The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 319 The Evil Poison in Yuande Sound

Chapter 319 The Evil Poison in Yuande Sound
in the palace.

Jun Chujing reluctantly took Yuan Deyin into the main hall.

Yuan Deyin looked at the layout inside, it was full of cobwebs and dust.

Has no one been to this place since Empress Puyang passed away?

However, this place should always be the palace of the first queen, isn't there anyone to clean it?
Yuan Deyin also began to suspect that there was some secret in this palace.

Therefore, her threatening eyes fell directly on Jun Chujing.

"Tell me, why did you bring the princess to this place?"

"Ben, this princess thinks this is an abandoned palace, so it's easy to start."

Jun Chujing raised her chin, and answered strongly and calmly.

But Yuan Deyin looked at her with extremely sharp eyes.

"You're lying, there are quite a few abandoned palaces in this palace, not just Puyang Palace. If you don't want to tell the truth, you don't even want the antidote."

Yuan Deyin was very calm, but what she said could drive Jun Chujing to death.

Jun Chujing gritted her teeth, and she glared at Yuan Deyin resentfully.

But there was nothing she could do. After all, she was not good at martial arts, and she was not good at poisoning, so she could only be threatened by Yuan Deyin.

Gritting her teeth, Jun Chujing finally spoke unwillingly: "My princess heard from my concubine that this Puyang Palace has become a forbidden place since the death of Queen Puyang. Uncle Nine Emperors ordered that no one is allowed to come here." The weird thing is that there are also some palace maids and eunuchs who couldn't resist their curiosity and sneaked over to see if there is any jewelry to steal, but these people never come back..."

When Jun Chujing was answering, she suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing by.

She quickly touched her shoulder, it was chilly.

Her face also began to turn pale.

This place can't really be that evil!

After Yuan Deyin heard Jun Chujing's words, she began to frown and think deeply.

What is the secret here, what is Uncle Nine Emperor trying to hide.

Just as she was thinking, she suddenly heard Jun Chujing's scream.


Turning around and looking at Jun Chujing: "What are you calling?"

"Man, he's gone." Jun Chujing said in a trembling voice.

"This princess remembers that when she first came here, this princess ordered them to tie people up in this place."

Pointing at a pillar, Jun Chujing said in a crying voice.

"Could it be that there is something dirty? This princess wants to go back, this princess wants to go back."

Jun Chujing shouted desperately.

Yuan Deyin's ears hurt from her crying, which affected her normal thinking.

So her little face sank.

"Shut up, if you run away now, your medicine will run out. If sister Qingzhou really has any problems, the princess will definitely give you more poison in person."

When she was warning people, the aura exuding from her body was seven or eight points similar to Jun Yu's.

Jun Chujing was always a bully and feared the tough, so she settled down instantly.

Although his teeth were still chattering, he didn't dare to howl.

Yuan Deyin glanced at the side of the pillar, there were traces of the rope being worn off.

Could it be that sister Qingzhou broke the rope by herself and ran away?
Seeing footprints, she quickly followed them.

Soon, she led Jun Chujing to the apse.

But the footprints are gone here.

She had no choice but to start searching.

This place is ridiculously big.

Sure enough, it can show the appearance of the empress of Puyang who was favored back then.

As she walked, she suddenly felt a strange wall.

This wall is very strange, because the dust in other places is thick and choking, but there is very little dust on this wall, and it can be seen that someone has often touched this wall.

Could it be that there is something behind this wall?
Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin hurried over, and she tapped on the wall lightly.


"It's hollow. Sure enough!"

She searched the side, and sure enough, she found a small bump, which she pressed down, and the wall opened.

It was pitch black and bottomless.

"Jun Chujing, come here." Yuan Deyin ordered.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement, she thought Jun Chujing had already escaped.

When he turned around, he saw her fainted on the ground.

She ran over quickly and felt the other person's pulse.

Sweat medicine!
Yuan Deyin rubbed his nose, and sure enough, he smelled a very inconspicuous smell of sweat medicine in the air.

This taste seems to have been there since entering Puyang Palace.

Someone sprinkled sweat medicine on the entire palace, and those who came in would be recruited as long as they stayed for a long time.

Because she has been fed a lot of tonics during this period, her body's resistance is relatively strong, so the perspiration medicine has not affected her for the time being.

After she swallowed an antidote, she dragged Jun Chujing to a covered table with all her strength.

Let Jun Chujing follow, maybe it will hurt her.

Then it's better to put her here and settle accounts later.

After finishing this, Yuan Deyin picked up a discarded wooden chair next to it, folded a piece of wood, wrapped the strip of cloth next to it, lit it with a torch, and then made a simple lighting torch.

After doing this, she had the courage to walk into the secret passage.

On the roof not far away, Dongfang Lexuan and Hongying were standing there, spying on all this.

"Miss, didn't you say this palace is so weird? Why did we follow?" Hongying asked tremblingly.

For some reason, she looked at the desolate and gloomy area below, and her heart was extremely flustered.

"Don't worry, the fourth young master of the Yue family gave me a treasure for self-defense, we will be fine."

