Chapter 316 She is the only king
After Hu Biao's voice fell, everyone looked at Wei Ying with strange expressions.

Does she want to be married too?
She is notorious in Chiyan, who else does she want to marry?
When Yuan Deyin heard the words by the lake, her small body froze, and her face was full of worry.

What if Yuan Ying'er said she was going to marry Uncle Nine Emperors?
Thinking of this, a certain little princess has a headache.

In this world, there is nothing more annoying than Jiuhuangshu's hot pursuit.

Just when everyone thought that Wei Ying wanted to marry Jun Yu, suddenly Wei Ying and Hu Biao stood in the middle of the hall together.

Hu Biao said loudly: "In order to make the state of Wei and Chiyan a good relationship between the two countries forever, our emperor specially sent his favorite princess Fanghua to Chiyan to make a marriage. Our emperor hopes that Emperor Chiyan will take good care of our princess in the future. Mo Let her suffer in Chiyan."

Chi Yanhuang loves Princess Fanghua?
Fanghua is Wei Ying's title.

Wait, isn't Wei Ying going to marry the Ninth Prince?
What she fell in love with turned out to be... the emperor?
For a moment, everyone looked strange.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help grinning, his eyes sparkling.

For Jun Yu, what happened above the main hall could not cause much disturbance to him at all.

But now seeing the little girl's snickering appearance, his interest has come.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Yin'er, what do you enjoy?"

"Hmph, of course Deyin is happy, as long as Yuan...Wei Ying doesn't come to the Regent's Palace, it doesn't matter if she goes to harm anyone..." Miss Yuan shrugged her shoulders and said calmly.

Jun Zhouhan was sitting on the dragon chair, not far from them, so he, who had good hearing, could vaguely hear her muttering.

Suddenly, he felt like vomiting blood.

As long as you don't go to the Prince Regent's Mansion to harm Uncle Nine Emperors, even if you come to harm him, it's fine, Xiaoyin is no longer a little padded jacket...

A certain emperor, the more he thought about it at this time, the more he became more and more frustrated.

This Wei Ying is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

In addition, there is a Wei Huang behind her, and they are so anxious to send her to the palace, what kind of conspiracy is there?

Jun Zhouhan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp light flashed past.

What Jun Zhouhan can think of, Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan can naturally think of.

Jun Yu picked up the teacup and sipped the tea indifferently, but his cold eyes glanced towards Wei Qinhuai inadvertently.

Wei Qinhuai noticed his eyes, and immediately shook his head slightly.

He also didn't know about this matter.

It seems that he was really suspected. The two generals escorted Wei Ying all the way, and along the way, he was not told about such a big marriage...

When Wei Qinhuai shook his head, Jun Yu could naturally guess a lot of things, and the coldness in his whole body became a little bit heavier.

"Your Majesty, our princess traveled across mountains and rivers to come to Chiyan just for the sake of good relations between the two countries. You have not expressed your opinion for a long time. Do you look down on our country Wei, or do you not want good relations between the two countries?"

Although Hu Biao looked like an old man, his words were strong.

At this time, Cang Liheng, the second prince of Canglan Kingdom, also stood up.

"Your Majesty, in order to forever bond the two countries, we, Cangliliguo, are willing to marry Chiyan."

After his words fell, Cang Lizhu beside him stood up and blessed the body in a polite and thoughtful manner.

Then, Ling Xiye, the prince of Yuewu Kingdom, also fought to talk about the marriage. The princess from their country was also Ling Zhining.

Mobei's envoys were not far behind, and pushed their princess He Ziwen out.

So in the blink of an eye, there were five princesses and princesses from other countries standing in the middle of the hall.

"Being the emperor is powerful, so many beauties are up to him to choose from." Underneath, someone from some hermit family was a bit bolder, and even made a joke.

Jun Zhouhan heard this, and he smiled wryly in his heart.

He didn't want so many women, they were intrigues.


From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Uncle Nine Emperors who was silently sipping tea, and then at the ministers who were eager to see...

