Chapter 320 Uncle Nine Emperors, You Are Not A Sinner

Jun Yu didn't answer, he used his sword to support his body and stood up.

He looked at Dongfang Lexuan with a murderous look.

"If this king kills you, he will also get Jinqing Pill."

"Then I want to see whether your sword is faster or my movements are faster. I only have one Jinqing Dan on me. Even if you really snatch it, you are willing to leave this chance of life to Yuan Deyin ?”

Dongfang Lexuan laughed exaggeratedly, she didn't think that there would be people in this world who would give up their lives to save others.

Blood was already oozing from the corner of Hongying's mouth, she felt ten thousand ants were gnawing at her bones and heart, she knew that she was also infected with evil poison.

But, before the eldest lady came in, didn't she say that she has a treasure that can keep her from getting hurt?

"Miss, give Jin Qingdan to the servant, you can give it to the servant, the servant really doesn't want to die." Hongying crawled over with difficulty.

As a result, her hand just touched the corner of Dongfang Lexuan's skirt before she was kicked away.

Dongfang Lexuan's situation is much better than Hongying's, so this kick left a red mark on Hongying's face.

"You also believe that this lady lied to you. You are just a dog raised by this lady. If necessary, you will be pushed out to die. How can this lady be willing to give you the only Jinqing Dan?"

Dongfang Lexuan laughed wildly with disdain, she looked at Hongying with indescribable contempt and disgust.

"Miss, lied to the servant?"

Hongying looked up at Dongfang Lexuan in disbelief.

She originally wanted to trick her into coming in to die.

"Miss, this servant grew up with you, how can you be so cruel?" Hong Ying asked while enduring the pain in her chest.

Dongfang Lexuan sneered directly: "A dog, is it worthy of my miss's love?"

"The king is willing to give the Jinqing Pill to Yin'er." Suddenly, Jun Yu spoke, and his deep voice was full of firmness.

His answer successfully made Dongfang Lexuan's body freeze.

After a while, she looked up...

The way she looked at Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin was full of jealousy, resentment, and orders.

She laughed loudly: "Jun Yu, you sounded good, I don't believe that you will do this for Yuan Deyin. When people are at the critical moment of life and death, they must think of themselves..."

In fact, in her heart, what Jun Yu said was true...

However, this answer made her too desperate.

She can't accept it.

Therefore, she could only comfort herself, saying that Jun Yu was all lies.

"People are selfish. Since you are not willing to cut off Yuan Deyin's hand, Jun Yu, then Miss Ben will eat this Jinqing Pill."

Dongfang Lexuan proudly picked up the Jinqing Pill, and was about to put it in her mouth.

Seeing this, Jun Yu wanted to rush over with his sword in hand.

But when he used his internal force, his true qi was disordered.

With a "poof", he spat out a mouthful of blood.

He knelt back to the ground again.

This time, the sword couldn't support his body anymore.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't move around, Deyin doesn't need Jinqing Dan, Deyin doesn't need..."

Yuan Deyin cried and grabbed Jun Yu's shoulder, she kept shaking her head.

"Hahaha, Jun Yu, you used to be so majestic. You might not have come today, but you came here and still protect the burden of Yuan Deyin in every possible way. Then you are destined to never come back."

Dongfang Lexuan covered her mouth and laughed arrogantly.

She suddenly didn't want to take Jinqing Pill anymore, she wanted to save this pill for now, waiting for Jun Yu to beg her.

So, even though she was starting to feel uncomfortable now, she endured it and looked at Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin madly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what are the symptoms of being poisoned?" Just as Dongfang Lexuan was still laughing exaggeratedly, Yuan Deyin suddenly asked Jun Yu such a question.

Jun Yu took a deep breath, and raised his head with difficulty.

It turned out that the little girl's eyes were swollen from crying, her face was flushed, and she looked a little embarrassed.

However, her state...

It doesn't look like it has been poisoned.

"Yin'er, do you feel suffocated, does your heart hurt?" Jun Yu asked panting.

"No, except... a little nose hurt from crying, everything else is normal." The little girl explained seriously.

How could this be?
A sharp light flashed in Jun Yu's eyes, and he was vaguely excited.

With trembling hands, he grasped the little girl's wrist to feel for her pulse.

After a long illness, he became a doctor...

He can still feel the pulse.

He took the little girl's pulse for a while, his brows first frowned, then stretched, and then frowned...

