Chapter 318 The Secret of Puyang Palace
"I will keep an eye on her, and will never let her plot succeed." Wei Qinhuai said coldly.

After finishing speaking, he wanted to reach out and hug Miss Yuan again.

As a result, a certain Uncle Nine Emperors took the little girl to his side protectively.

"Prince Wei, you just need to keep an eye on Yuan Ying'er. Yin'er, I have the protection of my king."

Jun Yu's tall body blocked Yuan Deyin's face, separating her from Wei Qinhuai.

"Jun Yu, I am her cousin." Wei Qinhuai's eyes flashed a threatening light.

The little girl is his little cousin!

Such a cute little girl, he couldn't watch her grow up, so what's wrong with hugging her now?
As a result, Jun Yu didn't intend to back down at all, but the coldness on his body became even heavier.

He looked at Wei Qinhuai with the same warning eyes: "She has many cousins, but to her, Nine Emperor Uncles only have this king."

Wei Qinhuai: "..."

Seeing that the two juniors were about to fight, Wei Ying had a headache.

She coughed softly, and then said softly: "Ninth Emperor Brother, Huai'er, don't you still have a lot to discuss? My people won't be able to stare at Hu Biao and the others for a long time, you must hurry up."

Wei Ying's words successfully calmed down the two favored children of heaven.

Indeed, they still have a lot of things to clarify in person.

"Yin'er, Wuxi and Wuyi are at the gate of Changning Palace. Go there and they will escort you back to the palace." Jun Yu told Yuan Deyin in a deep voice.

Yuan Deyin immediately understood that what they were discussing was not suitable for him to listen to.

She was not curious, nor would she make trouble unreasonably, so she nodded obediently.

"Well, Uncle Nine Emperors, remember to go back to the palace early, Deyin is waiting for you at home."

"En." Hearing her soft voice, Jun Yu's heart softened a bit, he raised his hand and gently rubbed her head, then watched her leave with his own eyes, and then he looked away.

Looking at this scene, Wei Qinhuai's teeth were sore.

As expected, she grew up by her side, the little cousin is only close to Jun Yu...


After Yuan Deyin came out, there was no eunuch to lead the way.

"Hey, the place Jiuhuangshu is looking for is too remote, how should I get here?"

She sighed as she walked.

After all, she seldom enters the palace and is very strange to the palace.

Just when she was walking so dizzy, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Yuan Deyin." Jun Chujing looked at Yuan Deyin with hatred.

Yuan Deyin stopped, and she looked at him warily.

"What are you calling me for?" Yuan Deyin replied in disgust.

"What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour on this princess' brother? Why did he confront the concubine mother after he came back and even speak good words for you?"

Jun Chujing asked very unwillingly.

Jun Zhouxu?

It turned out to be because of Jun Zhouxu's matter, a certain little girl sighed silently in her heart.

She could only think of two reasons why Jun Zhouxu was so polite to her. First, Jun Zhouxu didn't have the bad behavior of Concubine Wei; second, Jun Zhouxu had something to ask of her.

Jun Zhouxu knew a woman back then, but he didn't know what wrong thing he did to make the woman say that she didn't want to see him in this life, and then left.

That woman had a good relationship with her, so she was the first person I saw before leaving.

The reason why she returned to Beijing in such a hurry, and even left Jun Zhouxu without saying goodbye, was not only because she missed the capital, but also because...

She was afraid that Jun Zhouxu would ask about the whereabouts of that sister.

She couldn't sell that sister out.

However, it's good for her to know these things in her heart, so she won't tell Jun Chujing.

"If you are curious, you can ask your brother emperor. Don't block my way."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, she was about to walk past Jun Chujing.

But at this time, Jun Chujing took out a handkerchief from her arms.

"Yuan Deyin, look at what this is, and then decide whether you want to talk to this princess so arrogantly." Jun Chujing spoke provocatively.

Yuan Deyin glanced at the handkerchief, and his expression changed instantly.

Because there is a word "boat" on the handkerchief, and the stitching method is unique, only she can embroider it. This is the handkerchief she gave to Sister Qingzhou a few days ago.

"Why do you hold Sister Qingzhou's handkerchief?" Yuan Deyin asked coldly.

"Why? She's a vixen, without any background, walking around in the palace every day, holding chicken feathers as arrows. This princess can't understand her, so I will teach her a little lesson..."