Of course, there is also Mei Qingzhou who is always in the corner with her head down.

When you are emperor, you have to pay the price.

This was the consequence that he had already figured out when he asked Uncle Nine Emperors to let him return to Beijing to avenge his mother and concubine.

Why do you hesitate now when you already understood things at the beginning?
After all, the road is chosen by oneself, isn't it?

Withdrawing his eyes from Mei Qingzhou, Jun Zhouhan's eyes became sharp.

He scanned all the envoys and princesses in the hall, and then set his eyes on Hu Biao.

"The envoy of Wei State is joking, why would I not want the two countries to be friendly? It's just that there has never been a concubine in my harem, so you must be cautious when accepting a concubine, especially the reputation of Princess Fanghua in Chiyan is very bad. , then you need to be more cautious.”

Jun Zhouhan "explained" it lightly.

What he said successfully made Wei Ying's expression look ugly, and Hu Biao was so angry that his beard blew up.

"Your majesty, what do you mean? Are you looking down on our princess?" Hu Biao asked arrogantly.

"Since General Hu asked this question, I will tell you the truth. Not everyone can be squeezed into my harem! Also, this is the Chiyan Palace. I don't care how big your official position is in Wei, but you No matter how rude you are, I can still punish you."

When Jun Zhouhan said these words, the pressure of the emperor all over his body went towards Hu Biao, and he still punished Hu Biao's heart with every word.

Hu Biao's face turned ugly again, he roared if he wanted to, but found that all the internal force in his body was suppressed.

He looked at the stage in fear, only to see Jun Zhouhan staring at him indifferently.

He was horrified...

He knew that Jun Yu had deep internal strength, but he didn't expect Jun Zhouhan to be so strong.

Did they underestimate him?
"General Hu, how did I teach you? You were reckless in Wei State and your father protected you, but you are nothing when you leave Wei State. If you lose face in Wei State like this again, this Palace will be destroyed. you!"

Wei Qinhuai slapped the table hard, the table was on the verge of falling, he looked at Hu Biao coldly.

Hu Biao's forehead broke out in cold sweat.

These days, he relied on the emperor's orders, so his arrogance was a bit too much.

I completely forgot that the ruthlessness under the gentle skin of His Royal Highness is not much less than that of the emperor.

So Hu Biao hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Seeing this, Cui Dajian stood up quickly, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it is our general Hu who is reckless, but the marriage, our country Wei is sincere."

Wei Ying also stood up straight at this time, she raised her head and looked directly at Jun Zhouhan.

She now represents the state of Wei, no matter whether she is the real daughter of the former prince of Wei state or not, she is honorable now.

Jun Yu poisoned her, and she had already given up on him.

There is only one thought in her mind now, which is to make life worse than death for those who have harmed her!
Yuan Deyin, this princess will not compete with you for supremacy now,
When the princess enters the palace and becomes a queen, you and Jun Yu will also have to kneel in front of the princess, begging like a poor dog.

After thinking about it, Wei Ying's desire to marry Jun Zhouhan became stronger.

She summoned her maid and wrote something on the palm of her hand.

The maid hurriedly raised her head and said to Jun Zhouhan: "Your Majesty, our princess is willing to marry for the sake of good relations between the two countries."

"Really? Princess Fanghua is really willing to marry?" Jun Zhouhan looked at Wei Ying meaningfully.

When Wei Ying heard Jun Zhouhan's words, her expression became subtle.

She sneered in her heart, thinking that the people Jun Yu cultivated had great concentration, but it turned out to be nothing more than that!
When you see a beautiful woman, is it easy to fall in love?
She has always been confident in her beauty, and she is confident that she has caused a ripple in Jun Zhouhan's heart now.

So she raised her head even higher, then nodded firmly, exuding an air of aloofness all over her body.

As a result, in the next moment, her smile disappeared...

