Chapter 321 Death Array

"Seniors, the junior is Deyin. Forgive me for not knowing that you are here, so I cannot worship you. But please rest assured that Deyin will take care of Uncle Nine Emperors, and he will be fine."

Yuan Deyin looked at the sarcophagus and made a serious promise.

Jun Yu looked at the small ball.

When she turned her back to him and promised his father, queen and queen that she would take good care of him word by word, his eyes were hot and his heart was hot.

The little girl that this king wanted to protect with all his life, turned out to have a heart to protect him.

"Let's go." Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Jun Yu walked up to the little girl, took her little hand, and gently pulled her up.

When they came to the ground, they found that Wuxi, Wuying, and Wujing were already waiting here.

Beside them, there are Jun Chujing and Mei Qingzhou who are fainting.

"Sister Qingzhou."

Yuan Deyin hurried over to feel Mei Qingzhou's pulse.

"Princess, we found Miss Mei in the side hall, and she was already in a coma." Wu Xi hurriedly reported the situation.

Yuan Deyin also found traces of Mongolian sweat medicine from Mei Qingzhou's body.

She examined the palm of her hand again and found that it was bruised.

It was probably the wound left when the rope was worn off. In order to wake herself up, she kept poking it with her nails.

But in the end, she couldn't make it out, and she passed out when she reached the side hall.

"Take sister Qingzhou out." Yuan Deyin said to Wuxi.

"As ordered."

Wu Xi didn't care about the difference between men and women, now it's important to save people, so he quickly hugged Mei Qingzhou.

Yuan Deyin's eyes fell on the lying Jun Chujing, and said indifferently, "Drag her out."

When the group of them walked outside, Jun Zhouhan was already waiting here with his guards.

Seeing Jun Yu came out, he didn't ask what happened, but asked worriedly: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Xiaoyin, are you all right?"

"Brother Emperor, we are fine."

The little girl shook her head, but her voice was hoarse and her face lacked much energy.

It could be seen that she was exhausted to the extreme.

It's already late at night, from the enthronement ceremony in the morning, to the palace banquet later, to being introduced here by Jun Chujing, can she not be tired?

"Brother Emperor, it's not convenient to send Sister Qingzhou home now, can you arrange a place for her in the palace?" Yuan Deyin asked aloud.

Hearing her words, Jun Zhouhan's complicated eyes fell on Mei Qingzhou's quiet little face.

She passed out without much sense of alienation, and she was as quiet as the beautiful appearance when he saw her for the first time.

Thinking of this, Jun Chuhan felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

Like joy, like pain, like nostalgia.

But in the end, it all turned into one sentence: "Okay, don't worry, I will order someone to take good care of her."

"It's just Jun Chujing, Uncle Nine Emperors, how should we deal with her?" Jun Zhouhan looked at Jun Yu and asked.

"Intent to murder the princess, deprive her of her status as a princess, and demote her to a commoner. In this life, she will never be able to enter the palace." Jun Yu glanced at Jun Chujing with terrifying eyes, and said indifferently.

Jun Zhouhan nodded knowingly.

This time, Jun Chujing really touched Nine Emperor Uncle's Ni Lin.

Leaving her a small life is already for the sake of the emperor's face.

However, for Jun Chujing, who is used to enjoying a noble life, demoting her to a commoner is more uncomfortable than killing her.


"Toffee, concubine, something happened."

The old nanny rushed directly into Concubine Wei's bedroom.

Concubine Wei did not sleep well, but now hearing the noise, she almost got angry.

"Tell me, what happened, you want to disturb Ai's family!" Dowager Wei said in a gloomy tone.

Several old mothers knelt on the ground, weeping and choking, and said: "The news came from the emperor that the princess intended to murder Princess Deyin, but she was demoted to the rank of a commoner, and she would not be allowed to step into the palace forever. Now... ...The princess has been thrown at the gate of the palace, I heard that she is still unconscious."


When Concubine Wei heard the news, she almost fainted.

She held her forehead tremblingly, then gritted her teeth and said, "Hurry up, change clothes for Aijia, Aijia is going to see the emperor. Jing'er of Aijia is the real royal blood, he really wants to do it for an orphan girl." , Ruined Aijia’s Jing’er?”

