The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 317 Kill Yuan Deyin and replace him

Chapter 317 Kill Yuan Deyin and replace him

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you alright?"

The little girl raised her hand and touched the forehead of a certain Nine Emperor Uncle with the back of her hand.

"Uncle Jiuhuang, don't you usually speak very concisely? Why did you say such a long sentence today? It's weird. Are you really okay?"

The little girl was worried, and she asked again uncertainly.

Jun Yu: "..." The king said it in vain.

Behind, the corners of Wuxi and Wuyi's mouths twitched.

My lord, there are some things...can't you be more direct?

If it is euphemistic to a certain extent, it is not something the little princess can understand.

Over there, the eyes of the others also began to fall on Nan Lingqiao.

After all, among so many princesses who have stood up, she is the only one who has not been canonized yet.

Finally, Nan Ling called out, "Your Majesty."

Everyone thought that she was going to enter the palace as a concubine when they heard her repeated shouts. After all, she was the most favored princess in Nanyue Kingdom. If she really wanted to get married, only the Emperor, the Ninth Prince, King Xu and King Jing are gone.

But compared to those three princes, the possibility of becoming the emperor's concubine is still greater.

But when everyone's thoughts were turning around, Nan Lingqiao said in a shy tone: "This princess fell in love with Lord Shen Chuannan at first sight, and I implore the emperor to give us two."

After finishing speaking, she still twisted her small pale waist that was exposed outside, and looked at Shen Chuannan's direction affectionately.

With a "bang", a wine glass fell to the ground.

When everyone looked over, it turned out that the young lady from the Tao family from the southwest had lost her composure.

"Why don't you hurry up and help the young lady set the wine glasses?" Princess Xixi was someone who had seen strong winds and waves, and she softly scolded the maid behind her.

The maid immediately knelt down to pick up the teacup, and everyone's attention began to withdraw.

"Cough cough cough..." Yusheng Xiao Ke almost choked to death on the tea.

He touched Shen Chuannan with his elbow, and said teasingly: "Tsk, Fox Shen, you are very lucky. The princess of Nanyue Kingdom personally asks to marry you."

As a result, Shen Chuannan's eyes were pierced into his body like knives, and he was too scared to make a sound.

After being stunned for a while, everyone also looked at Shen Chuannan with envious eyes.

Some ministers even began to sigh with emotion: "Master Shen is very lucky."

These words made Shen Chuannan's face darken.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why did Nan Lingqiao marry Mrs. Shen?" The little girl tugged on Uncle Nine Emperors' sleeves and asked curiously.

She was still a little worried.

After all, she could tell that Sister Lin hadn't let Master Shen go yet.

Now that another princess of the Nanyue Kingdom has appeared, I still don't know what will happen!

"Maybe it's really like what Nan Lingqiao said, she fell in love with Shen Chuannan at first sight?" Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

However, when he looked at Nan Lingqiao in the main hall, his coldness flashed across him.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you believe this?" the little girl murmured in disgust.

What she said made Jun Yu more interested.

"Could it be that Yin'er doesn't believe what Nan Lingqiao said?" Jun Yu looked at her sideways.

"That's natural." The little girl nodded firmly.

"If you really like someone, you can't hide your eyes. Nan Lingqiao is too fake." The little girl continued to add.

"You can actually understand likes and dislikes..." Jun Yu chuckled, and that laughter was a little helpless.

This little guy who didn't grow up didn't even understand himself, and he said...

Alas, I am so tired...

Yuan Deyin didn't know what she said, which made Uncle Jiuhuang feel so heavy, she carefully tugged on his sleeve again.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, Yin'er, you are right. Nan Lingqiao must be uneasy and kind to Shen Chuannan. The people of Nanyue Kingdom... are not ordinary."

After all, Jun Yu's indifferent eyes glanced at Nan Kuiming who was sipping wine on the seat.

Nan Guiming raised his head leisurely as if he noticed Jun Yu's eyes.

He also raised his wine glass, but this glass of wine was obviously not for Jun Yu, but for Yuan Deyin.

He didn't care how disgusted Yuan Deyin looked at him, he smiled cunningly and drank the wine in one gulp.

A little wine flowed down the corner of his mouth, and the picture was indescribably extravagant and corrupt.

On the opposite side, Shen Chuannan took the initiative to stand up. He deliberately chose a position far away from Nan Lingqiao and stood up.

Then he bowed respectfully to Jun Zhouhan: "Your Majesty, I have no intention of treating Princess Nanyue, thank you for your kindness, but I really cannot agree to this marriage."

"Oh? Mr. Shen has someone he likes?" Jun Zhouhan raised his eyebrows.

His eyes lightly fell to Tao Lin who was in a daze not far away, and then he asked Shen Chuannan casually.

"Yes!" Shen Chuannan replied heavily.

This sound shocked many people.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shen, who is self-sacrificing, hides someone in his heart.

They have been colleagues for so many years, but they really haven't found out.

Tao Lin raised her head quickly, her eyes were red and her heart was hot.

"Master Shen, this princess loves you, even if you already have someone else, it doesn't matter, this princess is willing to get along well with her."