Because Jun Zhouhan said blankly: "Since Princess Fanghua loves so much and is so determined to marry Chi Yan, then I will give her a marriage so that she and General Liu Jian will marry in the future."

General Liu Jian?

The people present were stunned for a while, and soon many ministers looked at a dark-skinned and short general with strange eyes.

Liu Jian has been leading troops in the capital for many years, and has a certain official position and reputation, but because his appearance is really unattractive, no girl is willing to marry him for so many years.

If there was such a beautiful woman who was willing to marry him before, Liu Jian would probably be able to wake up with a smile from his dreams.

But if this beautiful woman is the former "Yuan Ying'er", Liu Jian would rather be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

However, this is what the emperor meant, and he didn't have the guts to refuse.

He murmured sadly in his heart: "Your Majesty, you don't want to marry that Princess Fanghua anymore. But if you leave this mess to me, I can't handle it."

In the end, Liu Jian could only walk into the hall with difficulty under the sympathetic eyes of all his colleagues.

Then he knelt down beside Wei Ying, and said loudly: "I thank the emperor for the marriage, I will definitely treat Princess Fanghua well in the future."

"Well, I certainly believe Liu Aiqing's words." Jun Zhouhan nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing this scene, Wei Ying, Hu Biao, and Cui Dajian were almost dizzy with anger.

Especially Wei Ying, when she looked at Liu Jian's appearance, which was so dark that he could hardly see his facial features, her face became a bit ferocious.

She doesn't want to be a general's wife, she wants to be a queen!
She wanted to question Jun Zhouhan, but she couldn't make a sound at all.

Hu Biao immediately spoke in her place: "Your Majesty, our princess is a rich man, how can she marry..."

"General Hu, didn't you all sincerely say that you want to get married for the sake of good relations between the two countries? I have confirmed with you again and again. Why, you are now back on your word?"

Jun Zhouhan's face darkened, and there was a faint tendency to get angry.

"But..." Hu Biao still wanted to quibble.

"General Hu, do you still have an opinion? Could it be that you say that the marriage is a fake, and it is true that it has other uses?"

Jun Zhouhan put another hat of "ulterior motives" on their heads.

At this time, both Hu Biao and Cui Dajian could feel the traces of internal force fluctuations of many masters around them.

They were secretly startled.

This is Chi Yan's palace, if they refute again, they may not be able to walk out of this gate tonight.

Moreover, it was also because they were eager to get the princess married that they fell into the trap set by Jun Zhouhan.

At this time, Wei Qinhuai put down the teacup, glanced at this side coldly, and said coldly: "Fanghua, you are the one who wants to get married, and you are the one who has opinions now. If you want to mess around, you have to A degree..."

What he said was a warning.

"There are two other generals, my palace is still here, but you are pretending to be envoys of Wei State. Could it be that you want to replace me?"

In the last sentence, Wei Qinhuai's killing intent came out.

The people who watched the play could see that it was tricky. The Princess Fanghua and the two generals seemed to be not in the same camp as Prince Wei.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we will recognize this marriage in Wei Guoguo, and Fanghua will marry into General Liu's family soon."

Wei Qinhuai stood up and bowed to Jun Zhouhan.

The people watching the show dropped their jaws again, Prince Wei is so ruthless.

If he said so, the marriage would be an ironclad affair.

Letting a princess of a country marry a general, no matter how you look at it, it is a marriage.

However, this princess has a bad reputation and is dumb. Thinking about it this way, General Liu is at a loss again.

Two kinds of moods, turning back and forth in their hearts.

After Wei Ying heard Wei Qinhuai's words, her face became ferocious again, and her fingers clenched into fists...

She gritted her teeth, looking like she wanted to kill Wei Qinhuai.

Wei Qinhuai, you are really cruel enough to push me into the pit of fire.

Before she came, Emperor Wei asked her to pay more attention to Wei Qinhuai, but she didn't take it seriously at the time.

After all, Wei Qinhuai has a gentle skin, and he is gentle and polite to her.