"Toffee, you...I'm afraid you won't be able to get out." The old nanny said hesitantly.

"What did you say?"

"Eunuch Li Da came here just now, and what he conveyed was the emperor's oral order, saying that you have no way to teach a daughter, and you will be fined for three months." The old mother did not dare to raise her head this time.

"What? He, he, Jun Zhouhan, dares!" Dowager Wei almost fainted again.

She got up with difficulty from the bed.

No, it doesn't matter if she can't go out, she endured this tone first.

The most important thing now is Jing'er, she must be rescued.

"You guys, go to King Xu and ask him to save Jing'er."

She ordered in a cold voice.

Because Jun Zhouxu doesn't have his own mansion, so when he came back this time, he lived in the palace.

Concubine Wei thought that if she ordered someone to find him, it would be very soon.

But what she didn't know was that Jun Zhouxu got the news earlier than her.

Although he couldn't agree with many behaviors of his mother, concubine and imperial sister, but the blood relationship is here, so he naturally just ignores it.

So he went to Jun Zhouhan to plead for mercy.

But after Jun Zhouhan told about Jun Chujing's evil deeds over the years, and her attempt to kill Yuan Deyin tonight, he couldn't utter any words of intercession.

Maybe, let the imperial sister go outside the palace, so she will reflect on herself.

"Mother and concubine, Erchen is already here, you don't need to call Erchen anymore."

Jun Zhouxu walked in quickly, and he spoke to Concubine Wei through the screen.

"Xu'er, you are here. Something happened to your imperial sister. Go and save her." Dowager Wei said anxiously.

"Mother and concubine, this king has already met the emperor's brother before coming here. What the emperor has done over the years is too much. She just demoted her to a commoner. It is the emperor's brother who is caring about his family."

Jun Zhouxu persuaded helplessly.

"Xu'er, are you crazy? You actually said that about your own royal sister. Not only did you have been intoxicated by Yuan Deyin, but you were also fooled by Jun Zhouhan! The Ai family ordered you to arrest your imperial sister immediately. Bring it back."

Concubine Wei ordered Jun Zhouxu with a sharp voice.

Jun Zhouxu was silent there for a long time, his expression slightly lost.

He has been away from the capital for so many years, and his concubine... is still that concubine.

"Mother Concubine, the emperor has been merciful if he hasn't pursued what you have done these years. Regarding the matter of the imperial sister, my son will naturally find someone to take care of her outside the palace. If she does not act as a demon, she will be safe for the rest of her life. But if you continue to mess around like this, the minister... can't keep you!"

"That's the end of the story, mother concubine, you should figure it out for yourself."

After Jun Zhouxu finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Xu'er, Xu'er, Jun Zhouxu..."

Concubine Wei was behind, screaming loudly, even calling him an unfilial son.

Jun Zhouxu's tall and straight body was unmoved.

He strode out of the palace where he had grown up as a child.

It wasn't until he walked out of the palace gate that he seemed to be deflated, with a sad expression on his face.

"My lord, you, you can actually communicate well with the concubine, and you won't be so tense."

Chufeng, his confidant, looked at him helplessly.

Jun Zhouxu shook his head: "The concubine mother has too much ambition in her life. If the king is gentle with her, she must still have thoughts, thinking that the king can ascend to that position. For this reason, she may make more What a bad thing. I can't read to her anymore."

Seeing their lord's grief-stricken appearance, Chufeng felt uncomfortable.

Over the years, the prince is in a fiefdom, and the situation is also very difficult.

The fief is cold and bitter, and the prince has to work hard for the people.

He also needs to be cautious, lest he will cause the embarrassment of the emperor in the capital.

Every time, the concubine, the ambitious ministers in the capital, including the letter sent to him by the Mei family, he would burn it without even looking at it.

He was struggling, just to get a sliver of life and keep the concubine and Princess Chujing.

But why can't the concubine and Princess Chujing not understand?
"How is Princess Deyin's situation?" Jun Zhouxu suppressed his emotions and asked Chufeng.

