Chapter 315
After Yuan Deyin said this, there was a moment of silence around.

Everyone looked at her in shock, even Murong Wei looked flustered.

Murong Wei bit her lower lip, and managed to regain her composure after a long time.

"That, that's a coincidence." She said in a low voice.

"Princess Murong, can you answer the princess, what is the meaning of this dance you made up?"

Yuan Deyin asked again with a smile.

This time, Murong Wei's expression turned ugly again.

Because she didn't know the meaning at all.

This is what the queen mother found a dancer from outside the palace to teach her. The dancer said that she had the honor to see a lady dance this dance...

Whether it's dancing, clothes, or tunes, they were all taught to her by the dancer.

"Here, this is a dance that this princess made up on the spur of the moment, and it doesn't have any meaning." Her tone was a little anxious.

But Yuan Deyin was still very calm, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became heavier.

"Princess Murong doesn't know what the meaning is, but this princess knows. This dance is mainly to pay tribute to the poet who wrote the poem. The meaning expressed in the dance is the same as in the poem. What is it like to travel around all your life? It should be like Feihong stepping on the snow. The next line of this poem is "The soil accidentally leaves fingers and claws, and Hongfei remembers things." Does it occasionally leave a few paw prints under the snow, but it goes away in a blink of an eye Look at Gao Fei, how can you remember where the traces are left?"

It turned out to be like this...

Everyone suddenly realized that there was such an implication. No wonder they had to beat the drum with bare feet when they saw this dance. It turned out that it was to leave "paw prints".

No wonder the dancing figure looks so flying, it turns out to be imitating Feihong.

Moreover, when Princess Deyin danced, the emotional change in the second half was clearly expressing a dilemma...

It has to be said that Princess Deyin showed all the artistic conception.

However, it is obvious that Princess Murong is the one who choreographed this dance!Why she didn't know three things when she asked, but Princess Deyin knew all these things so well?
The eyes of everyone looking at Murong Wei gradually became strange.

Murong Wei naturally also noticed the change in their eyes, and a wave of anger rose in her heart.

What on earth is this Yuan Deyin trying to do? After talking so much, is she trying to appear knowledgeable?
With a cold face, she said in an arrogant tone: "Princess Deyin, that's your own opinion. For the same dance, whether it's the choreographer or some outsiders, they all have different opinions. What's the matter?" It's weird..."

She also specially emphasized the two people "outsiders", expressly and secretly satirizing Yuan Deyin, a person who learns from others, so don't talk so much nonsense.

Facing Murong Wei's mocking eyes, Yuan Deyin continued to smile, her crescent moon was crooked, and there were two dimples on her cheeks.

She was not angry, but lifted her skirt and approached him step by step.

When Murong Wei saw Yuan Deyin walking towards her, her heart tightened and her face became vigilant.

And Yuan Deyin didn't give her a chance to react at all. When she walked in front of her, she directly raised her hand and grabbed a strap of her skirt.

Yuan Deyin asked slowly: "Then I dare to ask Princess Murong, what do you think about this dance dress specially designed for dancing? Do you know what is the purpose of this belt?"

"For good looks!"

Murong Wei replied in disgust, she wanted to reach out and pull the strap back.

But how could Yuan Deyin give her this chance?She easily dodged sideways.

At the same time, she pulled down hard, almost at that moment...

The red neon clothes and feathers on Murong Wei's body were scattered one by one, just like the feathers of the blood-colored Feihong falling off one by one, there was an extremely poignant feeling.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

What an ingenious dance dress, it fits so well with the dance.

Even without Yuan Deyin's explanation, everyone watching around understood the mystery of the dancing clothes.

Murong Wei also watched this scene in shock, and when all the red silk and satin on her body fell off, leaving only a white undershirt, she screamed.

"Princess Deyin, are you going too far?"

Nan Guiming's reaction was the quickest. He took a cloak from his subordinate, and then quickly flew over to wrap Murong Wei around it, so as not to let her continue to lose her composure.

In front of so many people, Murong Wei was only wearing an undershirt, which was the same as being seen by others.

Thinking of this, Nan Guiming looked at Yuan Deyin with extremely gloomy eyes, and there was a permeating gloomy light in it.

At this time, a certain Uncle Nine Emperors also quickly walked up to the little girl, blocking her with his tall body.

His indifferent eyes met Nan Guiming's, and the auras of the two were evenly matched.

The little girl looked at Uncle Jiuhuang's tall body in front of her, she puffed up her cheeks, and couldn't help whispering in her heart: "Uncle Jiuhuang is too protective of the calf, I can handle this matter myself .”

After thinking about it, she tugged on Jiuhuangshu's sleeve, and then walked out from behind him.

She looked fearlessly at Nan Guiming and Murong Wei who had murderous intent on her face.

When she opened her mouth to speak, her tone was calm but also somewhat cold.

"Princess Murong, this princess was just demonstrating the design of that dance dress to you. In fact, the most correct way to untie it is to pull the straps apart during dancing, so that it will be more spectacular. In order not to reveal the inner clothes, the latter even wore an extra layer of thinner red dress..."