Nan Lingqiao bit her lower lip, she begged with tears in her eyes.

The beauty cried, and many people couldn't bear it, and their hearts were broken.

Master Shen is too ignorant, this is a princess!
How could marrying her bring him so many benefits, why wouldn't he think about it?
Many people even wished to replace Shen Chuannan.

At this time, Nan Guiming also put down the wine glass heavily.

The ear-piercing sound of "pa" made people timid.

"Shen Chuannan, the princesses of our Nanyue Kingdom are willing to let go of their bodies for you. You are still hesitating now, don't you think of us Nanyue?"

He scolded coldly, his eyes narrowed, very sinister.

Many people couldn't help but get nervous.

Why does this involve the issue of looking down on Nanyue Kingdom!

"Prince Ming is serious. The official has never meant to despise the princess. However, the official's heart is very small and can only accommodate one person. No matter how noble the princess is, the official has no place for her in his heart. Why let her Follow the subordinates to suffer?"

Shen Chuannan's voice became firmer.

When Yu Shengxiao heard this, he whistled directly.

Tsk tsk tsk, if it weren't for the occasion, he would have jumped up and applauded.

I have known Shen Huhu for so many years, but I never thought that he still has such a tender side.

Tao Lin lowered her head and tried her best to hold back her tears, so as not to let herself lose her composure.

"Sounds so nice. I don't believe that the woman in your heart can compare to the princess of our Nanyue Kingdom?" Nan Kuiming's words were all aggressive.

Faced with this posture, Shen Chuannan's aura did not back down.

"Prince Ming, if you insist on answering, then I will tell you the truth: the princess of your country is not half as good as the person in my heart."

"Okay, very good. Your majesty, is this how your prime minister, Chi Yan, insulted our royal family of Nanyue Kingdom?" Nan Kuiming pointed the finger at Jun Zhouhan.

Nan Lingqiao also started to take out her handkerchief and wiped her tears, as if she was heartbroken by Shen Chuannan.

"Prince Ming, this matter has nothing to do with the country, it's all the intention of the lower officials." Shen Chuannan looked sideways, and the coldness all over his body became even worse.

"Master Shen is so affectionate." Miss Yuan put her face on her face and couldn't help saying this with emotion.

Jun Yu: "..."

damn it.

And a certain little girl couldn't figure out why a certain Ninth Emperor Uncle's face suddenly turned cloudy, so she tentatively asked: "Nine Emperor Uncle, are you also mad at the prince of Nanyue Kingdom? That's not good."

Jun Yu: "..."

Behind them, Wu Xi and Wu Ying looked at their noses, noses, and hearts, and their heads were about to explode.

Princess, please stop talking.

Going on, the prince may be sour.

Seeing that the swords were still tense in the middle of the hall, Jun Yu knocked on the table.

"Since Princess Nanyue has such deep admiration for Mr. Shen, and Mr. Shen is unwilling to make room for the person in his heart, why not let Princess Nanyue stay in Shen's residence for a while, and the two of them can spend some time together. My mind hasn’t changed yet, and it’s not too late to make a decision.”

After Jun Yu said these words, the ministers below nodded one after another.

This is indeed a good way.

Jun Zhouhan's frown can also be relaxed.

But Shen Chuannan's face turned dark.

He looked at a certain Ninth Prince with hesitant eyes.

He could guess that there must be a conspiracy by Nan Lingqiao to marry him, and he thought that A Yu would definitely not let the other party's conspiracy succeed.


Ah Yu stopped the marriage offer, but what happened to bringing her to his house?

Wuxi and Wuyi looked at Shen Chuannan's bewildered face, and they sighed silently.

Mr. Shen, please take care of yourself...

The prince can't be cruel to the princess, he can only make you suffer.

Over there, after Nan Lingqiao and Nan Guiming heard Jun Yu's suggestion, they were both silent, as if they were thinking about how much this suggestion would benefit them.

Finally, after a long time, Nan Lingqiao covered her chest and said, "This princess is willing. As long as there is a chance to fight for it, this princess will never give up."

Shen Chuannan's face darkened even more.

There were so many farces in a palace banquet, after several rounds, everyone was exhausted.

So after a few more performances, Jun Yu ordered the banquet to end.

Eunuch Li Da rushed to take people to work. A few days later, all the princesses and noble ladies entered the palace.

Shen Chuannan turned around and wanted to go back, but Nan Lingqiao twisted her waist and stuck to his side like a piece of brown candy.

"Master Shen, you have promised your emperor to take this princess home." Nan Ling said delicately.

Cracks appeared on Shen Chuannan's elegant face.

He glanced at the door from the corner of his eye, and found that Tao Lin was following the Southwest King, frequently turning her head to peek at him, but when she found Nan Lingqiao standing beside him, she left without looking back.

"Yu Shengxiao, come here." He called Yu Shengxiao.

Yu Shengxiao didn't know his state when he came over, but in the next moment, he was stuffed beside Shen Chuannan and Nan Lingqiao.

The corners of Yushengxiao's mouth twitched, never thinking that one day he would be able to function as a tool for isolation.