He probed himself again.

at last……

His tense body could also relax, and he looked at Yuan Deyin with distressed and grateful eyes.

"Yin'er, it's fine, you're not infected with evil poison, you're fine."

Not infected?
Yuan Deyin also breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, her beautiful eyebrows were wrinkled again.


She glanced at Hongying who was already twitching on the ground, and Dongfang Lexuan who was on the verge of falling, why they were all infected with evil poison just because they smelled the fragrance from such a long distance.

And if she touches her so close, nothing will happen?
The problem, where is it?

Not far away, Dongfang Lexuan heard what Jun Yu said to Yuan Deyin, she was like a thunderbolt.

She staggered a few steps and nearly fell.

"No, Junyu, don't try to lie to me, Yuan Deyin must have been poisoned by evil, it must be, don't think that I will relax my vigilance..."

Dongfang Lexuan kept shaking her head.

In this world, how can there be people who are not affected by evil poison?
Yuan Deyin hadn't eaten Jinqing Dan beforehand.

Moreover, the effect of Jinqing Dan is only to suppress the onset of toxicity, and cannot eradicate it.

Yuan Deyin can't be someone who has nothing to do...

Here, of course Yuan Deyin didn't care about what Dongfang Lexuan was saying.

She wondered what it was that made her body unique.

Just as she was wrinkling her face in thought, Jun Yu vomited another mouthful of blood.

The Lord of War, who stood upright in front of people, was no different from ordinary people when he was being tortured by evil poison...

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors..."

Yuan Deyin was a little flustered, she didn't know what to do.

She had no choice but to use all her strength to slowly lift him up.

But it was also at this time that she found that the blood seeping from her palm mixed with the viscous black liquid, and the fragrance of the liquid gradually faded.

She moved her nose closer, only to find that...

It's really faded a lot.

Could it be that she is not affected by the evil poison because of her blood?
Thinking of this possibility, Yuan Deyin couldn't care less about anything.

She quickly helped Uncle Jiuhuang to sit down again, then found a sharp stone from the side, and cut her wrist directly.

In an instant, blood flowed.

She quickly fed the blood to Uncle Nine Emperors.

Jun Yu's mind was already a little blurred, and he vaguely noticed a fishy-sweet taste in his mouth.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, only to see the little girl feeding him blood.

He wanted to stop...for fear that she would be hurt.

But suddenly, he felt the pain in his body gradually diminishing, and his strength began to return.

This feeling...

A little shock flashed in his pupils.

At the beginning, when Yu Shengxiao gave him medicine to suppress medicine, the effect was not so strong.

Yin'er's blood...

what exactly is it?
Dongfang Lexuan saw Yuan Deyin feeding Jun Yu blood, and then showed her back...

She showed a weird and excited smile, then took out a dagger from her arms, and walked towards Yuan Deyin step by step.

"Miss Ben is going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..."

Jun Yu immediately noticed Dongfang Lexuan approaching, the sword in his palm was rolling around, ready to shoot.

However, when he saw Hongying who got up behind Dongfang Lexuan, he stopped moving.

Dongfang Lexuan also excitedly thought that she would kill Yuan Deyin soon.

As a result, a dagger that was exactly the same as in her hand was stabbed directly into her body from the back.

She fell down slowly, and then saw Hongying behind her, who climbed onto her body and snatched her Jin Qingdan.

"I have Jinqing Pill, I can live, I can live, I don't have to die..." Hongying panted, her eyes were crazy, and she was about to eat this pill.

But at this moment, before dying, Dongfang Lexuan raised her hand without knowing where the strength came from, and directly inserted the dagger in her heart.

Kill in one move...

Hongying opened her mouth, unable to swallow Jin Qingdan, and then fell down.

Yuan Deyin heard the movement, just glanced over there, and then muttered in disgust: "It deserves it."

After feeding Uncle Jiuhuang a lot of blood, her face gradually turned pale and her head became dizzy.


Jun Yu spoke in a deep voice.

He grabbed her arm, then quickly took out the hemostatic powder from his body, and sprinkled it on the wound on her wrist.

Looking at the long and hideous wound, Jun Yu's thin lips were tightly pursed, and the aura on his body was also somewhat suppressed.

How painful should this scar be on the little girl's body?

"It's okay, just a small wound."

Yuan Deyin was worried that he would be sad, so she quickly took out the handkerchief, wrapped the wound, and then retracted her hand.