The words of Yuan Deyin were heard clearly in the ears of everyone present.

They were shocked again in their hearts, and the reason turned out to be like this.

"Princess Deyin, why do you know this so well?"

Finally, someone couldn't help it anymore, and an envoy from a small country asked directly.

Yuan Deyin clapped her hands, threw a piece of silk in her hand on the ground, and then said in a cold tone: "Of course it's because... the princess knows the real performer of this dance."

With a "boom", Murong Wei stood there stiffly as if struck by lightning.

After reacting, she quickly vetoed loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about, this is obviously done by this princess alone!"

At this time, Murong Wei was still holding on, insisting that she did this dance.

Although she doesn't know from which lady the dancer learned this dance, and how she stole the dance dress, she absolutely cannot admit all of this...

Otherwise, she will lose face in front of the world.

"Princess Murong insists that all this is yours, so why don't you know the origin of the dance, and you can't answer the meaning, and you don't even know the design of the dance clothes!"

Yuan Deyin asked Murong Wei calmly.

Murong Wei's face was flushed, she didn't know how to answer, because she couldn't think of an excuse!

Seeing this scene, there is still something that everyone doesn't understand.

Sure enough, Murong Wei stole it.

Thanks to the fact that they praised her so much just now, now that she has been exposed, she feels ashamed.

Of course, their faces were also not good, after all... they were also slapped in the face.

"Princess Deyin, do you know who made this dance?"

Some civil servants could no longer hold back their thoughts, and they asked Yuan Deyin anxiously.

What a talented person it is to design such ingenious dance clothes, dances, and tunes.

This time, everyone in the hall turned their eyes on Yuan Deyin.

Even the eyes of Uncle Nine Emperors beside her and Jun Zhouhan above the main hall were somewhat probing.

Yuan Deyin let out a breath, and then asked seriously: "Do you know Huixuan embroidery?"

"Huixuan Embroidery, Huixuan Embroidery Girl?" The princess of a small country uttered in shock.

Huixuan's embroidery has amazed many countries. How many girls and women present have worshiped Huixuan.

There are many men who don't know embroidery, but they have heard of the good name "Huixuan".

However, why did Princess Deyin suddenly mention her?
"Huixuan is the master of this princess. The dance clothes, music and dance are all her works."

The crisp sound of Yuan Deyin resounded throughout the hall.

This, is this all Huixuan's work?
There was a flash of shock in the eyes of many people present, and they were also a little dazed.

They knew that Huixuan's embroidery was the best in the world, but they didn't expect that she was so good at rhythm.

"Impossible, you are talking nonsense, what Huixuan, what is your master, you don't want to put this princess's things on someone else's head."

Because Murong Wei considers herself to be the best woman in Xichuan, she doesn't want to listen to the voices of the outside world. Naturally, she doesn't know who "Hui Xuan" is, so when she hears what Yuan Deyin said, she immediately speaks out in disgust.

But she didn't know that when she retorted, the people around her looked at her with a little more anger.

Especially many noble girls, they glared at Murong Wei angrily.

This Princess Murong actually insulted Senior Huixuan.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but there are some things that cannot be erased. For example, this..."

Yuan Deyin squatted down calmly, picked up a piece of satin from the ground, pointed to an embroidery on it and said, "Did you see, there is the word Huixuan on it."

The distance is not far, so Murong Wei can see the two small words there at once, and her face has completely lost all color.

How could this be? She just wanted to humiliate Yuan Deyin. Why did so many things happen.

When the people around saw this scene, they naturally knew that there were indeed words on the silk.

"Princess Murong is too disgusting. She even claims that Senior Huixuan's things belong to her. How shameless is she?"

"She swore just now that she did all this by herself, and she was embarrassed? She is not afraid of lying anymore, isn't it struck by lightning?"

"With her like this, she still has the nerve to satirize Princess Deyin. Princess Deyin dances much better than her, and she is not as arrogant as her. The most important thing is that Princess Deyin is actually Senior Huixuan's apprentice."


As they talked, many people looked at Murong Wei with disdainful eyes, and looked at Yuan Deyin with envy.

The expressions of Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou are even more strange.

Others don't know, don't they know?
Deyin is not Senior Huixuan's apprentice, she is Senior Huixuan's daughter.

The woman who created this amazing dance is Princess Ji!

But thinking that such an amazingly talented woman had passed away...they were also very depressed.

Being ridiculed by all kinds of contemptuous eyes, Murong Wei's body trembled a little, her face was flustered and at the same time a little ferocious.

She is the No.1 beauty in the Xichuan Kingdom, and she is also the most beloved princess of her parents. If these people dare to humiliate her like this, aren't they afraid that she will kill them?

Seeing that Murong Wei was in a trance due to the stimulation, Nan Guiming's eyes flashed a bit of cruelty.

She is so reckless, she can turn over even Yuan Deyin!