Jun Chujing sneered sarcastically.

"Where is she now?" Yuan Deyin's eyes were terribly cold, and she directly grabbed Jun Chujing's collar with her hands.

They actually did something to Sister Qingzhou.

"Where? Oh, I threw her to Puyang Palace..."

Seeing Yuan Deyin's nervous appearance, Jun Chujing felt happy in her heart, and she laughed arrogantly.

Puyang Palace...


Could it be the palace of the Nine Emperor Aunt Empress?

Because Yuan Deyin didn't know much about the affairs of the imperial palace, he naturally didn't know that Puyang Palace was actually a forbidden place.

"The princess's people knocked Mei Qingzhou unconscious and threw it into Puyang Palace. The place has been in disrepair for a long time, and I don't know if the beam will fall. If it falls down accidentally, Mei Qingzhou's little life will be killed directly." no more..."

Yuan Deyin originally wanted to go back to find someone from the Prince Regent's Mansion to rescue Mei Qingzhou, but after hearing Jun Chujing's words, she could no longer calm down.

She grabbed Jun Chujing's collar tightly again, then gritted her teeth and said, "Tell me, where is Puyang Palace?"

"Let go of me, princess, so I will consider whether or not to take you with me." Jun Chujing said in a haughty tone.

"Don't provoke me." Yuan Deyin's fleshy face was full of coldness, but her tone was much calmer.

"You took Sister Qingzhou to Puyang Palace on purpose. You just wanted to lure me there. You'd better take me there while my patience is still good. Otherwise, when my patience runs out, what will you do?" Conspiracies and tricks can't be realized..."

Her usually clear eyes were sharp now, and she directly pierced Jun Chujing's thoughts.

Yuan Deyin saw through the plan, and Jun Chujing's face became flustered.

But she soon realized that Mei Qingzhou was indeed in their hands.

And now that Jiuhuangshu is not here, no matter how much Yuan Deyin jumps around, he can't escape their palms.

So she raised her hand, pulled Yuan Deyin's hand off with all her strength, and said proudly: "Since you want to save someone, follow this princess."

Jun Chujing grabbed Yuan Deyin's wrist and led her along the path.

Because the place they passed was so remote that none of Yuan Deyin's palace servants saw her.

Although her face was calm, her brain was thinking fast.

While Jun Chujing wasn't paying attention, she made a lot of marks along the way.

Finally, Jun Chujing took her to the gate of a magnificent palace.

Yuan Deyin looked at the plaque "Puyang Palace" at the door, the handwriting was flying and majestic, it could be seen that the person who gave this plaque was very kind.

But after being exposed to the sun and rain, everything in front of the palace gate looks very old, which is out of tune with the entire splendid palace.

Yuan Deyin can even see traces of spider webs around the plaque.

It seems that very few people come here on weekdays.

Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Chujing coldly, and then said, "Where is Sister Qingzhou?"

"Of course the person is inside, you need to go in and see for yourself." Jun Chujing said in a leisurely tone.

She raised her chin proudly, as if she had given Yuan Deyin a gift by saying one more word to Yuan Deyin.

"How do I know you're not lying to me?" Yuan Deyin asked back.

"Also, you tried so hard to get me here, what kind of conspiracy are you playing?" Yuan Deyin asked again.

Jun Chujing seemed much calmer after being exposed this time.

"What kind of conspiracy is there, don't you know it when you go in?"

After finishing speaking, she laughed triumphantly.

At the same time, she quickly pushed the door open, and then pushed Yuan Deyin into the palace with the other hand.

Finally, she quickly took out a large lock and directly locked the palace door from the outside.

After finishing all this, she proudly said to Yuan Deyin inside.

"Yuan Deyin, you are still too stupid to come even though you know there is a trap. Just stay inside with Mei Qingzhou and wait to die. When you go down to the region, this princess will definitely find the master to chant a spell for you, Let you never be reincarnated..."

When Jun Chujing said these vicious words, the depression in her heart could be regarded as a lot.

She is a majestic princess of a country, and she has been suppressed by Yuan Deyin for so long, and she can finally win a round.

Although I don't know what kind of trap Dongfang Lexuan has set up inside, but... Yuan Deyin is dead.

Just when Jun Chujing was about to leave with a smug smile, she suddenly felt itchy all over her body.