Dongfang Lexuan snorted coldly, not paying attention to these dangers at all.

"Then, Miss, what should you do next?" Hong Ying asked uncertainly.

She always felt that their eldest lady was like a demon now.

"Although Yuan Deyin went down to that secret passage, I still feel uneasy if I don't see her accident with my own eyes. Come in with me and have a look." Dongfang Lexuan said coldly.

"Small, miss, it's very dangerous." Hongying's voice weakened.

"I already said that there is a treasure from the Yue family, why are you panicking?" Dongfang Lexuan gave Hongying a disgusted look, with murderous intent in her eyes.

She dared to have so many questions about something that was not enough to succeed but more than ruined, let her follow the left!
Sensing the murderous intent in Dongfang Lexuan's eyes, Hongying's heart tightened.

The eldest lady treated them very well in the past. Although they were maidservants, as long as they didn't make big mistakes, she wouldn't scold them.

But after coming to Chiyan, after being stimulated by Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin, especially after what happened at the enthronement ceremony, she seemed to be a completely different person, and she was easily angry.

Today, she has murderous intentions towards her.

Suppressing the fear in her heart, Hongying kept comforting herself in her heart.

The fourth son of the Yue family is the eldest lady's admirer, and the first daughter of the Yue family is also the eldest young master's admirer. It should be true that the eldest lady said that there is a treasure, and they will be fine.

Just take a look, and you'll be fine.

So Hongying finally lowered her head and said respectfully: "Your servant obeys."

Dongfang Lexuan took Hongying and flew down from the roof quickly. They all took the antidote of Mongolian sweat medicine, so the Mongolian sweat medicine in the whole palace had no effect on them.

Following what Yuan Deyin did just now, Dongfang Lexuan opened the wall door.

She and Hongying walked in quickly.


Yuan Deyin took the torch and walked down the stairs step by step.

Finally, just when she was about to despair, she saw flat ground.

But she also smelled a strange smell.

Amidst the damp corrosion, there is a strong fragrance.

That kind of fragrance is very fragrant and very fragrant, it is really tangy and pungent.

She sniffed for a long time, but she couldn't smell what it was.

In the end, she had no choice but to give up.

However, thinking that there will be a scent underneath, there must be something tricky in it.

So she quickly followed the scent and walked forward step by step.

As she walked, she saw a light.

She found herself in the middle of a large hall.

There are many lit candles next to it, and the candles will not burn out.

In the middle, there are two huge sarcophagi.

Surrounding the sarcophagus was actually ice.

As for the sarcophagus, there was still a coldness permeating it.

Layers of mist drifted out from inside.

Yuan Deyin instantly felt that his whole body was very cold.

Because there is so much ice here, the human body temperature cannot bear it.

Now she can only pray that sister Qingzhou must not escape to this place.

After all, in such a cold place, people would freeze up after staying for a long time.

However, why are there two sarcophagi under the Puyang Palace?

It's too weird.

Yuan Deyin looked at the sarcophagus for a long time, and she was finally sure that the fragrance came from there.

Why, she always has a feeling...

I think there's...someone in there.

Suddenly, there were a few "tick ticks".

When Yuan Deyin heard this voice, her ears moved.

I quickly bent down to look, and saw the gap under the sarcophagus, and there was a black liquid dripping down.

The liquid should have been dripping for a long time, it followed the ice cube, and then gradually spread towards the surroundings.

Only then did Yuan Deyin realize that not far from her feet was full of that black liquid.

Out of caution, she didn't touch it.

She took a look around and made sure that there was no way to hide people in these places.

She started walking back in the direction she had come from.

Sister Qingzhou is not here, so she should not stay here for long.

Go back and ask Uncle Jiuhuang about the situation.

But just as Yuan Deyin was about to go up, he saw two people blocking the front.

"Dongfang Lexuan?" Yuan Deyin looked at the person dressed in white in Dongfang, and instantly recognized him.

However, the current Dongfang Lexuan is a little less immortal.

Because her arms and thighs were tightly wrapped.

Only in this way can her ugly, rotten flesh be covered up.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin's gaze actually stopped at the place where she was injured, Dongfang Lexuan's hatred began to well up in her heart again.

"Yuan Deyin, I finally waited for the time to take revenge."

Dongfang Lexuan laughed sinisterly.

Old Man Tianji said that her flesh would not grow back. If she stayed in the house obediently and didn't come out to move around, she might still be able to keep her hands and legs...

If she moved around, the flesh on her hands and legs would continue to rot.

But what does that matter?
Her reputation has been ruined, she is a useless person!
Then why does she need such intact legs and hands?
She has only one thought now, which is to let Yuan Deyin die!
Now, after finally waiting for Yuan Deyin's order, how could she let go of this good opportunity?
"Miss, Miss, this servant is going to kill Yuan Deyin, let's go out as soon as we finish."

Hongying asked out of breath.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but Hongying always feels that after entering this place, there is an evil spirit surging in her body, which makes her very uncomfortable...

Dongfang Lexuan also reacted when she heard her words.

After the hatred on her face faded, she became a little paler.

She found that her chest was hurting, and she couldn't exert any strength.