"Come here, Princess Murong is not feeling well, take her back to rest."

With Nan Guiming's order, the two servants behind him immediately moved forward, ignoring Murong Wei's struggle, and directly dragged her away.

"Cousin, I won't go, I won't go!" After being dragged far away, Murong Wei's screams could still be heard.

Everyone looked at their noses, noses, noses and hearts, and kept silent, but they already understood in their hearts that the reputation of Princess Murong, starting today... should be abolished.

Seeing that Murong Wei was taken away, Nan Guiming turned his head, and said to Jun Zhouhan with a smirk: "Your Majesty, I have become more disciplined, and I asked someone to take Wei'er away without asking for your instructions." I'm gone, and I hope the emperor will forgive me."

He was indeed saying something forgivable, but his face was full of remorse.

"Princess Murong is not feeling well. Prince Nan, you are her cousin. You should order someone to take her down to rest. Alright, let's continue the banquet."

The emperor's words were all ordered, and the people below had no choice but to drink tea as if nothing had happened.

"Xiaoyin, you just won the competition, what reward do you want?" Jun Zhouhan looked at Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Everyone's eyelids twitched, the emperor is really kind to Princess Deyin, and she can make her own request for the reward.

Hearing Jun Zhouhan's words, a certain little girl tilted her head and began to meditate seriously.

After a while, as if thinking of something, she hurriedly said loudly: "Brother Emperor, Deyin doesn't lack anything. But there is a reward, and Deyin really wants it. If it wasn't for the help of Sister Qingzhou to play music, Deyin It may not be possible to dance that dance. So, please give the reward for Deyin to Sister Qingzhou."

Reward or transfer?
Does Princess Deyin think this is a vegetable market, can you bargain?

Some people have already started shaking their heads, thinking that Yuan Deyin is a person who doesn't know how to advance and retreat, and will definitely make the emperor angry later.

But after a long time, they didn't see any trace of anger on the emperor on the dragon chair.

Jun Zhouhan looked at Yuan Deyin's earnest little face for a long time, and suddenly chuckled: "Okay, it's up to you."

"Mei Qingzhou, what reward do you want?" Jun Zhouhan looked at Mei Qingzhou with deep meaning in his eyes.

Hearing his tone of voice, the hearts of some people around became tense.

Because they felt that Jun Zhouhan's tone seemed to want Mei Qingzhou to enter the palace.

If Mei Qingzhou also enters the palace, according to her relationship with Princess Deyin, wouldn't her status rise with the tide?

So for a while, many women looked at Mei Qingzhou with vigilance and jealousy.

And Jun Zhouhan also pursed his lips, looked at Mei Qingzhou expectantly with a nervous expression, he was waiting for her answer.

I don't know how long it took, Mei Qingzhou knelt down heavily, and then kowtowed vigorously to Jun Zhouhan.

"The daughter of the people thanked the emperor. But all these are what the courtiers should do, and the courtiers dare not invite rewards."

She... still refused.

A look of loneliness flashed across Jun Zhouhan's eyes.

The others didn't know what Jun Zhouhan was thinking, and they were all blown up now.

This Mei Qingzhou should be the daughter of a guilty minister, it is definitely a gift from heaven for her to enter the palace.

But she actually gave up this opportunity to be rewarded!
Is she crazy!
Or, is she trying to get caught, trying to attract the emperor's attention through this method?
After being silent for a long time, Jun Zhouhan said lightly: "I understand, you step back."

But Mei Qingzhou really turned around and returned to her position resolutely, and the surrounding atmosphere was a little weird.

Yuan Deyin also returned to her seat. She held her small face and felt something was wrong in the air. She frowned and asked Uncle Jiuhuang: "Why do I think Brother Emperor is unhappy?"

"It's very cold at high places, he will get used to it." Jun Yu glanced at Jun Zhouhan from the corner of his eye, and then answered the little girl's question in a low voice.

The singing and dancing continued, and princesses from many countries began to stand up and perform.

Finally, after the princess of Mobei finished her performance, Nan Lingqiao twisted her waist and walked up.

Her dress today is much more restrained than when she was at the city gate.

She pouted and said with an innocent look: "Your Majesty, Qiaoer is the princess of Nanyue Kingdom. Qiaoer also wants to show off her talents, but Qiaoer once swore that she would only show her talents to others." The future husband will see, so your majesty..."

"Princess Nan, you don't need to be in trouble, as long as you have this kind of thought." Jun Zhouhan smiled indifferently, and did not follow the routine that Nan Lingqiao expected.

Nan Lingqiao froze for a moment, but she recovered quickly.

She covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, and said in a coquettish tone: "Your Majesty, in fact, as long as Qiaoer's husband is in this hall, it doesn't matter for Qiaoer to perform. Therefore, here, Qiaoer, begs the emperor to grant Qiaoer a marriage." !"

"Your Majesty, our princess also wants to ask for a marriage." At this moment, Hu Biao, who was sitting next to Wei Ying, roared.

(End of this chapter)

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