The itching came suddenly, deep into the skin and into the bones.

She screamed and hurried to scratch.

In just a few blinks, her arm was scratched bloody by her long, sharp nails.

However, once she stopped scratching, it felt like countless ants were crawling across her body, itching her crazy.

"Ah, it's so itchy, so painful..." Jun Chujing kept rolling on the ground.

Soon, she realized something, and hurriedly asked Yuan Deyin, who was only one door away from her, panting.

"Yuan Deyin, did you do something to this princess?"

"It's nothing, just a little itch powder for you. If there is no antidote, you won't be tickled to death, and you will be scratched to death by yourself."

On the other side of the door, Miss Yuan said in a relaxed tone.

"Ah, bastard, I'm going to kill you! Give this princess the antidote, or I won't be able to spare you." Jun Chujing let out a heart-piercing roar, and she was a little delirious.

But Miss Yuan's tone became more and more relaxed.

"It's not impossible to let me give you the antidote, just open the door." Yuan Deyin said in a commanding tone.

How can Jun Chujing care about calculations at this time?
With trembling hands, she frantically took out the key from her waist.

After opening the door with difficulty, she rushed towards Yuan Deyin, "For this princess, for this princess, the antidote, the antidote..."

Yuan Deyin easily dodged her attack, only to find that she was wriggling on the ground like a bug.

It seemed that this would relieve the itchiness on her body a little.

Is the effect of medicine so terrible?
Miss Yuan raised her eyebrows, this is the itchy powder she just developed recently.

When she followed all the way, she thought that Jun Chujing would definitely play some tricks, so she made preparations in advance.

When Jun Chujing wasn't paying attention, he sprinkled the powder on her body.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart: Fortunately, the master didn't let the master test the medicine at the beginning, otherwise the effect of the medicine would be so terrible, and the matter would be serious.

"The antidote is for you." Yuan Deyin threw a small bottle of medicine on Jun Chujing.

Jun Chujing quickly swallowed it.

Soon, she found that the itching on her body had disappeared.

"Yuan Deyin, you are so brave, you dare to attack this princess!"

Seeing that she was healed, Jun Chujing immediately bared her teeth, revealing her ferocious face.

She raised her hand, just wanting to slap Yuan Deyin.

As a result, Yuan Deyin swept over with a faint look.

"Do you really think that what you have eaten is all the antidote? Look at your arm."


Jun Chujing hurriedly lifted up her sleeves again, only to find that there were many ugly little red spots on them.

She rubbed it hard, but she couldn't rub it off.

"Quick, hand over the rest of the antidote to this princess." Jun Chujing spoke to Yuan Deyin in an orderly tone.

But Yuan Deyin turned around and stepped into the palace gate: "I'll consider whether to give you the rest of the antidote after you take Sister Qingzhou out safely."

Does she want her a dignified princess to save Mei Qingzhou in person?
She is also worthy of that humble criminal's daughter?
But seeing Yuan Deyin's back getting farther and farther away, worried that she really had no antidote, Jun Chujing gritted her teeth and had no choice but to catch up quickly.

When they completely walked into Puyang Palace, the gate of Puyang Palace opened wide...

It even locked itself!

And ten meters away from the palace gate, a woman wearing a veil and a white gauze dress stood there, looking at this scene with strange eyes.

"Miss, is Yuan Deyin really going to die in it? But, didn't Jun Chujing also go in? What if something happens to Jun Chujing too, it's hard for Concubine Wei to explain..." Hongying Opened his mouth worriedly.

As a result, Dongfang Lexuan gave her a cold look: "Since when did you become so timid? Jun Chujing followed in, she was stupid. If she died too, she deserved it."

She entrusted someone from the Yue family to secretly bring her into the palace, just to kill Yuan Deyin, no one can stop her!
"But, Miss, what exactly is there in Puyang Palace? Why doesn't Jun Yu let people in, and you are so determined that everyone who goes in, except Jun Yu, will die?"

Hongying was puzzled.

"What's hidden there? Oh, those two things are too scary..." Dongfang Lexuan laughed again, a strange light flashed in her eyes.

The secret in it was told to her by the fourth young master of the Yue family.

Anyone who gets close to the secret, except Jun Yu and the Yue family, no matter who they are, will definitely die!
(End of this chapter)

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