"My subordinates have asked Eunuch Lida, and I heard that Princess Deyin was frightened, and now she is following the regent back to the palace." Chufeng replied respectfully.

"Tomorrow morning, I will send the ginseng I brought from the fief to the Prince Regent's Mansion, saying that it is for the purpose of calming Princess Deyin." Jun Zhouxu continued.

"Subordinates obey."

Chufeng nodded respectfully.

But when he thought of something, he couldn't help but ask again: "My lord, why don't you ask Deyin Princess where Miss Xinya is going? It's been so many years, what if Miss Xinya is married?"

Hearing Chufeng mention the familiar name, Jun Zhouxu hesitated for a long time, and his expression was a little lonely.

But soon, he cleaned up his emotions and returned to his calm appearance.

"Princess Deyin doesn't say that she has her reasons, so let nature take its course."


post station.

"Miss, something happened."

A Jiao quickly pushed open the door of Yuelushan's room.

Yuelushan also stayed up all night.

Because she failed to kill Yuan Deyin during the enthronement ceremony and palace banquet, she was so angry that she couldn't sleep.

Now we can only wait for the good news from Dongfang Lexuan.

Ever since Ajiao brought back the news that Jun Yu had been poisoned by the evil poison, she sent a secret letter to the family members, wanting to ask about the evil poison and Jin Qingdan.

Only then did she know that the fourth brother, who had always had a decent relationship with her, had also lied to him about some things.

For example, in the past few years, the fourth younger brother even visited the Chiyan Palace at night and learned the secrets of Puyang Palace.

She and her fourth brother are respectively the most talented woman and man in the family, and her fourth brother's skills are even stronger than hers.

Therefore, even a few years ago, his invisibility skills were few in the family.

He did not go down to the underground palace, but by guarding Puyang Palace for many days, he also knew some secrets.

Jun Yu dared to hide such a big secret from everyone in the world, how brave he is!

The fourth brother also told her that he knew that Dongfang Lexuan was coming to the capital to marry Jun Yu, so he secretly gave her one of the family's Jinqing Pills.

What a precious thing Jin Qing Pill is, the fourth younger brother gave it to Dongfang Lexuan without blinking an eye.

He is really infatuated, knowing that Dongfang Lexuan doesn't have him in his heart, he is still determined.

In order for Dongfang Lexuan to be happy, he gave her the treasure that can suppress the evil poison.

Of course, he didn't tell Dongfang Lexuan that it was Jin Qing Dan.

He just told her that it was a medicine that could suppress evil poison, and Jun Yu could take it when necessary.

She was furious when she heard the news.

But remembering that Dongfang Lexuan is brother Le Jun's younger sister no matter what, and she can be regarded as her own, so she suppressed this anger.

He also personally found Dongfang Lexuan, and told her the secret of Puyang Palace and the true purpose of Jinqing Pill.

What she didn't expect was that Dongfang Lexuan, after experiencing the incident of enthroning ceremony, would turn to hate Jun Yu from love and wanted to kill Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin.

That is even more good news for her.

After all, Jun Yu's death did her no harm at all.

So she indulged Dongfang Lexuan to use Jun Chujing's hand to lead Yuan Deyin to Puyang Palace.

Then let his own people secretly remind Jun Yu that something happened to Yuan Deyin...

According to the time calculation, Jun Chujing should come back and report the good news to her.

Why is there no movement until now?

So at this time, Yuelushan's eyelids twitched when she suddenly heard Ajiao say something happened.

"Say, what happened?"

"Miss, Miss Dongfang's life off." A Jiao answered with difficulty.

"What?" Yue Lushan stood up quickly, the teacup in her hand fell to the ground, and the fragments flew.

Dongfang Lexuan actually died!
"What's the situation in the palace? What's the situation with Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu?" Yue Lushan tightly grabbed A Jiao's clothes.

In the letter, the fourth brother told her explicitly and secretly that he must protect Dongfang Lexuan.

Although the eldest brother is the eldest son, the fourth younger brother is so talented, and his father's various behaviors over the years have shown that the fourth younger brother is the most suitable candidate to inherit the family.

