murong Wei asked Yuan Deyin with a distorted expression.

She can understand things that people around her can understand.

She never wanted to understand why Yuan Deyin stole things from her, and how she could do so well!
Facing Murong Wei's distorted eyes, Yuan Deyin wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then asked leisurely: "Princess Murong, are you unwilling to do so? I can't figure it out, why is this princess learning from you?" The person who dances better than you?"

Without waiting for Murong Wei to answer, she asked again: "Do you know why this dance is called 'Feihong Slush'?"

"That's right, it's a nice name, the princess just picked it up casually!" Murong Wei replied in a somewhat unnatural tone.

"Oh? I started it casually, and it was such a coincidence that I ran into a poem by a literati. There is such a line in that poem, 'Life is like everywhere, it should be like Feihong stepping on slush'."

(End of this chapter)

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