However, the rouge gouache of the princess of Nanyue Kingdom is too strong, it chokes people to death...

Woohoo, he still likes Xiao Deyin, his whole body smells like sweet-scented osmanthus cake, it's delicious...

Yuan Deyin stood up from his seat and wanted to leave the hall.

But suddenly, Nine Emperor Uncle took his little hand.

"Come here with the king."

Before she could react, Uncle Nine Emperors took her out from the side hall.

After turning around and turning around, Yuan Deyin was so confused that she finally arrived in a small room, which was pitch black.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you bringing Deyin here for?" The little girl raised her head.

In the next instant, the room lit up.

Yuan Deyin saw not far away, Wei Qinhuai and Princess Runnan standing there...

Wei Qinhuai looked at her with both joy and sadness, which was very complicated.

Soon, he rushed over and hugged her.

"Cousin, I finally see you."

It would be great if the imperial grandmother could see her before she died...

After thinking about it, Wei Qinhuai hugged Yuan Deyin a little tighter, wishing he could hug her instead of Queen Mother Chunyu.

Yuan Deyin was still in a daze, and was hugged like this.

She wanted to push away, but sensing the melancholy aura emanating from him, her pushing quickly turned into patting him on the back.

"Cousin, cousin?" She called out tentatively.

"Hey." Wei Qinhuai's eyes were astringent, and he replied heavily with a thick nasal voice.

At this time, where does he still have the indifference towards Wei Ying in the hall?
"Tell me, what's the matter with Yuan Ying'er?" Jun Yu asked indifferently, and he raised his hand quickly to push Wei Qinhuai away.

Just say it, what hug?

I just hugged, why did I have to hug for so long?
The eyes of a certain lord regent were sore that they were about to blister.

Wei Qinhuai could naturally sense Jun Yu's sourness, he snorted coldly in his heart...

Hehe, Jun Yu, you have been occupying your little cousin for so long, and I haven't said anything yet.Now that Ben Gong is here, do you still want to occupy the little cousin?

However, when he thought of Wei Ying, a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

"You sent the person in front of Jun Xiao, plus the letter from King Runnan, he actually believed it."

Wei Qinhuai spoke in a cold voice.

"It's just that he hasn't been in good health recently, so he's even more suspicious. Maybe my good emperor brother has blown something in his ear, and he started to suspect that I have colluded with Chi Yan..."

Wei Qinhuai sneered.

It has to be said that his second younger brother really told a part of the truth by mistake.

"So, let those two generals escort Wei Ying over here and propose a marriage to test you?" Jun Yu broke Wei Po's mind with a single word.

"That's right." Wei Qinhuai nodded.

"However, you all said that his character is suspicious, shouldn't he not tolerate any risks? And he actually wants Yuan Ying'er to marry the emperor's brother. If Yuan Ying'er submits to Chi Yan, wouldn't he let the tiger go back to the mountain? In order to test you, he took too much risk."

Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

Hearing her question, Wei Qinhuai chuckled lightly, and he looked at her with extremely gentle eyes.

"Cousin Deyin, you may have underestimated Yuan Ying'er."

"Huh?" Yuan Deyin's curiosity was aroused.

"After Yuan Ying'er was sent to Wei State, Wei Xiao was so excited that he couldn't sleep at night. He wanted to order her to be chopped off that night. But Yuan Ying'er could quickly guess a lot of things from everything in front of her. Although she couldn't Tell Wei Po about your identity, but she can do whatever she wants, she firmly told Wei Po that she is the blood of the Empress Dowager Chunyu..."

"But, in this way, wouldn't she die faster? How could she still be alive?" Wei Ying asked with a puzzled face.

According to her understanding of Wei Po, he would rather kill the wrong than let him go, and he would kill the grass and root out the root.

"Then we have to see what Yuan Ying'er did. She actually wrote a paragraph to Wei Po, saying that she could trick her father and younger brother into Wei Guo..."

"She actually..." Wei Ying's voice was tight, and she could probably guess what was going on.

Yuan Jiang and his son originally thought that they would be able to enjoy happiness when they came to Wei.


As soon as they arrived, Yuan Ying'er personally fed poison to them, and both of them died.

When Wei Qinhuai said this, his tone was a bit dull.

Yuan Ying'er's cruelty was beyond his expectation.

"But it's also because she is so ruthless that Wei Po is sure that she is the real Wei Ying, and also believes that she is really submitting to him." Wei Qinhuai said quietly.

At the end, he also added: "It is said that she proposed to come to Chi Yan this time."

"She came to Chiyan and wanted to marry the emperor, could it be that she wanted to take revenge after becoming a queen?" Wei Ying asked.

"I suspect that this is not the only reason for her. Her biggest goal may be to kill Deyin." Wei Qinhuai said in a serious tone.

Seeing that Jun Yu's face turned cold, he continued to speak: "Yuan Ying'er has been domineering in Wei's palace recently, and she has deeply realized the benefits that the status of 'princess' can bring her... ..."

"So, she wants to kill Deyin and replace him forever?" Wei Ying said in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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