If it wasn't because she wanted to live as the daughter of the former prince of Wei for the rest of her life, she might want to be his wife, so that she might become the queen of Wei.

But who knew, Wei Qinhuai slapped her hard now.

He must have known for a long time that Yuan Deyin was the real blood of Wei Guo... He was deliberately being gentle and polite to her these days!
she hates...

she hates...

She hated herself for not being able to speak, otherwise she would have to tell Emperor Wei these secrets, and Wei Qinhuai would have a terrible death.

Wei Ying's eyes were wide open and she was struggling, but Wei Qinhuai had already ordered someone to take her down.

Hu Biao and the two were also a little uneasy, worried that Wei Qinhuai would also attack them, so it was rare for them to settle down.

"The princesses came here not far away. I am very touched by this kindness for the sake of the friendship between the two countries..." Jun Zhouhan's eyes began to fall on those princesses.

It seemed that they were a little flustered.

Wei Ying has become like that, and now they are afraid that they will follow in her footsteps, so they are all worried.

But who knows, the next sentence in Jun Zhou's letter said: "Princess Cangli is named Concubine Li, Princess Mobei is named Concubine Ning, and Princess Yuewu Kingdom is named Concubine Wen."

Hearing this, the princesses and envoys of the three countries all showed joy.

Hu Biao and Cui Dajian gritted their teeth as if they had been severely slapped in the face.

And Wei Qinhuai was just sipping tea lightly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"In addition, the daughter of the Liu family is virtuous, and she is granted the title of promise. The daughter of the Han family is intelligent, and she is named Changzai. The daughter of the Shi family is gentle, and she is named noble. The daughter of the Cong family is pretty, and she is named Daibi. The daughter of the Gao family is elegant. , conferred the title of Concubine Fei, the daughter of the Su family's prostitute has the name of good virtue, and is conferred the title of Concubine Tong..."

Jun Zhouhan canonized more than a dozen legitimate daughters of loyal ministers.

The ministers happily brought their daughters to thank them.

Yuan Deyin was in chaos, coughing frantically, and she choked on the tea.

"Be careful." A certain Ninth Uncle patted her on the back lightly.

Yuan Deyin swallowed hard, and she patted her little face, which was flushed from being choked.

Then he couldn't help being shocked and said to Uncle Jiuhuang: "Uncle Jiuhuang, the emperor's elder brother, he has conferred more than a dozen people in a row!"

But Jun Yu seemed very calm, and he gave a faint "hmm".

As an emperor, there are many things that cannot be controlled.

Especially the emperor who is not strong enough.

Back then, the emperor loved his mother very much, but the harem was still stuffed with many women.

Jun Zhouhan is still sober, and he chose first before being blocked.

"But, but this is too much, is he busy at night?" The little girl wrinkled her face and couldn't help asking.

Jun Yu was in a depressed mood at first, but when he heard the little girl's words, his handsome face couldn't help twitching.

"This is not something you should worry about," he explained helplessly, and seeing her curious face, he decided to add another sentence, "Some women, even if they enter the palace, may not have the opportunity to serve them."

"Ah? Aren't they very pitiful?" A certain little girl's face wrinkled even more.

"But for them, and even for their whole family, they are happy." Jun Yu replied blankly.

is it?

Yuan Deyin looked up, only to see those women kneeling on the ground to thank her, even the familiar Sudan Tong, Gao Yifei, and Cong Daimei had excitement in their expressions.


She sighed, and suddenly felt that she couldn't understand the feelings of the world.

"The emperor can't help himself, but the prince, especially a regent who holds military power, can make his own decisions about the marriage." Jun Yu glanced sideways at the little girl and said seriously.

"Huh?" The little girl's ears perked up, and she looked at Uncle Nine Emperors suspiciously. What does he mean by this?

"Therefore, this king will only have one concubine. There will be no continuation, no concubine, no concubine, no confidante, only her." Jun Yu looked into her eyes and said every word seriously. answer.

(End of this chapter)

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