If she wants to gain a firm foothold in the future, she must not offend her fourth brother!

And the fourth brother is extremely paranoid, his only tenderness is given to Dongfang Lexuan.

If he knew that she failed to protect Dongfang Lexuan, then the problem would be serious.

Also, brother Le Jun has always loved Dongfang Lexuan.If he wakes up and finds out that Dongfang Lexuan is dead, he will go crazy...

What to do, what to do!
Yue Lushan's expression became more and more gloomy.

Seeing the gloomy expression of their young lady, Ajiao hurriedly told the truth: "The security in the palace is even stricter now. Concubine Wei has been grounded, and Jun Chujing has been demoted to common people. Both Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin are safe and sound. Return to the Regent's House."

"Is it safe? How could it be safe..." Yue Lushan kept shaking her head, she couldn't accept this result.

Could it be that they took away Dongfang Lexuan's Jinqing Pill?
Yes, it must be so.

Only Jin Qing Dan can contain the evil poison.

"Damn, how could they be so lucky!"

Yuelushan gritted her teeth, exuding a gloomy and suffocating breath.

"No, I'm so lucky if I don't believe in Yuan Deyin. Ajiao, you can borrow something from old man Tianji." Yue Lushan's gloomy eyes suddenly fell on Ajiao.

Ajiao's heart skipped a beat, a little flustered.

"Miss, what are you going to do?" she asked anxiously.

"Ms. Ben wants to activate the soul formation." Yue Lushan looked outside, her eyes were gloomy.

Death array?
There is a thousand-year-old tree in Yue's house, and that tree absorbs the breath of the world's dead souls.

The daughters and sons of the Yue family all have the ability to activate the soul formation.

If you activate the soul formation in the Yue family, the world will be in chaos.Therefore, the ancestors of the Yue family gave the order to die, and they must not activate the death array in the Yue family unless it is absolutely necessary.

If the Death Soul Formation is activated outside, the summoner will have endless power and can transport the person he wants to kill to the Yue Family Death Soul Tree.

In the tree of the dead, the array of dead souls is running all the time.

Only people of the direct bloodline of the Yue family will live in peace when they enter the formation.

Once an outsider enters, he will be strangled to become a dead soul, and become one of the ghosts that will stabilize the dead soul tree.

"Miss, you can't." Ajiao shook her head anxiously.

"Why not? I didn't activate the Soul Revenant Formation at the Yue family, and I didn't violate the ancestor's precept. Besides, doesn't my father often come to the outside world to strangle innocent people to strengthen the power of the Soul Revenant Tree?"

Yue Lushan spoke disdainfully.

In addition to their special abilities, the four hermit families also have their own formations, weapons, and elixir.

The four families seem to be in peace, but they are actually not at all peaceful behind the scenes.

Everyone wants to occupy more territory of the Blossom Forest, after all, there may be endless treasures in every place in the Blossom Forest.

The ancestors said that it is not allowed to go to the outside world to plunder the territory, but in the flower forest, it is not forbidden to kill each other.

Therefore, to strengthen one's own strength, and then devour other hidden families step by step, becoming the only hidden family in Fanhualin is the ambition that the Yue family has kept in their hearts for so many years.

Including asking her to marry the Feng family was just part of his father's plan.

Therefore, in order to strengthen the family's ability and sacrifice some innocent people, my father never blinked an eye.

So what if she borrowed the Death Soul Formation and killed Yuan Deyin?
"Miss, but Princess Deyin has a different identity. If she is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous." Ajiao also tried to persuade Yue Lushan.

As a result, Yue Lushan slapped him.

"A slave like you is worthy of questioning this lady's decision? Hurry up, go to Old Man Tianji to borrow that treasure, and ask Feng Yiwei to help me. If you hesitate any longer, this lady will kill you."

She gritted her teeth and warned Ajiao.

Gillian's face turned pale, she didn't dare to say anything, she just got up and ran out.

Seeing the back of A Jiao leaving, Yue Lushan smiled strangely.

"Yuan Deyin, this time, you will definitely die!"

(End of this chapter)

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