"What Yuelin said turned out to be true, the things in the sarcophagus are really poisonous..." Dongfang Lexuan took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in her heart, and then began to laugh.

The stuff in the sarcophagus is poisonous?Hongying started to panic now.

Yuan Deyin's sharp eyes also looked at the sarcophagus behind him.

How did Dongfang Lexuan know the situation here?
Also, why did the Yue family get involved?

"Miss, this servant is going to kill Yuan Deyin, let's go quickly." Hongying really cried out at this moment.

She was really upset.

But Dongfang Lexuan ruthlessly shook her hand away.

"Go away, I worked so hard to get that idiot Jun Chujing to trick her into coming here, not to let her die so easily." Dongfang Lexuan said viciously to Hongying.

It turned out to be Jun Chujing who was instigated by her?

Some doubts in Yuan Deyin's head finally became clearer.

Dongfang Lexuan took out her sword and flew directly to Yuan Deyin.

She pointed at Yuan Deyin with a sword.

Prepare to stab the opponent first.

Yuan Deyin naturally wanted to hide.

Although it was very embarrassing to hide, but barely escaped.

Yuan Deyin felt annoyed while being forced to retreat.

A few days ago, Uncle Jiuhuang taught him martial arts, but he actually delayed it!
If she can get out alive today, she will definitely learn kung fu, and she will never be so passive like today.

Backing away, Yuan Deyin sprained her ankle, and then fell straight down.

Just fell into the black thing.

The thing was sticky in her palm, and a puff of black smoke actually came out.

The smell is delicious, but the picture is very weird.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Lexuan burst out laughing excitedly.

"You are dead, you are dead, Yuan Deyin, you are dead..."

After all, she stabbed at Yuan Deyin with her sword.

Although Yuan Deyin was doomed, she didn't mind stabbing her a few more holes to make her death even uglier.

But just when her sword was about to touch Yuan Deyin's shoulder, a stone shot towards Yuan Deyin from the doorway.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." When Miss Yuan saw that familiar figure, her nose sore and tears almost fell down.

"Yin'er." Jun Yu opened Dongfang Lexuan.

He quickly pulled the little girl up from the ground.

Dongfang Lexuan flew out like a piece of rag, but after falling to the ground, she got up excitedly.

"Jun Yu, she is hopeless, she is hopeless, this is the price you pay me..."

Dongfang Lexuan laughed arrogantly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what's going on?" Yuan Deyin asked Jun Yu suspiciously.

But when she looked up, she found Uncle Jiuhuang staring at the black patch of her palm.

His black eyes were now blood red, and his tall body began to tremble.

There was a panic on his face that she couldn't understand.

"Yin'er, how long have you been here? How long have you touched these things?"

Jun Yu asked anxiously.

As he asked, he quickly wiped the little girl's palms with his sleeve.

Because of his anxiety, he drew a few bloodstains on the heart of her palm, and the blood flowed out, but he didn't stop his movements.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what's wrong with you?"

Yuan Deyin was full of worries before seeing such a terrified Nine Emperor Uncle.

But Jun Yu kept wiping, and he said, "Yin'er, don't be afraid, I'm going to find Yu Shengxiao right now. No, go to Master, he can save you, he can..."

However, just as he was about to pick up the little girl, he suddenly knelt heavily on one knee.

He was clutching his chest, his body was hunched, the blood red in his eyes was deeper, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin hurriedly supported him.

Uncle Nine Emperors... the evil poison seems to have exploded.

Yuan Deyin's eyes were red, and she didn't know how things turned out like this.

Over there, seeing this scene, Dongfang Lexuan continued to laugh wildly.

"God help me! Jun Yu, your evil poison has also flared up, Yuan Deyin, you have also contracted the evil poison. Hahahaha, you deserve it!"

Hearing Dongfang Lexuan's wanton words, Yuan Deyin was stunned.

"How did this princess get infected with evil poison?" She asked coldly.

"In these two sarcophagi lie Jun Yu's father, queen, and queen who have not been buried in peace. Didn't Jun Yu tell you that a person with evil poison will emit a strong fragrance after death... ..."

"That fragrance is actually evil poison. Also, those dirty black things on the ground flowed from the bodies of those two old things. Whoever touches it will also be infected with evil poison..."

"People who are infected with evil poison can't spark sparks after death, because the ashes are flying and will infect more people. Hehehe, how cruel and merciless is the person who made this poison, so that people can't even die quiet……"

"Jun Yu, you have sealed this place as a forbidden area, frozen the corpses of those two old things, and put ecstasy drugs around the palace to prevent people from finding this place. Do you think that you can deceive the world by doing this... ..."

"If the world knows that the evil poison is so cruel, your family will be the criminals of the world! Even if you want to die, you can't..."

"Now, Yuan Deyin, whom you protect with all your heart, will also become a sinner, hahahahahahahahaha..."

Dongfang Lexuan laughed exaggeratedly, and she also took out a golden object.

She said quietly: "This is the Jinqing Pill of the Yue family, which can suppress evil poison. Jun Yu, as long as you cut off Yuan Deyin's hand, I will give it to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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