Suddenly, she felt her waist being hugged.

She turned her head in doubt, only to see Uncle Jiuhuang standing up very quickly and hugging her.

His speed and breath are exactly the same as normal!
"Uncle Nine Emperors, have you really recovered?" Yuan Deyin asked in shock.

"En." Jun Yu nodded, suppressing the storm in his heart.

The little girl's blood can really suppress the evil poison.

Who is she?

Jun Yu's mind quickly recalled that Tu Sufang once said that evil poison was something that existed when Lord Tuo Ling was still alive.

Could it be that she really has something to do with Lord Tuoling?

Jun Yu looked at the little girl's clear eyes, and his heart shivered.

In fact, he didn't want her to have anything to do with Lord Tuo Ling at all.

Because that means that she has to bear endless responsibilities.

She was just a little girl, and he didn't want her to suffer, he only wanted her to be carefree forever.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you know why my blood can suppress evil poison?" The little girl asked curiously, tugging on his sleeve.

Jun Yu paused, and finally said: "I don't know."

"Yin'er, you have to hide this secret well, and no one can tell it, do you understand?" He patiently told her.

"Well, Deyin knows."

Yuan Deyin naturally understood what kind of sensation would be caused by too special blood, so she nodded obediently.

"If I had known that my blood had this purpose earlier, Uncle Nine Emperors wouldn't have been tortured for so long."

The little girl muttered in a low voice, with a tone of self-blame.

"What are you thinking about? Your blood comes from your body. If you lose too much blood, your body will lose money. I don't want your blood." Jun Yu frowned and said seriously.

Today is just a special case.

Even if he really got poisoned in the future, he didn't want to hurt Yin'er in exchange for his meager survival.

"Just, it's just a little blood, it'll be fine..." Yuan Deyin rubbed her nose, and she retorted softly.

She decided that if the antidote hadn't been found yet.

Then next time when Uncle Jiuhuang's poison is approaching, she will also take out her own blood.

"This place is not suitable for staying longer, let's go out first." Jun Yu coughed and said in a serious tone.

"it is good."

Yuan Deyin nodded, she ran to the corpses of Hongying and Dongfang Lexuan, and picked up the Jinqing Dan.

Wipe it off carefully, then wrap it in a handkerchief.

Although this thing was touched by Dongfang Lexuan and the others, it was very dirty, but at least it was something that could save Uncle Nine Emperors, so she should bear with it.

Putting Jin Qingdan away, Yuan Deyin looked at the two corpses and began to feel troubled.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, how should they deal with it?" She turned her head and asked suspiciously.

These two must have been poisoned.

Evil poison, as its name suggests, is very strange.

If their bodies are taken out, it will harm the people outside.

But if they stay here, it will make Empress Puyang and Grandpa Xian Huang feel uncomfortable!

Just when Yuan Deyin was hesitating, Jun Yu walked over quickly, one in each hand, and directly carried the two corpses into a smaller dark room on the side.

Open the stone door, and throw people in directly.

The moment the stone door was closed, Yuan Deyin saw inside, and there were large and small coffins.

"Are they all court ladies and eunuchs who broke into Puyang Palace to steal things?" Yuan Deyin asked in shock.

"Yes. Yin'er, are you afraid? This king and his father, queen and queen are such sinners, unable to live or die, and they have harmed so many lives..."

Jun Yu turned his back to Yuan Deyin, and he said these words in a hoarse voice.

Although he couldn't see his expression, Yuan Deyin could clearly sense that he was depressed.

Yuan Deyin shook her head, and she said in a serious tone: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you are not sinners. The ones who are really guilty are those who poisoned you. As for those court ladies and eunuchs, if they are not greedy, they will not That's what happens."

"Please also, don't blame yourself, because you are never the one who is at fault." Her voice also trembled a little, her nose was sore, and she wanted to cry a little.

After carrying these things for so many years, it was the first time someone told him that he was not a sinner. Jun Yu held his heart, which was swollen and sore, but there was no pain.

Yin'er, I seem to be getting more and more reluctant to let go of your hand...

"Let's go." Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Jun Yu let out a breath, turned around, and said to the little girl in a gentle voice.

"Wait a minute." Yuan Deyin called him.

Then, she quickly turned around and walked to the sarcophagi of Empress Puyang and the first emperor.

Kneeling down, she kowtowed heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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